| Wack-o |
Ropecon (2018)
💾 | Wages Of Sin |
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1997)
💾 | Wagyu Away |
Mikkel Bækgaard
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
| Wait For Me |
Heather Ritchie
Summer Larpin' (2023)
💾 | Waiting for Flight GO901 |
Simon James Pettitt
Blackbox Cph IV (2014)
| Waiting for Slenderman |
Jacqueline Bryk
KN Granger
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Waiting for the Sun |
Philip Gilsenan
Aidan Walsh
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
| Waiting Room |
Tayler Stokes
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Waiting to Be Born |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Wake up dead! |
DalCon - MCMXCV - A midsummernight´s dream (1995)
💾 | Wake-Up Call |
Gareth Hanrahan
Shane Lucy
WarpCon VIII (1998)
💾 | Wales, kraftigt regn, 8° C, sydvästlig vind |
Simon Svensson
GothCon XXVI (2002)
| Walk the Plank |
| Walking Blues |
Kevin Kreiner
Intercon R (2018)
| Walking on New Earth |
Seamus Butler
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Wall of Glass |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Walls of Intrigue |
Alex O’Connor
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
| Walter's Final Wish |
Jennifer Thraser
Matt Wiseman
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Wanderers above the Sea of Fog |
Oscar Biffi
Grenselandet (2017)
💾 | Wannseekonferensen |
Olle Nyman
Andreas Sjöberg
Sebastian Utbult
Prolog (2013)
| Wanted |
| Wanted |
Påskcon VIII (2022)
| Wanted ... Not Me! |
Martin Lindof
DrageCon 11 (2009)
| Wanted Dead or Alive |
TRoA-Con 92, intern (1992)
| Wanted: Dead or Undead |
Ropecon (2018)
| Wanted:Dead |
Eoin Staunton
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| WANTED! Cthulhu |
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| War of the Beard |
Graham Tormey
Gaelcon (2005)
| War of the Dead |
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
| War of the World |
Tina Manstrup Kruse
DrageCon 7 (2007)
| War stories |
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Grenselandet (2016)
| War Wagon |
Mette Abildgaard
Hans B. Petterson
TRoA X (1995)
| War! |
Niels Stender
Con 92 (1992)
| War4Ring |
| Warbirds of Thena |
Nick Whyte
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Ward Asunder |
Mikko Kallio
| Wardens of Sulfur Gulch |
Isabelle Lee
Gaelcon (2016)
| Warfluxx (DefCon 2) |
Jesper Koplev
DefCon 2 (2018)
| WarFluxx (VC35) |
Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 35 (2016)
| Warfluxx (VC38) |
Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 38 (2019)
| Warfluxx 2 |
Jesper Koplev
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
| Warfluxx 2½ |
Jesper Koplev
Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede! (2019)
| Warfluxx, sæson 3 |
Jesper Koplev
ConTOr (2020)
| Warhammer |
Bob Hickey
Gaelcon (1996)
| Warhammer (Hexcon 1996) |
Hexcon (1996)
| Warhammer 40,000 (VatiCon 2003) |
VatiCon X (2003)
| Warhammer 40000 |
Graham Turner
Gaelcon (2004)
| Warhammer 40K (WarpCon 1999) |
Roger McDonogh
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Warhammer 40k Role Play (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound |
Thomas Andrey
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Warhammer Contest™ - Man eller Must edition |
Julkon (2000)
| Warhammer Fantasy Live Action |
Sean Frank
Gareth Hanrahan
Brian Kidney
Daragh Long
Aidan Rafferty
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay |
CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BayCon 1988) |
Tomas Ruzic
BayCon (1988)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BayCon 1989) |
Tomas Ruzic
BayCon (1989)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (BSK 1996) |
Tomas Davidsson
Borås Spelkonvent 14: Domesticus Gargarizatus (1996)
| Warhammer fantasy roleplay (CalCon 2006) |
CalCon XII - Spöktimmen (2006)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (CalCon 2012) |
CalCon XVIII - Kulten (2012)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (CalCon 2013) |
CalCon XIX - A Fairytale (2013)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (DrageCon 1) |
Mads Stagis
Dragen Minicon (2005)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1989) |
