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Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu

(AKA: Appel de Cthulhu)

Skräckrollspel från Chaosium.


💾 ...där vågorna mot stranden slå. Tony Gustafsson
Markus Hallström
LinCon (1995)
...och plötsligt tog det roliga slut Mika Nyman
SnöKon (2000)
1. Call turnering (Fasta Emne-Weekend: Modern) Thomas Wernberg
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
1001 Anders Skov
CONg Gulerods d. 2's store vinterfest (2011)
1327 Ulrich Simonsen
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
A Beautiful Pen of Sterling Silver Chaosium Con (2023)
A Cold Dark Knight Chaosium Con (2023)
A Cold Day in Hell Padraic Barrett
Itzacon XI (2015)
A Collection of Note Padraig Murphy
Itzacon III (2007)
A Covenant of Salt Dragonmeet (2022)
Chaosium Con (2023)
UK GamesExpo (2023)
A Crack in Time Charles Dunne
Itzacon V (2009)
A Dark and Stormy Night Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 A Death in the Family Alex Uth
Fastaval (1992)
A Disappearance in the Family Claire Bradley
WarpCon X (2000)
A Family Feud Dragonmeet (2022)
A Hard Day's Night Christian T. Petersen
Games Weekend (1992)
DRF-Con (1993)
A Midsummer Night’s Scream Niels-Martin Trier Josefsen
ForumCon (2004)
A Million Miles Away Chaosium Con (2023)
A Moonlight Bridge James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
A Prayer for Rain Chaosium Con (2023)
A Quest for Power Continuum (2023)
A Quintessential Matter Mike Craughwell
Itzacon I (2005)
A Rose By Any Other Name Continuum (2022)
A Shrieking Violet LepreCon XLII (2023)
A Strange and Debauched Proposal Tom Andersson
LinCon (2016)
A Week by a Loch Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
Aces High Allan Joe Broch
Pentacon (1993)
Adventures of TinTin: The Hugged Face LepreCon XL (2019)
Airglow Carsten Daugaard
Con Dôme (1999)
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
Akh Montolo, eller Mannen på ballongen Snökon (1998)
Alfred G Dane's Weird Worlds UK GamesExpo (2023)
All I can see is White Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XI (2001)
All Part of the Game Matt Tracey
Chaosium Con (2023)
Alt det kendte Martin Lindof
DrageCon 11 (2009)
DrageCon 12 (2010)
Amazonas hjärta LinCon (2024)
An Autopsy in Arkham Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 An Ideal Society Colm Lundberg
Gaelcon (2006)
An Investigation of Detectives Chaosium Con (2023)
An Unctuous Brew Dragonmeet (2022)
Anden og musen Rasmus Nørregaard
Chop Con (1997)
Another Day at the Office Stephen Bradley
Gaelcon (2005)
Ansigtet Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2010)
💾 Antarctica 1983 Björn O. Hanson
GothCon XXVII (2003)
Chop Con - Killer Robots (2004)
Apt. 71 Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Ars Longa, Vita Brevis Mikael Raaterova
Borås Spelkonvent 8: Circum Diem (1990)
💾 Arvegods Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
GothCon XVIII (1994)
Arven Heinz Martin Bense
Fastaval (1994)
As the Leaf Withers on the Vine Chaosium Con (2023)
Assentoft - Djævlen og kornet Carsten Daugaard
Con Dôme (1996)
Bag fjendens linier Lars Pedersen
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
Baksur's Devil Continuum (2022)
💾 Bananbåten från Buenos Aires David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittKon - Anno Domini Tjugohundraett (2001)
Be My Valentine T A Newmann
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Before the time is ripe Anders Bersten
Erik Norén
Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
Befriade! Thorbiörn Fritzon
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1997)
💾 Berlin 1936 Björn Hellqvist
GothCon XXII (1998)
Big Trouble Michael Eklund
TRoA VIII (1994)
BLACK DUCK Nichlas Dalstein
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
💾 Black Rock Night Thomas Varga
LinCon (2013)
Blackwater Creek Stefan Pedersen
Chopcon (2022)
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Blodets Bånd Merlin P. Mann
Blodklinge i Fiume Christian Sørensen
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
💾 Blodsband Edward Hiscoke
Johan Jonsson
WettCon IV (1988)
Bone Wars Pat Ryan
Itzacon VI (2010)
Born to be Wild Per Ørum-Petersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
💾 Botaniskt Besök Jonas Morian
Lund 1923 (2023)
Branches of Bone Michael Reid
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Chaosium Con (2023)
Braubach - På røven i Saarland Thomas Svendsen
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
Brotherhood Ruddi Oliver Bodholdt Dal
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
Brothers in Arms Matt Kennedy
Itzacon XV (2019)
💾 Brunnsäventyret Lars Hedenskog
Åsa Hedenskog
Peter Printzén
LinCon (1989)
💾 Bröderna af Schmidts fruktansvärda experiment Niklas Rönnberg
Gunnar Söderberg
LinCon (2006)
💾 Bröderna Stursh resande cirkus Joanna Rutkowska
Gunnar Söderberg
GothCon XXXI (2007)
By the Pricking of My thumb.... UK GamesExpo (2023)
Børn af natten Martin Lindof
DrageCon 18 (2013)
Call (ARL 03) Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
ARL MiniCon (2003)
Call 1920 (TRoA VII) TRoA VII (1993)
Call 1920 (TRoA VII) Paul Hartvigson
TRoA VII (1993)
Call 911 Christian Fentz
Vintervap (1996)
💾 Call Blong Cthulhu Johan Jonsson
Jan-Peter Karlén
Mats Rappe
UppCon '94 (1994)
Call Now (TRoA VII) TRoA VII (1993)
Call of Chtulhu (ARCON 18) Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
Call of Collution Thais Beermann
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
Call of Cthulhu - Final (WarpCon 1996) Andrew Gardner-Blatch
Warpcon VI (1996)
Call of Cthulhu - Tournament (Q-Con 1999) Q-Con VI (1999)
Call of Cthulhu "Goes Tibet" Thorbiörn Fritzon
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1996)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 10) ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 14) Alf Risberg
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 15) ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 16) Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 17) Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 17: D&D (2001)
Call of Cthulhu (Arcon 1992) ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 9) Martin Sandberg
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (BayCon 1988) BayCon (1988)
Call of Cthulhu (BayCon 1989) BayCon (1989)
Call of Cthulhu (BSK 1985) Borås Spelkonvent 3 (1985)
💾 Call of Cthulhu (BSK 1994) Christian Johansson
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1995) CalCon '95 (1995)
Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1996) CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1997) Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
CalCon IV - The truth is in here (1997)
Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1998)
Call of Cthulhu (Chop Con 92) Chop Con (1992)
Call of Cthulhu (Container 2003) Container 9 (2003)
Call of Cthulhu (Content 1988) Content 88 (1988)
Call of Cthulhu (ESFROAG 2002) ESFROAG (2002)
Call of Cthulhu (ESFROAG 2010) Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2010)
Call of Cthulhu (Fasta Emne-Weekend: Modern) Henrik Sylow
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
Call of Cthulhu (Fastaval 1) Fastaval (1986)
Call of Cthulhu (FRB-con 95) FRB-con (1995)
