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Wack-o Ropecon (2018)
💾 Wages Of Sin Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1997)
💾 Wagyu Away Mikkel Bækgaard
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
Wait For Me Heather Ritchie
Summer Larpin' (2023)
💾 Waiting for Flight GO901 Simon James Pettitt
Blackbox Cph IV (2014)
Waiting for Slenderman Jacqueline Bryk
KN Granger
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
Waiting for the Sun Philip Gilsenan
Aidan Walsh
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
Waiting Room Tayler Stokes
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
Waiting to Be Born Chaosium Con (2023)
Wake up dead! DalCon - MCMXCV - A midsummernight´s dream (1995)
💾 Wake-Up Call Gareth Hanrahan
Shane Lucy
WarpCon VIII (1998)
💾 Wales, kraftigt regn, 8° C, sydvästlig vind Simon Svensson
GothCon XXVI (2002)
Walk the Plank
Walking Blues Kevin Kreiner
Intercon R (2018)
Walking on New Earth Seamus Butler
WarpCon XI (2001)
Wall of Glass Chaosium Con (2023)
Walls of Intrigue Alex O’Connor
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
Walter's Final Wish Jennifer Thraser
Matt Wiseman
Chaosium Con (2023)
Wanderers above the Sea of Fog Oscar Biffi
Grenselandet (2017)
💾 Wannseekonferensen Olle Nyman
Andreas Sjöberg
Sebastian Utbult
Prolog (2013)
Wanted Påskcon VIII (2022)
Wanted ... Not Me! Martin Lindof
DrageCon 11 (2009)
Wanted Dead or Alive TRoA-Con 92, intern (1992)
Wanted: Dead or Undead Ropecon (2018)
Wanted:Dead Eoin Staunton
Warpcon XXII (2012)
WANTED! Cthulhu Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
War of the Beard Graham Tormey
Gaelcon (2005)
War of the Dead GothCon XXXVII (2013)
War of the World Tina Manstrup Kruse
DrageCon 7 (2007)
War stories Nastassia Sinitsyna
Grenselandet (2016)
War Wagon Mette Abildgaard
Hans B. Petterson
TRoA X (1995)
War! Niels Stender
Con 92 (1992)
Warbirds of Thena Nick Whyte
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
Ward Asunder Mikko Kallio
Wardens of Sulfur Gulch Isabelle Lee
Gaelcon (2016)
Warfluxx (DefCon 2) Jesper Koplev
DefCon 2 (2018)
WarFluxx (VC35) Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 35 (2016)
Warfluxx (VC38) Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 38 (2019)
Warfluxx 2 Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
Warfluxx 2½ Jesper Koplev
Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede! (2019)
Warfluxx, sæson 3 Jesper Koplev
ConTOr (2020)
Warhammer Bob Hickey
Gaelcon (1996)
Warhammer (Hexcon 1996) Hexcon (1996)
Warhammer 40,000 (VatiCon 2003) VatiCon X (2003)
Warhammer 40000 Graham Turner
Gaelcon (2004)
Warhammer 40K (WarpCon 1999) Roger McDonogh
WarpCon IX (1999)
Warhammer 40k Role Play (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Thomas Andrey
MidgardCon VI (2022)
Warhammer Contest™ - Man eller Must edition Julkon (2000)
Warhammer Fantasy Live Action Sean Frank
Gareth Hanrahan
Brian Kidney
Daragh Long
Aidan Rafferty
WarpCon IX (1999)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BayCon 1988) Tomas Ruzic
BayCon (1988)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BayCon 1989) Tomas Ruzic
BayCon (1989)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BSK 1996) Tomas Davidsson
Borås Spelkonvent 14: Domesticus Gargarizatus (1996)
Warhammer fantasy roleplay (CalCon 2006) CalCon XII - Spöktimmen (2006)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (CalCon 2012) CalCon XVIII - Kulten (2012)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (CalCon 2013) CalCon XIX - A Fairytale (2013)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (DalCon 1992) DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (DrageCon 1) Mads Stagis
Dragen Minicon (2005)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1989) Gaelcon (1989)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1993) Gaelcon (1993)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1996) Andrew Behan