Gaelcon (1989)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GaelCon 1996) |
Andrew Behan
Gaelcon (1996)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (GothCon 1992) |
GothCon XVI (1992)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (HelCon 1993) |
HelCon -93 (1993)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LepreCon 1999) |
LepreCon XX (1999)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1989) |
LinCon (1989)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (SydCon 1) |
SydCon '92 (1992)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (TM93) |
The Movement (1993)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (UppCon 1992) |
Leif "Laffe" Eriksson
UppCon '92 (1992)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (VatiCon 1999) |
VatiCon V (1999)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (Warhammer-Træf) |
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1994) |
Warpcon IV (1994)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1998) |
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 1999) |
Rob Feeney
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WarpCon 2000) |
WarpCon X (2000)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WettCon 1988) |
WettCon IV (1988)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (ÖSD 1997) |
Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition |
Thomas Andrey
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay I (TRoA 90) |
Kenneth Madsen
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay II (TRoA 90) |
Jørn Hjortshøj
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying (BSK 1990) |
Claes-Henrik Pihl
Borås Spelkonvent 8: Circum Diem (1990)
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying (SGC'93) |
Rasmus Jacobsen
Anders Pedersen
Skt. Georg Con (1993)
| Warhammer fantasy RP |
Magnus Alfred
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Warhammer Fantasy RPG (ARCON 16) |
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| Warhammer Fantasy RPG (Chop Con 95) |
Svend Jensen
Mikkel Jønsson
Chop Con (1995)
| Warhammer FRP (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Warhammer FRP (Arcon 1992) |
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Warhammer FRP (ARCON 9) |
Andre Lynum
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
| Warhammer FRP (FRN) |
FRN-spiltræf (1990)
| Warhammer FRP (VC7) |
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
| Warhammer FRPG (VC10) |
Thomas Pors
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
| Warhammer FRPG (VC11) |
Thomas Pors
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
| Warhammer Quest |
FortKon 95 (1995)
| Warhammer RPG (ARCON 14) |
Jan Erik Ude
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Warhammer RPG (ARCON 15) |
Stian Madshus og Dag Fossmo
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
💾 | Warm Safe Place |
Fergal O'Brien
Vaticon III (1997)
| Warmth |
Wendy Gorman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Warning! Death or Serious Injury Can Occur A Game Poem about Parenting Advice |
Kat Jones
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Warpstone Couriers |
Ronan McHugh
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
| Was It The Soup |
J. Michael Arons
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Wasa II |
SävCon III (2003)
| Washing Machine |
Jamie Harper
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
| Washington Press Conference |
Cheryl Ann Costa
Linda Miller Poore
Intercon E (2005)
| Wastelands (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Wastelive |
MittCon (1992)
| WasteLive II - "Live to Waste" |
Norra MittCon (1993) MittCon (1994)
| Wasting |
Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2016)
| Wasurete Aku: Haunted Shadow |
VatiCon X (2003)
| Watching |
Andy Brown
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Carl Williams
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Water, Water, Every Where... |
Dave Hayes (I)
Gaelcon (2012)
| Waterdeep's Monsters |
Albert Petersen
ChopCon (2020)
| Wattman Show |
Convention de Supaero XXXIV (2013)
| Wave Of Mutilation |
Kenneth Whyte
Gaelcon (2000)
| Waving |
Jackson Tegu
| Wax and Bones |
Oisin Reilly
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| Way Back |
Rebecca Slitt