Call of Cthulhu (FRN) FRN-spiltræf (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (FV0) Spilledag! (1985)
Call of Cthulhu (GaelCon 1993) Gaelcon (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (GaelCon 1996) Don Hoban
Tom Murphy
Dave Roe
Gaelcon (1996)
Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1983) GothCon VII (1983)
Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1985) GothCon IX (1985)
💾 Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1986) Per Lundgren
GothCon X (1986)
💾 Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1987) Per Lundgren
GothCon XI (1987)
💾 Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1989) Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
GothCon XIII (1989)
Call of Cthulhu (GW 94) Games Weekend (1994)
Call of Cthulhu (GW91) Henrik Bisgaard
Games Weekend (1991)
Call of Cthulhu (HelCon 1994) HelCon -94 (1994)
Call of Cthulhu (Hexcon 1996) Hexcon (1996)
Call of Cthulhu (KingCon 1991) KingCon 91 (1991)
Call of Cthulhu (LepreCon 2001) LepreCon XXII (2001)
Call of Cthulhu (LepreCon 2008) Mike Mason
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1986) LinCon (1986)
Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1988) LinCon (1988)
Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1999) LinCon (1999)
Call of Cthulhu (MidgardCon 2024) Øyvind Hofstad
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
Call of Cthulhu (OernCon 1990) OernCon IV (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (Q-Con 1999) Q-Con VI (1999)
Call of Cthulhu (SJ92) Hans Brunnt
Silmarilions Julearrangement (1992)
Call of Cthulhu (Skt. Georg Con 1994) Skt. Georg Con (1994)
Call of Cthulhu (Spilletræf 90) Daniel Sejer
Spilletræf (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (Spilletræf) Spilletræf (1989)
💾 Call of Cthulhu (SydCon 1992) Johan Brännmark
SydCon '92 (1992)
Call of Cthulhu (TM 93) The Movement (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (TMD) TMD-Festival (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (TRoR 1990) The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (TRoR II) The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
Call of Cthulhu (VatiCon 2004) Mark Ryan
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
Call of Cthulhu (VC4) Viking-Con 4 (1985)
Call of Cthulhu (VC5) Flemming R. P. Rasch
Viking-Con 5 (1986)
Call of Cthulhu (VC8) Viking-Con 8 (1989)
Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 90) Vor Frelsers Con (1990)
Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 91) Rasmus Rasmussen
Vor Frelsers Con (1991)
Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 93) Kristoffer Marner
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (Viborg Con 93) Viborg Con (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (Vintervap 95) Vintervap (1995)
Call of Cthulhu (WarpCon 1993) Warpcon III (1993)
Call of Cthulhu (WarpCon 1996) Andrew Gardner-Blatch
Warpcon VI (1996)
Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2019) ÅbyCon (2019)
Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2023) Paula XXX
ÅbyCon (2023)
Call of Cthulhu 1 (Armageddon III) Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
Call of Cthulhu 1st round (WarpCon 1994) Warpcon IV (1994)
Call of Cthulhu 2 (Armageddon III) Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
Call of Cthulhu Final (WarpCon 1994) Warpcon IV (1994)
Call of Cthulhu Final (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Call of Cthulhu i Sydamerika Jan Salomonsson
Martin Wikborg
LinCon (1991)
Call of Cthulhu Now (TRoA 90) TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
Call of Cthulhu Round 1 (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Call of Cthulhu: Delta Green (ARCON) Nichlas Dalstein
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
Call of Cthulhu: Svalbard (ARCON) Vegard Lillevoll
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
Call of Cthulu (DrageCon 1) Joan Høj Jacobsen
Dragen Minicon (2005)
💾 Call of Tequila/Great Old El Paso Kent-Ove Lindström
Tomas Näslund
MittCon (1994)
Can you See Me? Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2015)
Caravans elexir LinCon (2018)
💾 Carolus Rex - med Guds hjälp Emanuel Berglund
Martin Rother-Schirren
StocKon 5 (1999)
Carva Cardialica Søren Hjortdahl Sørensen
Spiltræf XII (2000)
Case File D-4913/41:3 Kristoffer Akerö
GothCon XXXVIII (2014)
Cat in the Mirror Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Champagne-Galoppen Paul Hartvigson
Chaos in the city of Ptah Christer Edling
SävCon XVI (2017)
Chasliché Soh Pär Björklund
Johan Jacobsson
Raphael Waters
SillyCon III (1994)
Cirkus Gothica Michelle Sørensen
DrageCon 13 (2010)
Class of '83 Nick Huggins
TowerCon 98 (1998)
CoC-45 Festung Norwegen Bjørn Are Stølen
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
Cold Dead Hand Chaosium Con (2023)
Cold Snap Continuum (2022)
Cold Warning Dragonmeet (2022)
💾 Come Forth and be Cured Colm Lundberg
Leamchcon (2000)
Copper Island Chaosium Con (2023)
Court of the Stars OrCCon (2021)
Cthulhu (Content II) Content II (1991)
Cthulhu 1889: The Mystery of the Canal Sebastian Adlercreutz
Tobias Agensø
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
Cthulhu Dark Ages Jose Manuel Caballero
MidgardCon VI (2022)
Cthulhu Før Viking-Con 7 (1988)
Cthulhu Raids Again Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Cthulhu Then Thomas Rosén
Nicholas Wennerberg
LinCon (1992)
Cults of Dunwich Chaosium Con (2023)
Curtain of the Mind Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XIII (2003)
💾 Dagboken Gustav Edman
Borås Spelkonvent 15 (1997)
Dagen derpå Martin Svendsen
TRoA X (1995)
Claustrum Con (1996)
Danse Macabre Thomas Kruse
DrageCon 2 (2006)
Dark Carnival Dragonmeet (2022)
Dark Designs Ole Hansen
Chop Con (2002)
Dark Olden Days Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XV (2005)
Dark Seas, Darker Dreams Andreas Granath
LinCon (2016)
Darkest Night UK GamesExpo (2023)
Darkness Michael Eklund
Pentacon V (1994)
Darkness Visible UK GamesExpo (2023)
Dartmoore mysteriet Thomas Mikkelsen
Steen Stanley Olsen
Chop Con (1997)
Das entsetzlich einsam gelegene Haus im Wald Dreieichcon World (2021)
Das erloschene Leuchtfeuer Dreieichcon World (2021)
Das Tut-Ench-Amun Artefakt Dreieichcon World (2021)
Days of Reclamation Gaelcon (1994)
De dødes by Leigh Carr
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
De fallna Johan Mörén
Peter Olausson
OernCon III (1989)
De förlorade LinCon (2020)
De gale i Arkham Flemming R. P. Rasch
Fastaval 007 (2007)
De Håbefulde Michael Redlich Pedersen
EreCon II - HorrorCon (1997)
💾 De långa trådarna Johan Jonsson
Jan-Peter Karlén
UppCon '96 (1996)
De manglende glasskår Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2008)
💾 De skamferede kvæg fra Blackthorn Valley Niels Handest
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
De Sorte Sjæles Nat Jens Holst
Mystifisti-Con (1997)
De tomme grave Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2017)
De tomme hjerners nat Rune Bundesen
Dennis Gadgaard
Con Dôme (1996)
💾 De tusen fåglarnas hemlighet Linus Andersson
SnöKon (2005)
SävCon VI (2006)
De ældgamles kald Karl Georg Holm Laursen
Viking-Con 26 (2007)
💾 Dead Dogs and Black Roots Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XIV (2004)
Dead Light UK GamesExpo (2023)
