The Creeping Rot
System: D&D 5th Edition
Jordan Carmichael |
You have been called to the city of Duskmarch to deal with a dire situation, roughly a month's travel from the capitol on the very fringes of the kingdom. Within a day's travel of Duskmarch is a vast and sprawling mangrove forest, or at least, there was a vast and sprawling mangrove forest. Now it would be more aptly called a reaching and feted swamp. The forest, as it was previously, was home to a shrine dedicated to Silvanus, the shrine itself was built over an underground wellspring which was said to come into existence when Silvanus walked the material plane and spent a time sleeping within the forest, when he awoke a wellspring had formed with water flowing from seemingly no-where. This transformed the once normal forest into a mangrove, filled with flowing water and exploding with life. A number of years ago a black dragon came to the area, destroying the shrine and seemingly making its lair within the caverns beneath. There have been several attempts in this time to remove the dragon, but all have failed and over the course of its residence here, the land has been warped and transformed into the poisonous swamp it is now. The folks in and around the city have taken to calling the dragon The Creeping Death, as even though it has so far raised no talon against the city itself, its presence and the actions of its followers have slowly strangled the livelihood of those in the area. None who have entered into the lair have returned alive, but some sightings have been confirmed of the dragon's followers; it has amassed a cult of kobold worshippers as well as convincing the once peaceful lizardfolk of the area to join its cause. There have even been whispers of half-dragons leading the various factions of the dragons worshipers, but these have not been confirmed. Your task is simple, kill or drive off the black dragon and scatter its followers in the hopes that the local populace can reclaim the area. Players wishing to take part can come prepared with a level 14 character (official rules only) or a pre-gen character can be provided on arrival.
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UK GamesExpo (2023) |
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