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Way of Shogun |
| We All Fall Down |
Katie Giacomini
Intercon P (2016)
| We Almost Were Heroes |
Jasmin Lade
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)
| We Are Not Vampires |
Knutepunkt (2025)
| We Are One |
Michael Sonne-Jørgensen
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
💾 | We are one. |
Kristoffer Föhrman
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
| We are only in it for the money |
UppCon '93 (1993)
| We Are Roommates Now |
Wendy Gorman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| We Are Where? |
Christoffer Brun Jensen
MuCon - Muhlywood (2015)
| We Be Goblins Free! |
Richard Pett
Gaelcon (2015)
| We Be Goblins Too! |
Richard Pett
Gaelcon (2014)
| We be Goblins! |
Richard Pett
Avacon II (2011)
| We Built This City On Rock & Roll |
Gareth Hanrahan
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| We Come in Peace! |
Henrik Olsen
ChopCon (2019)
💾 | We Consign Them To The Deep |
Hazel Anneke Dixon
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| We don´t need no stinking badges |
Christian Geete
Niclas Holmqvist
Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
| We Love you Sanny, We do |
Tadeusz Cantwell
VatiCon XVI (2010)
| We need to talk about Kris |
Tor Kjetil Edland
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
Danny Meyer Wilson
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
| We Shall Call Out Their Names |
Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
| We String |
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
| We were missed dearly...once |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| We Åker Jeep - the Larp |
Charles Bo Nielsen
Black Box Horsens (2017)
| We´re on a mission... |
Daniel Björk
MittCon (1994)
| We, Who Were Washed Away |
Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Black Box Horsens ...And That's It (2019)
💾 | We're so Screwed II |
David Hagman
GothCon XXX (2006)
| We’re all in this together |
Prolog (2014)
💾 | We’re so Screwed |
David Hagman
GothCon XXIX (2005)
| Weakness of Rock |
Mickey Tan
OrCCon (2021)
| Weapon in the Rift |
Nathan King
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Weaponfall |
Megan Coppock
Albert Lin
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Weasels Razors Ride Again! |
Mik Reed
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Weave of Fate |
| Weavers at the Loom of Fate |
Holly Bianchi
Thomas Traina
Intercon O (2015)
| Webs of Mirkwood |
Gaute Juveth
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Wedding at Kyotei Castle |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| Wedding Bells |
Mia Kyhn
The Smoke (2020)
| Wedding Song |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Weekend at the Prophet's |
Sean Leaney
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Weekend in the Woods |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Weekend med en morder |
Kent H. Trustrup
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| Weird Truths |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| Weird West |
Ropecon (2018)
| Weirdville Mysteries |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Welcome Back to Blandings! |
Mel MacDonald
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Welcome Contestant ! To Svartalfheim. |
Jannik Hansen
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
| Welcome Home, Willow! |
Jacqueline Bryk
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Welcome to Dead Horse |
Morten Lund
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
| Welcome to Five Sails |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Welcome to Hard Times |
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017)
| Welcome to Hell |
LinCon (2007)
| Welcome to Night Vale! |
Q-Con (2023)
| Welcome to Paradise v1.0 |
| Welcome to Scearbridge University |
Vito D'Agosta
Susan Weiner
Intercon F (2006)
| Welcome to Scearbridge: A Unique College Experience |
Susan Weiner
Intercon C (2003)
| Welcome to Silent Hill |
Lo Wallmo
| Welcome to Sunnyvale |
Joshua Sheena
Sage Shepperd
Intercon H (2008)
| Welcome to the Dragon Palace |
Zoe Eddy
Intercon N (2014)
| Welcome to the End of Your Life |
Tony Porteous
Sofia Romualdo
The Smoke (2020)