Deadly Appraisal Chaosium Con (2023)
Death of Superstition Chaosium Con (2023)
Deep Dark Desires Janet O'Sullivan
Gaelcon (2005)
💾 Deep One Daiquiri Lars Kroll
Fastaval (2016)
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
Delta Green (WarpCon 1999) Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon IX (1999)
Delta Green (WarpCon 2002) Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XII (2002)
Den bevingede gud René Deleuran
💾 Den danske forbindelse Lars Kaos Andresen
Orkon - Aspiranteksamen (2004)
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
Vintersol (2010)
GameDay by Aarhus Rollespilshygge! (2025)
Den døde renovatøren ARCON 39: Drakar och demoner (2023)
Den faldne engel Henrik Olsen
Chop Con (1996)
Den Flyvende Hollænder Bertrand Bourgeat
Viking-Con 14 (1995)
Den forbudte bog Michael Sahl
Con Dôme (2000)
Den får smerten - som geden Jannik Nielsen
Vintervap (1996)
Den gode historie Henrik Jensen
Viking-Con 30 (2011)
Den mørke engel Morten Blaabjerg
Pentacon V (1994)
Placebo-Con (1995)
Claustrum Con (1996)
Den nye föreståndaren Alla kan spela (2013)
💾 Den rykande spegeln Mats Carlberg
Catarina Gustafsson
LinCon (1992)
Den sanna lögnens bok CrossCon VIII (2011)
Den sidste ekspedition Thomas Bregnegaard Knudsen
Viking-Con 25 (2006)
💾 Den sista dansen i Dartmouth Tony Gustafsson
NorrCon (1992)
💾 Den sista Julen / Ormens arv Joakim Verona
Nicholas Wennerberg
LinCon (1991)
Den skæbnesvangre surren Mogens Jallberg
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
Den Sorte Løve Paul Hartvigson
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
Pentacon (1993)
💾 Den sovande staden Magnus Alm
Jonas Frizell
Borås Spelkonvent 17 (1999)
NärCon (2003)
💾 Den Tionde Hierarkin Björn Larsson
Joakim Waern
SydCon 9 (2000)
Den vita jungfrun Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1998)
💾 Den återfödde LinCon (1994)
Der Gaukler von Jusa Dreieichcon World (2021)
Der Vampir von Sachs Räben Niki Nicolas Grigoriou
Spiltræf (1991)
Desert Strike Rasmus Hjorth
Jes Wulfsberg Nielsen
Stonehenge Con (1994)
💾 Det finns inga hjorton i år Mats Blomqvist
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
UppCon '90 (1990)
Det går inte att komma fram just nu CrossCon VII (2010)
Det kom från himlen Markus Sundbom
SävCon (1999)
💾 Det ligger i släkten Mathias Lewin
HelCon -90 (1990)
Det manglende led Jonas Bendtsen
Chop Con (1999)
Det Russiske Hospital Carsten Daugaard
Con Dôme (1997)
Con Dôme (1998)
💾 Det sidste stik Mads Lunau
Morten E. Nielsen
Fastaval (1990)
💾 Det susar i skogen Jonas Petersson
LinCon (1997)
💾 Det Svarta Guldets Hämnd David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittCon (1998)
Detektivbureauet Adam Fridal Illemann
Chop Con (1999)
Deus ex Machina David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittCon (1997)
Devil's Children David Conyers
David Godley
David Witteveen
Krikkit Fantasy XIV (2007)
Devourer Anders Krogh
Vintervap (1996)
Diskretion en æressag Lawrence Beckett
Henrik Bisgaard
Lux-Con (1991)
Dissociation Dragonmeet (2022)
💾 Djævelens Øje Rasmus Rasmussen
Djævlens øje Rasmus Rasmussen
Djävulspakt och Jungfruslakt Andreas Dahlqvist
Tomas Näslund
Örncon (1991)
Do ‘The Shake N Vac’ & Put The Eldritch Back Continuum (2022)
Dockside Dogs AireCon 5 (2019)
Dogs in the Night Time Continuum (2023)
Dogs in the Night-time Chaosium Con (2023)
Doktor Merkwürdigeliebe Åsa Roos
Mikael Thellner
Niklas Widell
SydCon V (1996)
Dolt Under Ytan Lund 1920 (2024)
Dommedag nu! Jesper Jensen
Pentacon (1996)
B-Con (1998)
Don't Lose Your Head Daniel Sejer
Glenn Weinold
Games Weekend (1992)
Dragon III Rene C. Vinding
Pentacon V (1994)
💾 Drop In for Drop Outs Ingvar Blomqvist
Max Nilsson
UppCon '95 (1995)
💾 Duerne flyver Nicholas Demidoff
UnConventional (1995)
Duskville: arven fra skyggene Maja Kvendseth
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
💾 Där änglar dansa Terje Nordin
Mattias Närvä
SnöKon (2003)
Døden i ruinsalen Fastaval (1991)
Døgnfluerne Asbjørn Bourgeat
Bertrand Bourgeat
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
Echo Dreieichcon World (2021)
Echoes Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVI (2006)
Edge of Darkness Chaosium Con (2023)
Educement Matthew Sanderson
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Efter örnen Johan Wästerfors
LinCon (1990)
Efterkrigshjælp Tonni Frydendahl
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
Eksperimentet I René Deleuran
Thomas Møller
Necronomicon (1992)
TRoA IX (1994)
TRoA's Interne Jule-Hygge-Con (1996)
Eksperimentet II René Deleuran
Thomas Møller
TRoA VII (1993)
TRoA's Interne Jule-Hygge-Con (1996)
El Tigre, y la Piramede de Destruccion Christopher Primeau
Chaosium Con (2023)
En duft af kaprifol Alex Uth
Fastaval (1993)
"Tanken?!" Asylum (1997)
💾 En död i ett hus Kent-Ove Lindström
MittCon (1992)
En dålig säsong för Miscatonic Badgers Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
En enkelt klausul Jesper Sørensen
Calling All Heroes 5th Edition (1996)
En ferie til Fortiden Jens B. Nielsen
Bo Thomasen (II)
FiskeCon (1993)
En fängslande jul Alexander Fahlander
SävCon XII (2012)
En Kall Vind David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittCon (1998)
💾 En likhet Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
Fantastika '92 (1992)
En midsommarnatts mysterium LinCon (1996)
💾 En orms samvete Charlie Björklund
Bernard Christiansson
BOVCon (1999)
En Prison Julie Streit Pilegaard
Vintersol (2013)
En Rolig Weekend Kjeld Johansen
Chop Con (1995)
En royal skandale Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2020)
En stemme fra fortiden Martin Lindof
DrageCon 4 (2006)
DrageCon 5 (2007)
En stærk og kærlig verden Jens B. Nielsen
FiskeCon part III (1995)
En sær historie Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
ConFusion (2002)
En tur i Sneen II Hans Brunnt
Silmarilions Julearrangement (1993)
💾 En vecka på landet Johan Jonsson
WettCon III (1987)
💾 En æskefuld ondskab Thomas Bregnegaard Knudsen
Viking-Con 24 (2005)
Vintersol (2010)
Entombed Thomas Vestdam
FiskeCon (1993)
Er du dus med himlens fugle? Henrik "Melvis" Jacobsen
Chop Con (1996)
Et jubilæum Peter Sebastian Winslow
Viking-Con 14 (1995)
EreCon (1996)
Et morderisk spil Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2014)
Et sted ude i mørket Steen Berg Andersen
Peter Futtrup
Jesper Lycke Petersen
Jhez Salin
Con-Dôme (1993)
💾 Ett hus med utsikt Mathias Lewin
HelCon (1991)
Expedition Victorino Cardozo Madera Tom Andersson
LinCon (2015)
Extra Persuasion Nicolai H. Wium
ForumCon (2004)
Eye for an Eye Chaosium Con (2023)
Eyes in the sky Alex Uth
Calling All Heroes (1994)
Eyes Like Red Balls of Flame Chaosium Con (2023)
Falsche Freunde Dreieichcon World (2021)
Fangerne på Flåden Torsten Rossell
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
Fanget i tiden Jesper Wøldiche
FiskeCon part III (1995)
Feast of Famine Continuum (2022)
Field of Screams Chaosium Con (2023)
Filmriss Dreieichcon World (2021)
💾 Filosoffens Nøgle Paul Hartvigson
Final Flight UK GamesExpo (2023)
Finding Lochnar Chaosium Con (2023)
First Contact Continuum (2023)
Five Lars Bengtsson
Johan Svens
GothCon XXXIV (2010)
Five Go Mad on Whispering Island Kevin Ross
BeAcon III (2017)
💾 Flammernes bytte Frederik J. Jensen
Flammernes spejl Thomas Kruse
DrageCon 12 (2010)
Flappers Delight LinCon (2020)
