💾 | T står för Terror |
Ola Janson
Henrik Örnebring
GothCon XXIII (1999)
| T.M.N.T. |
Anders Bülow
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| T7OT7 |
Tonni Frydendahl
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
💾 | Ta' del i Chancen |
Bo Jørgensen
Kristian List
Spiltræf IX (1993)
💾 | Tabet |
Peter Fallesen
Fastaval (2013)
| Table |
Mikolaj Wicher
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Tabt kontrol |
Klaus Nielsen
Vintersol (2008)
| Tabt og fundet |
Morten Nygaard Andersen
Tyrfing Con - Fantasy Con (2018)
| Tabte byer |
Anne Vinkel
Con Artist 2 (2016)
| Tabte sjæles sarte liv |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Blackbox Cph V (2015)
| Tabula Rasa |
Hanbury Hampden-Turner
Rachael Hampden-Turner
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| Tabula Rasa |
Amanda Ruuth
Linus Råde
SävCon VI (2006)
| Tacklebox |
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Taffy Apples and Razor Blades |
Peter Løgkær
Avacon (2013)
💾 | Tagteam |
Mårten Krammer
Viking-Con 39 (2020) cOnline 2021 (2021)
| Tails of Garden Quest, havenisse edition |
Michelle Vang Aagaard
UniCon2 (2024)
| Taisteal go Teamhair |
Donal Fallon
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon I (2005)
| Tak for Mad..! |
Martin Hedegaard
TRoA-Con - Tusind og én nats Eventyr (1999)
| Taken by Trolls |
Continuum (2022)
| Taktisk Bunker Kommando |
💾 | Tala är silver, tiga är guld |
Joakim Bergström
SnöKon (1995)
| Talansar |
| Talantis |
Line Mikkelsen
TRoA Con - Dybet (2006)
| Talbots familiehjem |
Simon Pedersen
LyngCon, efterår (2019)
| Tale (MidgardCon 2022) |
Hans Olav Ekornrød
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Tale (MidgardCon 2024) |
Thomas Flaater Fredriksen
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
| Tale of the Floating Vagabond (ARCON 9) |
Håkon Steen
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
| Tale of The Little Red Troubleshooting-Hood |
Dennis Gadgaard
Con Dôme (1999)
💾 | Tale of the North Wind |
| Tales from the Floating Vagabond - Live |
| Tales from the Floating Vagabond (ARCON 18) |
Helle Buvik
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
| Tales from the Floating Vagabond (FE Con 2018) |
Dennis Mejsedal
FE Con (2018)
| Tales from the Floating Vagabond (FE-con 2022) |
Dennis Mejsedal
FE Con (2022)
| Tales from the Floating Vagabond Square Root of Pi |
Mike Young
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Tales of Baron Munchhausen |
Michael McAfee
Intercon XV (2000)
| Tales of Glasgow |
| Tales of Pendragon |
| Tales of the Arabian Nights |
| Tales of The Cradle |
Rain Wiegartner
Intercon R (2018)
| Tales of the Dalish |
Nicholas White
Gaelcon (2015)
| Tales of the Fisherman's Wife |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Intercon L (2012)
| Tales of the Floating Vagabond (Nordcon 95) |
Villum Lassen
Nordcon (1995)
| Tales of the Future Volume 1: Life, the Universe, and Everything |
Jenny Diewald
Jordan Diewald
Wilmark Dynasty LARP-a-Thon (2020)
| Tales of the Future Volume 2: Contact |
Jenny Diewald
Jordan Diewald
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Tales of the Reaching Moon - The Last Prince |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Tales of the Reaching Moon - The Red Bride |
| Tales Of The Uncanny Rum |
Continuum (2022)
| Tales of Toholon |
Shane Carr
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Tales of Toholon: Last Refuge of the Scoundrel |
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| Tales of Toholon: Lost And Found In Kaiju Park |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| Tales of Toholon: The Art of Restraining Power |
Shane Carr
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| Tales of Toholon: The Thirty-Fourth Ogomo |
Shane Carr
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2016)
| Tales of Toholon: Virtue of the Vicious |
Shane Carr
Gaelcon (2015)
| Talk Schock |
Henrik Dall
Thomas Hansen
Ivajlo Holm-Jensen
Kenneth Mikkelsen
Carsten Nielsen
Hyggecon (2007)
💾 | Talk to Me |
Axelle Cazeneuve
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| Talking Goat |
Jessie Rainbow
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
💾 | Taller Than Space Is Wide |
Alexa Kirchner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| Tamer Larp |
El Hyggecon - Revolution! (2006)
| Tamp 1: As it Began. |
Kjeld Johansen
Con Dôme (1998)
| Tamp 2: The Pagan Pilgrims. |
Kjeld Johansen
Con Dôme (1999)
| Tamp 3: The Conquest. |
Kjeld Johansen
Con Dôme (2000)
| Tamp 4: Et nyt mørke |
Kjeld Johansen
Con Dôme (2002)
| Tamp 5: Big, Ugly and Extremely Powerful. |
Mikkel Schiøtz
Con Dôme (1994)
| Tamp 6: Brainpool. |
Mikkel Schiøtz
Con Dôme (1995)
| Tamp 7: Imperiet slår igen. |
Mikkel Schiøtz
Con Dôme (1996)
| Tamp 8: Absolute Hack. |
Mikkel Schiøtz
Con Dôme (1997)
| Tamp 9 (2005) |
Peter Thestrup
Con Dôme (2005)
| Tamp 9 (2006) |
Hartwig Linde Jensen
Con Dôme (2006)
| Tamuda – handlernes by |
💾 | Tandhjulets krav |
Carsten Andreasen (II)
Martin Horn Pedersen
Fastaval (2010)
| Tandland |
Finian Westergaard
| Tangonätter |
Gunnar Söderberg
GothCon XXXV (2011)
| Tank Girl Demo (ARCON 14) |
Roar Granerud
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
💾 | Tanker |
Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde
Fastaval (1996)
💾 | TANKERS - an isolation game |
Sarah Cook
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| Tanner - De fire dæmoner |
Jakob Barfred
| Tantalus Reach |
Micheal Calnan
BeAcon III (2017)
| Tante Klaras Fødselsdag |
💾 | Tante Trudes testamente |
Jesper Stein Sandal
Fastaval (2008)
| Tapestry’s Toil |
Steven Helt
Gaelcon (2015)
| Tapio - Imod alle odds |
Jan Bakmand Nørgaard
Lars Holsøe Rasmussen
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
💾 | Tapperhed |
Anton Storm Wich
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
| Tar-Atanamirs Fylke |
| Tarnbreaker's Trail |
OrCCon (2021)
| Tartarus |
Thomas Wohlers
Intercon P (2016)
| Task Anduin |
Ropecon (2018)
| Taskmasters of the Overlord |
Ropecon (2017)
| Tasokokeista fiaskoihin |
Ropecon (2023)
| Tatooine Manhunt |
Ropecon (2017)
| Tattoine Manhunt |
Jeremy Rønnevig
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Taur-en Holten |
| Taur-en-Holten |
| Taurok |
| Tavastia |
Colm Lundberg
| Tavern at the Crossroads |
Emily Feaverear
Antonio Sodaro
Eric T.
Stephen Tihor
Intercon U (2022)
| Tavern at the Crossroads: Bandit Edition |
Emily Feavearear
Antonio Sodaro
Stephen Tihor
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Tavern Night at the Orcs Rest |
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
💾 | Taxi |
Ulf Sankala
MittKon 2002AD (2002)
| Taylor |
Charles Bo Nielsen
Blackbox Cph (2022) Blackbox Cph (2022)
| Taynja Mothma |
André Glasius Tischer
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
| TBA |
Andrew Petrarca
Mike Romatelli
Don Ross
Intercon E (2005)
| TBC |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| TC-38 |
Éric Lestrade
Émilie Perrier
XL 2004 - Convention de jeu de role (2004)
| Te morituri salutant- 146 f.Kr. |
CalCon '95 (1995)
💾 | Te Puia o Whakaari |
Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XX (2010)
| Tea at Longbourn |
Philippa Dall
Steve Hatherley
Heidi Kaye
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| Tea Time Terror |
Joey Johnston
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| Team Synergy |
Jude Mapp
Gaelcon (2004)
| Team Synergy 1.5 |
Jude Mapp
Itzacon II (2006)
| Team Tuholaistorjujat pelastaa päivän! |
Ropecon (2023)
| Tearing at the Walls |
Graham Tormey
Itzacon IV (2008)
| Tears of Hate |
Lars Rune Jørgensen
Viking-Con 30 (2011)
| Tears of Isha |
Niels Jacobsen
ChopCon (2021)
| Teatersport |
LinCon (2001)
| Techmageddon |
LinCon (2003)
| Techno |
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
ESFROAG (2022)
| Teclis' Øje |
Rune Kastrup Madsen
| Tecnically a whore |
Jan Roed
Chop Con (1997)
💾 | Teenage Mutant |
Uffe Thorsen
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
💾 | Teenage Mutant Binge At Thurles |
Baz Nugent
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Chop Con 92) |
Chop Con (1992)
| Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (DRF-Con 90) |
M. S.
DRF-Con (1990)
| Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (WettCon 1989) |
WettCon V (1989)
| Teenage Mystery Dance Party |
Phil Kelley
Mike Young
Intercon M (2013)
| Tegelstenar |
Borås Spelkonvent 39 (2022)
| Tegnet |
Michael Sommer
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
| Teinihirviöt suurella sydämellä |
Mari Nikkarinen
Ropecon (2023)
| Teknisk hjælp ønskes |
Torben Knudsen
"Tanken?!" Con II Take 2 (1998)
💾 | Teknisk uheld |
Fredrik Axelzon
Per Wetterstrand
Tobias Wrigstad
Fastaval (2008)
| Tel est pris, qui croyait… |
Alexis Guenard
XL 2005 - Convention de jeu de role (2005)
💾 | Telefonplan -73 |
Tony Gustafsson
Markus Hallström
Stockon -97 (1997)
| Tempel Smølfernes Hemmelighed |
Niels Ladefoged Rasmussen
Chop Con (2002)
| Tempelguldet |
Terje Nordin
Klosscon II (2014)
| Tempelherrerne |
Casper Vinkler
Placebo-Con (1995)
| Tempelstaden |
| Tempelstenen |
💾 | Tempelvakt |
Simon Engqvist
Erik Granström
GothCon XL (2016)
| Temple of Blind Beings |
Prolog (2014)
| Temple of Despair |
ÄlvCon (2011)
| Temple of the Huntress |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Temple of the Sky |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Temple of the Twisted Djinn |
Con-Ducked (2023)
💾 | Templet |
Lars Johansson
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2010)
💾 | Tempo |
Peter Brodersen
Mike Ditlevsen
Fastaval - Rollespilleren og samfundet (2003)
💾 | Temporary Insanity |
Damien Kelly
Gaelcon (2004)
| Temps corrompu |
Convention de Supaero XL (2019)
💾 | Tempus Frangit |
Mike Young
| Ten Candles |
Jan-Egil Holther-Wilhelmsen
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Ten Candles |
Bjarke Thorboe
Viking-Con 39 (2020)
| Ten Thousand Years! |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Ten Towns |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | Tequila Empire |
Billy Healy
Dave McGowan
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
💾 | Tequila Sunrise |
Anders Berg
Markus Borbely
GothCon XXIV (2000)
| Tera'ngan Pahtk! |
Nikolaj Lemche
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Terapeuten |
Edin Janković Šumar
CONtiki2 - Der sad en con på en tømmerflåde?! (2015)
| Terapi |
Gustav Edman
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
| Termaknes Spil |
Henrik "Melvis" Jacobsen
Chop Con (1999)
| Terminal |
Rasmus Teilmann
Blackbox Cph V (2015)
| Terminal phase |
Ropecon (2018)
💾 | Terminal State |
Mattias Axelsson
FrunCon 91 (1991)
| Terminator |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Terminator III |
Mikkel Rosenberg
Vor Frelsers Con (1992)
💾 | Terning med Døden |
Lærke Hvid Pedersen
Viking-Con 30 (2011)
| Terra Incognita |
| Terra Nova |
Tina Siig
RusCon 21 (2013)
| Terribilis Est Locus Iste |
Lars Lindblad
Borås Spelkonvent 18: Fac ut Vivas! (2000)
| Terricole |
Nina Moilasheimo
Lund 1920 (2024)
| Terror |
Jesper Schnipper
EreCon III (1997) Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| Terror at Apsis |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Terror Forming |
Ashley Perryman
Gaelcon (2002)
| Terror in Fuji |
The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
💾 | Terror på 200 meter |
Gabrielle de Bourg
GothCon XLIII (2019)
💾 | Terror på Phobos |
Adam Yngvesson
GothCon XLI (2017)
| Terrorisme |
Jan Bjerring
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
| Terrorist |
Herman Ellingsen
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
| Terrorist -97 |
Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
| Terrorist (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Terrorist (ARCON 14) |
Johannes H. Berg
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Terrorist (ARCON 15) |
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| Terrorist (ARCON 16) |
Herman Ellingsen
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| Terrorist (ARCON 17) |
Herman Ellingsen
ARCON 17: D&D (2001)
| Terrorist (ARCON 18) |
Herman Ellingsen
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
| Terrorist eller frelser? |
Bjarke Vennerstrøm Annesen
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Tervetuloa Misty Pinesiin |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Teselskabet |
Denise Brødløs Færge
Ida Mia Thylstrup
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Test and Trial |
The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
| Test session Project Oracle |
Prolog (2015)
💾 | Testamentet |
Lars Kaos Andresen
Fastaval (2016)
| Testamentet |
Carsten Beck
Viking-Con 13 (1994)
| Têt ’68 – Nedstigningen |
Tom Andersson
| Tetraeder |
GothCon XIV (1990)
💾 | Tetragrammaton och livets sten |
Johan Nilsson (I)
Martin Stackelberg
Janna Öström-Berg
SillyCon XIII (2004)
| Tetris Allehanda |
Falcon (2004)
| Texas Rangers |
Søren Ligaard Hald
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
| TF2V (Chop Con '95) |
Christian Greve
Chop Con (1995)
| Thalebiehiems Mörka Gränder |
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
💾 | Thank god for the bomb |
Eduard Levit
Tomas Ruzic
Ola Sundin
SydCon '95 (1995)
| Thank God It’s Friday |
Safija Jemialjanava
Yuliya Safronava
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)
| Thank You Kindly |
Jackson Tegu
| Thankless Jobs |
Eoin Staunton
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| Thanksgiving with the Wellington-Smythes |
David Cave
Elisa Ford
Kathleen Fuller
Susan Schmidt
Be-Con (2023)
| Tharbaks Efterträdare |
D.E.G. (1992)
💾 | That escalated quickly - The end of a mailing list |
Gerrit Reininghaus
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| That Old Black Magic... |
Kirstine Godiksen
FE-Con 4 (2014)
| That Space Game |
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Intercon I (2009)
| That Which Lies Beneath |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Thaumetopoea Mythae |
Blackbox Cph (2021)
| The "Ultimate" Prize |
Nancy Sonia Gervais
Intercon A (2001)
| The “Divine” Return |
PoRtaL 9: Athens (2021)
| The 25th Annual Semantic Academy Spelling Bee |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The 3.20 to tombstone |
Gaelcon (2021)
| The 5 Mysteries of Yamamori High |
Millie Kennedy
Sam Logan
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
💾 | The 572nd meeting of the colonisation committee |
Harry Harrold
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Abdication |
Karolina Soltys
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
💾 | The Abortionists |
Jon Cole
Kelley Vanda
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| The Absalom Initiation |
Lyz Liddell
OrCCon (2021)
| The Absentee Landlord |
Continuum (2022)
| The Academy of Endira |
| The Academy of Magic |
Nicolaj Krog
ESFROAG (2011)
| The Accountant |
D. Y.
Chop Con (2002)
| The Actions of Sir Gregory James |
Ulf Porup Thomasen
RusCon 20 (2012)
| The Addams Family: Til Death |
Vivien Grimm
Be-Con (2023)
| The Adventure of the Ghost Knight |
Continuum (2023)
| The Adventure of the Great Hunt |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Adventure of the Helmed Knight |
Continuum (2023)
| The adventure of the loathsome wyrm and the mackrel of the sea |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Adventure of the Three Damosels |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Adventurers |
Jesper Stein Sandal
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| The adventures of CalCove |
CalCon XXIII - Under havet (2017)
| The Adventures of the USS Surak |
David Berkman
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| The adventures of the Æon society |
Mikkel Berget
ForumCon (2004)
| The Aeneid: Journey to the Underworld |
Rebecca Roycroft
The Smoke (2018)
| The Affliction |
Jeffrey Dieterle
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| The After Party |
Chris Glover
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Aftermath |
William Nichols
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| The Afternoon of the Dead ... Who got better! |
TRoA-Con 92, intern (1992)
💾 | The Ages of Man |
Gareth Hanrahan
| The Alaskan Incident |
René Deleuran
Michael G. Schmidt
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Albatross Crime Club |
Steve Meaney
Gaelcon (2002)
| The Alien Ship |
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| The All Devouring Flame |
Donal Fallon
Itzacon I (2005)
| The Altar of God |
Richard Neary
WarpCon XI (2001)
💾 | The Althon Affair |
LinCon (1984)
| The Always Waltz |
Alex Brune
Caroline Murphy
Intercon P (2016)
| The Amber Dirge |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Amber Secret |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Angel of Stonehaven Brewer |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Angels Among Us |
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Angry Volcano God |
EmillyBeth Savage
Intercon J (2010)
| The Annual Assizes at Ankori'is |
Su Jolly
Heather Law
Michele Minett
Tym Norris
Daniel Taylor
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| The annual meeting of The World Cultist's Association |
Knudepunkt (2023)
| The Anthropophagy Society |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Intercon K (2011)
| The Antiquaries of Mars |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Arcadian |
Keith McNamara
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon II (2006)
| The Arcadians |
Jackson Tegu
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
💾 | The Archive |
Kate Hill
Aaron Sunshine
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Arclord Who Never Was |
Michael Bramnik
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Ark |
Karete Jacobsen Meland
Martin Nielsen
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Ark |
Kasper Kelter Weinkouff
Tyrfing Con - SciFi Con (2018)
💾 | The Ark – Trilogy |
Colm Lundberg
| The Ark of the Mountains |
OrCCon (2023)
| The Armageddon Warriors |
LinCon (1995)
| The Arrangement |
Karolina Soltys
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2022)
| The Art of War |
Micky Jensen
Chop Con - Killer Robots (2004)
| The Articles of Colonisation – A Battlestar Galactica Larp |
Xander Cosgrave
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Artificer's Aviary |
Megan Jones
Retford Moot A (2022)
| The Artists |
| The Ashlight Labyrinth |
Ben Cole
Natalie Curd
Nick Curd
Michael Jones
Christi Scarborough
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| The Assasination |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| The Assassin's Teapot |
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Assassination of King Fabian the Kind |
Gaelcon (2021)
| The Assassination Plot |
LinCon (1999)
| The Assignment |
| The Asylum eller "Den sidste hvile" |
Jørn Hjortshøj
TRoA Con - Trolddom og Hekseri (2005)
| The Asylum Game |
Susanne Vejdemo
| The Athena Club Investigates: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Atlanta Exodus |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The attack of the gigantic gorgonzola cheese |
Christian Meyer
RusCon 14 (2005)
| The Attack of the Killer B-Movies |
TRoA VI (1993)
| The Auction |
John Bacon
Mary Bacon
Intercon XIII (1998)
| The Aurors |
Steve Hatherley
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Austen Experience – A Winter's Ball |
| The Avowal Falls |
Steve Meaney
Gaelcon (2010)
💾 | The Awful Truth |
Hank Kuhfeldt
Intercon G (2007)
💾 | The B-Team |
Lars Wagner Hansen
Matias Stuven
DRF-Con (1993)
| The Ba-Con Job |
Vince Kingston
| The Baby Club |
Jamie Harper
Mo Holkar
David Owen
| The Babylon Project (WarpCon 1999) |
Jason Kemprick
WarpCon IX (1999)
| The Babylon Project LARP (WarpCon 1999) |
Ashley Perryman
Hilary Sklar
WarpCon IX (1999)
| The Bader Meinhof Experiment |
Erlend Eidsem Hansen
Martin Knutsen
Even Tømte
Grenselandet (2012)
| The Balance Blade |
David Gallico
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Ball of Prince Nell |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2019)
| The Ballad of Jess-Belle |
EmillyBeth Savage
Intercon M (2013)
| The Ballad of the Lonely fall |
Gareth Kavanagh
ConFESS (2008)
| The Bank Job |
Eoin Staunton
Gaelcon (2012)
💾 | The Barbecue |
Jenny Diewald
Marsha Gershon
Jae Hartwin
Sarah Judd
Joshua Kronengold
Gaylord Tang
NELCO (2012)
| The Bare Necessities |
Sean Donnelly
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Basco Job |
Con-Ducked (2023)
💾 | The Batcave |
Gerrit Reininghaus
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
💾 | The Bathhouse |
Rei England
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Battle for Barrowspire Vale |
Continuum (2022)
💾 | The Battle for Control Of The Soul of the Republican Party |
John Corrado Jr.