Ropecon (2018)
| Welcome to the World |
Sergio Losilla
Immersion LARP Festival (2024)
| Welcome to Tombstone |
Ropecon (2018)
| Welcome to Whisper Bay |
| Welcome, Souls! |
Maryia Karachun
Zhenja Karachun
Volha Rudak
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Minsk Larp Festival (2016)
| Well Of The Worm |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
💾 | Well, This Is Awkward... |
Chloe Mashiter
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
💾 | Welshbury Brook |
Thomas Munkholt
Fastaval (1994)
| Weltschmerz Europa |
| WEMFROG OSR OneShots |
Markus Ohlin
LinCon (2024)
💾 | Wendelburg 1983 |
Mattias Hellgren
LinCon (2001)
| Werewar |
| Werewolf '44 |
Rasmus Kjærboe
Viking-Con 14 (1995)
| Werewolf (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Werewolf (ARCON 15) |
Eivind Sletner
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| Werewolf (ARCON 16) |
Christopher Enger
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| Werewolf (ARCON 17) |
Kristoffer Enger
ARCON 17: D&D (2001)
| Werewolf (ARCON 18) |
Kristoffer Enger
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
| Werewolf (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Werewolf (Nordcon 95) |
Mads Poulsen
Nordcon (1995)
| Werewolf (Skt. Georg Con 1994) |
Skt. Georg Con (1994)
| Werewolf (Stockholms Spelkonvent 1995) |
Fritte Vanececk
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
| Werewolf (StocKon 1999) |
StocKon 5 (1999)
| Werewolf (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Werewolf (WarpCon 1998) |
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| Werewolf The Oldest Enemy: Luna’s Promise |
Seamus Butler
Gaelcon (2015)
| Werewolf: The Apocalypse (GaelCon 1996) |
Paul Feldwick
Gaelcon (1996)
| Werewolf: The Oldest Enemy |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (GaelCon 1994) |
Gaelcon (1994)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (VatiCon 1999) |
VatiCon VI (1999)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (VatiCon 2004) |
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 1996) |
Matt Farrell
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 1999) |
Malcolm Murphy
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 2001) |
Tony Salveta
Kenneth Whyte
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Werewolf:The Apocalypse (WarpCon 2002) |
Malcolm Murphy
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Werewolf:The Forsaken (ItzaCon 2006) |
Mike Brennan
Itzacon II (2006)
💾 | Werewolves Without A Cause |
Gareth Hanrahan
Aidan Rafferty
WarpCon X (2000)
💾 | Werwolf |
René Toft
Forum (2015)
| West End High |
| Western (CalCon 2002) |
CalCon VIII - Den mörka CalConens återkomst (2002)
| Western (CalCon 2003) |
CalCon IX - Maffia (2003)
| Western (CrossCon 2006) |
CrossCon III (2006)
| Western (CrossCon 2008) |
CrossCon V (2008)
| Western (CrossCon 2010) |
CrossCon VII (2010)
| Western (CrossCon 2011) |
CrossCon VIII (2011)
| Western (CrossCon 2012) |
CrossCon IX (2012)
| Western (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Western (HalmiCon 2001) |
Halmicon (2001)
| Western (KyrCon 2001) |
KyrCon 4 - The Harry Potter Experience (2001)
| Western (LinCon 1989) |
LinCon (1989)
| Western (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| Western (MittCon 1991) |
MittCon (1991)
| Western (WettCon 1989) |
WettCon V (1989)
| Western: Fyrtio Gravar |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
💾 | Westwind |
Mo Holkar
Grenselandet (2024)
| Wet Tired and Hunter |
Stefan Grinneby
Sven Norén
UppCon '90 (1990)
| Wet Whistle |
| Wet work |
Ropecon (2018)
| WFRP (Lux-Con '91) |
Rune Schiermer Nielsen
Lux-Con (1991)
| What ´append to Grotto |
Thomas Enggård
Pentacon (1996)
| What A Fiasco |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| What A Wonderful World |
Stephen Mulligan
BeAcon IV (2018)
| What do we do now...? |
Borås Spelkonvent 5 (1987)
| What do you want |
Tue Thorstvad
Krikkit Con MkIV - Elgen Resurrection (1998)
💾 | What Dwells in the Mountains |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2014)
| What Gooey Webs We Weave |
OrCCon (2021)
| What happened at Lanzarote |
Eirik Fatland
Elin Nilsen
Aslak Tirera
Grenselandet (2011)
| What Happened in Warsaw? |
Jan Rosa
