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Star Trek


A Devil in Disguise Mikael Børresen
Chop Con - The Evolution (2001)
Academy Days Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
All Outta Bubblegum Gaelcon (2024)
Another Generation Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 9th Edition (1999)
Cracked Rear View GuardianCON XIII (2015)
Daedalus Encounter Åsa Roos
BOVCon (1999)
CalCon VII - Apocalconens fyra kycklingar (2000)
GothCon XXV (2001)
Darkness Amy Williams
UK GamesExpo (2023)
Det Post-paradisiske vakuum Balder Asmussen
Pentacon VI (1995)
Ensamma i mörkret Mattias Brand
Cristoffer Wiker
MiniCon 3 (1999)
Et Hjerte af Sten Søren Maagaard Andersen
Anne Vinter Ratzer
Fastaval (1995)
Ghost in the Machine Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
DrageCon 8 (2008)
How many miles to Babel I? Micheal Calnan
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
Kobayashi Maru but in Klingon UK GamesExpo (2023)
Månens bagside Steen Jacobsen
Chop Con (1999)
Ruins of Yesterday´s Tomorrow Finn Jaksland
LepreCon XLI (2022)
Shakedown Cruise GuardianCON XVII (2019)
Shoreleave Davy Spratt
LepreCon XLI (2022)
Star Trek (Magnetic 2001) Mark Bladt
Magnetic (2001)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1992) Pat Fraher
Raymond Looney
Warpcon II (1992)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1993) Warpcon III (1993)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1994) Warpcon IV (1994)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1996) Garret Casey
Rob Cosgrave
Warpcon VI (1996)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Star Trek (WarpCon 1998) WarpCon VIII (1998)
Star Trek: SCIS - Pilot Episode GuardianCON XIII (2015)
Stardate 51013,1 Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2009)
Stranded & Surrounded OrCCon (2023)
Tantalus Reach Micheal Calnan
BeAcon III (2017)
To live and die in the Beloti Sector Continuum (2022)
Continuum (2023)

Referenced in the following articles

Star Trek Page 12 The Beholder 2 1988 (Våren 1988) The Beholder
Engelska Rollspel Page 18 Sinkadus #15 (Oktober 1988) Sinkadus
Per aspera ad astra Page 26 Rubicon #6 (Juni 1990) Rubicon
Megafonen Page 4 Rubicon #8 (Oktober 1990) Rubicon

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