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Little Miracles

RPG system: Call of Cthulhu
Participants: 1 GM, 6 players


OrganizerMatthew Connor McCloud
OrganizerAl Smith


You are part of a large search party sent to find your loved one. However, the woods have grown dark unnaturally fast, and in the dark you have become separated from the rest of the search party. You soon discover that your loved one was searching for something in the woods, and it found them first

From the author of a forthcoming Chaosium publication. You are part of a large search party sent to find your loved one. However, the woods have grown dark unnaturally fast, and in the dark you have become separated from the rest of the search party. You will soon discover that your loved one was searching for something in the woods, and it found them first.

TW: PvP.

Played at

Chaosium Con (2023)

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