Gaelcon (1996)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GothCon 1992) GothCon XVI (1992)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (HelCon 1993) HelCon -93 (1993)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LepreCon 1999) LepreCon XX (1999)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1988) LinCon (1988)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1989) LinCon (1989)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1990) LinCon (1990)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (SydCon 1) SydCon '92 (1992)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (TM93) The Movement (1993)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (UppCon 1992) Leif "Laffe" Eriksson
UppCon '92 (1992)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (VatiCon 1999) VatiCon V (1999)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (Warhammer-Træf)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1994) Warpcon IV (1994)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1998) WarpCon VIII (1998)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1999) Rob Feeney
WarpCon IX (1999)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 2000) WarpCon X (2000)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WettCon 1988) WettCon IV (1988)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (ÖSD 1997) Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition Thomas Andrey
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay I (TRoA 90) Kenneth Madsen
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay II (TRoA 90) Jørn Hjortshøj
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying (BSK 1990) Claes-Henrik Pihl
Borås Spelkonvent 8: Circum Diem (1990)
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying (SGC'93) Rasmus Jacobsen
Anders Pedersen
Skt. Georg Con (1993)
Warhammer fantasy RP Magnus Alfred
HelCon -90 (1990)
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (ARCON 16) ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (Chop Con 95) Svend Jensen
Mikkel Jønsson
Chop Con (1995)
Warhammer FRP (ARCON 10) ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
Warhammer FRP (Arcon 1992) ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
Warhammer FRP (ARCON 9) Andre Lynum
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
Warhammer FRP (FRN) FRN-spiltræf (1990)
Warhammer FRP (VC7) Viking-Con 7 (1988)
Warhammer FRPG (VC10) Thomas Pors
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
Warhammer FRPG (VC11) Thomas Pors
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
Warhammer Quest FortKon 95 (1995)
Warhammer RPG (ARCON 14) Jan Erik Ude
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
Warhammer RPG (ARCON 15) Stian Madshus og Dag Fossmo
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
💾 Warm Safe Place Fergal O'Brien
Vaticon III (1997)
Warmth Wendy Gorman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
Warning! Death or Serious Injury Can Occur A Game Poem about Parenting Advice Kat Jones
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
Warpstone Couriers Ronan McHugh
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
Was It The Soup J. Michael Arons
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
Wasa II SävCon III (2003)
Washing Machine Jamie Harper
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
Washington Press Conference Cheryl Ann Costa
Linda Miller Poore
Intercon E (2005)
Wastelands (DalCon 1992) DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
Wastelive MittCon (1992)
WasteLive II - "Live to Waste" Norra MittCon (1993)
MittCon (1994)
Wasting Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2016)
Wasurete Aku: Haunted Shadow VatiCon X (2003)
Watching Andy Brown
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Carl Williams
Curious Consequences (2009)
Water, Water, Every Where... Dave Hayes (I)
Gaelcon (2012)
Waterdeep's Monsters Albert Petersen
ChopCon (2020)
Wattman Show DaveTheBrave
Convention de Supaero XXXIV (2013)
Wave Of Mutilation Kenneth Whyte
Gaelcon (2000)
Waving Jackson Tegu
Wax and Bones Oisin Reilly
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
Way Back Rebecca Slitt
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
Way of Shogun
We All Fall Down Katie Giacomini
Intercon P (2016)
We Almost Were Heroes Jasmin Lade
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)
We Are Not Vampires Knutepunkt (2025)
We Are One Michael Sonne-Jørgensen
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
💾 We are one. Kristoffer Föhrman