| The Battle of the Redgrass Field |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon II (2006)
| The Battle of the Super Friends! |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Bazco Job |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Beach |
Bjarke Vangsøe Sunesen
ESFROAG (2011)
| The Beacon Code Dilemma (Starfinder Society Scenario #1-25) |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| The Bear |
James Ryan
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| The Beast of Tarantasia |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Beast within |
Denis Linde
Krikkit Con mk II (1996)
| The beast within |
Marcus Overheu
Vintervap (1996)
| The Beasts |
Erica Rodger
Itzacon XV (2019)
| The Beasts of Henley Copse. |
Conor Kenny
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| The Beatnik Cafe |
Jamie Picon
Intercon L (2012)
| The Beauty & the Beast |
The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
| The Becoming |
Miles Lizak
Grenselandet (2022)
| The Beggar Knights of Nadsokor |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Beggar’s Pearl |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Beginners Guide of how to destroy a Book |
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| The Beginning of the End |
Asher Lennon Ware
TRoA X (1995)
| The Beginning of The End |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
TRoA - Charleston (1998)
| The Beginning ofthe Scourge |
NordKon (2003)
| The Belly of the Beast |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Beregszaszi Method |
Viktor Beregszaszi
GothCon XLIV (2020)
💾 | The Best Medicine |
Mo Holkar
The Smoke (2018)
| The best of ASF |
Borås Spelkonvent 18: Fac ut Vivas! (2000)
| The Best Smoke Submission |
Karolina Soltys
The Smoke (2020)
| The Betrayal of Darth Revan |
Patrick Stutzman
Borås Spelkonvent 29 (2011)
| The Bible and the gun |
Caroline Sjövall
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
| The Big Bang |
Anders Helby
Peter Madsen (II)
Maskespil (1999)
💾 | The Big Ben Theory |
Tore Bjertnes Pedersen
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| The Big Blue Seize |
Jean Rabe
GenCon (1990)
| The big boss |
Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2003)
| The Big Fucking Giant |
Magnus Flinthøj
VannaCon 8 (2018)
| The Big Game |
Bjarke Pedersen
Kasper Sjøgren
| The Big Score |
Aonghus Collins
VatiCon XVII (2011)
| The Big Steal |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Birds Sing a Pretty Song |
Kristoffer Lindh
Karolina Staël
Prolog (2018)
| The Black Cat |
Jonas Dombrowsky
Hexcon (2019)
| The Black Company |
| The Black Dwarf |
Ola Rondahl
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
| The Black Lodge |
CalCon XIX - A Fairytale (2013)
| The Black Lotus |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Black Mandarin |
Jesper Sørensen
TRoA-Con - Tusind og én nats Eventyr (1999)
💾 | The Black Pill |
Tayler Stokes
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| The Black Road |
Ben Heisler
Paige Leitman
| The Black Sphere |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Blackroot Mushrooms |
Emil R. Tophøj
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| The Blakros Connection |
| The Blakros Deception |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Blakros Matrimony |
Thurston Hillman
LepreCon XL (2019)
💾 | The Blood Maze |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
| The Blood Moon Vernissage |
KryptCon VII (2022)
💾 | The Blood of Family |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2000)
| The Bloodcove Blockade |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Bloody Banquet |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Bloody Harvest of Pomona |
Matthew Ruane
Intercon N (2014)
| The Bloom of May |
Phoebe Roberts
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| The Blue House of Horrors |
Adam Jonsson
ApKon VII (2009)
| The Bodyguards |
Thomas Due
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| The Bodyguards |
Peter K. Madsen
RusCon 4 (1995)
| The Boggart |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Boiler |
Jackson Tegu
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
| The Bomb |
David Berkman
Fastaval (1996)
| The Bone Swallower |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Bonobo Experience |
Knutpunkt (2022)
💾 | The Book of Lilith |
Björn Stegerling
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
| The Booklovers Club |
Claire Bradley
Mary Kilgarriff
Gaelcon (2003)
| The Boost |
David Arildsen
Chop Con - Killer Robots (2004)
| The Borden Legacy |
Nickey Barnard
Philippa Dall
David Dorward
Clare Gardner
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| The Bot with the Yellow Bandana |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Bottom of the Garden |
Ben Llewellyn
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Boy Who Cried Werewolf |
Willow Palacek
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
💾 | The Boys from County Hell |
Adam Bindslev
Viking-Con 15 (1996)
💾 | The Brethern's Soup Kitchen |
Baz Nugent
Itzacon V (2009)
| The Brett Kavanaugh's Calendar Game |
Aukey Wikoff
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The brightest bonfire |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Brilliantly Shining Diary-Thesaurus |
Zovi McEntee
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Brimstone Cradle |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Broken Hearts Casefile |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Broken Remnant |
Brendan Griffin
LepreCon XXI (2000)
| The Broken Tower |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Bronze House Reprisal |
💾 | The Bronze Viper Award Committee |
Peter S. Svensson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| The Brooklyn Connection |
Nils Dam-Madsen
Mystifisti-Con (1997)
| The Bunker |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Burden of Blood |
Lund 1920 (2024)
| The Burdens of a Private Investigator |
Niels Stender
Pentacon V (1994)
| The Burning Moth |
Anita Murray
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Business of War |
Daniel Adams
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Cabalistic Conclave of Carnage |
Chris Robinson
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| The Call |
| The Call of Cthoonoo |
Armageddon II - Aftermath (1991)
| The Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2021) |
ÅbyCon Online (2021)
| The Calling |
Jeff Holmes
Ben Jones
Scott Sawyer
Intercon J (2010)
| The Calling: Defending The Vale |
Jeff Holmes
Ben Jones
Scott Sawyer
Intercon K (2011)
| The Campaign for real time |
David Thorhauge
💾 | The Campfire |
Zane Brown
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| The Cantina Job |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Caravan Heist |
Christian Metz
VannaCon 6 (2015)
| The Cargo |
Anders Bach Pedersen
Chopcon (2022)
| The Carnival of the Damned |
Jo-Herman Haugholt
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| The Case of Hollow Meadows |
Dennis Mejsedal
FE Con (2018)
| The Case Of the Comic Convict (A Courtroom Whodunnit) |
Isabel Malonzo
Li-Chi Young
Intercon P (2016)
| The Case of the Cuckoo Clock |
Síofra Ní Lochlainn
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Case of the Dalmatian Diamond |
Kirstine Godiksen
Ruscon 24 (2016)
| The Case of the Kidnapped Sergeant |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Case Of The Norfeld Kidnapping |
Wayne O'Connor
ConFESS (2008)
| The Case of the Shadow Traveller |
Alison Cybe
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Casino |
| The Cassandra Project |
Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2008)
| The Castle |
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
| The Cat Path |
Jamie Harper
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Cave |
Meghan Hardiman
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Caves of the Sacred Seven |
OrCCon (2023)
| The Caves of Valesh Kanos |
Jo-Herman Haugholt
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| The Celebration of Baronet von Alzgau |
Janne Korpi
Ropecon (2023)
| The Celebrity Big House |
Adam Hayes
Julie Winnard
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Chalice |
Jenny Diewald
Summer Larpin' (2023)
| The Challenge of Life |
Thomas Hansen
Nordcon (1995)
💾 | The Charlatans |
Kent-Ove Lindström
MittCon (1991)
| The Charming Diversion |
Continuum (2023)
| The Chasm of Screams |
Tim Hitchcock
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| The Chastened Gale |
Continuum (2022)
| The Checkerboard Crew |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Adam James
| The Chelmsford Incident |
Gregory Agostini
Intercon C (2003)
| The Chessmaster's Puzzle |
John Bacon
Intercon XIII (1998)
💾 | The Christmas Party |
Magnus Bergqvist
| The Christmas Train |
Gert Andersen
Chop Con (1998)
| The Church Below |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Church of Joy and the Church of Suffering |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Circel of Change |
Henrik Petersen
Chop Con (2002)
| The Circle |
Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo
Louise Skriver Lægteskov
Stefan Skriver Lægteskov
Jofrid Regitzesdatter
| The Circle of Heaven |
Mark Stone
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
💾 | The Circle of Life |
Emelie Klanac
Sally Ståhl
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016)
| The Circus of Wonders and Shadows |
Nickey Barnard
Clare Gardner
Adam Hayes
Abi Kirby
Charlie Paull
Rich Perry
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| The Citadel |
Fearghus O'Rourke
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Citadel of Flame |
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The City |
LinCon (2025)
| The City of Balashar - Epic |
Mikkel Pain Slagslunde
Nørdmarked i DGI-Byen (2019)
💾 | The City of Bavel |
Hila Gregory Meinrath
Yauheniya Siadova
Erez Zvulun
The Smoke (2019)
| The City of Fire and Coin |
Epidiah Ravachol
Evan Torner
Intercon M (2013)
| The City That Should Not Be |
OrCCon (2022)
| The City Watch needs You! |
Hannah Bechara
Gaelcon (2016)
| The City's Commercial Breakdown |
Brian Nisbet
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The Climbing Game |
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Clinic |
Caroline Hobbs
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Clocktower Girls and the Curse of the Crawling Creeper |
Micheal Calnan
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Clockwork Café |
AJ Smith
Brian Williams
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| The Clockwork Pirate |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Cloque Hous |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Club Room |
Kevin Kreiner
Kim Kreiner
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The codex pacifica |
Markus Sundbom
SävCon (1999)
💾 | The Cœuriers |
Robbie Boerth
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Coinage Of The Gods |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Cold Heart |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| The Coldest Hunger |
Irish Heralds
Vaticon XV (2009)
| The Collapse |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Collapse |
Nikolaj Olesen
VannaCon 9 (2019)
| The College Vamps |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Colour of Blood |
Sara Hald
Søren Ligaard Hald
TRoA Intern Con (1996)
| The Coming |
Thomas Hugger
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
| The Coming of the Sand |
Alex Uth
TRoR IV (1992)
💾 | The Commanders |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
| The Commencement |
💾 | The Commie Cultist Conspiracy |
Adam Kelly
Sillicon 2: The Wrath of Con (2000)
| The Community |
Tadhg Kelly
Gaelcon (1995)
💾 | The Conclave of 1492: A Game of Faith and Power |
Shawn Roske
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Confidence Game |
Christian Saxov
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
| The Confirmation |
Kyle Baird
💾 | The Confluence |
Olivia Montoya
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Consortium Compact |
| The Constanta Blockade |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| The Continental |
Jorge García de Vicuña
Ariadna Vidal
| The Continental - A Bid Goodnight |
| The Conversion |
Continuum (2022)
| The Corneliusz Kidnapping |
Gareth Hanrahan
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Corpse That Love Built |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| The Cost of Enlightenment |
| The Council |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Council of Fennas Drunin |
Brian Williams
Intercon XV (2000)
| The Court of Ferns |
Alexa Kirchner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| The Court of Hearts |
Oli Bird
Gaelcon (2003)
| The Courting of Fire |
Jobe Bittman
| The Cowboy Princess from Ghost Town |
KryptCon II (2019)
| The Crabsberg Island Incident |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Cradle |
Bridgett Jeffries
| The Cradle |
Greg Stafford
GothCon XXVII (2003)
| The Crashing Wave |
Dustin Knight
OrCCon (2021)
| The Crasta Demon |
AireCon 4 (2018)
| The Creeping Hunger |
Lorcan Daly
LepreCon XLI (2020)
💾 | The Creeping Mould (A Party Game) |
Hal Bowman
Mike Young
| The Creeping Night |
Alina Curzyńska-Gerus
Anna Furmanek-Czekajło
Mateusz Grygiel
Julia Karcz
| The Creeping Rot |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Crimson Eagles and the Icemen of Mars! |
Paul Anthony Shortt
Gaelcon (2009)
| The Crimson Eagles and the Invaders from Tomorrow! |
Paul Anthony Shortt
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Crimson Eagles and the Secrets of Thule |
Paul Anthony Shortt
Vaticon XV (2009)
| The Cross and the Rose |
Hilary Sklar
LepreCon XXI (2000)
| The Crown |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| The cry of a unicorn |
Christian Andreasen
GameDay by Aarhus Rollespilshygge! (2025)
| The Crystal |
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Crystal Ball |
Henning Jørgensen
Con Dôme (1997)
| The Cull |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Cult of the Masterrace |
ÄlvCon (2017)
| The Cult of the Sun Disk |
Charles Dunne
WarpCon XII (2002)
| The Cultist’s Kiss |
Sam Zeitlin
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Cultists |
Esteban Manchado Velazquez
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| The Curious Affair of Henrietta Blenkinsop: A Regency Romance |
Continuum (2022)
💾 | The Curse |
Lizzie Stark
Fastaval (2013)
| The Curse Darkages |
TRoA VI (1993)
| The Curse of Doom |
TRoA V (1992)
| The Curse of Fornost |
Morten Vestergaard Fisker
Chop Con (1996)
| The Curse of Frostwell |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The curse of Krügal Svylse |
Peter Wrede
ForumCon (2004)
| The Curse of Millhaven |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Curse of Ravenhold Castle |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Curse of Shenel |
Kent H. Trustrup
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| The Curse of the Bionic Killer |
Con Dôme (1995)
| The Curse of the God Learners |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Curse of the Whisperer |
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 | The Cursed City - First part of The Elemental War Saga |
Pontus Bylund
SnöKon (1995)
| The Cursed Village |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Cyphermage Dilemma |
💾 | Thé d’Menthe |
Johan Weisz
Kerstin Örtberg
GothCon XXXI (2007)
| The Dagobah Run |
Mike Ditlevsen
Heino Eisner
Nis Gaarde-Nissen
Lars Hess
Thomas Jakobsen
Fastaval (1998)
| The Dagon Club |
Niki Nicolas Grigoriou
Spiltræf (1990)
| The Dalsine Affair |
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Damaxuri Deception |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Dance and the Dawn |
Warren Tusk
Intercon G (2007)
| The Dance and the Dawn IV: Other People |
Warren Tusk
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The Dance In The Blood |
Ropecon (2018)
| The dancing Dragons |
Hans Rancke-Madsen
| The Dancing Queen in Yellow |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2011)
| The Dangerous Journey |
Lars Løth Christensen
Kenneth Mortensen
TRoA VIII (1994)
| The Dare |
ConTrO (2025)
| The Dare |
Emily Care Boss
Kenneth Hite
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Dark Below |
Nikolaj Olesen
VannaCon 7 (2016)
| The Dark Choice |
Lund 1922 (2022)
| The Dark Legacy |
Mikael Børresen
ChopCon (2021)
| The Dark Planet |
Dave Moore
Amazing Consequences (2007)
| The Dark Seed |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| The Dark side of the Moon |
Kristian Carlsson
SillyCon VIII (1999)
| The Dark Wood |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Darkness before the Dawn |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon III (2007)
| The Darkness Behind Enemy Lines |
Carsten Maegaard
André Glasius Tischer
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
| The Darkness beneath the Hill |
ÄlvCon (2019)
💾 | The Day Before Yesterday |
Kajsa Greger
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2013)
| The Day the Music Died |
Jim Ashby
Kath Banks
Jerry Elsmore
Heidi Kaye
Janet Young
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| The Day the Reindeer Died |
Mikkel Berget
Confekt IIa (1999)
| The Day We Came Home |
Nat Budin
Vito D'Agosta
Tegan Kehoe
Phoebe Roberts
Susan Weiner
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Dead |
TRoR IV (1992)
| The Dead Have Claws |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Dead Men There Are Waiting |
Continuum (2022)
| The Dead of Night |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Dead Wizards Tower |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Deadliest Prey |
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Deadly Designs of The Dungeon Master |
GuardianCON XVII (2019)
| The Death of Chivalry |
Christine Lamb
The Smoke (2022)
| The Death of Rivka |
Quinn D
Esa Sclafani
Susan Weiner
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Deathwatch |
Asger Krogh Kjær
ESFROAG (2012)
| The Decline and Fall of the Family Birthday |
Dan O'Hanlon
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
💾 | The Decline of Panopticritia |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Deep Dark |
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The deep forest |
Continuum (2022)
| The Deepmarket Deception |
| The Defence of Meridian |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Ray O'Mahony
Stephanie Power
Gaelcon (2010)
| The Delian Tomb |
ÄlvCon (2021)
| The Deliverance |
Clare Gardner
Martin Jones
Allison Mawhinney
Rich Perry
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| The Demon Is in the Detail |
Fergal O'Brien
Julie Streit Pilegaard
Blackbox Cph III (2013)
| The Demon-Zombie-Ghost Pirate Le Chuck is dead… |
Aidan Marsh
Alex Tang
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Department of Magical Items |
PoRtaL 9: Athens (2021)
💾 | The Depths of Hatred |
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
| The Derelict |
Mikael Børresen
Chop Con (2023)
| The Descent of Golmonders Temple |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| The Desecrated Monastery of Zhu Anu |
KryptCon III (2020)
| The Desecrated Tomb |
Jason Lee
Ropecon (2017)
| The Destiny of Dhoesone |
John Amos
Curious Consequences (2009)
| The Destiny of Riverloff |
Morten Vestergaard Fisker
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| The Devil and the Drum |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Devil Inside |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Devil we know (Part 1) |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Devil we know (Part 2) |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Devil we know (Part 3) |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Devil we know (Part 4) |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Devil Within |
Cecilie Damgaard Toft
Julie Toft
ESFROAG (2023)
| The Devil You Know |
Jaanusz Maxe
Nina Tunge-Kvamme
| The Devil's Karma |
EmillyBeth Savage
Intercon K (2011)
| The Devil’s Bible |
Gaelcon (2021)
| The Devil’s Cauldron |
Jo-Herman Haugholt
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| The Difficult Life of the Costumed Henchman |
Thorin Tabor
Intercon L (2012)
| The Difficult Life of the Costumed Henchmen |
Thorin Tabor
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Dig |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Dilithium War |
Tony Mitton
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Dinogenesis Job |
Sarah Judd
Nick Knapp
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The disappearances |
Jan Gramkow
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
| The Disappeared |
Jonathan H. Keith
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Disappearing Sensei |
Martin Rundkvist
💾 | The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie |
Mo Holkar
Grenselandet (2020)
| The Dishwashing Game |
Venn Wylde
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The Dispossessed |
Hannah Bechara
Dave McCabe
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
💾 | The Dispossessed |
Damien Kelly
Gaelcon (2001)
| The Divine Fleet |
July Pilowsky
