The quiet game
System: LARP
✏️ | Costanza Chelidonio |
✏️ | Matteo Davolio |
✏️ | Michele Dore |
✏️ | Maria Guarneri |
✏️ | Simone Paci |
✏️ | Samuele Vitale |
Styles of Play: Larp
The quiet game is a silent scenario, in which every interaction between characters happens through movement and contact. A group of nameless, voiceless children go through daily lives made of ritualised games and gestures, in search of their lost identities. Through the lens of this unusual childhood, players will get the chance to directly confront their base emotions, to know themselves, to see themselves in each other's eyes.
Tags: childhood, emotion, colours, growth, loss
Spillet på
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019) |
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