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
We are only in it for the money UppCon '93 (1993)
We Are Roommates Now Wendy Gorman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
We Are Where? Christoffer Brun Jensen
MuCon - Muhlywood (2015)
We Be Goblins Free! Richard Pett
Gaelcon (2015)
We Be Goblins Too! Richard Pett
Gaelcon (2014)
We be Goblins! Richard Pett
Avacon II (2011)
We Built This City On Rock & Roll Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XIX (2009)
We Come in Peace! Henrik Olsen
ChopCon (2019)
💾 We Consign Them To The Deep Hazel Anneke Dixon
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
We don´t need no stinking badges Christian Geete
Niclas Holmqvist
Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
We Love you Sanny, We do Tadeusz Cantwell
VatiCon XVI (2010)
We need to talk about Kris Tor Kjetil Edland
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
Danny Meyer Wilson
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
We Shall Call Out Their Names Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
We String Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
We were missed dearly...once The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
We Åker Jeep - the Larp Charles Bo Nielsen
Black Box Horsens (2017)
We´re on a mission... Daniel Björk
MittCon (1994)
We, Who Were Washed Away Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Black Box Horsens ...And That's It (2019)
💾 We're so Screwed II David Hagman
GothCon XXX (2006)
We’re all in this together Prolog (2014)
💾 We’re so Screwed David Hagman
GothCon XXIX (2005)
Weakness of Rock Mickey Tan
OrCCon (2021)
Weapon in the Rift Nathan King
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
Weaponfall Megan Coppock
Albert Lin
Intercon U (2022)
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
Weasels Razors Ride Again! Mik Reed
Curious Consequences (2009)
Weave of Fate
Weavers at the Loom of Fate Holly Bianchi
Thomas Traina
Intercon O (2015)
Webs of Mirkwood Gaute Juveth
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
Wedding at Kyotei Castle ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
Wedding Bells Mia Kyhn
The Smoke (2020)
Wedding Song Conpulsion (2023)
Weekend at the Prophet's Sean Leaney
LepreCon XLI (2022)
Weekend in the Woods Chaosium Con (2023)
Weekend med en morder Kent H. Trustrup
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
Weird Truths Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
Weird West Ropecon (2018)
Weirdville Mysteries Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
Welcome Back to Blandings! Mel MacDonald
AmberCon NI (2024)
Welcome Contestant ! To Svartalfheim. Jannik Hansen
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
Welcome Home, Willow! Jacqueline Bryk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
Welcome to Dead Horse Morten Lund
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
Welcome to Five Sails Chaosium Con (2023)
Welcome to Hard Times David Owen
Karolina Soltys
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017)
Welcome to Hell LinCon (2007)
Welcome to Night Vale! Q-Con (2023)
Welcome to Paradise v1.0
Welcome to Scearbridge University Vito D'Agosta
Susan Weiner
Intercon F (2006)
Welcome to Scearbridge: A Unique College Experience Susan Weiner
Intercon C (2003)
Welcome to Silent Hill Lo Wallmo
Welcome to Sunnyvale Joshua Sheena
Sage Shepperd
Intercon H (2008)
Welcome to the Dragon Palace Zoe Eddy
Intercon N (2014)
Welcome to the End of Your Life Tony Porteous
Sofia Romualdo
The Smoke (2020)
Welcome to the World Sergio Losilla
Immersion LARP Festival (2024)
Welcome to Tombstone Ropecon (2018)
Welcome to Whisper Bay
Welcome, Souls! Maryia Karachun
Zhenja Karachun
Volha Rudak
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Minsk Larp Festival (2016)
Well Of The Worm UK GamesExpo (2019)
💾 Well, This Is Awkward... Chloe Mashiter
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
💾 Welshbury Brook Thomas Munkholt
Fastaval (1994)
Weltschmerz Europa
WEMFROG OSR OneShots Markus Ohlin
LinCon (2024)
💾 Wendelburg 1983 Mattias Hellgren
LinCon (2001)
Werewolf '44 Rasmus Kjærboe
Viking-Con 14 (1995)
Werewolf (ARCON 10) ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