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| What Happened to Ambassador Scale |
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
| What Happened? |
Pálína Ýr Þórsdóttir
ESFROAG (2015)
| What Happens in Vegas ... |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | What Happens Next? |
Brian Nisbet
| What Have We Done …? |
Nanna Knak Sondrup
RusCon 23 (2015)
💾 | What heroes are made of |
Marcus Brissman
Henrik Sevandersson
Halmicon (2003)
| What ho, Hastur |
Anita Murray
Itzacon IV (2008)
| What I did on my holiday |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| What I Did On My Summer Vacation |
Craig Fox
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| What is fear? |
Mads Lund Jensen
B-Con (1998)
| What is love? |
Malin Forsberg
FemCon 3 (2015)
💾 | What Is Love? |
Tova Gerge
Mikael Hansén Goobar
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015)
| What Khaiba brings |
Søren Bengtsen
Claustrum Con II (1997)
| What Lies Beneath |
Tym Norris
AmberCon NI (2024)
| What Might Have Been |
Patrik Bálint
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
The Smoke (2019)
| What Prestige is Worth |
Matt Duval
LepreCon XL (2019)
| What Price Human |
Derek Herrera
H. U.
Intercon O (2015)
| What Ripping Fun! |
Jamey Patten
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Intercon L (2012)
| What stays behind |
Julia Safronava
Yanina Zaichanka
Minsk Larp Festival (2019)
| What the fuck is going on? |
Viborg Con (1993)
| What the King doesn’t know… |
Simone PM
AmberCon NI (2024)
| What They Did in the Dark |
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
💾 | What To Do About Earth: a Committee LARP |
Matt Michaelson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| What to do about Tam Lin |
Emily Care Boss
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Intercon J (2010)
| What We Are in the Dark |
Laura Wood
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| What We Do At The Funeral |
Mia Kyhn
The Smoke (2023)
| What We Leave Behind |
Peter S. Svensson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| What would Selma do |
Fia Idegård
Anna Westerling
| What Would Shakespeare Do? |
Anneli Albertsson
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
| What, the Spirit of Gaelcon is missing AGAIN?! |
Gaelcon (2021)
| What's Bred in the Bone |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| What's the clearancy, Kenneth? |
Daniel Björk
MittCon (1995)
| What's Up Doc? |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| What's up Doc? |
Erik Wittchen
Viking-Con 6 (1987)
| What’s in the Box |
Sean Leaney
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| Whatever Happened to Alicia Thorne? |
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 | Whatever is the Matter with Admiral Bang? |
Naomi Burgess
Hannah Murphey
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| Wheel of Time (VatiCon 2003) |
VatiCon X (2003)
| Wheel of Time: White Tower |
Elisabeth Cohen
Michael Von Korff
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
💾 | When a Siren Calls |
Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| When Androids Pray |
Anna-Lisa Muckas Gustavsson
Stefan Lunneborg
Carl Nordblom
Siri Sandquist
Simon Svensson
| When Angels Fall... |
Bent Hammerum Holm
Hans B. Petterson
TRoA's Interne Jule-Hygge-Con (1996)
| When Demons Hide |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2020)
| When Dreamscapes Collide |
Colm Lundberg
Leprecon XXIV (2003)
| When Friendship Deepens |
Gustav Nilsson
Joel Östlund
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021)
| When Friendship Happens |
Gustav Nilsson
Joel Östlund
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2017)
| When Giants Fall |
Ropecon (2018)
💾 | When in Doubt |
Sarah Jane Murdock
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
💾 | When Our Destinies Meet |
Petter Karlsson
Morgan March
Prolog (2009)
| When Pigs Fly ... |
Søren Keis Thustrup
Ba-Con (2010)
| When Princes Meet |
Alvin Gellert
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| When the Flame Turns Blue |
Mary Kilgarriff
Gaelcon (2003)
| When the Lights Went Out in Candlekeep |
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | When the Man Comes Around |
Mads Brynnum
Morten Malmros Jespersen