Flashback Brian S. Merkel
Chop Con - Killer Robots (2004)
💾 Floderna i Quintana Roo Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
UppCon '04 (2004)
Flotsam & Jetsam Part 1: The Star Brothers Chaosium Con (2023)
Flotsam & Jetsam Part 2: The Inheritance Chaosium Con (2023)
Flotsam & Jetsam Part 3: Insanitarium Chaosium Con (2023)
For enden af regnbuen Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1991)
💾 For Enden Af Regnbuen 2: "Projekt Pilespids" Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1993)
For fear of the Puca BeAcon V (2019)
Forbandelsen Jacob Schmidt-Madsen
Forbidden Seas and Barbarous Coasts Chaosium Con (2023)
Forget Me Not Brian M. Sammons
Chaosium Con (2023)
Fossilet Thomas Mikkelsen
Chop Con - The Evolution (2001)
Four Hours to Reno Graeme Patrick
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Free Your Mind Colm Lundberg
From the Cordial Grave Continuum (2022)
Frostbite Dave McGowan
Gaelcon (2002)
💾 Främlingar på tåg Johan Brännmark
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
Fuldmaanesonaten Paul Hartvigson
Før stormen Maja Kvendseth
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
Galenskap i knutarna LinCon (2009)
💾 Galleriet Leif Bergman
Carl Montén
Mats Rappe
Thomas Turesson
UppCon '93 (1993)
Ghost Hunters Chaosium Con (2023)
Ghost of a Rose Martin Lindof
DrageCon 3 (2006)
Ghosts of Ages Past Conor Kenny
Itzacon XIII (2017)
💾 Glorious Immortality Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
Good vibes only AireCon 8 (2023)
Good Vibes Only Chaosium Con (2023)
Graveyard Shift UK GamesExpo (2023)
Green and Pleasent Country Michael Junker
Krikkit Con VII: User Input Required (2001)
Green Fairy Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Gräv där du står Johan Jonsson
Jan-Peter Karlén
UppCon '95 (1995)
Grå skygger Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2009)
Guests of honour Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
💾 Guldkragen Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (2000)
Gæsten fra Nemesis Malik Hyltoft
Mads Lunau
Spiltræf Odense (1986)
Gården i Skanör Jonas Nilsson
Lund 1920 (2024)
H.M.S. Stargazer Dan Brayshaw
Placebo-Con (1995)
Han som lugter af Ged... Morten Blaabjerg
Spiltræf IX (1993)
💾 Havet af Drømme, Havet af Blod Merlin P. Mann
Spiltræf IX (1993)
He of Old Morten Steffensen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
Heksens dagbog Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2016)
Herr Olofs mästerverk Container 77 (1997)
High Water Chaosium Con (2023)
Hjem til Lykkedalen Maria Luihn
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
Hjælp i Guds Gylp Peter Jones
UnConventional (1994)
Hjälten som försvann CrossCon V (2008)
Home by the Sea Martin Lindof
DrageCon 6 (2007)
Horror at the El Dorado Royale Chaosium Con (2023)
Horror in the Hebrides Dragonmeet (2022)
Horror on the Buffalo River The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Chaosium Con (2023)
Horror on the Orient Express Jeremy Rønnevig
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
Houses of Blood Jesper Sørensen
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
How do you do, do you like woodoo? Peter Dalsgaard
Chop Con (1997)
Huitzilopochtli Tage Duer
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
Hulluuden Oksat Ropecon (2023)
💾 Hunger For The Flesh Kasper Nørholm
DRF-Con (1992)
Spiltræf X (1994)
Con Dôme (1995)
Pentacon (1996)
Con Dôme (2005)
Hunter in The Shadows Keith McNamara
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon IV (2008)
Huset der blev vådt Jost L. Hansen
Mytomania Mini Con (1993)
Hva hendte med Cydonia? ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
Hvad Graven Gemte Morten Hvid Andersen
Con Dôme (1996)
Hvad stjernerne bragte Jakob Holm
Jonas Knudsen
TRoA VIII (1994)
Hvem var Sir Edward? Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2013)
Hvordan griner flagermus? Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde
Placebo-Con (1995)
Hyttetur Albert Petersen
ChopCon (2021)
💾 Höstmörker Anders Hallberg
Borås Spelkonvent 18: Fac ut Vivas! (2000)
💾 I faderns namn Terje Nordin
Mattias Närvä
MittKon 2002AD (2002)
I fuldmånens tegn Danny Kristensen
DrageCon 19 (2014)
I skoven sku' være gilde! Lars Pedersen
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
I skyggens kulde Thomas Riise Visgård Knudsen
"Tanken?!" Con (1996)
"Tanken?!" Con II Take 2 (1998)
💾 I tid och otid CrossCon IX (2012)
CalCon XIX - A Fairytale (2013)
WettCon (2019)
Idyllisk weekend Martin Lindof
ARL MiniCon (2004)
DrageCon 2 (2006)
DrageCon 20 (2014)
Ignorance to Wisdom, Light to Darkness Stephen Kenneally
Gaelcon (2007)
In a Strange Eon James Lloyd Jones
Gaelcon (2014)
In Spirit Calling All Heroes (1994)
In the Corner of Creation Ole Hansen
Chop Con (1999)
In The Dark Of The Woods Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XIX (2009)
In the End Martin Lindof
DrageCon 19 (2014)
DrageCon 20 (2014)
💾 In the Ghetto GothCon XX (1996)
💾 In the Grip of... Winter? Jacob Schmidt-Madsen
Fastaval (1995)
Inderst inde Steen Stanley Olsen
Chop Con (1995)
Ingen brajja i Tavasteland GothCon XXV (2001)
GothCon XLV (2022)
💾 Ingen fruktan, intet hopp Sus Henrikson
Magnus Lundgren
GothCon XXI (1997)
💾 Interrail Håkan Elderstig
Riksmöte 90 (1990)
Into the Abyss I Michael Eklund
Con 92 (1992)
Into the Abyss II Michael Eklund
Con 92 (1992)
Iskolde skrig Ruddi Oliver Bodholdt Dal
ConFusion (2002)
It’s Not Easy Being Mean Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Iter Islandicum Henric Oscarsson
Borås Spelkonvent 11: Gallus Crispus (1993)
💾 Iter Lapponicum Henric Oscarsson
Borås Spelkonvent 7: Semper Melior (1989)
Jack's Back Daniel Sejer
Glenn Weinold
Games Weekend (1991)
Jag lämnade mitt förnuft i Vietnam Jeremy Clifford
LinCon (2025)
Jakten på Rhenguldet GothCon XLII (2018)
💾 Janusansiktet Johan Normark
Jörgen Olofsson
SnöKon (1995)
Jasmin och Yvonne Peter Smidt
GothCon XVII (1993)
Jaws Stretched Wide Continuum (2022)
Jeg en gård mig bygge vil Mads Lunau
Spiltræf (1989)
Jul på Sanatoriet Caroline Dahlgreen
Lund 1923 (2023)
Jul vid Fronten Tobias Persson
Julkon (2001)
💾 Julbocken André Nordin
Terje Nordin
Julkon (2005)
💾 Jungfruresan Magnus Lundgren
GothCon XIX (1995)
Just a Coincidence Heidi Rosa Hansen
Kenneth Murrekilde
Fastaval - Atlantis (1999)
Just in Time Armageddon II - Aftermath (1991)
Jægere i Natten Bjarne Sinkjær
"Tanken?!" Asylum (1997)
Kept at Bay Chaosium Con (2023)
Klostret i Bjergene Paul Hartvigson
Fastaval (1986)
Klostret ved Montfoix Kjeld Johansen
Confekt IIb (2001)
Konsten att nedkalla mörkret på treskift CrossCon X (2013)
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
💾 Korparnas föda CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
Krymplingens Dans Johan Jonsson
UppCon '05 (2005)
💾 Kräftskivan David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittKon 2002AD (2002)
💾 Kulan Christian Johansson
Borås Spelkonvent 10: Tinufsia Jubileea (1992)
Kvarlevor Kim Carlquist
GothCon XXII (1998)
Kärlek som dimma Teddy Winroth
SävCon Second Edition (2000)
La Terreur Venue des Etoiles : du kitsch 1987 Azathot94
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022)
Lang vej hjem Martin Lindof
DrageCon 8 (2008)
Lang vej hjem, afsnit 27, sæson 3 Martin Lindof
DrageCon 10 (2009)