Werewolf (ARCON 15) Eivind Sletner
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
Werewolf (ARCON 16) Christopher Enger
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
Werewolf (ARCON 17) Kristoffer Enger
ARCON 17: D&D (2001)
Werewolf (ARCON 18) Kristoffer Enger
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
Werewolf (GaelCon 1993) Gaelcon (1993)
Werewolf (Nordcon 95) Mads Poulsen
Nordcon (1995)
Werewolf (Skt. Georg Con 1994) Skt. Georg Con (1994)
Werewolf (Stockholms Spelkonvent 1995) Fritte Vanececk
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
Werewolf (StocKon 1999) StocKon 5 (1999)
Werewolf (WarpCon 1997) Warpcon VII (1997)
Werewolf (WarpCon 1998) WarpCon VIII (1998)
Werewolf The Oldest Enemy: Luna’s Promise Seamus Butler
Gaelcon (2015)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse (GaelCon 1996) Paul Feldwick
Gaelcon (1996)
Werewolf: The Oldest Enemy LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (GaelCon 1994) Gaelcon (1994)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (VatiCon 1999) VatiCon VI (1999)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (VatiCon 2004) Vaticon X.5 (2004)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 1996) Matt Farrell
Warpcon VI (1996)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 1999) Malcolm Murphy
WarpCon IX (1999)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 2001) Tony Salveta
Kenneth Whyte
WarpCon XI (2001)
Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 2002) Malcolm Murphy
WarpCon XII (2002)
Werewolf:The Forsaken (ItzaCon 2006) Mike Brennan
Itzacon II (2006)
💾 Werewolves Without A Cause Gareth Hanrahan
Aidan Rafferty
WarpCon X (2000)
💾 Werwolf René Toft
Forum (2015)
West End High
Western (CalCon 2002) CalCon VIII - Den mörka CalConens återkomst (2002)
Western (CalCon 2003) CalCon IX - Maffia (2003)
Western (CrossCon 2006) CrossCon III (2006)
Western (CrossCon 2008) CrossCon V (2008)
Western (CrossCon 2010) CrossCon VII (2010)
Western (CrossCon 2011) CrossCon VIII (2011)
Western (CrossCon 2012) CrossCon IX (2012)
Western (DalCon 1992) DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
Western (HalmiCon 2001) Halmicon (2001)
Western (KyrCon 2001) KyrCon 4 - The Harry Potter Experience (2001)
Western (LinCon 1989) LinCon (1989)
Western (LinCon 1990) LinCon (1990)
Western (MittCon 1991) MittCon (1991)
Western (WettCon 1989) WettCon V (1989)
Western: Fyrtio Gravar GothCon XLVII (2024)
💾 Westwind Mo Holkar
Grenselandet (2024)
Wet Tired and Hunter Stefan Grinneby
Sven Norén
UppCon '90 (1990)
Wet Whistle
Wet work Ropecon (2018)
WFRP (Lux-Con '91) Rune Schiermer Nielsen
Lux-Con (1991)
What ´append to Grotto Thomas Enggård
Pentacon (1996)
What A Fiasco AireCon 7 (2022)
What A Wonderful World Stephen Mulligan
BeAcon IV (2018)
What do we do now...? Borås Spelkonvent 5 (1987)
What do you want Tue Thorstvad
Krikkit Con MkIV - Elgen Resurrection (1998)
💾 What Dwells in the Mountains Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
What Gooey Webs We Weave OrCCon (2021)
What happened at Lanzarote Eirik Fatland
Elin Nilsen
Aslak Tirera
Grenselandet (2011)
What Happened in Warsaw? Jan Rosa
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
What Happened to Ambassador Scale A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
What Happened? Pálína Ýr Þórsdóttir
ESFROAG (2015)
What Happens in Vegas ... OrCCon (2021)
💾 What Happens Next? Brian Nisbet
What Have We Done …? Nanna Knak Sondrup
RusCon 23 (2015)
💾 What heroes are made of Marcus Brissman
Henrik Sevandersson
Halmicon (2003)
What ho, Hastur Anita Murray
Itzacon IV (2008)
What I did on my holiday Chaosium Con (2023)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation Craig Fox
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
What is fear? Mads Lund Jensen
B-Con (1998)
What is love? Malin Forsberg
FemCon 3 (2015)
💾 What Is Love? Tova Gerge
Mikael Hansén Goobar
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015)
What Khaiba brings Søren Bengtsen
Claustrum Con II (1997)
What Lies Beneath Tym Norris
AmberCon NI (2024)
What Might Have Been Patrik Bálint
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
The Smoke (2019)
What Prestige is Worth Matt Duval
LepreCon XL (2019)
