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Warpcon IV (1994)

Location: University College Cork, Ireland 🗺️
Date: 28. - 30. January 1994

Part of: WarpCon


🖼️ Photo from Programme (1/2) [English] (0.1 MB)
🖼️ Photo from Programme (2/2) [English] (0.1 MB)

We haven't had access to a program for this convention. The list is simply based on external references, memory, rumours and so on and the list might not be completed.
If you have a correction or are in access of a program then please send us an update.


A dark and evil trade Traveller The New Era
AD&D 1nd Round (WarpCon 1994) AD&D
AD&D 2nd Round (WarpCon 1994) AD&D
AD&D Charity Shield AD&D
AD&D Final (WarpCon 1994) AD&D
Call of Cthulhu 1st round (WarpCon 1994) Call of Cthulhu
Call of Cthulhu Final (WarpCon 1994) Call of Cthulhu
Cyberpunk (WarpCon 1994) Cyberpunk 2020
D&D (WarpCon 1994) D&D
Dubious Cargo Merc 2000
GURPS Cliffhangers (WarpCon 1994) GURPS
GURPS Swashbucklers (WarpCon 1994) GURPS Swashbucklers
Paranoia (WarpCon 1994) Paranoia
Quasar (WarpCon 1994) Quarsar
Rolemaster (WarpCon 1994) Rolemaster
Star Trek (WarpCon 1994) Star Trek
Star Wars (WarpCon 1994) Star Wars
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1994) Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


Intervarsity Award

Wargaming And Roleplaying Society


Con Director Pete Shanahan
RPG Coodinator Gordon O'Keeffe

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