Lang vej hjem, afsnit 5, sæson 2 Martin Lindof
DrageCon 9 (2008)
Lasten Martin Lindhardt
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
💾 Law of Effect Fergal O'Brien
LepreCon XXI (2000)
Le Faucon 1 Adam Hannestad
Thomas Knudsen
Spiltræf (1989)
Le Faucon 2 Malik Hyltoft
Spiltræf (1989)
Le Faucon 3 Ole Wesenberg Nielsen
Spiltræf (1989)
Le Vase de Salonique DaveTheBrave
Convention de Supaero XXXIX (2018)
LEGS at the Marriot Eaglecrest Jim Phillips
Chaosium Con (2023)
Liber Legion Jacob Ræbild
Con Dôme (1994)
Lightning over the Lady ConDensed (2023)
Lights Out Stefan Pedersen
ChopCon (2021)
💾 Lillcon '87 Peder Bjärud
Jonna Öjman
LinCon (1987)
Little Italy Tobias Persson
SävCon VI (2006)
Little Miracles Chaosium Con (2023)
London ved nattetid Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2019)
Looking for Mr. Lawrence Kristoffer Thomas Wellejus
Con-Traventum Mengit (1995)
💾 Lord Karma Has Gone Insane JP Chapleau
VatiCon VII (2000)
Lord of Death - Horror in New York Martin Svendsen
TRoA IX (1994)
"Tanken?!" Con (1996)
Lost and the Damned Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Ludicandus homo reus (eller Väckelse i Sodom) Johan Normark
SnöKon (1996)
Klosscon II (2014)
💾 Lugnet Tobias Persson
SävCon V (2005)
Lyst Cruise Jonas Geleff Petersen
Confus (2000)
Løb for livet… ”djævlen” er efter dig Steen Stanley Olsen
ChopCon (2018)
💾 M/S Titanic II Sigurd Rubech
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
Madness from Outer Space Dan Ponce
RusCon 13 (2004)
Madness, Umfandisi? Chaosium Con (2023)
Manden i Spejlet Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
DrageCon 13 (2010)
TRoA Con (2011)
💾 Mannen i telefontornet Staffan Andersson
Jannika Chronholm
GothCon XXIII (1999)
SillyCon IX (2000)
Massakern vid Big oil Tom Andersson
LinCon (2015)
Mayhem in Morioka Chaosium Con (2023)
Mere end bare sandheden... Morten Achton Simonsen
Chop Con (1993)
Meurtre d'une hirondelle DaveTheBrave
Convention de Supaero XXXV (2014)
💾 Midnattsgäster Erik Alfredsson
André Nordin
David Nordin
Terje Nordin
SävCon IX (2009)
Midnight is Forever OrCCon (2022)
Mobtown: Hardboiled Chaosium Con (2023)
Money Makes the World Go Around Thomas Jensen
Skt. Georg Con (1993)
💾 Monsieur Fontenot och Djävulen: New Orleans 1905 Tom Andersson
LinCon (2014)
Monsters of Rock Malik Hyltoft
Thomas Knudsen
Mads Lunau
Morten E. Nielsen
Thomas Wernberg
Spiltræf (1988)
Monuments Men of the Miskatonic Chaosium Con (2023)
Mord i frokostpausen Bent Holm
DrageCon 9 (2008)
Much Ado About Magic, or, A Comedy of Cultists Thomas Ramsli Rasmussen
Hexcon (2019)
Muncha-figuren Kenneth Michel Jensen
Chop Con (1996)
Music from a Darkened Room... UK GamesExpo (2023)
Mustalampi ja punainen taivas Ropecon (2023)
My Little Sister Paul Fricker
Chaosium Con (2023)
My Old Kentucky Home Chaosium Con (2023)
My Overcrowded Pineal Gland Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon X (2000)
💾 Mylingen Johan Jonsson
WettCon 12 - Asylum (2001)
💾 Mysteriet i Lough Corrib Jan Salomonsson
Martin Wikborg
LinCon (1991)
Mysteriet på Nyhavn Armageddon II - Aftermath (1991)
Mystery of the Seven Hills Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Mörk föraning Andreas Hammar
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
Mørkets tjenere Jesper Gødvad Larsen
💾 Mörkrets källa Ingvar Blomqvist
LG Bäckström
UppCon '91 (1991)
Maailman loppu Ropecon (2023)
Månens Bjerge Peter Brodersen
Thomas Jakobsen
Louise Kusk
Orkon (2002)
Nattens Skumle Rige Peter Jones
FiskeCon part III (1995)
Neighbourhood Nick Huggins
Sillicon 7: Generations (2005)
Neptuns Vrede Emanuel Berglund
Sami Lukkarinen
StocKon IV (1998)
Night Call John Berglund
GothCon XIII (1989)
Night Visions Dragonmeet (2022)
No Sun in the high North Lasse Sloth Andersen
TRoA IX (1994)
None More Black ÅbyCon (2020)
None More Black Dreieichcon World (2021)
Nothing to Fear - Part 1 Martin Lindof
DrageCon 14 (2011)
Nothing to Fear - Part 2 Martin Lindof
DrageCon 15 (2011)
Nothing to Fear - Part 3 - sidste kapitel Martin Lindof
DrageCon 16 (2012)
Nuss el-leil nam tiban simm Thomas Mikkelsen
Steen Stanley Olsen
Chop Con (1996)
EreCon (1996)
Viking-Con 15 (1996)
💾 När var tar sin... Laila Wiberg
UppCon '95 (1995)
💾 Närmare Gud till Dig Daniel Forsman
Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
UppCon '97 (1997)
💾 Något lånat Lina Gullbrand
Sävcon XIII (2013)
Några märkliga och olycksbådande händelser vid Jar CalCon XVI - Play it safe (2010)
Några märkliga och olycksbådande händerlser vid Jarla Bäck CrossCon VI (2009)
Når det uventede banker på Henrik "Melvis" Jacobsen
Chop Con (1997)
Når pingviner synger Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde
UnConventional (1994)
Placebo-Con (1995)
Når sandheden skal frem Thomas Riise Visgård Knudsen
"Tanken?!" Asylum (1997)
Occupied Tibet Chaosium Con (2023)
Of Sorrow and Clay UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 Of Sound Mind and Body Colm Lundberg
LepreCon XX (1999)
Omvendt Cthulhu Anne Mette Karlsen
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
One Rainy Afternoon Malik Hyltoft
Fastaval (1987)
Operation DONATION BOX Ropecon (2023)
Operation FISHBONE MEMENTO Joel Jääskeläinen
Ropecon (2023)
Operation FULMINATE: The Sentinels of Twilight Dennis Detwiller
ÅbyCon (2023)
💾 Operation Grip Björn O. Hanson
GothCon XLII (2018)
Operation Steel Sea Tim Seiler
ChopCon (2019)
ChopCon (2020)
Ormens ägg LinCon (1992)
Overdue Chaosium Con (2023)
Ovälkomna gäster LinCon (2019)
Pandoras æske Stefan Pedersen
ChopCon (2020)
💾 Paradisets port Johan Berggren
GothCon XL (2016)
Passions of a Believer Henrik Sylow
Fastaval (1991)
Pentagonia Mikkel Bækgaard
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
Phlebotomy Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Pocahontas Hämnd Caj Karlsson
Greger Lundstedt
Borås Spelkonvent 13: Me Traici Supra, Scotte! (1995)
Poetry Slam Dragonmeet (2022)
Poitin for Father Moloch BeAcon V (2019)
Polonaise Paul Hartvigson
Pop Goes the Weasel The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Professor Lumiéres Maskin Norra MittCon (1993)
💾 Professorns anteckningsbok Patrik Centerwall
Lund 1923 (2023)
Prosperity of Filth Chaosium Con (2023)
På vej til en morder Esben William Holm-Hoppe
Confekt II (1997)
Con Dôme (1998)
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
💾 På Västfronten... Ingvar Gräns
GothCon XIV (1990)
💾 Påskemorgen Røde Paul Hartvigson
Fastaval (1987)
Fastaval (1993)
Rain Sandra Duggan
Gaelcon (2011)
Ravishing Beauty Benjamin Will
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Ravne Rock FRB-con (1991)
Red Assembly Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Red Hook Magnus Nilsson-Mäki
Tobias Persson
SävCon IV (2004)
Rendezvous in Restful Continuum (2022)
Renfields Sidste Dage Sebastian Flamant
Con Dôme (1997)
Gothic 98 (1998)
Revenge of the Serpent Cult Michael Eklund
Pentacon V (1994)
Nordcon (1995)
💾 Rhyme with Dark Reason Damien Kelly
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
Righteous Fiends: In The Shadow of Colossus Conspiracy I (2011)
Rigid Air Stockholms Spelkonvent (2011)
Ripples From Carcosa: Adventis Regis Con-Ducked (2023)
Ripples From Carcosa: Herald Of The Yellow King Con-Ducked (2023)
Rise of the Destroyer Matthew Watkin
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
Rising Sun M. A. B.