What Price Human Derek Herrera
H. U.
Intercon O (2015)
What Ripping Fun! Jamey Patten
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Intercon L (2012)
What stays behind Julia Safronava
Yanina Zaichanka
Minsk Larp Festival (2019)
What the fuck is going on? Viborg Con (1993)
What the King doesn’t know… Simone PM
AmberCon NI (2024)
What They Did in the Dark Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
💾 What To Do About Earth: a Committee LARP Matt Michaelson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
What to do about Tam Lin Emily Care Boss
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Intercon J (2010)
What We Are in the Dark Laura Wood
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
What We Do At The Funeral Mia Kyhn
The Smoke (2023)
What We Leave Behind Peter S. Svensson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
What would Selma do Fia Idegård
Anna Westerling
What Would Shakespeare Do? Anneli Albertsson
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
What, the Spirit of Gaelcon is missing AGAIN?! Gaelcon (2021)
What's Bred in the Bone UK GamesExpo (2023)
What's the clearancy, Kenneth? Daniel Björk
MittCon (1995)
What's Up Doc? Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
What's up Doc? Erik Wittchen
Viking-Con 6 (1987)
What’s in the Box Sean Leaney
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
Whatever Happened to Alicia Thorne? Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 Whatever is the Matter with Admiral Bang? Naomi Burgess
Hannah Murphey
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
Wheel of Time (VatiCon 2003) VatiCon X (2003)
Wheel of Time: White Tower Elisabeth Cohen
Michael Von Korff
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
💾 When a Siren Calls Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
When Androids Pray Anna-Lisa Muckas Gustavsson
Stefan Lunneborg
Carl Nordblom
Siri Sandquist
Simon Svensson
When Angels Fall... Bent Hammerum Holm
Hans B. Petterson
TRoA's Interne Jule-Hygge-Con (1996)
When Demons Hide Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2020)
When Dreamscapes Collide Colm Lundberg
Leprecon XXIV (2003)
When Friendship Deepens Gustav Nilsson
Joel Östlund
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021)
When Friendship Happens Gustav Nilsson
Joel Östlund
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2017)
When Giants Fall Ropecon (2018)
💾 When in Doubt Sarah Jane Murdock
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
💾 When Our Destinies Meet Petter Karlsson
Morgan March
Prolog (2009)
When Pigs Fly ... Søren Keis Thustrup
Ba-Con (2010)
When Princes Meet Alvin Gellert
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
When the Flame Turns Blue Mary Kilgarriff
Gaelcon (2003)
When the Lights Went Out in Candlekeep OrCCon (2022)
💾 When the Man Comes Around Mads Brynnum
Morten Malmros Jespersen
Fastaval (2005)
When the Martian Dunes Whisper Your Name Ropecon (2018)
When the past catches up Ropecon (2017)
When the war comes Suus Mutsaers
Verena Pschorn
The Larporatory (2015)
When the World Died Nanna Knak Sondrup
Ruscon 25 (2017)
When them not nice, we not nice Calling All Heroes (1994)
When We Were Young Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
When Worlds Collide Assaf Flatto
Gaelcon (2002)
When You Stop Running Dylan Blanset
Intercon Q (2017)
Where Androids Die
Where Are You? Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
💾 Where Devils Fear To Tread Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XIX (2009)
Where Do We Go From Here? Ashleigh Patterson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
Where Dragons Rule Ole Christensen
Spilletræf (1990)
Where Everything Dies Ropecon (2018)
Where in the Heart is Carmen Sandiego? Kendra Beckler
Andrew Clough
Beth Hocking
Jayson Lynch
Intercon P (2016)
Where is the Queen!! Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
Where Mammoths Dare not Thread Gaelcon (2014)
Where the Dead Wait ARCON 36: Cyberpunk (2020)