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
💾 | The Divine Nature Of Heresy |
Colm Lundberg
💾 | The Dogs of Mars |
Ashley Perryman
TowerCon 98 (1998)
| The dogs of war |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| The Dohkah Accords |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Dolls Of The Fathers |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Domain of Quoth |
Ropecon (2017)
| The Domed Palace of Binider the Perceiver of the Peculia |
KryptCon VI (2022)
| The Dommerters |
Ulf Porup Thomasen
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
| The Doom that Came to Wessex |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Doom that Came with Sarnath |
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Doors to Heaven |
BeAcon V (2019)
| The Dragon Bound |
Gaelcon (2011)
| The Dragon Slayer |
Eoin Staunton
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| The Dragon Within |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Dragon's Demand |
| The Dragon's Wish |
James Maher
Gaelcon (2002)
| The Drakr Games |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Dread Crypt of Skogenby |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Dread Lords Talisman |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Dread Wyrm Egg Hunt |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Dreamers |
Laura Wood
The Smoke (2020)
| The Dreaming |
Kristoffer Lindh
Amelie Rother-Schirren
Martin Rother-Schirren
Prolog (2012)
| The Dreamlands Waltz |
Kristen Hendricks
Betsy Isaacson
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| The Dress I Wore |
Caroline Sjövall
Blackbox Cph (2024)
💾 | The Drinklings |
Mo Holkar
Anna-Karin Linder
A Week in Sweden (2018)
| The Droid Auction |
Sean Curran
John Hawley
Abrihette Yawa
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Drow Ball |
Amazing Consequences (2007)
| The Dungeon Occupiers Association |
Micheal Calnan
Shane Carr
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Dungeon of Doom! |
Mike Young
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Dungeon of the Scorpion Lord |
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| The Dungeons of Grayskull |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| The Dust Of Lost Civilisations |
Jim Lee
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
| The Dutchess of Enslo |
MaryAlyce Rensa
Intercon A (2001)
💾 | The dweller in the shadow |
Per Brodén
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| The Dying of the Light |
Nickey Barnard
Richard Evans
Ray Hodson
Alli Mawhinney
Tym Norris
Mike Snowden
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| The Dying Of The Light |
Eamon Honan
Gaelcon (1999)
| The East Hill Haunting |
Nicole Heits
OrCCon (2022)
| The Ebon Chalice of Dartmoor |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The Ebon Express |
Ger Norton
Barry Sheppard
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Eclectic Dance Mix Party |
Terilee Edwards-Hewitt
Intercon D (2004)
| The Eclipse Casino |
Vincent Rankila
Prolog (2018)
| The Elect |
Suzanne Schenewerk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
💾 | The Election of the Wine Queen |
Björn Butzen
Silvia Ochlast
Gerrit Reininghaus
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020)
| The Elevator |
Nick Huggins
K2 (2000)
| The Elmet Alliance |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Elven Entanglement |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Emerald Chorus |
Pablo Valcárcel Castro
Rosendo Chas Patier
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The End of Everything (part 1-3) |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The end of the end and the beginning of the beginning |
Ropecon (2018)
| The End of the Sabbat |
VatiCon X (2003)
| The End? |
David Miessler-Kubanek
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Endorphimore Document |
| The Enemy Without |
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1997)
| The Era of the Body Snatchers |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Escape from the Maze of Trials |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| The Escape: Part II |
Gaelcon (2021)
| The Esoterrorists - Bæstet i Boserup Skov |
ConTrO (2025)
| The Eternal Champion |
WettCon V (1989)
| The Evaluation Room |
Simon Svensson
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2016)
| The Evil That Dwarves Do |
Dave Murphy
VatiCon VII (2000)
| The Exalted |
Pelle Kofoed
Krikkit Con XVI (2010)
| The Exhumation |
Vor Frelsers Con (1992)
| The Exhumation II |
Sebastian Adlercreutz
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
| The Exorcism of Logan Spire |
James Lloyd Jones
| The Experiment |
Christian Meyer
RusCon 14 (2005)
| The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchhausen |
Mike Caprio
Tom Russell
Intercon XIV (1999)
| The Eye of the Champion |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| The Eyes of Seth |
Jesper Jensen
Claustrum Con II (1997)
| The Fabric of Reality |
Tom Phillips
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Face in the Mirror Is Not Your Own |
Garett Kopczynski
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
💾 | The Factory |
Björn Larsson
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
| The Faithful |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon II (2006)
💾 | The Fake Out |
Dakota Sky Bloom
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
💾 | The Fall Chapter 1 - The Truth |
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Fall Chapter 2 - Ship In A Bottle |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Fall Chapter 3 - Cat and Mouse |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Fall Chapter 4 - An Artificial Interlude |
Nick Huggins
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Fall Chapter 5 - Deep In The Trenches |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Fall of House Black |
Adam deCamp
Evan Schauer
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Fall of the House of Basset |
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| The Falling Horizon |
Kenneth Michel Jensen
Chop Con (1999)
💾 | The Fanatic Pentecost |
Christian Young Jacob Lee
Jacob Lee
Christian Young
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Fanciful March of Urwal |
Hilary Moon Murphy
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | The Fangover |
Baz Nugent
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Fantasy Trip - Mytologi enligt... |
UppCon '91 (1991)
| The Fantasy Trip (GothCon 2022) |
Einar Robillard
GothCon XLV (2022)
| The Fantasy Trip (UppCon 1990) |
UppCon '90 (1990)
| The Farce of Face |
Ben Morrow
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Fastest Gun in California |
Aonghus Collins
VatiCon XVI (2010)
| The Fate of Free Trader Gilgamesh |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The fear from above and within |
Kenneth Michel Jensen
| The Fence's Fortuitous Folly |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| The Ferry at the Edge of Forever |
Joonas Katko
Ville-Eemeli Miettinen
Aarne Saarinen
Solmukohta (2016)
| The Final Countdown |
Gert Andersen
Robert O. Jensen
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
| The Final Curtain |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Final Cut |
Liz Hayward
David Townsend
| The Final Day |
Meghan Hardiman
Eric Worthen
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Final Descent of John |
Rasmus Høgdall Mølgaard
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
| The Final Performance of Spiral Jetty: Blaze of Glory |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Final Voyage of Pentiatary Vessel #1564 |
John Bowler
VatiCon XVII (2011)
| The Final Voyage of the Mary Celeste |
Jim MacDougal
Intercon B (2002)
| The Firm |
Klaus Green Andersen
Caspar Gregers Jensen
Torben "spejderdreng" Jørgensen
Fastaval (1998)
💾 | The First Baptist Church’s Ladies Prayer Group Meeting, September 23rd, 1998 |
Merrilee Bufkin
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The First Cylon War: Articles of Colonisation |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The First Mandate |
| The First Necroscope Adventure |
Kim Kaurin
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
| The First Tradition |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| The Fists of the Emperor |
Morten Nygaard Andersen
Tyrfing Con - Fantasy Con (2018)
| The Fix |
Kristoffer Thurøe
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
| The Flashers Cloak |
Ola Rondahl
Spelkongress 91 - a Day at the Races (1991)
| The Flight of the Coyote |
Mik Reed
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Flight of The Shadowqueen |
Michael Fitzpatrick
Gaelcon (2007)
| The Flower Court |
J. Dragsky
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020)
| The flummbar |
CalCon XIII - Inkvisitionen (2007)
| The Flying Fortress |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Flying Saucer Working Party |
Dermot Canniffe
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Flying Scotsman |
Padraic Barrett
Dominicon XV (2009)
| The Folly of Fionn McCumhaill |
Laoise Kelly
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| The Folly of Love |
Continuum (2023)
| The Forbidden History |
| The Forest Ambush Cliché |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Forest of Obstruction |
ConDensed (2023)
| The Forest of Tamtonas |
Adam McConnaughey
Alex McConnaughey
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Forget-Me-Not Hotel |
Be-Con (2018)
| The Forgotten |
Andrew Medeiros
Intercon P (2016)
| The Forgotten Isle |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Forms must be obeyed |
Assi Flatto
Janet Pashley
Gaelcon (2009)
💾 | The Fortunate Ones |
Ron T. Blechner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Forty Days |
| The Foundation |
Andrew Coffey
Cian O'Sullivan
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Fountain of Souls |
Donal Fallon
Itzacon I (2005)
| The Four Horsebabes |
Christian Kjærgaard
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
| The Four Realms |
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Alison Joy Schafer
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| The Fourth Wall War |
Ronan McHugh
Gaelcon (2008)
| The Freak Farm |
Ola Rondahl
Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
| The Freak Show |
Anders Lars Schou Nielsen
Asger Stoustrup
Con Dôme (1994)
💾 | The Fringe Bounty |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
| The Frontline |
Kevin Blank
The Smoke (2020)
| The Frostfur Captives |
| The Frozen Scream |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The Fugitives |
Glen Moran
Gaelcon (2003)
| The Funeral Job |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Funhouse |
SydCon 9 (2000)
| The Futile Escape |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| The Future is Straight |
Tor Kjetil Edland
Anna Emilie Groth
Karete Jacobsen Meland
| The Future of Oz |
Alexx Kay
Charley Sumner
Mark Waks
Intercon XIV (1999)
💾 | The Future of Sports |
Josh Krehbiel
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Galactic Emperor Is Dead |
Jeannie C. Whited
Mike Young
Intercon I (2009)
| The Game |
Michael G. Schmidt
Fastaval (1993)
| The Game Show Against Humanity |
Andrea Shubert
Intercon M (2013)
💾 | The ganja maan from hell |
Christoffer Krämer
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
| The Gardens of Kepler-452b |
Mehitabel Glenhaber
Edwin Karat
Azalea Weisblat
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| The Gate |
Katherine Bryant
Caroline Murphy
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Gate Eyes in the Sky II |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
💾 | The Gates Are Open |
Chance J. Feldstein
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Gates of Constantinople |
Ashley Perryman
Gaelcon (2003)
| The Gateway |
| The Gathering |
Thomas Fiehn
Brian "Chap" Rasmussen
Henrik Tang Vestergaard
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
| The Gathering (UK) |
| The Gathering: a Star Wars LARP |
Megan Coppock
Summer Larpin' (2023)
💾 | The Gaze of the Beast |
Karin Ryding
Blackbox Cph (2021)
| The GBBBO: The Great Brindlewood Bay Bake-Off |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Geek Farm |
Ola Rondahl
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1996)
| The Gehenna Memo |
Malcolm Harbrow
Continuum (2023)
| The Gentleman's Club |
JP Chapleau
Gaelcon (2002)
| The Getting of Wisdom |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Ghost |
ARCON 36: Cyberpunk (2020)
| The Ghost and the Goose Girl: A Tale of Nochet, 1625. |
Continuum (2022)
| The Ghost Tower of Inverness |
KryptCon V (2021)
| The Ghostly Library |
VaesenCon (2023)
| The Ghosts of Alexandria |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Gift |
Michelle Haward
Feargal Keenan
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Gift of Unlife |
Kenneth Andersen
X-CON (1995)
| The Gilded Cage |
Ceire O’Donoghue
Graham Tormey
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Gilt Trip |
GothCon XLIII (2019)
| The Girl in the Hala Trees |
VaesenCon (2023)
💾 | The Girlfriends |
Elin Gissén
Rosalind Göthberg
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019)
| The Glass River Rescue |
| The Gleam of Fires, the Throb of Drums |
Con-Ducked (2023)
💾 | The Glimpse |
Karolina Soltys
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Gnomes |
Nick Whyte
Gaelcon (2016)
| The Gnomes of Millforth |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Goat-Man is Coming |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Goblin King |
Meg Hilko
Gaelcon (2002)
| The God In The Pit |
Padraic Barrett
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The God that Crawls |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2011)
💾 | the god that lives where the cigarette butts grow |
Zoe Bloom
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| The Gods Play Dice |
Jude Mapp
Gaelcon (2005)
| The Golden Gate |
Malik Hyltoft
Spillermøde (1985)
| The Golden Goose - An Adventure In Dalriada |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Golden Lily Affair |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Golden Serpent |
Jim Groves
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Golden Shrine |
Jhez Salin
Con Dôme (1996)
| The Golden Sword of Djengis Khan |
Per H. Jensen
Michael Vestergaard
Hong Con (1996)
| The Golden Valley |
Mike Young
Intercon P (2016)
| The Golemworks Incident |
Larry Wilhelm
LepreCon XL (2019)
💾 | The Good Samaritan |
Acata Felton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| The good, the bad and the santa |
Andreas Renström
Julkon (2001)
| The Goods of a Caravan |
Jake Shaughnessy
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| The Goods Themselves |
Thomas Gulstad
Skt. Georg Con (1993)
| The Gothenburg Horror |
Kenneth Hite
GothCon XXXV (2011)
| The Grale of Kodrak |
Pentacon V (1994)
| The Grand Old Flock |
Shawn Stokes
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The GrannySnathers |
Jan Roed
Chop Con (2002)
| The Grave of Magic |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Graveyard of the Robots |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Gray Center |
| The great afterparty |
Erlend Eidsem Hansen
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
Elin Nilsen
Grenselandet (2014)
| The Great Bourbon Heist |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Great Campaign |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Great Christmas Caper |
Max Møller
Bo Rusmann
💾 | The great cleanout |
Jonas Håkansson
SnöKon (2003)
| The Great Discovery |
Elizabeth Lui
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Great Duck Point Boat Race |
Continuum (2023)
| The Great Duskwall Bake Off |
Darren Roache
Itzacon XVI (2020)
💾 | The Great Escape |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2018)
| The Great Escape |
Nikolaj Olesen
VannaCon 8 (2018)
💾 | The Great Game |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2004)
| The Great Gift Giver |
Dragonmeet (2022)
💾 | The Great Hunt |
Niclas Ohlsson
Björn Persson
LinCon (2022)
| The Great Martian Tripod Race |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Great St Mary's Staff Meeting |
Ray Hodson
Otherworldly Consequences (2021)
| The Great Undertaking |
Anna J
AmberCon NI (2024)
| The Great War Upon Us |
Zoe Eddy
Michael Golosovker
Jake McCarthy
Chris Wilkins
Intercon M (2013)
💾 | The Greater Good |
JP Chapleau
Gaelcon (2003)
💾 | The Greater Good |
Fergal O'Brien
💾 | The Greater Trumps |
Ken Brown
Hugh Eckert
Dave Singer
Intercon F (2006)
| The Greatest Show on Earth |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Green Fairy |
Adrienne Gammons
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Intercon J (2010)
| The Green Knight |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Green Market |
Jim Groves
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Green Planet |
Anna Bradley
Intercon F (2006)
| The Grey roses of meadowhall |
Albert Petersen
Chop Con (2023)
| The Grey Zone |
Siri Sandquist
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016)
💾 | The greyhound bus |
Fredrik Engström
Carl Toftfelt
GothCon XXII (1998)
| The Group |
Katie Green
Michael Rau
| The Guards |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Half Alive Streets |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Half-Alive Streets |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Hammer of Thor |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| The Hammersmith Haunting |
VaesenCon (2023)
| The Hampstead Group |
Chris O’Regan
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Hand that Feeds |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| The Hand You're Dealt |
Elisabeth Cohen
Sarah Judd
Anthony Marqusee
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| The Hao Jin Cataclysm |
| The Hard Way |
| The harder they clone |
Spiltræf (1989)
| The Harker Intrusion |
Gareth Hanrahan
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Harvest Festival |
Marshall Bradshaw
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The harvest of death |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Hatching Time |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Haunted Hamlet |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Haunted Hotel |
Stephen Herron
Origins (2000)
| The Haunted House |
| The Haunted House |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Haunting |
Dreieichcon World (2021)
| The Haunting 2014 |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Haunting In Arkham |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory! |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Haunting of Gray Manor |
| The Haunting of Hell House on Haunted Hill |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Haunting of Hinojai |
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Haunting of Ypsilon 14 |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Head of Mimir |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2006)
| The Heartsfall |
Phil Doyle
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| The Heat Is On |
Mo Holkar
Nadine Oestreich
Grenselandet (2023)
| The Hei$t |
Johannes Søllingwraae Fjord
FE Con (2017)
| The Heist (Genselandet) |
Ruben de Boer
Grenselandet (2014)
| The Heist (MuCon) |
Danny Krog
MuCon - Muhlywood (2015)
| The Helgram Game |
Trish H
AmberCon NI (2024)
| The Hellknight Feast |
Gaelcon (2014)
💾 | The Hench Union |
Sam Dunnewold
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| The Hephaestus Rhizome |
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Heretic's Hall |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Hidden Foe |
Carsten Maegaard
André Glasius Tischer
Viking-Con 19 (2000)
| The Hidden Menace |
LinCon (2004)
| The Hidden Menace II |
Borås Spelkonvent 22 (2004)
| The Hidden Shrine |
Continuum (2022)
| The Hideous Games |
GothCon XLI (2017)
| The High Ground |
Bjarke Pedersen
Blackbox Cph (2021)
| The Highgate Club |
Philippa Dall
Steve Hatherley
Alan Paull
AJ Smith
Mark Steedman
Cathriona Tobin
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| The Highgate Vampire |
Morten Fredberg-Holm
Fastaval (2002)
| The Hills Larp Wild |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2001)
| The Hills That Hunger |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Hirelings |
Ole Peder Giæver
Håken Lid
Grenselandet (2013)
| The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: B Ark |
Andrew Twyman
Eric Wirtanen
Intercon XIV (1999)
| The Hive is Alive |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Hivemarket Heist |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Honeytrap 5 |
WettCon (2015)
💾 | The Hood |
Michael Bjurshagen
Robert Bjurshagen
FiKon 95 (1995) Spelparty 95! (1995)
| The Horga Dance |
Rosalind Göthberg
Eva Wei
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Horrible Secret Of Monhegan Island |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The Horror in the Dark |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Horrors of Cygnys Delta |
CalCon XXIII - Under havet (2017)
💾 | The Hospitality |
Tova Gerge
Ebba Petrén
Gabriel Widing