Fastaval (2005)
| When the Martian Dunes Whisper Your Name |
Ropecon (2018)
| When the past catches up |
Ropecon (2017)
| When the war comes |
Suus Mutsaers
Verena Pschorn
The Larporatory (2015)
| When the World Died |
Nanna Knak Sondrup
Ruscon 25 (2017)
| When them not nice, we not nice |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| When We Were Young |
Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
| When Worlds Collide |
Assaf Flatto
Gaelcon (2002)
| When You Stop Running |
Dylan Blanset
Intercon Q (2017)
| Where Androids Die |
| Where Are You? |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
💾 | Where Devils Fear To Tread |
Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| Where Do We Go From Here? |
Ashleigh Patterson
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Where Dragons Rule |
Ole Christensen
Spilletræf (1990)
| Where Everything Dies |
Ropecon (2018)
| Where in the Heart is Carmen Sandiego? |
Kendra Beckler
Andrew Clough
Beth Hocking
Jayson Lynch
Intercon P (2016)
| Where is the Queen!! |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Where Mammoths Dare not Thread |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Where the Dead Wait |
ARCON 36: Cyberpunk (2020)
💾 | Where the Journey Takes Us |
Aaron Silverman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| Where the Train Stops |
Malik Hyltoft
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
| Where The Wild Things Are |
Karete Jacobsen Meland
Martin Nielsen
Nina Lund Westerdahl
Blackbox Cph (2025)
| Where the Wild Things Will be |
Anandi Gandolfi
Intercon J (2010)
| Where There’s a Will |
Brian McNally
Liam Ó Táilliúir
Shane O'hUid
LepreCon XXXI (2010)
| Where would those Pocket Shadows lead to, I wonder… |
George Kingston
| Where’s Wall-Eye? |
Continuum (2022)
| Wherefore art thou Replicant? |
Continuum (2023)
| WHFRP (GaelCon 2006) |
Colm Lundberg
Gaelcon (2006)
💾 | While You Were Asleep |
Millie Kennedy
Sam Logan
Gaelcon (2015)
| While You Were Sleeping |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
| WHILE: Democracy DO: Troubleshoot |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
💾 | Whisk Me Away |
Avital Lubin
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| Whispers |
Brandon Brylawski
Intercon R (2018)
| Whispers |
Chris Zipeto
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Whispers of Promises, Screams of Pain |
Martin Hansen
Con Dôme (2000)
| Whispers of the Gods |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| White Collar Division |
Susanne Emilie Jensen
Ruscon 22 - Splat! (2014)
| White Knights in Prague |
Bjarne Sinkjær
| White Mornings & Black Knights |
Charles Dunne
Itzacon III (2007)
| White Plume Mountain |
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
💾 | White Russian |
Anders Berg
Markus Borbely
GothCon XXV (2001)
| White Sheet |
Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Beatrice Sgaravatto
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| White Wedding |
John Cooke
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| White Wolf Crossover (WarpCon 2000) |
WarpCon X (2000)
| White Zombie |
Norra MittCon (1993)
💾 | White-out: Las Vegas |
Olle Jonsson
Anders Nygren
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
| White/Black swan |
Prolog (2016)
| Whitemore |
Morten Nørgaard
TRoA Con - Trolddom og Hekseri (2005)
💾 | Whiteout |
Fergal O'Brien
LepreCon XX (1999)
| Whiteout! |
CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
| Whittenham Forum |
Ashley Perryman
Hilary Sklar
Gaelcon (2010)
| Who are you?, Who am I? |
KC Godiksen
FE Con (2022)
| Who can you Really Trust? |
GuardianCON XIX (2021)
| Who can you trust? |
Spelkongress 92 - Birthday Bash (1992)
| Who Dares, Wins! |
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Who do you think you are? |
Kat Jones
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018) Be-Con (2019)
| Who Found the Foundling |
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
| Who goes there? |
StarCon (2022)
| Who Hoots for Who? |
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
💾 | Who I was |
Caroline Sjövall
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
| Who is Gashmore |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| Who Is Mr. Wall? |