💾 Where the Journey Takes Us Aaron Silverman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
Where the Train Stops Malik Hyltoft
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
Where The Wild Things Are Karete Jacobsen Meland
Martin Nielsen
Nina Lund Westerdahl
Blackbox Cph (2025)
Where the Wild Things Will be Anandi Gandolfi
Intercon J (2010)
Where There’s a Will Brian McNally
Liam Ó Táilliúir
Shane O'hUid
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
Where would those Pocket Shadows lead to, I wonder… George Kingston
Where’s Wall-Eye? Continuum (2022)
Wherefore art thou Replicant? Continuum (2023)
WHFRP (GaelCon 2006) Colm Lundberg
Gaelcon (2006)
💾 While You Were Asleep Millie Kennedy
Sam Logan
Gaelcon (2015)
While You Were Sleeping Paddy Delaney
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
WHILE: Democracy DO: Troubleshoot Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
💾 Whisk Me Away Avital Lubin
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
Whispers Brandon Brylawski
Intercon R (2018)
Whispers Chris Zipeto
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
Whispers of Promises, Screams of Pain Martin Hansen
Con Dôme (2000)
Whispers of the Gods UK GamesExpo (2023)
White Collar Division Susanne Emilie Jensen
Ruscon 22 - Splat! (2014)
White Knights in Prague Bjarne Sinkjær
White Mornings & Black Knights Charles Dunne
Itzacon III (2007)
White Plume Mountain GuardianCON XIII (2015)
💾 White Russian Anders Berg
Markus Borbely
GothCon XXV (2001)
White Sheet Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Beatrice Sgaravatto
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
White Wedding John Cooke
Intercon U (2022)
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
White Wolf Crossover (WarpCon 2000) WarpCon X (2000)
White Zombie Norra MittCon (1993)
💾 White-out: Las Vegas Olle Jonsson
Anders Nygren
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
White/Black swan Prolog (2016)
Whitemore Morten Nørgaard
TRoA Con - Trolddom og Hekseri (2005)
💾 Whiteout Fergal O'Brien
LepreCon XX (1999)
Whiteout! CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
Whittenham Forum Ashley Perryman
Hilary Sklar
Gaelcon (2010)
Who are you?, Who am I? KC Godiksen
FE Con (2022)
Who can you Really Trust? GuardianCON XIX (2021)
Who can you trust? Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
Who Dares, Wins! LepreCon XL (2019)
Who do you think you are? Kat Jones
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
Be-Con (2019)
Who Found the Foundling A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
Who goes there? StarCon (2022)
Who Hoots for Who? Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
💾 Who I was Caroline Sjövall
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
Who is Gashmore Calling All Heroes (1994)
Who Is Mr. Wall? M. A. B.
RusCon 13 (2004)
Who is Who Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
Who Killed High Hat? Brendan Adkins
Diane Glewwe
James Silverstein
Gaylord Tang
Steve Vig
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
Who Killed Julian? Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
Who Let The Dogs Out? Tym Norris
AmberCon NI (2024)
Who Stole All The dumplings? Dan Marriott
AireCon 8 (2023)
💾 Who the Fuck Is Alice? René Toft
💾 Who The Funk Do You Think You Are? Countess Dillymore
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
Who to Trust Morten K. Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
Who want's to live forever ...? Caj Karlsson
Borås Spelkonvent 11: Gallus Crispus (1993)
Who Wants to Die Forever? Anders Leth Terndrup
Fastaval (1994)
Who Wants to Kill on Air Gaelcon (2015)
Who was John Fuller? Cathriona Tobin
Gaelcon (2009)
💾 Who We Are John Gotschall
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
Who Ya Gonna Call? Gaelcon (2024)
Who´s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? - Who´s among us!? Jamie Bowden
LepreCon XLI (2022)
Who'$ the Foo£ Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
Who'll Let the Dogs Out!? GuardianCON XVII (2019)