RusCon 14 (2005)
Rivers of Bedlam Anita Murray
Gaelcon (2012)
Roejagten Lise Rasmussen
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
Run Through The Jungle Peter Thestrup
Con Dôme (2006)
Viking-Con 25 (2006)
Runestenen Kaspar Lundsby
Calling All Heroes 8th Edition (1998)
Running out of time Tore Lange
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
Rædsel i Tibet Kenneth Madsen
Chop Con (1995)
Rædslen fra Bjergene Thomas Kjølby Laursen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
Rædslen under ... Morten Blaabjerg
Spiltræf (1992)
Røde spor i sneen Kasper Thing Mortensen
Sail "Le Voyager" Ropecon (2023)
💾 Sand och Aska Karl Vestin
SydCon '94 (1994)
Saturday the 14th Sabrina Haenze
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Chaosium Con (2023)
Scooby-Doo on the Bayou Chaosium Con (2023)
Scritch Scratch UK GamesExpo (2023)
Search for the Rhinegold Jean-Sébastien Boisvert Dansereau
Benjamin Constantineau
GothCon XLIII (2019)
Chaosium Con (2023)
Seek of the Weirdoe Martin Svendsen
TRoA VIII (1994)
Sense & Sensibility & Serpent People Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Serene & Primal Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon IX (1999)
Warpcon XXII (2012)
Servants of the Lake Glynn Owen Barrass
ConDensed (2023)
Seven Virtues Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Sfärernas musik Mats Carlberg
Catarina Gustafsson
LinCon (1994)
Shadows over Pontypandy Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2010)
Shadows Over the Glen Con-Ducked (2023)
💾 Shadyvill Simon James Pettitt
Fastaval (2006)
Orkon X - Sidste omgang (2006)
Orf (2006)
Shut Up ´N Play Your Character! CrossCon V (2008)
Sick Again – Delta Green WettCon (2019)
Signal to Noise - 1980s Analog Horror Scenario Chaosium Con (2023)
Simply Read The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
💾 Sing Sing Dave McGowan
Gaelcon (2006)
💾 Sista brevet hem Martin Birgersson
Andreas Leo
HelCon (1991)
Skuggor över Kambodja Lars Bengtsson
Johan Svens
GothCon XXXIII (2009)
💾 Skygger over Danmark Mads Brynnum
Fastaval (2009)
Skæret fra Fortiden Paul Hartvigson
Merlin P. Mann
Spiltræf (1991)
💾 Sköna Bygd WettCon (1999)
Slaughterhouse Sleepover Patrick Coyle
Itzacon XI (2015)
Slotte i Sandet II Alex Uth
TRoA V (1992)
Släktträdet Gabrielle de Bourg
Gunilla Jonsson
Michael Petersén
GothCon XLVII (2024)
Som i Helvede således også på Jorden...! René Deleuran
TRoA-Con - Tusind og én nats Eventyr (1999)
Som tingene ændrer sig... Pelle Sølvkjær Christensen
TRoA VIII (1994)
Someone to Watch Over Me DaveTheBrave
Convention de Supaero XXXVI (2015)
💾 Something Rotten in the State of Denmark Casper Angelo
Bo Hasle Buur
Rasmus Bartholdy Jensen
Michael “JJ” Jørgen Jørgensen
Christian Preuss
Vor Frelsers Con (1992)
💾 Sommarnöje Anders Hallberg
Borås Spelkonvent 15 (1997)
Song of the Spheres Chaosium Con (2023)
Sort Sand over Sahara Steen Stanley Olsen
Chop Con (1998)
Con Dôme (1998)
Sound of the Sea Philip
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
💾 Southern Comfort Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
WettCon V (1989)
Sprickan Leif Bergman
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
St James the Avenger Pt2: By Any Means Necessary Erica Rodger
Matthew Watkin
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
💾 St. Raphael's Colm Lundberg
💾 Staden Sus Henrikson
Calle Sanglert
SydCon VI (1997)
💾 Staden mellan broarna André Nordin
Terje Nordin
Julkon (2004)
SävCon VII (2007)
Stalker at the Moonlit Mall Chaosium Con (2023)
Sticks & Twigs Like Men Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2003)
Stilhed over Tamworth Abbey Kristian Bach Petersen
Orf (2006)
Still Waters - en lätt resa - vad kan gå fel? GothCon XLIV (2020)
💾 Stillbilder i tomma hus David Bothén
Claes Gerleman
Johan Jonsson
Borås Spelkonvent 37 (2019)
CalCon XXVI - Kittla aldrig en sovande drake (2020)
Stjerneklare ritualer Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2015)
💾 Stjärnfall Fredrik Ernstson
Robin Ljung
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
💾 Stjärnklar Dag Tommy Bengtsson
Ronny Wikh
GothCon XVI (1992)
💾 Stormens öga (SydCon 4) SydCon '95 (1995)
Stranded and Confused GuardianCON XIX (2021)
Stranded in Silence Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
Strange Inductions Chaosium Con (2023)
Strangers in a Strange Land Chaosium Con (2023)
Summer of '77 Continuum (2022)
💾 Summer of Madness Morten Hansen (II)
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
Sunday Bloody Sunday Carsten Bernstorph
Games Weekend (1992)
Surprise at 3 Ulf Porup Thomasen
RusCon 13 (2004)
Surprise party Thomas Mikkelsen
Chop Con (2002)
Survivor 2001! Inge Jessen
Jan Roed
Chop Con - The Evolution (2001)
💾 Svarta Vingar över Dolomiterna Linus Andersson
Robert Johansson
SnöKon (2006)
Svigter du mig? Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Swamp Song - A Big Easy Mystery Matthew Connor McCloud
Dave Melville
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Symbios Andreas Dahlqvist
Kent-Ove Lindström
Nils-Erik Lindström
Tomas Näslund
MittCon (1995)
💾 Synergi i Tibet Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1992)
Sänger von Dhol Dreieichcon World (2021)
💾 Te Puia o Whakaari Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XX (2010)
Tegnet Michael Sommer
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
💾 Temporary Insanity Damien Kelly
Gaelcon (2004)
💾 The Ages of Man Gareth Hanrahan
The Arcadian Keith McNamara
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon II (2006)
The Armitage Cabal Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2016)
Ruscon 25 (2017)
The Art of Hygge Poul Erik Holmelund
Viking-Con 43 (2024)
ConTrO (2025)
The Beast within Denis Linde
Krikkit Con mk II (1996)
"Tanken?!" Asylum (1997)
The Beasts Erica Rodger
Itzacon XV (2019)
The Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2021) ÅbyCon Online (2021)
The Case of the Shadow Traveller Alison Cybe
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 The Charlatans Kent-Ove Lindström
MittCon (1991)
The Christmas Train Gert Andersen
Chop Con (1998)
The Church Below UK GamesExpo (2023)
The Coming of the Sand Alex Uth
TRoR IV (1992)
The Conversion Continuum (2022)
The Cultists Esteban Manchado Velazquez
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
The Dagon Club Niki Nicolas Grigoriou
Spiltræf (1990)
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
Spiltræf XI (1996)
TRoA's Interne Jule-Hygge-Con (1996)
The Dare ConTrO (2025)
The Dark Legacy Mikael Børresen
ChopCon (2021)
The Dark Planet Dave Moore
Amazing Consequences (2007)
The Dark Wood Chaosium Con (2023)
The Darkness beneath the Hill ÄlvCon (2019)
The Day the Reindeer Died Mikkel Berget
Confekt IIa (1999)
The Dead Men There Are Waiting Continuum (2022)
The Derelict Mikael Børresen
Chop Con (2023)
Chaosium Con (2023)
The Devil and the Drum UK GamesExpo (2023)
The Devil Inside Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 The Dispossessed Damien Kelly
Gaelcon (2001)
The Doom that Came to Wessex The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
💾 The dweller in the shadow Per Brodén
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
The Ebon Chalice of Dartmoor Con-Ducked (2023)
The Era of the Body Snatchers Gaelcon (2024)
The Forty Days
The Freak Show Anders Lars Schou Nielsen
Asger Stoustrup
Con Dôme (1994)
The Gate Eyes in the Sky II Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
The Golden Gate Malik Hyltoft
Spillermøde (1985)
The Great Bourbon Heist Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 The Great Game Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2004)
The Greatest Show on Earth Chaosium Con (2023)
The Grey roses of meadowhall Albert Petersen
Chop Con (2023)
The Haunted House ChopCon (2019)
The Haunting Dreieichcon World (2021)
Chaosium Con (2023)
The Haunting 2014 Chaosium Con (2023)
The Haunting In Arkham Chaosium Con (2023)
The Haunting of Hell House on Haunted Hill Chaosium Con (2023)
The Horrible Secret Of Monhegan Island Con-Ducked (2023)
The Hunt for the Truth Gert Andersen
Thomas Mikkelsen
Chop Con (1999)
The Hurricane Stefan Pedersen
ChopCon (2020)
The Ides of Winter Chaosium Con (2023)
The Inheritance Padraic Barrett
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