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2014)
| The Hounds Unleashed |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Hour of Blood |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| The House Jack Built |
Brian Madsen
Hope Con 2 (2009)
| The House of Becoming |
Ted Marr
Dan Parke
Jamey Patten
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Santo Sengupta
Intercon O (2015)
| The House of Black Fire |
Anita Murray
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The House of the Broken Tower |
Sean Jaffe
Intercon N (2014)
| The House of the Rising Sun |
Jared Hite
EmillyBeth Savage
Intercon L (2012)
| The House on the Hill |
Claustrum Con II (1997)
| The Hunt |
Tonni Frydendahl
FiskeCon (1993)
| The Hunt |
Rasmus René Cyril Nielsen
ESFROAG (2010)
| The Hunt for Gorgarosh |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Hunt for the Promethean Reach |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Hunt for the Rose Gang |
Anders Hertz
Calling All Heroes 9th Edition (1999)
| The Hunt for the Truth |
Gert Andersen
Thomas Mikkelsen
Chop Con (1999)
| The Hunting of the Lost Turn |
Lars Ræder Clausen
Bjarne Fich
Philip Marquard
Aurin Ræder
Fastaval (1990)
| The Hurricane |
Stefan Pedersen
| The Hydra Artist's Masterpiece: Mourning Acid Breath |
Kitty Stoholski
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The Hydra's Fang Incident |
Tim Hitchcock
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Hyperion Agenda |
Brendan Keogh
Tony Salveta
Gaelcon (2003)
💾 | The Hyssop Box |
Captain Jim Blood
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| The I in you |
Prolog (2011)
| The Icebound Outpost |
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Ides of Winter |
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 | The Iliad |
Hilary Sklar
K2 (2000)
| The Imitation Game |
Kevin Kreiner
Intercon P (2016)
| The Imitator |
René Deleuran
Jon F. Heibæk
Bent Hammerum Holm
TRoA IX (1994)
| The Immortal Country |
Heather M. Jones
Intercon C (2003)
| The Immortals Dream |
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Imperium Strikes Bac |
Dave Rooney
Itzacon V (2009)
💾 | The Importance of Being Convergent |
Matt Peairs
Xavid Pretzer
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Inbetween |
Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2016)
| The Incredible Iron Eagles & The Case of the Crystal Coffin |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Incredible Iron Eagles & the Curse of the Aztec Idol |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Incredible Iron Eagles Hoist the Jolly Roger! |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Infamy of Crete |
Warren Tusk
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| The Infernal Vault |
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Inheritance |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Inn at Five Points |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Inn of Three Rivers |
Ceire O’Donoghue
Gaelcon (2011)
| The Innsmouth Caper |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Inside |
Lee Foxworthy
The Smoke (2020)
| The International Convention for the Normalisation of Protocols and Legislation with Reference to Temporally Locomotive Technologies |
John Bowler
VatiCon XVI (2010)
| The International Malefaction and Knavery Expo 2011 |
Harry Cullen
Anthony O'Reilly
Conspiracy I (2011)
| The Interview |
René Wulff Nielsen
Vestsjællands-Con (2012)
💾 | The Intrepid Seven: A Space Colony Diary of a Septad |
Jacqueline Bryk
Evan Torner
Fastaval (2016)
| The Inversion of Me and My Room |
Tory Root
Intercon P (2016)
| The Iron bound Schism |
John Compton
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Iron Hand |
Magnus Nord
NärCon (2004)
| The iron orb of the Duergar |
Peter Åberg
| The Iron Titan |
ARCON 36: Cyberpunk (2020)
| The Island |
Cathriona Tobin
Itzacon III (2007)
| The Island of the Vibrant Dead |
Joseph Blomquist
ConDensed (2023)
| The Italian Job |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Ithorian Job |
Micheal Calnan
Warpcon XX (2010)
💾 | The Jarovit Anomaly |
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Jaw of Victory |
Abigail Estes
| The Jesters Fraud |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Job Opportunity |
Ryan A. T. Hart
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The Journal |
Seamus Butler
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Journey (The Smoke) |
Marcel Oerlemans
Jantine van den Bosch
The Smoke (2019)
| The journey of the light-bringers |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces |
ÅbyCon (2022)
| The Jurymen |
Grenselandet (2011)
| The K9 conspiracy |
Hans Josefson
GothCon XXIX (2005)
| The Kantaberri Tales |
Christian Jensen
Thomas Nowell
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| The Kastovian Affair - Operation Pitchfork |
| The Keepers of the Woods |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Key to Unlimited Power |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
💾 | The Kick Inside |
Kristoffer Lindh
Martin Rother-Schirren
Grenselandet (2012)
| The Killing of a Priest |
Karin Ryding
Grenselandet (2023)
| The King is Dead (ARCON) |
Mikael Tysvær
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| The King of Isin |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The King under the Forest |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The King's Council |
Tamasin Wohlers
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The King's Musketeers |
Tom Jewell
Yvonne Kaplan
Doug Kaufman
Sandy Petersen
Al Roireau
Lawrence Schick
| The King's Unplanned Vacation |
Sharon MacFarlane
Intercon D (2004)
| The Kingdom |
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The kitty debrief larp |
Simon James Pettitt
Knutpunkt (2018)
| The Koenig Dead |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| The Kouros Intercept |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Intercon O (2015)
| The Labyrinth of the Full Moon |
Peter Brichs
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| The Labyrinth of the Minotaur |
Nick Martucci
Intercon L (2012)
| The Lady in the Tower |
Eva Schiffer
Kathleen De Smet
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The Lady of the Mists |
Peter Åberg
| The Language of Plants |
Omi-peah Ryding
Roman Schramm
Blackbox Cph (2025)
| The Laraine Estate |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Larp Crush |
Agata Świstak
The Smoke (2019)
💾 | The Last 12 Hours |
Jules Waller
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| The Last Battlestar |
Graham Turner
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Last Bite |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Last Bullet |
Lars-Ulrik Eiset-Andersen
Nordcon (1995)
| The Last Carnivale |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Last Conclave |
Roger Gammans
Buster Jangles
Su Jolly
Traci Whitehead
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| The Last Day |
Robin Sutton
Marysia Walczak
| The Last Days |
Nick Huggins
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1996)
| The Last Days in Peking |
John Gathercole
Ian Goolding
Jason Gorringe
Vickie Gorringe
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Last Days of Outpost 241 |
Eóin Ó Dornáin
Alex O’Connor
Gaelcon (2010)
| The Last Dragon Egg |
| The Last Hour |
Mads Dehlholm Holst
Rasmus Teilmann
Blackbox Cph III (2013)
| The Last Hour of Sunlight |
Charlie Andersen
Blackbox Cph (2025)
| The Last Laugh |
Micheal Calnan
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| The Last Mole-run |
Rasmus Aggerholm
Hong Con (1996)
| The Last Moot |
Mikkel Brunberg
Blackbox Cph (2025)
| The Last Oasis |
Peter Åberg
| The last pieces |
SillyCon XII (2003)
💾 | The Last Prom |
Malik Hyltoft
Fastaval (1996)
| The Last Resort |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Last Seder |
Nat Budin
Vito D'Agosta
Joshua Sheena
Susan Weiner
Intercon H (2008)
| The Last Song |
| The Last Spin |
Ropecon (2023)
| The Last Sunset |
Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)
💾 | The Last Thing to Die |
Susanne Gräslund
Anders Hultman
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019)
| The Last Time (Not The Last Time) |
Andrea Humez
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Otherworldly Consequences (2021)
| The Last Tomb |
Padraic Barrett
VatiCon XVII (2011)
| The Last Tower |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Last Voyage of Finigan's Pride |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Last Voyage of the Santa Anna |
Graham Robinson
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| The Last Will and Testament of Dr. Ramsey St. John. |
Robert Fox
Frances McQuillan
Games Weekend (1991)
| The Last Word |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The League |
Sebastian Nemeth
Ida Mia Thylstrup
| The League |
Anders Østergaard
ESFROAG (2010)
| The League of Extraordinary Breakfast Cereals |
John Kammer
Intercon D (2004)
| The League of Not So Extraordinary Gentlemen |
Søren Rousing Pedersen
| The League of Senseless Superheroes |
Clint Ladd
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The Legend Of The Glas Gaivlen |
AireCon 6 (2020) UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Leonids |
Lily Benderskaya
Tory Root
Be-Con (2019)
💾 | The lesbian tangle |
Samuel Sjöberg
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
💾 | The Lesser Evil |
Fergal O'Brien
Gaelcon (2000)
💾 | The Lesser Players' Tale |
Jason Morningstar
Caroline Murphy
Lizzie Stark
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) Stoori (2023)
| The Leviathan's Eye |
Noah Jay-Bonn
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Library of Babel |
Dave McGowan
Conspiracy I (2011)
| The Library of the Lost |
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| The Lick |
Mai Isager
Heidi McGhee
RusCon 12 - Tema (2003)
| The Life and Death of Stars |
Clinton Ladd
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Life, Death, and Apotheosis of Bastard Jim |
Aleks Samoylov
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The light at the end of the tunnel |
Sune Tønning Sørensen
Krikkit Con MkIV - Elgen Resurrection (1998)
| The Lighthouse |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Lighthouse |
Henrik Olsen
ChopCon (2020)
| The Lighthouse |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2020)
| The Lightless Beacon |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Lights |
Laura Wood
The Smoke (2023)
| The Limhouse Lurker |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Line |
Jason Morningstar
Intercon Q (2017)
| The Linfarn Run |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
💾 | The Lion Sleeps Tonight |
JP Chapleau
Gaelcon (2000)
| The Lists of Avalon |
Nickey Barnard
Helen Jones
Martin Jones
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
💾 | The Little People |
Brian Nisbet
Dominicon VI (2001)
| The Littlest Village |
Antonio Amato
Margherita Di Cicco
Chiara Locatelli
Lapo Luchini
Alessio Rossi
The Smoke (2022)
💾 | The Liverpool Horror |
Johan Brännmark
SydCon '93 (1993)
| The Living Newspaper |
Grenselandet (2012)
| The local color of... |
Troels Rohde Hansen
DrageCon 5 (2007)
| The Locked Room Mystery |
Liz Cable
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
| The Lodge |
Tim Seiler
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
| The Lofty Beacons |
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
💾 | The Log of the Iceship; Narwhal |
Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The London Book of the Dead |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Long Con |
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| The Long Drive Back from Busan |
Clio Yun-su Davis
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017) Be-Con (2019)
| The Long Game |
Nick Huggins
LepreCon XXII (2001)
| The Long Night |
Continuum (2023)
| The Long Night is Over |
Brian Caball
Warpcon XVI (2006)
| The Long Orbit |
Rachel E.S. Walton
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
💾 | The Long Rest |
Dan O'Hanlon
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Long, Cold Night |
Beth Kelly
Alex Newman
Intercon A (2001)
| The Longhorn Job |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Lord of the Rings |
GothCon XXI (1997)
| The Loss |
Patryk Stryjewsk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
💾 | The Lost Giant |
Gareth Hanrahan
| The Lost Hound of Baskerville Manor |
ConDensed (2023)
| The lost kaer of Darival |
Jesper Lycke Petersen
Con Dôme (1994)
💾 | The Lost Laboratory |
Oscar Söderström
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
| The Lost Labs of Oxar |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Lost Mine of Phandelver |
Continuum (2023)
| The Lost Pah-I-Wahn Trade Route |
Carsten Thorngaard Christensen
Con Dôme (1998)
| The Lost Tome of Garis Drax |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Lost Treasure of Eden |
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The Lost Voyage |
Kieran Turley
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Lottery |
Marc Robertson
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Love Craft |
Mike Young
Intercon P (2016)
| The Lovers’ Matchmaking Agency |
Aarni Korpela
Jamie MacDonald
The Smoke (2018)
| The Lower Decks |
Sophie Monahan
Intercon P (2016)
| The Lunch Society |
Jae Hartwin
Nomi "Ovi" Siegelman
Intercon E (2005)
| The M.I.R.S. 2 |
Silas Larsen
VannaCon 7 (2016)
| The Mad King of the Forest |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| The Madhouse Meet |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Madrian Secret |
Quinn D
Kathleen De Smet
Intercon I (2009)
| The Magic Labyrinth |
Chris Kristensen
Emil Damgaard Sørensen
ESFROAG (2021)
| The Magician |
Carsten Friis
Con Dôme (1997)
| The Magnificent Chassis |
Bryan Devane
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| The Main Behind the Curtain |
JP Corkery
WarpCon XI (2001)
| The Making of an Exorcist |
Kasper Torp Christensen
Ba-Con (2013)
💾 | The Making of Titanic II |
Sanne Harder
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
| The Maldivian vegetable anomaly |
WettCon (2015)
| The Malevolent Mage |
GuardianCON XVII (2019)
| The Maltese Dragon |
Anandi Gandolfi
Andy Kirschbaum
Michael Oldziej
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Man From A.M.B.E.R – The Missing Unicorn Affair |
Jason P
AmberCon NI (2024)
| The Man from Utopia |
UppCon '94 (1994)
| The Man In Black |
AJ Smith
Brian Williams
Intercon A (2001)
| The Man in the Long Black Coat |
Kat Jones
Intercon L (2012)
| The Marauders of Wheppersnade Cove |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Markov Solution |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Intercon R (2018)
| The Mask of the Baboon Lich |
KryptCon VII (2022)
| The Mask of Vern |
Dave Roe
Gaelcon (1992)
| The Masked Return |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Masks Project - Egypt |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Masquarade |
CalCon '95 (1995)
| The Masquarade (1996) |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| The Masquarade (LinCon 1997) |
LinCon (1997)
| The Masquerade |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| The Masquerade Job |
Scratchpad Publishing
ESFROAG (2018)
| The Maw |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Mean Streets of Ilim |
James Lloyd Jones
| The Meat-Spoiler |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Mecha Hack (Grottröj #27) |
Grottröj #27 (2019)
| The Medallion of Sheeryl Soulsearcher |
Michael Spangaard
FiskeCon (1993)
| The Meeting Point |
Laura Wood
The Smoke (2019)
| The Memory Chronicles - Devil’s Due |
Paul Anthony Shortt
Gaelcon (2012)
| The Men of Mars |
Will Wagner
Intercon P (2016)
| The Menace of Venice |
Esther vR
| The Merchant |
Esteban Manchado Velazquez
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| The Merchants Wake |
Gaelcon (2014)
💾 | The Message |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2018)
| The Messengers |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 | The Mexican Connection: Duell i ingen mans land |
Magnus Seter
LinCon (1999)
💾 | The Mexican Connection: Dödens Land |
Magnus Seter
GothCon XXIII (1999)
💾 | The Mexican Connection: Flykten från Rio Pasa |
Magnus Seter
SydCon 8 (1999)
💾 | The Mexican Connection: I hämndens timma |
Magnus Seter
Borås Spelkonvent 16 (1998)
| The Mexican Connection: Prologen |
Magnus Seter
| The Midlands Hillclimb |
Sofus Bach
Vintersol (2010)
| The Midnight Circus |
Maryia Karachun
Zhenja Karachun
Volha Rudak
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Grenselandet (2016)
| The Midnight Train |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The mightiest of Mankind's creations |
Kåre Torndahl Kjær
ConFusion (2002)
| the minimalist larp |
Intercon 12.5 (1997)
| The Minoan Affair |
Magnus Bergqvist
GuardianCON XIX (2021)
| The Mirror Nightmare |
Jack Carey
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| The miserable have no other medicine, but only Hope |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Missing Bride |
VaesenCon (2023)
| The Missing Men. A Modern day Call of Cthulhu Adventure. |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Mission Impossible |
Lars "AS" Pedersen
TRoA 2000 (2000)
| The mission into the Dark Reality |
Lars Løth Christensen
TRoA VIII (1994)
| The Mist Sower |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Mists of Mwangi |
Gaelcon (2012)
| The misty spear |
CalCon XV - Konspirationen (2009)
| The Monica Lewinsky Effect |
Ivan Pranovitch
Tatsiana Smaliak
Grenselandet (2018)
| The Monitor Celestra |
| The Monolith from Beyond Space and Time |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2011)
💾 | The Monster Is Cancer |
Andreas Markehed
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Monster Mosaic |
Ellen Rimstad
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| The Monster of Main Pass |
| The Monster's Ball |
Will Wagner
Intercon M (2013)
| The Moon Bull |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Moonchase Affair |
Ropecon (2017)
| The More things Change... |
OrCCon (2021)
| The More You Die, the More You Learn |
Andreas Ravn Skovse
Anders Kjær Sloth
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
| The Motherland |
Peter N. Hansen
| The Mountain of Death |
Joan Ladekjær Ingwersen
UdkantsCon 3 (2020)
| The Mountains of Myth |
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon I (2005)
| The Mummer's Mask |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Murder of Mr. Crow |
Rickard Elimää
Borås Spelkonvent 38 (2021)
| The Murder of the Brothers |
Joakim Lundahl
APCon (2024)
| The Mushroom Wizard |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Music of the night |
Thomas Hugger
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
💾 | The Mustang Sallys |
Martin Annander
| The Mysterious Affair at Bamphlyde Manor |
Ian Hollingsworth
Gaelcon (2006)
| The mysterious Death of Dr. William Jackson Crawford |
Colin Dunlop
BeAcon III (2017)
| The Mysterious Death of John Jack O’Neill. |
Colin Dunlop
BeAcon IV (2018)
| The Mysterious Isle |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Mysterious Mysteries of Mysterion Manor |
Colm Ryan
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| The Mystery of Thornwell Manor |
Sigurd Gaut
Hexcon (2019)
| The Mystery of Windy Gap |
Terry Belles
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Mystery on the Fable Express |
Knutepunkt (2025)
| The N.D.U (Neighbourhood Defence Unit) |
AireCon 8 (2023)
💾 | The Naked Truth |
Arttu Hanska
Joonas Katko
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| The Nature Of Evil |
Oscar Timony Nolan
Tony Salveta
Gaelcon (2001)
| The Nature of the Beast |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon II (2006)
| The Nazi death apes of Venus |
Graham Tormey
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Nazi Smurfs from Hell |
Lasse Engsted
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
| The Necropolis |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Nedville Files |
Jesper Christensen
Mystifisticon II (1998)
| The Nephilim (DrageCon 3) |
Rose Borg
DrageCon 3 (2006)
| The Neptune Ball |
Jeremy Cole
Acata Felton
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Neverending Lortescenarie |
Tina Manstrup Kruse
DrageCon 15 (2011)
| The Neverending Story |
TRoA VI (1993)
| The Neverland Conclave |
Emmett Hartwin
Jae Hartwin
Intercon P (2016)
| The New Boys Gang |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The New Generation |
TRoA-Con 92, intern (1992)
| The new king's clothes |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Next Target |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The Nexus Realm |
| The Night Before Agincourt |
Ben Harvey
Ray Hodson
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| The Night Is Still Young |
Ida Foss
Stine Mari Haugen
Magnar Grønvik Müller
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Night Land |
ARCON 36: Cyberpunk (2020)
| The Night Mother's Moon |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Night of Terror |
Jan Skrubbeltrang
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| The Night Of The Bloodhanded Neptune |