Who's next? Jonas Fibæk
Confus (2000)
Who's that Knocking? John Amos
Jon Kenny
Rob Kenny
Curious Consequences (2009)
Whodunnit? Anneli Albertsson
Lars Albertsson
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
💾 Wholesale Destruction Siobhan McKenna
Gaelcon (2010)
Whose LARP Is It, Anyways? Jenny Diewald
Jordan Diewald
Julie Diewald
Intercon XIV (1999)
Why do Humans fear? Søren Suhr Hansen
Chop Con (2002)
Why does everybody hate me? Jes Bech Engsted
RusCon 12 - Tema (2003)
Why Doesn't the Empire Strike Back? Vor Frelsers Con (1991)
Why Is That Rabbit Watching Me? Chaosium Con (2023)
Why The Rum's Gone Thomas Hansen (II)
Larisa Allen
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
Why? Christine Holm Bagge Jensen
ESFROAG (2022)
Wicked Hearts Kristen McFadyen Patten
Alison Joy Schafer
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
Wigilia Jeff Dieterle
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
Wild Legendary Festivities GothCon XLVIII (2025)
Wild Red West Søren Kristian Pedersen
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
Wild Sheep Chase UK GamesExpo (2023)
Wild Strawberries
Wild West WarpCon XI (2001)
💾 Wilful Disregard Anna Westerling
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016)
Will That Be All? Graham Walmsley
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
Willboms vilja Björn Flintberg
Daniel Lehto
GothCon XLV (2022)
William Shakespeare's Verona
Willkommen in München Dreieichcon World (2021)
💾 Wilt Mads Jøns Frausig
Karete Jacobsen Meland
💾 Winchester Christoffer Krämer
LinCon (2003)
Window to the Past Fiachra Kelly
WarpCon XI (2001)
💾 Windows into Night Emily Care Boss
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
Wing and a Prayer Nick Bradbeer
Ian Thomas and Harry Harrld
Liss Macklin
Lauren owen
Thorsten Schillo
Winning the Peace Ben Allen
Kevin Jacklin
Heidi Kaye
Michele Minett
Alison Rider-Hill
Lucky Consequences (2018)
💾 Winson Green Prison Rosalind Göthberg
Siri Sandquist
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
Winter Hills: In the Dark Robert Jonsson
GothCon XLIV (2020)
💾 Winter is Coming! Ingve Borgen
Torgrim Husvik
ARCON 29: Game of Thrones (2013)
Winter is Leaving Sean Croutou
Selena Harvey
Stephen Tihor
Intercon Q (2017)
Winter shades of Evil Oskar Bernhardsson
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
Winter Shards of Evil Konvent för alla (2002)
Winter Solstice II - Winter Ball and Feast
Winter Tradition Kathrine Abel
Maria Østerby Elleby
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
Mads Havshøj
Elias Helfer
Ole Sørensen
Winter's Grip Paddy Delaney
Itzacon III (2007)
Wintercold - 3. del af Heksens trilogi Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA VIII (1994)
Winterhorn Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018)
Wintermancer AireCon 4 (2018)
Wintermeet Tavern: Vampires, Dwarves, and Kings, Oh my! Sean Croteau
Selina Harvey
Stephen Tihor
Intercon P (2016)
Winters End - The Fall of an Empire Lars Andersson (I)
SnöKon (1995)
💾 Wishing Well Xavid Pretzer
Sarah Tuttle
Intercon P (2016)
Witch Trials Hannah Bechara
Dave McCabe
Gaelcon (2014)
Witchblood: The Lost Village Conpulsion (2023)
Witches of Segovia Megan Coppock
Intercon U (2022)
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
Witches of the New Forest Conan Doyle
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
Witchhunting - 2. del af Heksens trilogi Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA VII (1993)
💾 Witching Hour Jessica Barthelt
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
WitchTrial Live GothCon XXVIII (2004)
With a Song in My Heart Victor Andersen
Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede! (2019)
With Friends Like These AireCon 7 (2022)
With Friends Like These Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
💾 With Intellect and Decent Purpose Shane Carr
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2014)
With my six-shooter up Rattlers creek KryptCon III (2020)
With the Lives of Men Jude Mapp
Gaelcon (2005)