The Last Resort Chaosium Con (2023)
The Last Word The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
The Library of Babel Dave McGowan
Conspiracy I (2011)
The Lighthouse Henrik Olsen
ChopCon (2020)
The Lighthouse Chaosium Con (2023)
The Lightless Beacon UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 The Lion Sleeps Tonight JP Chapleau
Gaelcon (2000)
💾 The Liverpool Horror Johan Brännmark
SydCon '93 (1993)
The Lodge Tim Seiler
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
💾 The Log of the Iceship; Narwhal Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVII (2007)
The Lost Hound of Baskerville Manor ConDensed (2023)
The Masks Project - Egypt Chaosium Con (2023)
The Maw Chaosium Con (2023)
The Missing Men. A Modern day Call of Cthulhu Adventure. UK GamesExpo (2023)
The Mist Sower Chaosium Con (2023)
The mysterious Death of Dr. William Jackson Crawford Colin Dunlop
BeAcon III (2017)
The Mysterious Death of John Jack O’Neill. Colin Dunlop
BeAcon IV (2018)
The Necropolis Chaosium Con (2023)
The Night Mother's Moon Chaosium Con (2023)
The Nightbus The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
The Old Carker Estate Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 The Once & Future King Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon VIII (1998)
The Pale Anathema Chaosium Con (2023)
The Phantom of the Palais Garnier Charles Dunne
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
The Queen's Got Your Number Chaosium Con (2023)
The quest for knowledge CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
The Robinsons Bjørn Porup Thomasen
Hyggecon - Vive la Résistance (2004)
💾 The Scairytale Christian Johansson
Borås Spelkonvent 9: Temperantia Perfectum (1991)
The Scar on the Earth Wayne O'Connor
ConFESS (2007)
The Scarab Club Chaosium Con (2023)
The Seed of Darkness Jose Manuel Caballero
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
💾 The Shadow in the darkness Per Brodén
DalCon 2 - En sommarnatts dröm (1993)
The Shambler Between Worlds Chaosium Con (2023)
The Shattered Skyscrapers Con-Ducked (2023)
The shimmering sea Øyvind Hofstad
MidgardCon VII (2023)
The Shooting Party Chaosium Con (2023)
The Space Between Chaosium Con (2023)
The Strange Affair of Georgina Blenkinsop UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 The Swedish Connection Mårten Forsmark
Sävcon XXIII (2024)
The Terror on the Seas Chaosium Con (2023)
The Testament Gareth Hanrahan
Itzacon III (2007)
The Treasure Map Chaosium Con (2023)
The Tremors From The Hills. Conor Kenny
Itzacon XVI (2020)
The Turkish Nightmare TRoA Intern Con (1996)
The Unknown Artifact Nis Petersen
Necronomicon (1992)
The Vacation Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 The Wet House Jost L. Hansen
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Grenselandet (2023)
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
Knutepunkt (2025)
The Willow Fork Thunderbird Continuum (2022)
The Winter of 1854 Padraic Barrett
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
The Winter of the World Charles Dunne
Itzacon VII (2011)
The Witch of Nine Barrows Continuum (2023)
The World-Wide Web Chaosium Con (2023)
Thing on the Ice Chaosium Con (2023)
This year it's got to be India Simon Kracht
FRB-con (1991)
Those Within Frederick Foulds
GothCon XLII (2018)
Thrakiz' hævn Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
Viking-Con 8 (1989)
Tigerdyrets Redningsaktion Per Ørum-Petersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
Tik Tak - Chick Chack Malik Hyltoft
Spiltræf (1987)
Til Kamp mod Dødbideriet Paul Hartvigson
Merlin P. Mann
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
Time and Tides: Unamerican Scott Dorward
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Time Is In Essence Nis Haller Baggesen
UnConventional (1995)
Timmar av mörker CrossCon I (2005)
CrossCon III (2006)
💾 Titanic Toralf Hällen
Måns Åkerlund
NaoCon III - winter tournament (1990)
Spelkongress 91 - a Day at the Races (1991)
Titanic Kim Hyldgård
Con 92 (1992)
💾 Titta det snöar Fredrik Börjesson
MittCon (1992)
To Whom the Stars belong Chaosium Con (2023)
Tomhedens Tid Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
TRoA 2000 (2000)
Tordenfuglen Jørgen Becker-Christensen
Mads Lunau
Anette V. Petersen
Fastaval (1995)
Torr skörd Peter Smidt
GothCon XV (1991)
Touch of Evil I Michael Eklund
Pentacon (1993)
Touch of Evil II Michael Eklund
Pentacon (1993)
Transmission Impossible Continuum (2022)
💾 Trophies Adam Kelly
Sillicon 2: The Wrath of Con (2000)
💾 Tropical Zombies Merlin P. Mann
Henrik Sylow
Fastaval (1990)
Viking-Con 13 (1994)
A:M:O:K (1998)
A:M:O:K No 2 (1998)
Horrorcon (1999)
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
HøngCrewCon (2005)
Bodega-Con 3 (2016)
Trouble in Judea Chaosium Con (2023)
Trouble Near Bear Butte Chaosium Con (2023)
True Illuminati Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2021)
💾 Träringen Leif Bergman
Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
UppCon '92 (1992)
Trøllabundin Morten Bergli Magnus
MidgardCon VII (2023)
Tunnelen Mikkel Berget
Confekt IIa (1999)
Turnering i Call of Cthulhu Spelkongress 87 - The game is afoot (1987)
💾 Tusmørkets Smådjævle Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1989)
Sabbath I (1990)
💾 Tusmørkets Smådjævle II Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1990)
💾 Tusmørkets Smådjævle III Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
DRF-Con (1991)
A:M:O:K No 2 (1998)
IRIIB (1999)
A:M:O:K 3 (1999)
Tusmørkets Smådjævle IV Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1992)
Tusmørkets Smådjævle V Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1993)
DRF Spilledag (1993)
"Tanken?!" Con (1996)
Twelve Black Feathers UK GamesExpo (2023)
Twelve Hours of the Night Charles Dunne
Itzacon IV (2008)
Udflugten Teddy Jørgensen
Chop Con (2002)
Ugnen CrossCon V (2008)
💾 Ulloq nunaqarfinnguagaluami Kristoffer Apollo
Ole Wesenberg Nielsen
Peter Petersen
René Schalburg
Fastaval (1989)
FRB-con (1989)
💾 Uncle Timothy's Will Keith Herber
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Under Lundagårds kronor Daniel Granér
Lund 1923 (2023)
💾 Under the Deep Gregor Hutton
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
Under Winter's Snow Chaosium Con (2023)
Une lumière fantômatique hawkspar
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022)
Unelmien kesä 1927 Ropecon (2023)
UNLAND Chaosium Con (2023)
Urkraft Steen Stanley Olsen
ChopCon (2019)
💾 USS Myreon Fredrik Ernstson
Robin Ljung
Borås Spelkonvent 21: Novos Ordo Seclorum (2003)
Utredning och inredning LinCon (2000)
💾 Valkyrian / Ritten Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1995)
Van Milis journal Jens Wistbacka
Witchnight -98 (1998)
💾 Vandrar fjärran Sus Henrikson
Magnus Lundgren
Calle Sanglert
GothCon XXIII (1999)
💾 Vansinnig Väntan på Vidunder Håkan Elderstig
Lars Petrus
OernCon V (1991)
Vanviddets melodi Bjarne Sinkjær
EreCon II - HorrorCon (1997)
Con Dôme (1997)
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
Viking-Con 19 (2000)
Varning för hunden WettCon (2015)
Vaudeville UK GamesExpo (2023)
Velkommen til Congo Tim Seiler
ChopCon (2018)
💾 Verboten: Operation Faust Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XII (2002)
Vi vil hjem Martin Lindof
DrageCon 17 (2013)
Victor Frankenstein-Reanimator Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Vid fasornas fjäll Johan Berggren
Mattias Närvä
SnöKon (2009)
Vihreän jokisuiston tukikohta - pokeri-ilta Ropecon (2023)
💾 Vinterspel Anders Hallberg
Borås Spelkonvent 16 (1998)
💾 Vita liljor Claes Gerleman
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (2001)
Vridna poeters sällskap Tobias Persson
SävCon Second Edition (2000)
Væsnerne fra det hinsides Balder Asmussen
Pentacon VI (1995)
Waiting to Be Born Chaosium Con (2023)
Walter's Final Wish Jennifer Thraser
Matt Wiseman
Chaosium Con (2023)
Weekend in the Woods Chaosium Con (2023)
Weird Truths Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
What are friends for? Tim Seiler
Chop Con (2023)
Whatever Happened to Alicia Thorne? Chaosium Con (2023)
Where the Train Stops Malik Hyltoft
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
Whispers of Promises, Screams of Pain Martin Hansen
Con Dôme (2000)
Who Is Mr. Wall? M. A. B.
