Tukayyid Langsdorf´s Rhine, 3050
System: Mechwarrior
Arrangeret af
-Freebirths! Are you ready to die?
The question took Garth by such surprise that he didn 't even react on the insult until it was to late. Now he was suddenly the leader for the sibkoin the middle of the fightings on this unworthy planet called Tukayyid. Was this a test or was this his last rites as a warrior. Which ever, as long as he could die as a mechwarrior, everything was in order.
Detta är ett rollspel som kommer att spelas i mån av intresse. Notera gärna edert intresse på anmälan. Rollspelet enligt Mechwarrior 2:nd Edition, Strid enligt Battletech compendium, egna houserules delas ut vid invigningen.
Spillet på
HelCon -94 (1994) |
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