Jeppe Buchreitz
UnConventional (1994)
| The Night that Queen Princess Fluffykins Passed |
Chris Amherst
Jenny Diewald
Joshua Kronengold
Alon Levy
Melanie Saunders
Gaylord Tang
NELCO (2013)
| The Nightbus |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Nightmare Before St. Patrick's Day |
Mike Young
Intercon F (2006)
| The Nightmare Switch |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Nights of Davin Eade |
Kevin Naughton
Leprecon XXIV (2003)
| The Nine Dragon Rivers |
KryptCon III (2020)
💾 | The Ninja Mission Conundrum |
Jens Wistbacka
Kattcon, Ninjor (2013)
💾 | The No-Fly List |
Jacqueline Bryk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Nonary Game |
Vivian Abraham
Intercon L (2012)
| The Northcott Gala |
| The Not-So-Phantom Menace |
Andreas Fjord Larsen
| The Null Node |
Simon Deveau
Intercon M (2013)
| The Old Carker Estate |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Old Dwarf Mines |
ConDensed (2023)
| The Old Ones are coming |
Anita Murray
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Old Witcher: Ballad Of The Wild Wolf |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Old World |
Søren Suhr Hansen
Chop Con (1997)
| The Oldenhaller Contract |
AireCon 4 (2018)
| The Omega Delivery |
Tony Mitton
AJ Smith
Intercon M (2013)
| The Omega Expedition |
Brian Williams
Intercon Q (2017)
💾 | The Once & Future King |
Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| The Once and Future Court |
Dani Higgins
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| The Once Great Oz |
Anna Ahern
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| The One Ring (MidgardCon VI) |
Frank Rafaelsen
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| The One Ring (MidgardCon VII) |
Frank Rafaelsen
MidgardCon VII (2023)
| The One that Got Away |
Jamie MacDonald
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2013)
| The One True King |
Meg Hilko
Eamon Honan
WarpCon XI (2001)
| The One Who Watches from Below |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| The Opened Barrow |
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| The Oracle of Amun |
Katherine Journeay
Intercon M (2013)
| The Orange Feeling |
Susanne Leah Goldschmidt
Jannick Vangkilde
Morten Warrer-Madsen
Blackbox Cph (2022) Blackbox Cph (2022)
| The Orc Stronghold |
Jacob Klünder
TRoA X (1995)
| The Original 1903 LARP — "An Evening With Clarence" |
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Intercon C (2003)
| The Other |
Peter Hentzen
Jesper Schnipper
Viking-Con 31 (2012)
| The Other Dream |
Ian Power
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Other Life Project |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Peter Munthe-Kaas
Blackbox Cph V (2015)
| The Other Nightmare |
Ian Power
Warpcon XXIV (2014)
| The Other Other* All-Batman Game |
Jennifer Kelley
Philip Kelley
Valerie Kelley
Intercon G (2007)
| The Other Place |
Banana Chan
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| The Other Realms |
Vanessa Phillips
Ian Power
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Other Side of the Glass |
Lily Benderskaya
Tory Root
Intercon N (2014)
| The Other Victims |
Ian Power
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Other Way |
Ian Power
LepreCon XLI (2022)
💾 | The Other, Other, Other All Batman Game |
Mike Young
| The Outpost |
Gary Tierney
ConDensed (2023)
| The Painted Veil |
Mike Brennan
Itzacon V (2009)
| The Pale Anathema |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Pallid Plague |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Pantheon Protocol |
Kara Hurvitz
Colin Sandel
Intercon M (2013)
| The Paper Trail |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Paranoia Preachers |
Mike Ditlevsen
Fastaval (1998)
| The Parents |
Sanne Harder
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2022)
| The Parkham Horror |
GuardianCON XVII (2019)
| The Party |
Johan Dahlberg
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021)
| The Party at The Moontan |
George Kingston
BeAcon IV (2018)
| The Passage |
Tom Russell
Intercon M (2013)
| The Patchwork Citadel |
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| The Pathfinder Trials |
Sean McGowan
Ropecon (2023)
| The Paths We Choose |
| The Pawn King |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon III (2007)
| The Payload |
Troels Rohde Hansen
cOnline 2021 (2021)
| The Pearl of Kings |
Gaute Juveth
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
💾 | The Pentex-Cola factory |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| The Penumbral Accords |
Owen K.C. Stephens
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
💾 | The People Vs The Almighty |
Jack Gallagher
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2003)
💾 | The Perfect Dungeon |
Ken Davidson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Perfect Family |
Nell (Nellufy#2464)
VaesenCon (2023)
| The Perfect Human |
Juhana Pettersson
Jaakko Stenros
Immersion LARP Festival (2024)
| The Perfect Organism |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Perry Stringer Show! |
Jamie Picon
Intercon K (2011)
| The Perseids |
Marilin Eessalu
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2020)
| The Phaedra-Gen Hack |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Phantom of the Palais Garnier |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Phoenix Pact |
Jesper Wøldiche
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| The Phoney Express |
Continuum (2022)
| The Piggy Bank Heist |
Charlie O’Neill
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Pill |
Frederik Berg
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
| The Pin Cushion |
Glenn Dunne
Gaelcon (2005)
| The Pirate Blues |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| The Pirate Crown |
| The Pirate formerly known as Prince |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Pirate's Dilemma |
PoRtaL 9: Athens (2021)
| The Pit |
Alex Uth
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Fastaval (1990)
| The Pit of Blood |
Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| The Pitch |
Nat Budin
Vik Fuzaylova
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Planetary Auction |
Síofra Ní Lochlainn
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| The Play's The Thing |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Play's the Thing |
Tom Russell
Intercon A (2001)
| The Pleasure Machine |
Johan Dahlberg
Sofia Stenler
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
💾 | The Plot Doctors |
Rónán Comaskey
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| The Porch |
Jacqueline Bryk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Port Peril Pub Crawl (Pathfinder Quest #4) |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| The Portal Under the Stars |
Conpulsion (2023)
💾 | The Posthuman's Progress |
Evan Torner
Fastaval (2013)
| The Potato Is Just An Illusion |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Power of Freedom |
Nick Huggins
Joseph Murphy
Gaelcon (1994)
| The Power of the People |
Philip Gilsenan
Gaelcon (2001)
| The Power Struggle at Christmas Time |
Christoffer Brun Jensen
Jul på Heden (2016)
| The Prague Affair |
Feargal Keenan
LepreCon XL (2019)
| The preachers corner |
Morten Øgendahl
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Presidential Election of Freedonia |
John Kammer
Intercon K (2011)
| The Price of Beauty |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Price of Failure: A Tale Of Raalveln |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The Price of Fish |
Continuum (2022)
| The Price of Honor |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Price We Pay |
Kenneth Michel Jensen
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
| The Pride of the Deep |
Cathriona Tobin
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Prime Directive |
Rei Hampden-Turner
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| The Prime Directive |
Morten Lund
Krikkit Con mk II (1996)
| The Primogen Council |
Matko Radić
The Smoke (2023)
| The Primrose Monarch |
Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XII (2002)
| The Prince Comes of Age |
Bernie Gabin
Matt Kamm
Jonathan Kindness
Intercon L (2012)
| The Prince of Augustana |
Craig Shackleton
| The Prince's Diamond Jubilee |
Dean Edgell
Intercon C (2003)
| The Princess Bribe |
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2006)
| The Princess of Norland |
Katie Giacomini
Intercon K (2011)
💾 | The Principle Dilemma |
Wayne O'Connor
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Prison |
Aleksandra Danilenko
Mariya Grubaya
Sergey Kolesnikov
Intercon N (2014)
| The Pro Wrestling Entertainment Circuit Spring Super Slam!!! |
Padraig O’Rúis
| The Problem with Pluto |
Diana Hsu
Intercon M (2013)
| The Prom |
| The Promise of Sleep |
Jason Cox
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Prophecy |
| The Prophecy of the Starry Skies |
Zeb Dezern
Zach Greer Hauptman
Isabel Malonzo
Li-Chi Young
Intercon O (2015)
| The Protocol |
Crystal Wartmann
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Pull |
Alexandros Alexiou
The Smoke (2023)
| The Pushcart War |
Don Ross
Tom Russell
Intercon F (2006)
| The Quality of Mercy |
Jenny Andersson
Alex Helm
Carl Williams
Rich Wood
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
💾 | The Quare Long Hand |
Baz Nugent
ConFESS (2007)
| The Queen's Got Your Number |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Quest for El Dorito |
Graham Harper
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Curious Consequences (2009)
| The quest for knowledge |
CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
| The Quest for Perfection—Part I: The Edge of Heaven |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| The Quest for Spling! |
Mario Costello
Anita Murray
Yolande O'Brien
Itzacon I (2005)
💾 | The Quest for the Blue Rose |
Noirin Curran
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Quest for the Missing Pokénomicon |
Niels Aske Sauer
VannaCon 9 (2019)
| The Quest for the Sceptre |
VatiCon X (2003)
| The Quest for UP! |
Charles Dunne
Anita Murray
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The Quest for Winter |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Quest of Sir Andrew Featherstone to the Mysterious and Blasphemed Lands of the Ethereal Sea |
Damien McGurrell
ConFESS (2008)
| The quiet game |
Costanza Chelidonio
Matteo Davolio
Michele Dore
Maria Guarneri
Simone Paci
Samuele Vitale
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| The Quiet Life |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon V (2009)
| The Quota: Border Crossing |
Charlie Ashby
Simon Brind
Helly Dabill
Martine Svanevik
Rob Williams
The Smoke (2018)
| The Radishah must die! |
Janet Trautvetter
ForumCon (2004)
| The Rat King Cometh |
Atlas Sellman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
💾 | The Rats In The Walls |
Wayne O'Connor
💾 | The Raven Incident |
Ciarán O'Brien
Warpcon XX (2010)
| The Ravenous |
Meg Hilko
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
| The Ravens Well |
VatiCon XVII (2011)
💾 | The Reach |
Chloe Mashiter
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Real Ghost Hunters of Sandusky Township |
Elizabeth Stong
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| The Reality Tango |
Janet Brennan
Don Walsh
Intercon D (2004)
| The Rebels Ransom |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Receiving End |
Ruaidhri Mulveen
Itzacon II (2006)
| The Recovering |
Thomas Buxbom
Robert O. Jensen
Chop Con (1998)
| The Red Prisoner's Song |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Red Sun Trilogy |
Mike Caprio
Intercon XV (2000)
| The Red Tower |
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
ESFROAG (2018)
| The Redmond Barrens |
Ulf Porup Thomasen
RusCon 23 (2015)
💾 | The Regency Committee on Decorum and Punchbowl Poop Prevention |
Tasha Robinson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| The Relics of Ito-Jo Castle |
Kattcon, Ninjor (2013)
| The Replacement |
Karolina Soltys
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021)
| The Rescue |
Nis Haller Baggesen
UnConventional (1995)
| The Rescue |
Tonni Frydendahl
FiskeCon (1993)
| The Rescue of Ethlinn |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The rescue of the Duchess |
Øivind Johannessen
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| The Rescue of Thomas Riker |
Gareth Kavanagh
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Residents |
Suzanne Schenewerk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The Restless Dead |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Restoration of Righteousness |
Carsten Maegaard
André Glasius Tischer
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| The Resurrectionists: For The Greater Good |
Continuum (2022)
| The Retreat |
Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo
Jofrid Regitzesdatter
Blackbox Cph (2024)
💾 | The Return of Blacula |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2008)
| The Return of Exar Kun |
Kent Hytten
B-Con (1998)
| The Return of JED-I |
GothCon XIX (1995)
| The Return of Seth |
TRoR IV (1992)
| The return of the Middle East II |
Con-Traventum Mengit (1995)
| The Return to Gray |
Tegan Kehoe
Intercon O (2015)
| The revenge |
Kenneth Michel Jensen
Chop Con (1998)
| The Revenge of Akoda Ozaki |
Padraic Barrett
Dominicon XIV (2008)
| The Revenge of Doctor Apocalypse |
Síofra Ní Lochlainn
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| The Ricky Late show |
GothCon XXI (1997)
| The Riddle & the Artifact |
Michael G. Schmidt
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Riddle of Gromril |
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| The Riddle of the Lost Robot |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Rider on the Pale Horse |
Ekaterina "ekate" Kuznetsova
Sophie Monahan
Kevin Riggle
Intercon L (2012)
| The Ring of Nuitari |
Peter Dalsgaard
Chop Con (1996)
| The Ripper |
Nicholas Demidoff
DRF-Con (1992)
| The Rise of the Bolward |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Risen Stones |
Oli Bird
Gaelcon (2001)
| The Rite of Spring |
Tayler Stokes
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Ritual |
LinCon (2025)
| The Ritual or the road to power |
Jørn Hjortshøj
Morten Zinck
| The Road Ahead |
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
ESFROAG (2017)
💾 | The Road By The Sea |
Gareth Hanrahan
Dominicon V (2000)
| The Road Kings |
AireCon 5 (2019)
💾 | The Road Not Taken |
Aaron Vanek
Mike Young
Intercon I (2009)
💾 | The Road to Babel |
Benjamin S. Jørgensen
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
| The Road to Daggerford |
| The Road to Daggerfort 2 |
| The Road To New Augusta |
Daniel Adams
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Robinsons |
Bjørn Porup Thomasen
Hyggecon - Vive la Résistance (2004)
| The Robinsons 2 |
Bjørn Porup Thomasen
Hyggecon (2005)
| The Rock Awakens |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| The Rock of Ages |
Gaelcon (2007)
💾 | The Room in which Lombardi Died |
Lauri Lukka
| The Room Where It Happens |
Elisabeth Cohen
Michael Von Korff
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
💾 | The Root Of All Evil |
Colm Lundberg
| The Rose Street Revenge |
BeAcon IV (2018)
| The Roswell Incident |
Steve Hatherley
Retford Moot B (2023)
| The Round & The Furry |
Jim MacDougal
Kelly Diane MacDougal
Intercon XIII (1998)
| The Roving Wheel |
OrCCon (2021)
| The RSC |
Ylva Otting
The Smoke (2020)
| The Ruins of Athiss |
Continuum (2023)
| The Ruins of St Clwyd’s |
Dragonmeet (2022)
💾 | The Runaway Train |
Magnus Bergqvist
💾 | The Running Men |
Hans Persson
WettCon IV (1988)
| The S.H.A.D.E. |
Cathy Raymond
Intercon D (2004)
💾 | The Salem Witch Trials |
Aidan Walsh
| The salvage |
KryptCon I (2019)
💾 | The Sandman |
Kjeld Johansen
Con Dôme (1998)
| The Sandstone Secret |
BeAcon V (2019)
| The Sandstone Secret (Pathfinder Quest #1) |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| The Sanos Abduction |
Jerome Virnich
Gaelcon (2015)
| The Saturnalia Objective |
Shane O'hUid
Sillicon 5 (2003)
| The Saviors of Gashiri |
Julie Egerton Bisgaard
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
💾 | The Scairytale |
Christian Johansson
Borås Spelkonvent 9: Temperantia Perfectum (1991)
| The Scar on the Earth |
Wayne O'Connor
ConFESS (2007)
| The Scarab Club |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Scarabs wings |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Scarred Land |
Chris Dragga
Kate Hill
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Scatladh Stones |
Tony O'Hare
Itzacon IV (2008)
| The Scavenger Hunt |
Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| The Scent of Blood |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The School for Young Women Specializing in the Arts of Grace and Maidenly Submission |
Don Ross
Kreg Segall
Eric Wirtanen
Intercon C (2003)
| The School of the Force |
| The Schooling of Tomomi, Issue One: New Girl In Class |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Schooling of Tomomi: New Girl In Class |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Science Factor |
John Richard Karlsson Flagga
Malene Steen Nielsen Flagga
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
| The Scorpion in the Desert |
Continuum (2022)
| The Scorpion's tale |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| The Scourge Encounter |
Thomas Hansen (II)
Larisa Allen
John Cooke
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Screams of the Children |
Christine Vean
| The Script |
Michael Such
The Smoke (2019)
| The Scrying Game |
Noah Abrahams
Intercon E (2005)
| The Sea of Lost Ships |
Roderick Easton
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| The Sea of Wishes |
Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Jorid Jønland
Elena Rabkina
Grenselandet (2016)
| The Seagull |
Jukka Oksanen
Stoori (2023)
| The search for missing spies |
The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
| The search for the fountain of eternal life |
Martin Andersen
TRoA Con - Trolddom og Hekseri (2005)
| The search for The Holy Mail - Bring out your clones |
GothCon XVIII (1994)
| The Second Confirmation |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Secret Garden |
Lila Clairens
Carolina Renman
Grenselandet (2013)
💾 | The Secret Lives of Junk(kin) Drawers, Or, Why Marie Kondo Does(n't) Spork Joy |
Edmond Y. Chang
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| The Secret of Ronan Skerry |
Michael Davis
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Secret of Sumuvuori |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Secret of the Ancients |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Secret of Thyroma |
Søren Parbæk
Spiltræf (1991)
| The Secret of Vinsen's Tomb |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Secret Scrolls of Fu Shan |
Hong Con (1998)
| The secrets we keep |
| The Seed of Darkness |
Jose Manuel Caballero
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| The Seekers |
Herman Langland
The Smoke (2023)
| The Septor of Mordian |
Dennis Grøn
Pentacon (1993)
| The Serpent's Spiral |
Bess Libby-Shannon
Albert Lin
Chris Shannon
Intercon L (2012) Intercon M (2013)
| The Serpents Gambit |
Micky Jensen
Con Dôme (1999)
| The Serpents Gambit, del 1 |
Micky Jensen
Martin Oddershede
Chop Con (1997)
| The Serpents Gambit, del 2 |
Micky Jensen
Martin Oddershede
Chop Con (1997)
| The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Seventh Seal: The Movie: The Opera: The LARP |
Matt Weber
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The Shab-al-Hiri Roach (CrossCon 2010) |
CrossCon VII (2010)
💾 | The Shadow in the darkness |
Per Brodén
DalCon 2 - En sommarnatts dröm (1993)
| The Shadow in the West |
Tyrfing Con - SciFi Con (2018)
| The Shadow of Angor'An |
Jens Beckstrøm
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| The Shadow of Cycolpsis |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The shadow of disease |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Shadows Over Long Harbour |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Shambler Between Worlds |
💾 | The Sharing |
Matthew Kamm
Julia Pilowsky
| The Shattered Skyscrapers |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| The Shield of the Stormcircle |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Shift that Never Ends |
Peter Hagmann
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| The shifting sands of fate |
DalCon - MCMXCV - A midsummernight´s dream (1995)
| The Shifting Wind |
Peter Futtrup
Con Dôme (1995)
| The shimmering sea |
Øyvind Hofstad
MidgardCon VII (2023)
| The Shiniest Bull in Eire - A Traditional Celtic Adventure |
Andrew Barcoe
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Shiretown Shindig |
| The Shoal |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2003)
| The Shooting Party |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Shores of Heaven |
| The Show Must Go On |
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| The Shriek and the Spookiest |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Sick Bed of Cúchulainn |
Adam Bindslev
| The Sickness |
Pálína Ýr Þórsdóttir
ESFROAG (2022)