Within the Land of Cymnea Keith McNamara
AmberCon NI (2024)
Within the Prairies Marlowe Miller
UK GamesExpo (2023)
Within the swamp Erik Söderman
SillyCon XIII (2004)
Within These Walls We Are Safe David M. Donachie
Kay Gillespie
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
Without the Land of Cymnea Keith McNamara
AmberCon NI (2024)
Witnesses of War Ropecon (2018)
Wizards Adrienne Amerman
John Kammer
Intercon F (2006)
Wizards Against Humanity Ropecon (2023)
Wizards of the Toast UK GamesExpo (2023)
Wolf Force 4 Anders Tychsen
Spiltræf XI (1996)
Wolf Force Five Anders Tychsen
Krikkit Con mk II (1996)
Wolf Force Four II Anders Tychsen
IRIIB (1999)
Wolf Force Four II + 1 Anders Tychsen
Confekt II (1997)
Wolf Wedding LinCon (1990)
💾 Wolfenstein 1950 Mikkel Bistrup Andersen
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Wolves Tear Out The Dragon’s Throat Gaelcon (2024)
💾 Women Susanne Gräslund
Anders Hultman
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2017)
Women in Finland Ropecon (2023)
💾 Women on the Verge… Mo Holkar
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
Wonderland Martin Stackelberg
SillyCon VII (1998)
Wonderland 2.0 Andy Kirschbaum
Intercon F (2006)
Wonderland 2.1 - Wonderland Reloaded Andy Kirschbaum
Intercon H (2008)
Wonderland Resurrections Andy Kirschbaum
Amber Robitaille
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024) Andy Benson
Amy Kirschbaum
Andy Kirschbaum
Bryan Krauthamer
Intercon XV (2000)
Wonders Continuum (2022)
Wonders from the Occident Jon Butler
Eóin Ó Dornáin
Gaelcon (2010)
💾 Wonderworks Lauri Lukka
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
Wong Feis kro Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
Fastaval (2016)
Woodplum House Phoebe Roberts
Intercon P (2016)
Woodsby Uffe V. Jensen
TRoA Con - Dybet (2006)
Working for the Man Kieran Turley
Itzacon I (2005)
Workshop - Rollspelskonfirmation CrossCon VIII (2011)
Workshop om Magic på Lajv GothCon XXIX (2005)
World Eater Carsten Friis
Con Dôme (1998)
World in Darkness Henrik Jespersen
DrageCon 14 (2011)
World of Darkness - Hunters (ARCON 16) Sverre B. Midthjell
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
World of Darkness (DrageCon 1) Bent Holm
Dragen Minicon (2005)
World of Darkness (FE-con 2022) Dennis Mejsedal
FE Con (2022)
World of Darkness (LinCon 2011) LinCon (2011)
World of Darkness (Paranoiacon 2013) Paranoiacon (2013)
World of Warcraft (FE Con 2018) Patrick Spangsberg
FE Con (2018)
World's End Shelly Mohnkern
Miki Tracey
Intercon G (2007)
Worlds of Ice and Blood Kieran Turley
Itzacon VI (2010)
Worlds of the West Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
Worlds of Wonder Chaosium Con (2023)
Worship Mads Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 5th Edition (1996)
💾 Wotans Kobbel og den magiske femkamp Thor Fejerskov Jensen
Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Wraith (Chop Con '97) Morten Leerhøy
Chop Con (1997)
Wraith (Frizonen) UppCon '95 (1995)
Wrath of a God D. Y.
Chop Con (1999)
Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen
Wrecked Micky Jensen
Chop Con (1995)
WRESTLE- MANIA! Christopher McNulty
Michael Oldziej
Intercon Q (2017)
Wrestle-Mageddon: Backstage Heel Turns Peter S. Svensson
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy Charles Leiserson
Ariel Segall
Brian Sniffen
Intercon N (2014)
Wretched Hive of Scum and Villiany Charles Leiserson Jr
Ariel Segall
Brian Sniffen
Intercon D (2004)
Writer's Block Ian Hollingsworth
Gaelcon (2005)
Written by the Victors Epistolary Richard
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
Wulfmorgenthaler Kult Scenariet Mads Ahola
Hyggecon (2008)
WWE: Homicide Caddy Powers Jr.
Baz Nugent
Tony O'Hare
Gaelcon (2005)
💾 Wyomings Vargar Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
ChrisCon II (1999)
Wzuit By Night - A High Level Tourist Journey Denkyû Sebastian Gundel
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
Wørk, Bitch! Nina Fjord
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
WAAAAAAAAAAAGH! AireCon 5 (2019)