RusCon 13 (2004)
Why Is That Rabbit Watching Me? Chaosium Con (2023)
Worship Mads Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 5th Edition (1996)
Yarn Martin Stackelberg
APCon (2024)
Yog-Sothoth Is The Gate Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
💾 Ysquams Tegn Merlin P. Mann
Zangari's Apostasy UK GamesExpo (2023)
Zwilight TRoA VI (1993)
Pentacon (1993)
Älskar du mig? David Jonsson
Patrik Larsson
SävCon III (2003)
Øen Torsten Rossell
Con Dôme (2002)
Aalborg Banden The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
Ångest i Åre Johan Mörén
Peter Olausson
OernCon II (1988)
💾 Återföreningen Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
GothCon XII (1988)
💾 Återträffen Mats Ekblad
Michael Krammer
GothCon XIX (1995)

Referenced in the following articles

Redaktören Page 2 The Beholder 2 1985 (Vintern 1985) The Beholder
Call of Cthulhu Page 8 Pseudo-Dragen #5 Pseudo-Dragen
Over disken Page 20 Pseudo-Dragen #6 Pseudo-Dragen
Over Disken Page 20 Pseudo-Dragen #7 Pseudo-Dragen
Nyheter Page 30 Legend #3 (Februari 1987) Legend
Spelrecensioner Page 34 The Herring Can #2/3 - 1987 (Nummer 2/3 - 1987) The Herring Can
Nyheter Page 29 Legend #4 (April 1987) Legend
Plot-line Page 15 Pseudo-Dragen #8 Pseudo-Dragen
Bröllopet Page 22 Legend #5 (Juni 1987) Legend
Over Disken Page 27 Pseudo-Dragen #9 Pseudo-Dragen
Nyheter Page 30 Legend #6 (Augusti 1987) Legend
Den blödande fetischen: 2 Page 26 Legend #7 (Oktober 1987) Legend
Nyheter Page 30 Legend #7 (Oktober 1987) Legend
Den blödande fetischen: 3 Page 24 Legend #8 (December 1987) Legend
Green and Pleasant Land Page 19 The Herring Can #1 1988 (Nummer 1 - 1988) The Herring Can
Illoms hörna Page 8 The Herring Can #2 1988 (Nummer 2 - 1988) The Herring Can
Nyheter Page 30 Legend #10 (April 1988) Legend
Stormfyren Page 20 Legend #11 (Juni 1988) Legend
Nyheter Page 30 Legend #11 (Juni 1988) Legend
Miskatonic Weekly Page 6 Pseudo-Dragen #11 Pseudo-Dragen
Engelska Rollspel Page 18 Sinkadus #15 (Oktober 1988) Sinkadus
Djungeltrumman Page 41 Rubicon #2 (Juni 1989) Rubicon
Jag gick upp en Generation Page 14 The Beholder 2 1989 (Sommaren 1989) The Beholder
Djungeltrumman Page 39 Rubicon #3 (November 1989) Rubicon
Clas Resmus Page 4 The Beholder 1 1990 (Våren 1990) The Beholder
Klotterplanket Page 4 Rubicon #4 (Februari 1990) Rubicon
Djungeltrumman Page 40 Rubicon #4 (Februari 1990) Rubicon
Blodets Bånd Page 8 Nr. 1 (Forår 1990) SAGA [dk]
Call of Cthulhu - Horrorspil fra Chaosium Games Page 3 Nr. 5 (Marts 1990) Fafner Tidende
Call of Cthulhu Då Page 6 Rubicon #5 (April 1990) Rubicon
Den Eviga Elden Page 10 Rubicon #5 (April 1990) Rubicon
Boktips Page 33 Rubicon #5 (April 1990) Rubicon
Arkham Unveiled - Anmeldelse Page 6 Nr. 7 (Maj 1990) Fafner Tidende
Røde spor i sneen - Et Call of Cthulhu modul Page 8 Nr. 7 (Maj 1990) Fafner Tidende
Filosoffens Nøgle Page 12 Nr. 2 (Sommer 1990) SAGA [dk]
Call... an ambulance Page 32 Nr. 2 (Sommer 1990) SAGA [dk]
Generationer i rollspel Page 32 Rubicon #6 (Juni 1990) Rubicon
Djungeltrumman Page 42 Rubicon #6 (Juni 1990) Rubicon
At Your Door Page 19 Nr. 10 (August 1990) Kaos
Tropical Zombies Page 22 Nr. 3 (Efterår 1990) SAGA [dk]
Spelrecensioner Page 21 Rubicon #8 (Oktober 1990) Rubicon
En enkelt klausul Page 6 Nr. 4 SAGA [dk]
Vanviddets huse Page 21 Nr. 4 SAGA [dk]
Hemmafronten Page 12 Sinkadus #28 (December 1990) Sinkadus
Call GURPS Page 19 Nr. 7 SAGA [dk]
Anmeldelser Page 26 Nr. 1 Den Sorte Dværg
Djungeltrumman Page 47 Rubicon #9 (Februari 1991) Rubicon
Ledaren Page 3 Sinkadus #30 (April 1991) Sinkadus
Hemmafronten Page 4 Sinkadus #30 (April 1991) Sinkadus
KULT Page 34 Sinkadus #30 (April 1991) Sinkadus
Hemmafronten Page 4 Sinkadus #31 (Juli 1991) Sinkadus
Spilmarkedet Page 4 Nr. 10 SAGA [dk]
Hemmafronten Page 4 Sinkadus #33 (November 1991) Sinkadus
Fansinspalten Page 35 Sinkadus #33 (November 1991) Sinkadus
Nyheder Page 4 Nr. 11 (December 1991) SAGA [dk]
Brevspalten Page 40 Sinkadus #34 (Januari 1992) Sinkadus
Nyheder Page 4 Nr. 12 (Februar 1992) SAGA [dk]
Call of Cthulhu 5. udgave Page 21 Nr. 12 (Februar 1992) SAGA [dk]
Hemmafronten Page 4 Sinkadus #36 (Juni 1992) Sinkadus
Rollspelens historia Page 14 Sinkadus #36 (Juni 1992) Sinkadus
Vanvid eller Visdom Page 6 Nr. 18 (Januar 1993) SAGA [dk]
Mørkets Tjenere Page 10 Nr. 19 (Februar 1993) SAGA [dk]
Tusmørkets Smådjævle III Page 24 Nr. 20 (Marts 1993) SAGA [dk]
Forbandelsen Page 18 Nr. 22 (September 1993) SAGA [dk]
Rollespil Page 12 Mysticos Nr. 9 (Særnummer) Mysticos
Hedenske Skrifter Page 6 Nr. 17 (Marts 1994) Monokeros
UppCon-94 Page 5 NisseNytt 1994-03 (1994) NisseNytt
Fruktan för det okända Page 13 NisseNytt 1994-03 (1994) NisseNytt
Kosmisk Skräck Page 24 NisseNytt 1994-03 (1994) NisseNytt
Skräckens Bibliotek Page 32 NisseNytt 1994-03 (1994) NisseNytt
En Flues Bekendelse Page 53 Fønix nr. 3 (Juli/August 1994) Fønix
Uhyret i dig selv Page 4 Fønix nr. 5 (November/december 1994) Fønix
Vanvid er magt! Page 10 Fønix nr. 8 (Maj/Juni 1995) Fønix
All my fears are real! Page 25 14 (August 1995) Fair Tidings Magazine
Sanningen om Call of Cthulhu Page 11 Borås Spelkonventslök (5 november 1995) Löken
Top 10! Page 56 Fønix nr. 14 (December 1996) Fønix
Ved tankens kraft Page 8 Fønix nr. 18 (August 1997) Fønix
It came from the late late late show Page 4 The Herring Can ? 1997 (september 1997) The Herring Can
Nyheder Page 5 Fønix nr. 22 (Juli 1998) Fønix
Nyheder Page 5 Fønix nr. 23 (Årgang 1998) Fønix
Åsiktspolisen Page 4 Konventstripp 2001 Konventstripp
Positivism Page 4 Konventstripp 2001 Konventstripp
Dålig attityd Page 5 Konventstripp 2001 Konventstripp
Test av alla heta rollspel Page 7 Konventstripp 2001 Konventstripp
Nyhetssvepet Page 12 Sverox Nr 22 (December 2001) Sveroks medlemstidning
Ett inledande klargörande Page 5 Frispel #1 - Teori & vision (2004) Frispel


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