| The Siege of Antioch |
Dave Hayes (I)
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| The Siege of Daggervale |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Siege of Northguard |
Jack Carey
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| The Siege Of Praag |
Gar Galligan
WarpCon XI (2001)
| The Silver Mount Collection |
Crystal Frasier
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Silverhex Chronicles |
| The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh |
Continuum (2022)
| The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (part 2) |
Continuum (2022)
| The Sinister Sutures of the Seamstress |
Continuum (2022)
| The Siren |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Sirius Breach |
Xander Cosgrave
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Skeletons - Hiljaisuuden ikuiset vartijat |
Ropecon (2023)
| The Sky Blind Spire |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Sky of Our Desire |
Susan Putnins
Blackbox Cph (2024)
| The Slave Pits of Scarrow |
Continuum (2023)
| The Slavic Hangover |
Matthew Birchowsky
Feliks Przybyła
Grenselandet (2023)
| The Sleeper Awakens |
Marcus Wilmont
Con Dôme (1999)
| The Sleeping Goddess |
Gaelcon (2024)
| The Sleepover |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Kat Jones
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Smallest Things |
Emmett Hartwin
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| The Solar Sortie |
Ropecon (2018)
| The Solstice Scar |
| The Song |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
| The Sons of Antaeus |
Padraic Barrett
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| The Soul Is A Bell |
Sean Leaney
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Soul Sepulchre |
Ropecon (2017)
| The Sound of Drums |
Lily Benderskaya
Tory Root
Intercon J (2010)
| The Sound of Silence |
Maury Elizabeth Brown
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Sound of Silence |
Nina Hoel
ESFROAG (2022)
💾 | The South Will Rise Again |
Prolog (2014)
| The Space Between |
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 | The Space Between Us |
Wibora Wildfeuer
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Spanish Inquisition |
Niels Just Rasmussen
ForumCon (2004)
💾 | The Spider Invasion |
Magnus Bergqvist
| The Spirits of Guillotine |
Christian C. Kierans
Blackbox Cph (2024)
| The Squared Circle |
Jenny Diewald
Moira Parham
Denis Roma
Intercon Gazebo (2003)
| The St Mary's Staff Meeting |
Ray Hodson
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| The Stand |
Phoebe Roberts
Intercon K (2011)
| The Star-Crossed Court |
Alex Riggs
OrCCon (2021)
| The StarDoom of the DoomStar |
CalCon XXIV - SuperCalCon (2018)
| The Stars In Our Fault |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Stars Recall Our Passage |
Sharang Biswas
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| The Stars Weren't Right |
Mik Reed
Curious Consequences (2009)
| The Stars Whisper |
Todd Nicholas
Be-Con (2019)
| The Stockbridge Affair |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Stolen Curse |
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
| The Stolen Heir |
| The Stolen Light |
Joao Alves
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Stonesetter Job |
Scratchpad Publishing
ESFROAG (2019)
| The Stories We Tell |
Nicolai Strøm Steffensen
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
| The Storm Moon |
Rónán Comaskey
Dave Hayes (I)
Itzacon V (2009)
| The Storm Passes |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| The Story of Jamie Fame Flame |
Orla Lærke Hatting
| The Story of Tonight |
| The Story of Tonight |
Jamey Patten
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Storybook |
Martin Lindof
TRoR IV (1992)
| The Straights are not okay |
Ash Kreider
Knutpunkt (2022)
| The Strange Affair of Georgina Blenkinsop |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Strange Death of Cornelia Frump |
Dave Hayes (I)
Itzacon VII (2011)
| The Stranger Beside Me |
Tina Manstrup Kruse
DrageCon 17 (2013)
| The Strangford Manor Affair |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Streets of Lakefront City |
LinCon (1996)
| The Stuff that Dreams are made of |
Meg Swanton
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Stygian Gambit |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 | The Sublime Flickering Light |
Evan Torner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| The Succession of Kings |
Cliff Bohm
Intercon XIII (1998)
| The Summoning |
Jesper Schnipper
Louise Wegind
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
| The Sun Orchid Scheme |
| The Sunday Conspiracy |
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
| The SunJammer |
Christian Peter Koch Sørensen
DRF-Con (1992)
| The Sunken Barge |
Continuum (2023)
| The Superior Six vs the Austion of Evil! |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Superior Six! |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| The Surge for the Apple of Rulership |
TRoA VI (1993)
| The Survivors |
| The Sweet Smell of Elven Sweat |
Rune Kaysen Petersen
Fastaval (1994)
💾 | The Sweet Smell of Red Herring |
Rasmus Knudsen
Gimle Larsen
Fastaval (1993)
| The SWINE Squad 4 - Denne gang brænder baconet på! |
Tobias Jørgensen
Ba-Con (2012)
| The Sword of Destiny |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Swordlord’s Challenge |
Tineke Bolleman
Ropecon (2023)
| The Syndie Six and the Mysterious Island |
Daniel Adams
Itzacon XV (2019)
| The Synhamm Curse |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Tailor from Mira |
Axel Widén
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Tainted Grove |
OrCCon (2022)
| The Take |
Søren Ligaard Hald
TRoA Con - Dybet (2006)
| The Takeover |
TRoA VI (1993)
| The Tale of a People |
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
Grenselandet (2024)
💾 | The Tale of the Peculiar Bountyhunters |
Emma Wåhlstedt
SävCon XVI (2017)
| The Tale of the Troublesome Talisman |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Tales of Irnh |
Jenny Diewald
Jordan Diewald
Susan Giusto
Charlie McCutcheon
Barry Tannenbaum
Festival of LARPs (2014)
| The Tattered Veil |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Intercon O (2015)
| The Technic Siege |
Gaelcon (2014)
| The Tell-Tale Heart |
Christian Hammershøy
Todd Morris
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
💾 | The Temple of Adal'anur |
KryptCon II (2019)
| The temple of Amphisbaena |
KryptCon II (2019)
💾 | The Temple of Dancing Sand |
Matthias Kaalund Keller
Gustav Wengel
CONgratulations20 (2017)
| The Terror of Dr. Ackula |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2000)
| The Terror on the Seas |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Testament |
Gareth Hanrahan
Itzacon III (2007)
💾 | The Testimony |
Susanne Gräslund
Anders Hultman
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015)
| The Thefts of Melody's Dizi |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The things they left behind |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2010)
| The Things We Left Behind |
Eliot Moleba
Grenselandet (2022)
💾 | The thirteen orphans |
Mikael Reidal
LinCon (2013)
| The Thirteenth Skull |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| The Thousandth ship |
John Doyle
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| The Three Faces of Eve |
Maury Elizabeth Brown
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Thunderdome |
Malene Steen Nielsen Flagga
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| The Tie of the Bee-Holder |
Søren Suhr Hansen
Con Dôme (1998)
| The Time was High Noon |
The Realms of Roleplay III (1991)
| The Times they are a Changin |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon VII (2011)
| The Tireless Path |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| The Tomb of Semiramis |
Jakob Overgaard Christensen
MuCon - ReAnimation (2016)
| The Tomb of the Fallen Gods |
Conpulsion (2023)
| The Tongues of Our Ancestors |
Mo Holkar
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| The Tower |
Anita Murray
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
| The Tower Hollow |
Christian Sahlén
Borås Spelkonvent 38 (2021)
| The Tower of Ahghairon |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Tower of Faces |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Tower of Gygax |
Keith Baker
Ba-Con (2010)
💾 | The Township of Boston |
SydCon 7 (1998)
| The Trading Post at Five Points |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Puppetland |
Anita Murray
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| The Train |
Eóin Ó Dornáin
Alex O’Connor
Gaelcon (2009)
| The Traitor's Lodge |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Tranch Heresy |
Lars Rune Jørgensen
Viking-Con 29 (2010)
| The Transmission from the Phantom Gods |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| The Trap |
TRoR IV (1992)
| The Travels of Lady Du Fort |
Mark Steedman
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
💾 | The Treasonous Arch-Commie Mutant Traitor Megahunt |
Per Holmgren
UppCon '96 (1996)
| The Treasure Map |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Treasure of Red Beard Rum |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Treaty of Berlin |
Jenny Diewald
Intercon 12.5 (1997)
| The Treaty of Tellemont Seven |
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| The Tremere Chronicles |
OrCCon (2023)
| The Tremors From The Hills. |
Conor Kenny
Itzacon XVI (2020)
💾 | The Trial |
Nat Budin
Jae Hartwin
Joshua Sheena
Sage Shepperd
Intercon G (2007)
💾 | The Trial |
Niclas Ohlsson
Björn Persson
LinCon (2017)
| The Trial Against Cinderella |
Jeppe Steensen
| The Trial of Lancelot |
Sarah Judd
Warren Tusk
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| The Trial of the Timescorned Palace |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon XV (2019)
💾 | The Tribe Goes To War |
JP Chapleau
VatiCon VII (2000)
💾 | The Tribunal |
J. Tuomas Harviainen
Grenselandet (2010)
| The Trophy |
Thomas Due
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
| The Truth Will Set You Free |
Tyrfing Con - SciFi Con (2018)
| The Turkish Nightmare |
TRoA Intern Con (1996)
| The Turning Point |
Ruth Trenery-Leach
Laura Wood
The Smoke (2022)
| The Twisted Circle |
Jon Cazares
| The Tyrant of Xathra |
Eamon Honan
| The U-Geneva Convention |
Ben Cole
Natalie Curd
Nick Curd
Helen Garvey
Helen Jones
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| The Ultimate Massacre |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| The Ultimate Showband of Ultimate Destiny |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2008)
| The Ultime Western |
| The Un-Amazing Race |
Christel Johansson
| The Uncanny and the Dark |
Anita Murray
Itzacon XI (2015)
| The Uncivilized Guest |
Cliff Bohm
Intercon XIII (1998)
| The Uncivilized Guest |
Mike Young
| The Unexpected Storm |
David C. Helms
Intercon A (2001)
| The Unexpendables |
Gert Hansen
Bodega-con 2 (2015)
| The Unholy Guest |
Jakob Bavnshøj
Tonni Frydendahl
Peter Jones
Bo Thomasen (II)
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| The Unicorn in Winter |
Dave Collis
Ben Harvey
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| The Uninvited! |
Brian Christensen
ChopCon (2020)
| The Unioil Kidnapping |
Søren Andersen
Pentacon (1993)
| The Unknown Artifact |
Nis Petersen
Necronomicon (1992)
| The Unnamed Chancel |
Mike Brennan
Anita Murray
Itzacon III (2007)
| The Unquiet Veil |
Áron Birtalan
Grenselandet (2022)
| The Unseen Inclusion |
BeAcon III (2017)
| The unseen vaults of the optic experiment |
KryptCon I (2019)
💾 | The Unusual Death of a Salesman |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
| The Usual Suspects |
Cathriona Tobin
Gaelcon (2010)
| The Vacation |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Vales of northern Bergen Chrypt |
Anders Björkelid
| The Valley of Blood |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Valley of Death |
DRF-Con (1990)
| The Vanishing Conjuror - A Remixed Classic |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Vast Experiment: First Flight |
OrCCon (2021)
| The veiled lady |
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
💾 | The Venetian Tragedy |
Jason Morningstar
Fastaval (2011)
| The Veteran's Vault |
| The Village of Hommlet |
SävCon XVI (2017)
💾 | The Viridians |
Piotr Milewski
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| The Virtual Restoration Project |
Francis Patrick Brady
Una Hamilton Helle
Sarah Jury
💾 | The Vision |
Laura Wood
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2022)
| The Vogon Game |
David Houston
BeAcon III (2017)
| The Wages of Sin |
Cian O'Sullivan
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Waiting Game |
OrCCon (2021)
| The Waiting Room at Mount Surpris |
Josh Krehbiel
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| The Waiting Room of Lost Souls |
Martyn Meeks
John Shockley
The Smoke (2019)
| The Wake of Harry "The Hatchet" Harrison |
Eamon Honan
WarpCon X (2000)
| The Waking of Willowby Hall |
Continuum (2022)
| The Wallaroo Quest |
Jens Thorup Rasmussen
Fastaval (1991)
💾 | The Walls of Luvenstein |
Nils-Peter Wihlney
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
| The War Inside |
Jan Skrubbeltrang
Nordcon (1995)
| The War Of The Roses |
The Smoke (2023)
| The Ward |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Warden |
Niels Aske Sauer
VannaCon 8 (2018)
| The Wardstone Patrol |
Alex Greenshields
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Warphole |
Jesper Bøje
Martin Randers
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| The Water's Edge |
Jim Lee
Itzacon XV (2019)
| The Way Forward |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The way of the couch |
Guilherme DR
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| The way to untold pleasure |
Martin Hansen
Con Dôme (2002)
| The Way We Were |
Cathriona Tobin
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| The Waydown |
Cole Kronewitter
| The We-ness |
Joe Edelman
Albert Kong
Anne Selke
Nathan Vanderpool
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Weapon of the Hieromagus |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| The Weather Report |
Jana Romanova
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
| The Weatherlight |
David Reynolds
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| The Well |
Paddy Delaney
Gaelcon (2011)
| The Whims |
Knudepunkt (2023)
| The Whispering Moth |
Anita Murray
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| The Wicked Ones |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| The Widows' Market |
Laurel Halbany
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| The Wild, The Weaver and The Wyrm |
Fergal Fanning
Vaticon XV (2009)
| The Will of Rot |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Will of the Kingdom |
Ian Holland
Tyler Machado
Jared Okun
Gale Pollard
Intercon U (2022)
| The Willow Fork Thunderbird |
Continuum (2022)
| The Winter of 1854 |
Padraic Barrett
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| The Winter of the World |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon VII (2011)
| The Winterfest Club |
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Witch of Nine Barrows |
Continuum (2023)
| The witch of the woods |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Witch of Thrush Hollow |
Be-Con (2018)
| The Witch's Wood |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Witchard |
Petra Lindve
Agata Świstak
Københavns Spilfestival (2016)
| The Witcher Tabletop RPG |
CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
| The Witchlight Carnival |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| The Witnesses |
Nina Lund Westerdahl
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| The Wizard of Waddleford |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The Woman Taken by the Wind |
Gaelcon (2023)
| The Wondrous Garden of Chesterfox Laine, Esq. |
Arild Höök
BagiCon I (2022)
| The Woods |
Danielle Goudeau
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| The Words of the Seer |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| The World Beyond |
Anders Labich
Krikkit Con I (1995)
| The World IS Enough |
Jost L. Hansen
Fastaval 007 (2007)
| The World of X |
Haneen Hashaikeh
Ayham Mousa
Dania Natsheh
Duaa Omary
| The World Progress |
Kenneth Mortensen
Calling All Heroes 9th Edition (1999)
| The World Wakes |
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
| The World-Wide Web |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| The Worst Story Ever Told |
Rain Wiegartner
Intercon P (2016)
| The Wounded Wisp |
Thurston Hillman
| The Wreck of the Hesperus |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon VI (2010)
| The Wreckers |
Bess Libby-Shannon
Chris Shannon
Intercon G (2007)
| The Wytch King's Sword |
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
| The X-Files (GaelCon 1996) |
Glen Dunne
Gaelcon (1996)
| The Yearbook |
Terry H. Romero
John Stavropoulos
Intercon M (2013)
| The Yellow of Kings, the Purple of Emperors |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| The Young & The Rich |
| The youthual Hunt |
Jesper Hansen
Calling All Heroes 5th Edition (1996)
💾 | Theatre of the Oppressed |
Malik Hyltoft
Ude af ConTrol^2 (2013)
💾 | Then We Take Berlin |
Erik Jacoby Petersen
Bjørn O. Wistisen
Con Dôme (1996)
| Theodor Madsen er tilbage |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| Theodor Madsen er Tilbage |
Kim Kaurin
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Theodor Madsen er Tilbage 2 (?) |
Kim Kaurin
Calling All Heroes 9th Edition (1999)
💾 | Theogenesis |
Lars Kroll
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
💾 | THERAC-25 |
Enda Heverin
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| There are no answers to this question yet |
Dasha Dmitrieva
Lena Shandrak
Alina Stecova
Minsk Larp Festival (2019)
| There is no honour... |
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
| There is something rotten ... |
Magnus Nygaard
EreCon III (1997)
| There Must Be Some Way Out of Here |
Pelle Johansen
Ba-Con (2012)
| There's a Fan Fic for That... |
Kat Jones
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| There's No Place Like London |
Aidan Marsh
Vaticon XV (2009)
| There’s something in the Trees |
Dragonmeet (2022)
💾 | These Are the Days of Our Lives |
Mo Holkar
Grenselandet (2015)
| They are among us |
Jakob Bendtsen
Chop Con (1997)
| They Call Me Idol |
Kylene Roberts
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| They Came With Claws! |
Conpulsion (2023)
| They came... FROM OUTER SPACE!!! |
KryptCon I (2019)
| They Come At Night |
Gordon McDonald
The Smoke (2019)
| They Fight Crime |
Brian Nisbet
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| They Saved Lenin’s Brain |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2009)
💾 | They Say You Should Beg Your Plants For Mercy |
Oscar Biffi
Maria Guarneri
Chiara Locatelli
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| They Say You Should Talk To Your Plants |
Raph D'Amico
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| They-Ro and the Rulers of Perpetua! |
Ted Marr
Sara Nagle
Santo Sengupta
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| They're Onto Me |
Banana Chan
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Thi kendes for ret |
Uffe Thorsen
Fastaval (2005)
| Thicker than Water |
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Alison Joy Schafer
Intercon R (2018)
💾 | Thief |
Peter Boldizs
Staffan Lindsgård
GothCon XXX (2006)
| Thief of Storms |
Anders Labich
Krikkit Con Mk III - Flumantigopanal (1997)
| Thimblerigging |
OrCCon (2021)
| Thin End of the Stick |
Colm Lundberg
Gaelcon (2004)
| Thing on the Ice |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Things from the Flood (ESFROAG 2019) |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2019)
| Things I will NOT be able to tell you |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Things That Go Bump |
Lisa McCarthy
Gaelcon (2011)
💾 | Things That Happen to Other People |
Tor Kjetil Edland
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
💾 | Things that Squeak in the Night |
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon III (2007)
💾 | Things To Do In Columbia When You're Celestial |
Colm Lundberg
| Things to do in Denver |
Thomas Due
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
| Things to do in Denver when you're undead |
Brandon Thorn
LinCon (1998)
| Things to do in Dulton when you’re undead |
Claus Jørgensen
Chop Con - Killer Robots (2004)
💾 | Things To Do In Dyffed When You're Genlifted |
Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon X (2000)
| Thingummy Bob's |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (2005)
💾 | Third Date |
Susan Weiner
| Third-class Seats to Nowhere |
Dylan Breheny
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Thirteen Candles |
Hannah Bechara
Gaelcon (2014)
| Thirty-Thirty-One |
Convention de Supaero XXXIII (2012)
💾 | This Can Be True If We Say So |
Chloe Mashiter
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| This Discord has Ghosts in it (CON-line2) |
Anne Vinkel
CON-line2 (2021)