M. A. B.
RusCon 13 (2004)
| Who is Who |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| Who Killed High Hat? |
Brendan Adkins
Diane Glewwe
James Silverstein
Gaylord Tang
Steve Vig
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Who Killed Julian? |
Matthew Birchowsky
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Who Let The Dogs Out? |
Tym Norris
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Who Stole All The dumplings? |
Dan Marriott
AireCon 8 (2023)
💾 | Who the Fuck Is Alice? |
René Toft
💾 | Who The Funk Do You Think You Are? |
Countess Dillymore
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| Who to Trust |
Morten K. Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Who want's to live forever ...? |
Caj Karlsson
Borås Spelkonvent 11: Gallus Crispus (1993)
| Who Wants to Die Forever? |
Anders Leth Terndrup
Fastaval (1994)
| Who Wants to Kill on Air |
Gaelcon (2015)
| Who was John Fuller? |
Cathriona Tobin
Gaelcon (2009)
💾 | Who We Are |
John Gotschall
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| Who Ya Gonna Call? |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Who´s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? - Who´s among us!? |
Jamie Bowden
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Who'$ the Foo£ |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Who'll Let the Dogs Out!? |
GuardianCON XVII (2019)
| Who's next? |
Jonas Fibæk
Confus (2000)
| Who's that Knocking? |
John Amos
Jon Kenny
Rob Kenny
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Whodunnit? |
Anneli Albertsson
Lars Albertsson
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
💾 | Wholesale Destruction |
Siobhan McKenna
Gaelcon (2010)
| Whose LARP Is It, Anyways? |
Jenny Diewald
Jordan Diewald
Julie Diewald
Intercon XIV (1999)
| Why do Humans fear? |
Søren Suhr Hansen
Chop Con (2002)
| Why does everybody hate me? |
Jes Bech Engsted
RusCon 12 - Tema (2003)
| Why Doesn't the Empire Strike Back? |
Vor Frelsers Con (1991)
| Why Is That Rabbit Watching Me? |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Why The Rum's Gone |
Thomas Hansen (II)
Larisa Allen
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Why? |
Christine Holm Bagge Jensen
ESFROAG (2022)
| Wicked Hearts |
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Alison Joy Schafer
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Wigilia |
Jeff Dieterle
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Wild Legendary Festivities |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
| Wild Red West |
Søren Kristian Pedersen
Krikkit Con VIII+IX+X: Dåjng Kjosk (2002)
| Wild Sheep Chase |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Wild Strawberries |
| Wild West |
WarpCon XI (2001)
💾 | Wilful Disregard |
Anna Westerling
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016)
| Will That Be All? |
Graham Walmsley
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| Willboms vilja |
Björn Flintberg
Daniel Lehto
GothCon XLV (2022)
| William Shakespeare's Verona |
| Willkommen in München |
Dreieichcon World (2021)
💾 | Wilt |
Mads Jøns Frausig
Karete Jacobsen Meland
💾 | Winchester |
Christoffer Krämer
LinCon (2003)
| Window to the Past |
Fiachra Kelly
WarpCon XI (2001)
💾 | Windows into Night |
Emily Care Boss
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| Wing and a Prayer |
Nick Bradbeer
Ian Thomas and Harry Harrld
Liss Macklin
Lauren owen
Thorsten Schillo
| Winning the Peace |
Ben Allen
Kevin Jacklin
Heidi Kaye
Michele Minett
Alison Rider-Hill
Lucky Consequences (2018)
💾 | Winson Green Prison |
Rosalind Göthberg
Siri Sandquist
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
| Winter Hills: In the Dark |
