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The Scourge Encounter

System: LARP
Deltagere: 18-29 spillere, Non-player characters: 6-13, Player characters: 12-16


✏️Thomas Hansen (II)
✏️Larisa Allen
✏️John Cooke


Important: By signing up to PC this game, you will be also signed up for the The Scourge Encounter Workshop at 11am - 1pm on Saturday. The workshop portion of this game is a required part of the PC experience, but separated from the core of the game to allow a breather between the workshop and the main game, and for NPCs to only sign up for the main run. After signing up for this event, con staff will manually sign PCs up for this workshop as well. If you have already signed up for an event during the workshop, con staff will contact you to resolve the conflict at that time.

*Known mostly for long distance cargo hauling, tough times have forced the crew of the HV Pinfold to take on a load of paying passengers. It’s a tight fit for so many bodies, Terrans and others, with companionship and tension happening in equal measure as more have been added to the roster. Some travel for money, others for renown, and some to escape the ghosts of their past. Some crew and passengers intermingle, while others keep to themselves. It’s been close to a week since the last port of call, and everyone has relaxed into a routine...until the pattern is brutally interrupted by the scream of proximity alarms and a horrific crunch.*

The Scourge Encounter is a structured freeform LARP that uses boffer combat for physical resolution. A before-play 1 to 2-hour workshop will develop characters, relationships, and review combat rules. The last 3-4 hours will consist largely of intense, prolonged combat with brief respites. A mid-game break will provide a few minutes of respite with guided meditation for re-centering of character goals and connections. A de-role exercise will follow the game.

Characters will be attacked and attempt to repel a previously unknown enemy. They will be provided several “desperate measure” mechanical solutions and expected to make choices in the heat of the moment that may result in loss of resources or lives. Although there are resurrection mechanics in game, should any character die during the course of game the player will have the option to NPC or withdraw from game. Players should expect an overall genre-feel of sci-fi survival horror akin to Alien/Aliens and Pitch Black.

This game is intended to invoke the intensity of life or death combat situation by injecting the adrenaline of boffer combat with the deeply personalized connections formed during freeform workshopping. Various aspects of this game have been inspired by Final Hours by Keri G. and Rabbit Run by Zoe E. and Albert L.

Familiarity with lightest-touch boffer combat systems is encouraged but not required. A variety of combat styles and roles will be available (melee weapons, ranged/gunners, medical support, etc.) Weapons will be provided for anyone who cannot provide their own. We strongly encourage anyone who wishes to play but has concerns about physical accommodations to contact us with questions.

For NPC sign-ups familiarity with lightest-touch boffer combat systems is strongly encouraged. We will have very few non-combat NPC roles and the majority of NPC activity will be melee combat roles with little to no roleplay.

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Intercon T: Turtles (2020)

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