| this discord has ghosts in it (Gaelson 2021) |
Gaelcon (2021)
| this discord has ghosts in it (Summer Larpin' 2020) |
Will Jobst
Adam Vass
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020)
| This Folks at the Dinner Table |
Eduardo Caetano
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| This Forgotten Babylon |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| This Guilty Land |
Jone Aareskjold
| This house is not haunted |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| This Is Fine |
Jenny Bacon
Allison Cole
Jess Rowan Marcotte
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| This Is How It Is Done |
Sharang Biswas
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| This Is How You Lose the Sublime War |
VaesenCon (2023)
| This Is My Father's Sword |
Eóin Ó Dornáin
Itzacon V (2009)
| This Is Only A Test |
OrCCon (2023)
| This is the story of a ship |
Eamon Honan
Gaelcon (2006)
| This Man's Army |
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | This Miracle |
Nick Fortugno
Lizzie Stark
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
| This Mutant's Work |
Sabbath I (1990)
| This Place is Haunted |
Jay Treat
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| This Planet Ain't Big Enough |
Bjarke Christensen
Spiltræf XII (2000)
| This Procrustean Bed |
Daniel H. Levine
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| This Short Earth |
Cian O'Sullivan
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| This Time For Sure: Boris Badenov's Gulag for Unrepentant Children |
Jenny Diewald
Tim Lasko
Theresa Sullivan
Gaylord Tang
NELCO (2014)
| This was supposed to be a drill... |
Karsten Rasmussen
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| This Week |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| This year it's got to be India |
Simon Kracht
FRB-con (1991)
| Thorn in my Shidhe (Frizonen) |
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Thornkeep: The Forgotten Laboratory |
💾 | Thorvald Stauning – Varulvejæger |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Fastaval (2013)
| Those Dirty Bothans! |
Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
| Those Left Behind |
Anita Murray
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| Those that Fight Alone |
Mug & Game Games Day (2022)
| Those Who Serve |
Andy Kirschbaum
Intercon C (2003)
| Those Who Walk in Smoke |
VaesenCon (2023)
| Those Within |
Frederick Foulds
GothCon XLII (2018)
💾 | Thoughts And Trinkets |
Philip Gilsenan
VatiCon VII (2000)
| Thrakiz' hævn |
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
Viking-Con 8 (1989)
💾 | Three |
Pierpaolo Zoffoli
Fastaval (2009)
| Three blind mice |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| Three Days until Retirement |
Stuart Keating
Fastaval (2014)
| Three launches |
Kari Kvittingen Djukastein
Blackbox Cph (2022)
| Three Nations |
Noah Abrahams
Janet Brennan
Shaughn Bryant
Mike Galvin
Craig Perko
Conor Walsh
Mike Wixon
Intercon D (2004)
| Through a Darkly Glass |
Seamus Butler
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Through a Great Void |
Michael Meinberg
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Through a Shattered Mirror |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon XI (2015)
| Through Maelstrom Rift |
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Gaelcon (2016)
| Through the Breath |
ÅbyCon (2020) ÅbyCon Online (2021)
💾 | Through the Fire and Flames - A Heavy Metal Odyssey |
Martin Andreas Dahl Sinding
Paul Sinding
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
💾 | Through the gates of flesh |
Carl Niblaeus
KryptCon IV (2020)
💾 | Through The Round Window |
Brian Nisbet
WarpCon X (2000)
| Through the Triangle |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Thud: The Musical |
Gaelcon (2011)
| Thule blues |
Søren Ligaard Hald
Krikkit Con Mk III - Flumantigopanal (1997)
| Thundering Days |
Kim Pedersen
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| Thursday's Children; Friday Morning |
Chance Boon
VaesenCon (2023)
Karl Alfredson
Stefan Karlsson (II)
Borås Spelkonvent 18: Fac ut Vivas! (2000)
💾 | Ti tusind lysår hjem |
Morten Havmøller Laursen
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Tians kælder |
Niels Hoejen Lundquist
| Tid att passa |
MittCon (1991)
💾 | Tid til at høste |
Paul Hartvigson
UnConventional (1994)
| Tid ur Led |
GothCon XL (2016)
| Tide and Time |
| Tide of Morning |
Gaelcon (2014)
💾 | Tiden der forsvandt |
Lars Kaos Andresen
Fastaval (2000)
| Tiden har sin gång... |
Container 77 (1997)
| Tiden är ute! |
GothCon XLVI (2023)
💾 | Tidens Ritual |
Lars Kaos Andresen
Fastaval (1995)
| Tidens Rollespil - Alene i kulden |
💾 | Tidens Tand |
Paul Hartvigson
💾 | Tidens tempo - Och den ljusnande framtid är vår |
Johan Nilsson (I)
Martin Stackelberg
GothCon XXXII (2008)
| Tidens Tåger |
| Tidens Tårn |
Jens Thorup Rasmussen
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
💾 | Tidevandet |
Sebastian Nemeth
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
💾 | Tidevandets Tempel |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) Viking-Con 39 (2020) cOnline 2021 (2021)
| Tidevarv komma, tidevarv försvinna |
Johan Dahlberg
Sara Engström
Frida Gamero
💾 | Tidsbrist |
Niklas Karlsson
Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
| Tidsrejsende |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
💾 | Tidstræk |
Michael Erik Næsby
Orkon - A Disco Odyssey (2001)
| Tidsvogterne |
Anne Vinter Ratzer
Fastaval 007 (2007)
| Ties of Blood |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2008)
| Ties That Bind |
The Smoke (2022)
💾 | Tiger cage |
Ropecon (2018)
| Tigerdyrets Redningsaktion |
Per Ørum-Petersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Tik Tak - Chick Chack |
Malik Hyltoft
Spiltræf (1987)
| Til angreb! |
Bent Holm
Rasmus Jensen
DrageCon 4 (2006)
| Til Death Do Us Part |
Doug Freedman
Gail Peck
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Til døden os skiller – eller noget i den retning |
Sarah Hedenborg
ChopCon (2021)
| Til Døden os Skiller I |
| Til Døden os Skiller II |
| Til døden os skiller? |
Sebastian Nemeth
Krikkit Con XV - The Brædtspil (2010)
| Til Døden os skiller.. |
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| Til Kamp mod Dødbideriet |
Paul Hartvigson
Merlin P. Mann
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
💾 | Til minde om Zargoth |
Bo Giedekier Andersen
DRF-Con (1991)
| Tilbage til 90'erne rollespil |
| Tilbage til Aihlann Bachir |
| Tilbage til Betlehem |
Morten Blaabjerg
Spiltræf X (1994)
| Tilbage til Djævleøen |
Claus Raasted
| Tilbage til Fremtiden |
David Hansen
Simon Jørgensen
Vintervap (1996)
| Tilbage til realiteterne |
Jesper Bøje
FiskeCon part III (1995)
💾 | Tilbage til Sortsand |
Claus Kliplev Jacobsen
Fastaval (2006)
💾 | Tilbagefald |
Max Møller
Fastaval (2012)
| Tilbagevenden til Midgård |
Rasmus Wichmann
CONtiki2 - Der sad en con på en tømmerflåde?! (2015)
| Tildækket Skjul |
Asher Lennon Ware
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
💾 | Tilflugtsstedet |
Max Møller
Forum (2012)
| Tilianaren |
Leif "Laffe" Eriksson
Anders Westermark
UppCon '93 (1993)
| Till death do us part |
| Till havs |
Pontus Jarenskog
Olle Nyman
GothCon XXVI (2002)
💾 | Till minnet av |
Prolog (2012)
💾 | Till månen till varje pris! |
Björn Wärmedal
SävCon XX (2021)
💾 | Tillbaka från bunkern |
Henrik Örnebring
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2006)
| Tillbaka till Circus Maximus |
Andreas Rönnedal
Maria Rönnedal
ÄlvCon (2013)
| Tillbaka till Östport 5C |
Mattias Geisler
Martin Svärd
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| Tillblivelsen |
Prolog (2017)
| Tillfälligt förlåt |
CalCon XXIII - Under havet (2017)
| Tills döden skiljer oss åt |
Witchnight -98 (1998)
💾 | Tills döden skiljer oss åt |
Kalle Andersson
Pär Jorwén
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
💾 | Tills döden skiljer oss åt |
Gunilla Jonsson
Michael Petersén
UppCon '91 (1991)
| Tills staten skiljer oss åt |
Anna Askbåge
Frans Witting
| Tills vi skiljer oss åt |
Prolog (2016)
| Tilsit 1807 |
Magnus Nilsson-Mäki
Linus Råde
SävCon VII (2007)
| Tilverton |
| Timantin sävyvirhe |
Ropecon (2023)
| Time & Again |
Nick Huggins
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1997)
| Time and Again |
Kieran Turley
Itzacon III (2007)
| Time and Tide: A Chronicle of Damocles |
Adrienne Kammer
John Kammer
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Time and Tides: Unamerican |
Scott Dorward
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Time and Time Again |
Joan Høj Jacobsen
Tina Manstrup Kruse
DrageCon 13 (2010)
| Time Crimes |
Alexander Gierholz
Knudepunkt (2019)
| Time Eclipse |
Elena Rabkina
Tatsiana Smaliak
Grenselandet (2017)
| Time for Tea |
Dream Cloutman-Green
Jon Cloutman-Green
Colin Wallace
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| Time Grinder |
Pól Hanrahan
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| Time Is In Essence |
Nis Haller Baggesen
UnConventional (1995)
| Time is on my Side |
Philip Gilsenan
Gaelcon (2002)
| Time Off For Bad Behaviour |
Gaelcon (2015)
💾 | Time Out of Joint |
Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| Time to Kill |
Christian Hammershøy
Todd Morris
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
💾 | Time to Leave |
Ian Howard
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
💾 | Time Travel Review Board |
Nat Budin
Vito D'Agosta
Jae Hartwin
Susan Weiner
Anne Wiltgen
Intercon I (2009)
| Time Warp |
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Time Warp |
Andy Brown
Tara Conway
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| Time Warriors |
Michael Vestergaard
Hong Con (1998)
| Time-Traveling Werewolves from Spaaccccccceeeeee! |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Time-Troopers |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Time's Web |
Carsten Maegaard
André Glasius Tischer
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
| Timeglasset |
Jeanet Kirch Jensen
ARL MiniCon (2004)
| Timelimit |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2020)
| Times are a´changing |
Jonas Nilsson
Hampus Råde
| Timmar av mörker |
CrossCon I (2005)
| Tin Soldiers (Blackbox) |
Kari Kvittingen Djukastein
Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Black Box Horsens (2016)
| Tin Soldiers (Intercon XV) |
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Stephanie Olmstead-Dean
Intercon XV (2000)
| Tinade minnen |
Johan Dahlberg
Sara Engström
Prolog (2020)
| Tinge på øen |
💾 | Tingene i min fars hus |
Ann Kristine Eriksen
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
| Tinget |
Bjarke Pedersen
Pia Wiid Jakobsen
Hyggecon (2003)
💾 | Tintin och rymdskeppet |
Per-Ola Olsson
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
💾 | Tintin og den forsvundne spilleder |
Anders Skovgaard-Winther
Fastaval (2002)
| Tiratinsin |
| Titanic |
Kim Hyldgård
Con 92 (1992)
💾 | Titanic |
Toralf Hällen
Måns Åkerlund
NaoCon III - winter tournament (1990)
| Titanic Stress |
KryptCon VI (2022)
| Titansgrave: Gateway to the spires |
Nick Whyte
Gaelcon (2016)
| Tithing Times |
Tegan L. Hendrickson
Intercon I (2009)
💾 | Titta det snöar |
Fredrik Börjesson
MittCon (1992)
| Tjockare än blod |
UppCon '93 (1993)
💾 | Tjubang: Med Døden Som Indsats |
Anders Frost Bertelsen
Klaus Meier Olsen
Viking-Con 24 (2005)
| Tjugojävlamiljoner |
SillyCon IX (2000)
| Tjugosjätte timmen |
Robin Liljenberg
Petter Nallo
GothCon XLIII (2019)
💾 | Tjukovs Lag |
Andreas Williamsson
GothCon XXXIV (2010)
| Tjuvradd |
Karl Otto Kristoffersen
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| TMF Hope |
Acata Felton
Olivia Montoya
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| TMNT (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| TMNT vs. Dark Dragon Rising |
Lars Rune Jørgensen
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
💾 | To Abu Sami: Wages of Devastation |
Evan Torner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| To alen ... – Et skæbnemøde på Dimis Prime |
Troels Rohde Hansen
Fastaval (2008)
| To be inside a Tornado |
Finn Norman Pedersen
Claustrum Con III (1998)
💾 | To Boldly Hakuho |
Wendy Gorman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| To Conquer the World in 6 Hours |
Nicolaj Krog
ESFROAG (2016)
| To Delve the Dungeon Deep |
Gaelcon (2012)
| To Die Alone |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| To Fell a Behemoth |
Ropecon (2017)
| To Kill a Vampire |
Melanie Saunders
Intercon I (2009)
| To Live & Die in the Sprawl |
OrCCon (2021)
| To live and die in the Beloti Sector |
Continuum (2022)
| To Live Free |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| To Pistoler, en Pige og et Pizzeria |
Gert Andersen
Chop Con (2002)
| To Protect And To Serve |
Anders Lars Schou Nielsen
Asger Stoustrup
Con Dôme (1995)
| To Reign in Hentzau |
John Golden
David Townsend
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| To say nothing of the Groom |
Roger Gammans
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| To Seal the Shadow |
| To Seek the Heart of Calamity |
Tineke Bolleman
Con-Ducked (2023)
| To serve and protect... |
Jeppe Funk Kirkegaard
"Tanken?!" Con II Take 2 (1998)
| To the Bitter End |
Bjarke Pedersen
Lizzie Stark
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| To the Garden of Monsters |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| To the Temple of Doom! To Defeat the Ancient Evil! (Hexcon 2019) |
Hexcon (2019)
| To the Wonder |
Karete Jacobsen Meland
Martin Nielsen
Minsk Larp Festival (2017)
| To Walk the Cold Dark |
OrCCon (2022)
| To Whom the Stars belong |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| To Woo a Lady |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Toast to the War |
Maija Korhonen
Hilda Levin
Leïla Teteau-Surel
Grenselandet (2013)
| Toe the Line |
Paddy Delaney
LepreCon XXXII (2011)
| Toget |
Klaus Dhiin
Søren Høper
Kåre Vibe Jespersen
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Together |
Eva Schiffer
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Together Again |
Dylan Blanset
John Schwartz
Intercon P (2016)
| Together At Last |
Patrik Bálint
Marie-Lucie Genet
Lu Larpová
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
| Together Forever (...And Ever) |
| Toil and Trouble |
Kristen Hendricks
Warren Tusk
Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018)
💾 | Tokarnas natt |
Krister Sundelin
GothCon XXVIII (2004)
| Tokyomi |
Sigurd Rubech
Fastaval - Atlantis (1999)
| Toldboden |
| Tolv New Castle's og en bladsmører fra The Sun! |
Søren Ligaard Hald
Krikkit Con XI - Elgens Prøve (2003)
| Tomb Of Dreams |
AireCon 4 (2018)
| Tomb of Horrors |
OrCCon (2021)
| Tomb of the Mutilated |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
| Tombstone - segrarna skriver historien |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
SnöKon (2006)
💾 | Tombstone Ekspressen |
Thomas Jakobsen
Viking-Con 36 (2017)
| Tomheden 1 |
Simon M. Hansen
Ballerup Rollespils Festival (1998)
| Tomheden 2 |
Simon M. Hansen
Ballerup Rollespils Festival (1998)
| Tomhedens Identitet |
Asger Hansen
Vintersol (2008)
| Tomhedens Tid |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
TRoA 2000 (2000)
| Tommy |
Robert Johansson
Andreas Renström
Julkon (2003)
💾 | Tommy Gunn - Three is a crowd |
Christoffer Krämer
BOVCon (1999)
💾 | Tomten |
Anders Björkelid
| Tomtens Julverkstad |
Sven Bergersjö
CrossCon VI (2009)
| Tondöd - ett hifi-äventyr till Cyber M/77 |
LinCon (2019)
| Tonight at Eight |
Lisa Lassner
Colin Sandel
Intercon I (2009)
| Tonight They Return |
Katerina Zannou
Blackbox Cph (2023)
💾 | Tonårsmutanter vs Världens undergång |
Björn Wärmedal
SävConline (2020)
| Too Far |
Gavin Walsh
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Too Many Mediums |
Stephen Dewey
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Too Much Slap on the Ecaf |
Countess Dillymore
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Toon |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| Toon - Det ultimative rollespil |
Erik Wittchen
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
| Toon (ARCON 10) |
Trygve Øisjøfoss
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Toon (Arcon 1993) |
Trygve Øisjøfoss
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
| Toon (Armageddon III) |
Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
| Toon (FV89) |
Fastaval (1989)
| Toon (Grottröj #27) |
Grottröj #27 (2019)
| Toon (HelCon -90) |
Christian Merheim
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Toon (Hexcon 1996) |
Hexcon (1996)
| Toon (IR II) |
InConsekvent ReConstruktion II (1997)
| Toon (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Toon (LinCon 1991) |
LinCon (1991)
| Toon (TM93) |
The Movement (1993)
| Toon (VC10) |
Hans Jacob Wagner
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
| Toon (VC13) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 13 (1994)
| Toon (VC14) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 14 (1995)
| Toon (VC15) |
Preben Pedersen
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 15 (1996)
| Toon (VC17) |
Preben Pedersen
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
| Toon (VC18) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
| Toon (VC19) |
Preben Pedersen
Viking-Con 19 (2000)
| Toon (VC22) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 22 (2003)
| Toon (VC23) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| Toon (VC24) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 24 (2005)
| Toon (VC25) |
Preben Pedersen
Viking-Con 25 (2006)
| Toon (VC26) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 26 (2007)
| Toon (VC27) |
Preben Pedersen
Viking-Con 27 (2008)
| Toon (VC28) |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
💾 | Toon (VC29) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 29 (2010)
💾 | Toon (VC30) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 30 (2011)
💾 | Toon (VC31) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 31 (2012)
💾 | Toon (VC32) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
💾 | Toon (VC33) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 33 (2014)
💾 | Toon (VC34) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 34 (2015)
💾 | Toon (VC35) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 35 (2016)
💾 | Toon (VC36) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 36 (2017)
💾 | Toon (VC37) |
Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
💾 | Toon (VC38) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 38 (2019)
| Toon (VC39) |
Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 39 (2020)
💾 | Toon (VC40) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 40 (2021)
💾 | Toon (VC41) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 41 (2022)
💾 | Toon (VC42) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
💾 | Toon (VC43) |
Niels Ull Harremoës
Viking-Con 43 (2024)
| Toon (VC5) |
Viking-Con 5 (1986)
| Toon (VC7) |
Erik Wittchen
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
| Toon (VC9) |
Hans Jacob Wagner
Erik Wittchen
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
| Toon (WettCon 1988) |
WettCon IV (1988)
| Toon (WettCon 1989) |
WettCon V (1989)
| Toon (WettCon III) |
WettCon III (1987)
| Toon (ÖSD 1997) |
Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
| Toon goes MagaKaosMutantBunnies |
LinCon (1997)
| Toon R.P.G. (HelCon 1991) |
HelCon (1991)
| Toon Raider |
Morten Lund
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
| Toons (SillyCon VII) |
Ola Lönnelid
SillyCon VII (1998)
| Tooth and Claw |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| Top Secret (Arcon 1992) |
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Top Secret (Borås 2) |
Borås Spelkonvent 2 (1984)
| Top Secret (Borås 6) |
Magnus Persson
Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
| Top Secret (BSK 1983) |
Borås Spelkonvent (1983)
| Top Secret (BSK 1985) |
Borås Spelkonvent 3 (1985)
| Top Secret (BSK 1986) |
Borås Spelkonvent 4 (1986)
| Top Secret (DRF-Con 91) |
Anders Vad Bruun
DRF-Con (1991)
| Top Secret (DRF-Con 92) |
Anders Vad Bruun
DRF-Con (1992)
| Top Secret (LinCon 1986) |
Mattias Gyulai
LinCon (1986)
| Top Secret (LinCon 1987) |
Mattias Gyulai
LinCon (1987)
| Top Secret (LinCon 1988) |
Mattias Gyulai
LinCon (1988)
| Top Secret (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| Top Secret (OernCon 1990) |
Johan Edin
Håkan Gunneriusson
OernCon III (1989)
💾 | Top Secret (OernCon 1991) |
Johan Edin
Håkan Gunneriusson
OernCon V (1991)
| Top Secret (TRoA 90) |
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Top Secret Admirer |
Daniel Eison
Sam Zeitlin
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Top Secret S.I. |
Andreas Leo
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Top Secret/S.I. (BSK 1987) |
Borås Spelkonvent 5 (1987)
| Top Secret/S.I. (DRF-Con 90) |
DRF-Con (1990)
| Top Secret/S.I. (WettCon 1989) |
WettCon V (1989)
| Top Ten: Fear and Loathing in Neopolis |
Anthony O'Reilly
VatiCon XVII (2011)
| Topaz Championship |
GothCon XLV (2022)
💾 | Topp Geare |
Baz Nugent
LepreCon XXXV (2014)
| Toppfemman |
Mathilda Hagfoss
Olle Nyman
Prolog (2019)
| Tora, Tora, Tora |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| Torben Surprise Special |
Gothic 98 (1998)
| Torch |
Andy Morales C.
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Torch of Freedom |
| Torchwood: The Devils Triangle |
Anthony O'Reilly
ConFESS (2007)
| Torden over Tortuga - Jan Niederländer |
| Torden over Tortuga - Kap. VI |
| Torden over Tortuga 2 - Døde mænd sladrer ikke |
| Torden over Tortuga 3 - El Tigre |
| Torden over Tortuga, kap. V - Under En Blodrød Måne |
| Torden over Vollyhodd |
Søren Tauber Lassen
Viking-Con 13 (1994)
| Tordenfuglen |
Jørgen Becker-Christensen
Mads Lunau
Anette V. Petersen
| Torg - U.T. Ver. 1.2 (Spiltræf 91) |
Svend Erik Jepsen
Spiltræf (1991)
| TORG (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| TORG (Arcon 1992) |
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Torg (LinCon 1996) |
LinCon (1996)
| Torg (Spiltræf 92) |
Ulf Hesby
Spiltræf (1992)
| Torg (UppCon 1992) |
UppCon '92 (1992)
| Torkan i Gin |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| Tornet |
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
| Tornet (CalCon) |
CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
| Tornet i dimman |
ÄlvCon (2019)
| Tornet i Zalmor |
ÄlvCon (2019)
| Torr skörd |
Peter Smidt
GothCon XV (1991)
| Torshem live 1 |
| Torshem live 2 |
| Torshem live 3 |
| Torshem live 4 |
| Torshem live 5 |
| Torshem live 6 |
💾 | Tortur |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Fastaval (2009)
| Total Showdown |
TRoA V (1992)
| Total Viking Power |
Toke D. Ivø
Viking-Con 25 (2006)
| Totally improvised roleplay using Mythic GM Emulator |
Ropecon (2017)
| Totalt blank |
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 8 (1989)
| Totem |
| Totuuden tuolla puolen |
Ropecon (2023)
| Touch of Evil I |
Michael Eklund
Pentacon (1993)
| Touch of Evil II |
Michael Eklund
Pentacon (1993)
| touch_myelf chatroom |
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Alison Joy Schafer
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020) Intercon U (2022)
| Touched by Tragedy |
Quinn D
Susan Weiner
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Toujours Pur |
Kristen Hendricks
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Tour of Duty |
Moyra Turkington
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016)
| Tournament of the Jade Viper |
Jack Rosetree
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Tower of Lubricus |
Adam Hannestad
Troels Chr. Jakobsen
Fastaval (1989)
| Tower of Soot |
Continuum (2023)
| Tower Of The Black Pearl |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| Tower of the Elephant |
Brendan Murphy
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Tower of the Jade Jaguar |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Tower of the Moon |
Nickey Barnard
Alex Helm
Alex Jones
Lucinda Machell-ffolkes
Rich Perry
Retford Moot A (2022)
| Toxic Santa |
Pawel Jasinski
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Toy Story |
Nickey Barnard
David Townsend
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Toys, part 1 & 2 |
Jacob Klünder
| Toytanic - The Final Voyage of the Beary Celeste |
Jim MacDougal
Kelly Diane MacDougal
Intercon A (2001)
💾 | Tracherous Waters |
Gareth Hanrahan
VatiCon VI (1999)
| Track Dogs |
| Tractor Parts for Tblisistahn |
Dave C
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Traders of Marrakesh |
Pádraig O'Sullivan
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| Tradition |
Joel Löfwenius
Julkon (2005)
| Trail of Cthulhu (ParanoiaCon 2013) |
Johan Nilsson (IV)
Paranoiacon (2013)
| Trailblazer´s Bounty |
| Traitors in the SW sector |
Vesa Roto
Ropecon (2018)
💾 | Tramuntana |
Rasmus Høgdall Mølgaard
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
💾 | Tranedans |
Johan Köhler
Lennart Köhler
UppCon '94 (1994)
| Tranquility |
Mark Alliban
Keith Evans
Lasse Løndahl Henriksen
Jhez Salin
Vintersol (2007)
| Trans Dysphoria Blues |
Samuel Sjöberg
Prolog (2017)
| Transactional analysis, recollections |
Elizaveta Bulygina
Minsk Larp Festival (2019)
| Transfer Deadline |
Colin Eager
Leprecon XXIV (2003)
💾 | Transformers: Construction and Devestation |
Shane Carr
| Transhuman Space: Islandia Nights |
Peter Miller
Georgina Okerson
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Transiberrian Express |
PoRtaL 8: Zagreb (2020)
💾 | Transient Murmurations |
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
💾 | Transmigration of Souls |
Alex Brown
The Smoke (2022)
| Transmission |
Chloe Mashiter
The Smoke (2023)
| Transmission Impossible |
Continuum (2022)
| Transmissions From the Lake |
KryptCon V (2021)
| Transmutation |
Nilas Dumstrei
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
| Transsylvanian Tales |
Simon Andersen
Vintersol (2008)
| Trantisdan i nedre veckan |
Lars Edlund
Hugo Lilja
Julkon (2005)
💾 | Trapped |
Mike Young
| Trapped in a Mall With Some Zombies |
Mike Young
Intercon P (2016)
| Trapped In Paradise |
Daniel Bloch Christensen
RusCon 20 (2012)
| Trapped in the Dragon's Claws |
TRoA V (1992)
| Trapped in the Hangar Bay |
Aislinn McCormack
Sean McCormack
Intercon Q (2017)
| Trapped in Tinseltown |
Michael McCune
AmberCon US (2024)
| Trapped! |
Juan Manuel Avila
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Trappen til højre fra midten |
Karsten Rasmussen
TRoA IX (1994)
| Trauma |
💾 | Trauma Team |
Niels Handest
Viking-Con 43 (2024)
| Trauma Team |
Dillon Rooney
Gaelcon (2016)
💾 | Traumecentret |
Mo Holkar
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Travel Through Texture to Parallel Realities |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Stephanie Pau
The Smoke (2022)
| Traveller - The New Era (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Traveller (BayCon 1988) |
BayCon (1988)
| Traveller (BayCon 1989) |
BayCon (1989)
| Traveller (BSK 1983) |
Borås Spelkonvent (1983)
| Traveller (BSK 1984) |
Borås Spelkonvent 2 (1984)
| Traveller (BSK 1985) |
Borås Spelkonvent 3 (1985)
| Traveller (BSK 1987) |
Borås Spelkonvent 5 (1987)
| Traveller (FV0) |
Spilledag! (1985)
| Traveller (GothCon 1982) |
GothCon VI (1982)
| Traveller (GothCon 1983) |
GothCon VII (1983)
| Traveller (GothCon 1984) |
GothCon VIII (1984)
| Traveller (GothCon 1985) |
GothCon IX (1985)
| Traveller (GothCon 1986) |
GothCon X (1986)
💾 | Traveller (GothCon 1989) |
Martin Börjesson
GothCon XIII (1989)
💾 | Traveller (GothCon 1993) |
Olof Biander
Sten Düring
GothCon XVII (1993)
| Traveller (GothCon 1995) |
GothCon XIX (1995)
| Traveller (Grottröj #7) |
Grottröj #7 (2014)
| Traveller (Grottröj #8) |
Grottröj #8 (2014)
| Traveller (GW91) |
Anders Hess
Games Weekend (1991)
| Traveller (LinCon 1989) |
LinCon (1989)
| Traveller (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| Traveller (OernCon I) |
OernCon I (1987)
| Traveller (Q-Con 1999) |
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Traveller (Spiltræf 86) |
Niels J. Jacobsen
Spiltræf Odense (1986)
| Traveller (Spiltræf I) |
Spillermøde (1985)
| Traveller (TRoA 90) |
Allan Nygård
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Traveller (VC7) |
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
| Traveller (WarpCon 1993) |
Warpcon III (1993)
| Traveller (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Traveller (WarpCon 2000) |
WarpCon X (2000)
| Traveller (WarpCon 2002) |
Brian Caball
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Traveller (WettCon 1986) |
Mikael Kullberg
WettCon II (1986)
| Traveller (WettCon 1987) |
WettCon III (1987)
| Traveller (WettCon 1988) |
WettCon IV (1988)
| Traveller (WettCon 1989) |
WettCon V (1989)
| Traveller 2300 AD (HelCon 1991) |
HelCon (1991)
| Traveller 2300AD |
Spiltræf (1990)
| Traveller 2300AD |
Andreas Lundgren
Svante Rembring
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Traveller Turnering |
Niels J. Jacobsen
Spiltræf (1987)
| Traveller, Individ (BayCon 1988) |
BayCon (1988)
| Traveller, individuellt (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Traveller, lag (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Travellers: Past Imperfect |
Anna J
💾 | Tre Brødre |
Stefan Skriver Lægteskov
Vintersol (2006)
| Tre kasser guld og en hel flaske rom |
Sebastian Flamant
EreCon (1996)
| Tre knutar |
Johan Dahlberg
Sara Engström
Frida Gamero
| Tre sekunder i Sølvdalen |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2021)
| Tre Systrar |
Prolog (2016)
| Treason and Terror |
Kenneth Mortensen
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
| Treasonous Times |
Hugh Mc Guinness
Gaelcon (2014)
| Treasure of Nephrem Ka |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Treasures of the Pharaoh |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Trelleborg 99 |
| Trelleborg aar 1000 |
| Trenne Byar |
💾 | Trettonde passageraren |
Emil Björnson
Johan Lejonklev
Jens Olsson
GothCon XXVI (2002)
| TRI-WAY (WarpCon 1998) |
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| TRI-WAY (WarpCon 1999) |
Séan Billings
Eoin Foran
Malcolm Murphy
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Triad Alligator |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Trial |
Sebastian Flamant
💾 | Trial and Terror |
Samuel Lowejko
Wexio Spelkonvent (2015)
| Trial by Machine |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Trial by Spider |
Sean Geraghty
Gaelcon (2006)
| Trial of Lancelot |
Warren Tusk
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| Trial Of Prometheus |
Colm Lundberg
Fergal O'Brien
LepreCon XX (1999)
| Trial of the Rust-Feather Crane |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| Trials & Knightspurs |
Karsten Rasmussen
ARL MiniCon (2005)
| Trials of Chronada |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| Tribes |
Lars Lindblad
GothCon XXIII (1999)
| Tribunal |
WettCon (1999)
| Tribunal |
James Lloyd Jones
Warpcon XXVI (2016)
| Tribunalen |
Felix Antman Debels
David Sandelin
Prolog (2010)
💾 | Trick or Treat (Hordes of Fun) |
Mike Young
💾 | Tricolor d'Amour |
Ivajlo Holm-Jensen
Malik Hyltoft
Kenneth Mikkelsen
Fastaval (2008)
| Trill Delusion |
VaesenCon (2023)
💾 | Trilogy |
Colm Lundberg
VatiCon VII (2000)
| Trilogy (VatiCon 1999) |
VatiCon V (1999)
| Trilogy (VatiCon 1999) |
VatiCon VI (1999)
| Trilogy (VatiCon 2003) |
VatiCon X (2003)
| Trilogy (VatiCon 2010) |
💾 | Triple Blind |
Mike Young
Intercon L (2012)
💾 | Tripoli Omega |
Björn Kauppi
Pär Wirdfors
StocKon 5 (1999)
💾 | Triskelen |
Julie Blegvad
LepreCon2 (2010)
💾 | Tro Lakajer |
Sebastian Flamant
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Tro, vetenskap och det okända |
Tobias Olofsson
Klosscon II (2014)
| Troens storm |
Steen Jacobsen
Chop Con (1998)
| Troglodytkongens Huler |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Hyggecon - Monster's Ball (2012)
| Trohet till kronan |
| Troie |
Convention de Supaero XLII (2021)
| Troika (Grottröj #21) |
Grottröj #21 (2018)
💾 | Trojanerinder |
Troels Ken Pedersen
CONgratulations20 (2017)
💾 | Trold kan tæmmes |
Kresten Osgood
| Trolddommens grotte |
Sara Hald
Krikkit Con Mk III - Flumantigopanal (1997)
💾 | Trolde |
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Trolden & troldmanden – Eventyret om den hellige gral |
Daniel Benjamin Bjørn Clausen
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
| Trolden i Æsken |
Sebastian Flamant
Gothic 98 (1998)
| Troldetagfat |
Theodore Bergqvist
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
| Troldmandens Lærling |
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| Troldmandens Prøve - et dungeon crawl scenarie |
| Troldmandens Værksted |
Lars Ræder Clausen
Jane Holst Mogensen
Fastaval (1995)
💾 | Troldsplint & Blåøje |
Marie Skouenborg
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Troldstenen |
Claus Hagerup Pedersen
Con Dôme (1994)
| Troldtøj - et fantasirollespil |
Lars Konzack
| Troldøjne |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
| Troll |
Jack Graham
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
💾 | Troll Hunt |
Elias Viklund
SävCon XV (2016)
| Troll nights |
| Trollbunden |
André Nordin
David Nordin
SävCon XIX (2019)
| Trolletinn |
Magnus Seter
Rollspelskvällar med Slay Beyond Slay Club (2023)
| Trollforbannelsen |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| Trollforbannelsen |
Rune Sørheim
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Trollkarlens lärjungar |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
💾 | Trollskugga |
Magnus Arnesson
Andreas Rönnedal
ÄlvCon (2012)
| Trolltrummans natt |
LinCon (1996)
| Trolltyg i tomteskogen 40K - 39372 år senare |
Martin Häggkvist
Niklas Janlert
Jerry Jonsson
SävCon Second Edition (2000)
| Trommes Lott |
| Tronarvingen |
Line Mikkelsen
TRoA Con - Dybet (2006)
💾 | Tronraneren |
Jesper Nørregaard
| Tronspillet: Arvefejden |
| Tronspillet: Et bål af sarte sjæle |
| Tronspillet: Sommerens pris |
💾 | Trophies |
Adam Kelly
Sillicon 2: The Wrath of Con (2000)
💾 | Tropic Kill |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2013)
💾 | Tropic Kill 2: Wet Work Season |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2014)
💾 | Tropic Kill 3: Zulu Hour |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2015)
💾 | Tropic Kill 4: Hollow Point Quarter |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2016)
💾 | Tropic Kill 5: Dog Day Afterburn |
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2017)
💾 | Tropical Zombies |
Merlin P. Mann
Henrik Sylow
Fastaval (1990)
| Tror du det' for sjov jeg drikker? |
Lasse Engsted
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
| Tror du på eventyr? |
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA IX (1994)
| Trouble at Days Rest |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Trouble at t’Mill |
Continuum (2023)
| Trouble at Wagons Rest |
Mark Steedman
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| Trouble Brewing |
Q-Con (2023)
| Trouble Has a Field Day |
Ian Power
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Trouble in Judea |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Trouble in Moose-cow |
Peter K. Madsen
Krikkit Con Mk III - Flumantigopanal (1997)
| Trouble in Tamran |
| Trouble Near Bear Butte |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Troubled Times |
Søren Rousing Pedersen
Krikkit Con VII: User Input Required (2001)
| Troubleshooters Assemble! |
Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2014)
| Troupe |
Jason Cox
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
💾 | Trubbel i Tanger |
Torbjörn Arnoldsson
Johan Broman
SydCon 13 (2004)
| Trubbel på Tru'uda |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| True Colors |
LolV Peregrin Lacave
Knutpunkt (2022)
| True Dragons of Absalom |
Thurston Hillman
Gaelcon (2016)
| True Faith |
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| True Illuminati |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2021)
| Truly, Madly, Deeply - a Divorce Story |
Linton Kennegård
Mina Svärd
Blackbox Cph (2023)
| Trumania 2088 |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Trump |
Stefan Skriver Lægteskov
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
💾 | Truslen fra den ottende dimension |
Flemming R. P. Rasch
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
| Truslen mod demokratiet |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 30 (2011)
| Trust in me |
Jesper Hansen
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
| Trust me |
Aidan Marsh
Alex Tang
Gaelcon (2009)
| Trust the Computer! The Computer is your Friend! |
Andy Agnew
BeAcon IV (2018)
💾 | TRUTH |
Lasse Blichfeldt Hansen
Maj Kondrup
Viking-Con 35 (2016)
| Truth Keepers |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Truth or Beauty? A game of futuristic psychological horror and makeover tips |
Lucian Kahn
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Tryg i moders arme |
Jacob Schmidt-Madsen
| Trygg Torkel Cup |
Nycon (2008)
| Trying |
Avital Lubin
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Trylledrikkene |
Claus Ekstrøm
Fastaval (1991)
| Trylleslottet |
| Trümmer Träume (Debris Dreams) |
Ari Adamski
Sophie Allerding
Blackbox Cph (2025)
💾 | Trynemynt |
Anders Jacobsson
GothCon XXVIII (2004)
💾 | Trädets Ruttna Frukt |
Robert Holmberg
MittKon - Anno Domini Tjugohundraett (2001)
| Träningsläger Alfa |
Neo Hedström
PåskConline (2021)
💾 | Träringen |
Leif Bergman
Johan Jonsson
Mats Rappe
UppCon '92 (1992)
💾 | Träskets hjärta |
Johan Berggren
SnöKon (2006)
| Trøllabundin |
Morten Bergli Magnus
MidgardCon VII (2023)
💾 | Tröska Rågen |
Alexander Gyllensten
Christian Hoel
Daniel Lenneér
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
💾 | Tsunami |
Martin Svendsen
Orkon (2003)
💾 | Tudo nosso!!! |
Rafael Carneiro Vasques
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
💾 | Tudsefyrstens Guld |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
💾 | Tugt |
Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde
Peter Brichs
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
| Tukayyid Langsdorf´s Rhine, 3050 |
HelCon -94 (1994)
💾 | Tune in, Turn On, Burn Out |
Marcus Thorell
Spelkongress 90 - I en mörk framtid (1990)
| Tunguska |
| Tunguska-hændelsen |
Lars Kroll
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Tunnelen |
Mikkel Berget
Confekt IIa (1999)
| Tunnels & Trolls (Grottröj #7) |
Grottröj #7 (2014)
| Tunnels & Trolls (Grottröj #8) |
Grottröj #8 (2014)
💾 | Tupelo - Skriget over byen |
Brian Rasmussen
Fastaval (2006)
💾 | Tupilak |
René Toft
Viking-Con 22 (2003)
💾 | Tur til Næstved |
Michael Paulsen
Pentacon VI (1995)
| Turbo Cube |
Mikkel Jønsson
EreCon II - HorrorCon (1997)
| Turf War |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 | Turing Test |
Lars Kroll
Fastaval (2002)
💾 | Turings fråga |
Johan Dahlberg
Sara Engström
Frida Gamero
💾 | Turister på villovägar, eller, Om det där är en drake måste det vara fredag |
Jenny Silk
GothCon XXVIII (2004)
| Turkish song of the damned |
Adam Bindslev
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| Turn Left at Albuquerque |
Niels E. Wisth
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| Turn on, tune in, drop dead |
Torben Ussing
Vintersol (2013)
| Turnering i AD&D |
Spelkongress 87 - The game is afoot (1987)
| Turnering i Call of Cthulhu |
Spelkongress 87 - The game is afoot (1987)
| Turneringen |
| Turneringen |
Tyrfing Con - Fantasy Con (2018)
💾 | Turneringen |
Frederik J. Jensen
Viking-Con 34 (2015)
| Turtle Escape |
Xavid Pretzer
Sarah Tuttle
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Tusmørke |
| Tusmørke - Efter Stjernefaldet |
| Tusmørke Symfonier |
Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
💾 | Tusmørkets Smådjævle |
Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1989)
💾 | Tusmørkets Smådjævle II |
Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1990)
💾 | Tusmørkets Smådjævle III |
Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
DRF-Con (1991)
| Tusmørkets Smådjævle IV |
Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1992)
| Tusmørkets Smådjævle V |
Henrik Bisgaard
Claus Bloch
Lars "Georg" Evald Jensen
DRF-Con (1993)
| Tutankhamun - Evil under the Egyptian Sun |
Fiona Kennedy
Paul Kennedy
| Tuvstarr bjuder in |
| Tvangstanker |
RusCon 9 - Tierpark (2000)
| Tvenne dagars galgenfrist |
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
| Tviksta Spelbar |
LinCon (2008)
| Tvillingarnas Förbannelse |
| Tvillingsjälar |
SillyCon XII (2003)
💾 | Tvingat möte |
Per Wetterstrand
Borås Spelkonvent 18: Fac ut Vivas! (2000)
💾 | Tvisten vid Toomahaar |
Daniel Lenneér
Borås Spelkonvent 20: In Alea Veritas (2002)
💾 | Tvivl |
Fredrik Axelzon
Tobias Wrigstad
Fastaval 007 (2007)
| Tvära kast och ingen rast |
Björn Borg
Fredrik Börjesson
MittCon (1995)
| Twelve Black Feathers |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Twelve Hours of the Night |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon IV (2008)
| Twilight (ÖrnCon 1991) |
Lars Wiklund
Örncon (1991)
| Twilight 2000 (ARCON 10) |
Ronny Kjær
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Twilight 2000 (ARCON 15) |
Ian Burman
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| Twilight 2000 (ARCON 16) |
Ian Burman
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| Twilight 2000 (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Twilight 2000 (Fasta Emne-Weekend: Modern) |
Mads Lunau
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
| Twilight 2000 (Fastaval 87) |
Fastaval (1987)
| Twilight 2000 (FRB-con 91) |
FRB-con (1991)
| Twilight 2000 (GW91) |
Games Weekend (1991)
| Twilight 2000 (GW92) |
Thomas Andersen
Games Weekend (1992)
| Twilight 2000 (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Twilight 2000 (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| Twilight 2000 (MittCon 1991) |
MittCon (1991)
| Twilight 2000 (SC94) |
Stonehenge Con (1994)
| Twilight 2000 (Spiltræf 92) |
Spiltræf (1992)
| Twilight 2000 (Spiltræf I) |
Spillermøde (1985)
| Twilight 2000 (TRoR II) |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Twilight 2000 (VC9) |
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
| Twilight 2000 (Vintervap 95) |
Vintervap (1995)
| Twilight 2000 (WettCon 1988) |
Rickard Andersson
WettCon IV (1988)
| Twilight: 2000 (WettCon III) |
WettCon III (1987)
💾 | Twin-Tails Turneringen |
Louise Floor Frellsen
Louis Martinus Kehlet
Fastaval (2014)
| Twist and Shout |
Hila Grgory Meinrat
Talia Nirgad Hasson
Lian Yedidya
Black Box Horsens ...And That's It (2019)
| Twisted Personality |
Kenneth Michel Jensen
Chop Con (2002)
| Twisted Souls |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| Twists & Turns |
Ceire O’Donoghue
| Twitch |
Mike Young
Intercon O (2015)
| Two Cities - Ravens above Helmgart |
| Two Hours In London |
Beth Baniszewski
Laura Boylan
Peter Litwack
Intercon E (2005)
💾 | Two hours to Midnight |
Tore Vange Pedersen
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Two Pints of Lager and a packet of crisps |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Morten Lund
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
💾 | Two Pints of Lager and a Welsh Rugby Team |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Morten Lund
Fastaval (2004)
| Two Rocks |
Uffe Thorsen
Vintersol (2011)
| Two Rooms and a Boom |
LinCon (2014)
💾 | Two To Tango |
Brian Nisbet
VatiCon VI (1999)
| Tymany djen u gorodje Londona |
Kristoffer Apollo
Morten E. Nielsen
Spiltræf (1988)
💾 | Tynande Drömmar |
Fredrik Ernstson
Johannes Werner
LinCon (2003)
| Tyranny of Winds, Part 1: The Sandstorm Prophecy |
| Tyranny of Winds, Part 2: Secrets of the Endless Sky |
| Tyranny of Winds, Part 3: Caught in the Eclipse |
Jason Evans
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Tyrant Lizard Kings |
Warren Tusk
Intercon R (2018)
| Tyrant of the Forgotten Forge |
Dave Zajac
| Tys Ran-Greim |
| Tyst i klassen |
Caroline Sjövall
Sofia Willman
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
| Tysta rosens sällskap |
Prolog (2013)
| Tystnad Råder |
Bertil Frykholm
Per Rolandsson
SävCon VIII (2008)
| Tyve år efter |
Lisa Irene Hau
| Tyvekunstner |
Peter Brodersen
Thomas Jakobsen
Orkon (2005)
| Tyvenes by |
| Tyvenes By |
Anne Meus Morthorst
Viking-Con 39 (2020)
💾 | Tyvens lov |
Kim Gjersøe
Viking-Con 36 (2017)
| Tyveriet av månen |
Gaute Juveth
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
| Tähtivakka 6: Muuttuva maailma |
Ropecon (2023)
| Tänkom |
SillyCon XII (2003)
💾 | Tæppefald |
Per Frederiksen
Fastaval (2004)
| Tøffelheltene kommer |
Jesper Schnipper
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
| Tømmermænd i Aalborg Vestby |
Mathias B. Høygaard
DrageCon 19 (2014)
💾 | Töreboda |
Gustav Edman
Borås Spelkonvent 20: In Alea Veritas (2002)
| Tørke |
Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde
Oliver Nøglebæk
Fastaval (2012)
💾 | Tørkedal |
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
Viking-Con 38 (2019)
💾 | Törnesnår |
Christer Carlsson
FortKon 95 (1995)
💾 | Tåg mot soluppgången |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
LinCon (2002)
| Tåge over Lothvik |
💾 | Tåge over Neo Xin |
Louise Floor Frellsen
Louis Martinus Kehlet
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
| Taage over Porta Bianca |
Jesper Ejsing
Kjartan Kinch
Fastaval (1995)
| Tågen |
Fastaval (1989)
| Tågen |
Gunver Weidemann
Con Dôme (1994)
| Tågen over Sylvanien |
| Taagenatten 6 |
| Tågens pris |
| Tåger om Bilehall |
Thomas Elfing
Viking-Con 40 (2021)
| Tågernes Årtusinde |
| Tågeskoven |
| Tågeslør |
Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2008)
| Tågeøen |
Curt A. F. Nielsen
Spiltræf IX (1993)
💾 | Tårarnas bägare |
Robert Jonsson
CalCon XIV - Den nya tiden (2008)
| Tårer for Bethmoora |
Troels Ken Pedersen
| Tårnet i Daltigoth |
Morten Christensen
DrageCon 5 (2007)
| Tårnfalk |
Sara Hald