Robert Jonsson
GothCon XLIV (2020)
💾 | Winter is Coming! |
Ingve Borgen
Torgrim Husvik
ARCON 29: Game of Thrones (2013)
| Winter is Leaving |
Sean Croutou
Selena Harvey
Stephen Tihor
Intercon Q (2017)
| Winter shades of Evil |
Oskar Bernhardsson
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
| Winter Shards of Evil |
Konvent för alla (2002)
| Winter Solstice II - Winter Ball and Feast |
| Winter Tradition |
Kathrine Abel
Maria Østerby Elleby
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
Mads Havshøj
Elias Helfer
Ole Sørensen
| Winter's Grip |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon III (2007)
| Wintercold - 3. del af Heksens trilogi |
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA VIII (1994)
| Winterhorn |
Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018)
| Wintermancer |
AireCon 4 (2018)
| Wintermeet Tavern: Vampires, Dwarves, and Kings, Oh my! |
Sean Croteau
Selina Harvey
Stephen Tihor
Intercon P (2016)
| Winters End - The Fall of an Empire |
Lars Andersson (I)
SnöKon (1995)
💾 | Wishing Well |
Xavid Pretzer
Sarah Tuttle
Intercon P (2016)
| Witch Trials |
Hannah Bechara
Dave McCabe
Gaelcon (2014)
| Witchblood: The Lost Village |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Witches of Segovia |
Megan Coppock
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Witches of the New Forest |
Conan Doyle
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| Witchhunting - 2. del af Heksens trilogi |
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA VII (1993)
💾 | Witching Hour |
Jessica Barthelt
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| WitchTrial Live |
GothCon XXVIII (2004)
| With a Song in My Heart |
Victor Andersen
Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede! (2019)
| With Friends Like These |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| With Friends Like These |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 32 (2013)
💾 | With Intellect and Decent Purpose |
Shane Carr
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2014)
| With my six-shooter up Rattlers creek |
KryptCon III (2020)
| With the Lives of Men |
Jude Mapp
Gaelcon (2005)
| Within the Land of Cymnea |
Keith McNamara
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Within the Prairies |
Marlowe Miller
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Within the swamp |
Erik Söderman
SillyCon XIII (2004)
| Within These Walls We Are Safe |
David M. Donachie
Kay Gillespie
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Without the Land of Cymnea |
Keith McNamara
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Witnesses of War |
Ropecon (2018)
| Wizards |
Adrienne Amerman
John Kammer
Intercon F (2006)
| Wizards Against Humanity |
Ropecon (2023)
| Wizards of the Toast |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Wolf Force 4 |
Anders Tychsen
Spiltræf XI (1996)
| Wolf Force Five |
Anders Tychsen
Krikkit Con mk II (1996)
| Wolf Force Four II |
Anders Tychsen
IRIIB (1999)
| Wolf Force Four II + 1 |
Anders Tychsen
Confekt II (1997)
| Wolf Wedding |
LinCon (1990)
💾 | Wolfenstein 1950 |
Mikkel Bistrup Andersen
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Woltheim |
| Wolves Tear Out The Dragon’s Throat |
Gaelcon (2024)
💾 | Women |
Susanne Gräslund
Anders Hultman
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2017)
| Women in Finland |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Women on the Verge… |
Mo Holkar
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| Wonderland |
Martin Stackelberg
SillyCon VII (1998)
| Wonderland 2.0 |
Andy Kirschbaum
Intercon F (2006)
| Wonderland 2.1 - Wonderland Reloaded |
Andy Kirschbaum
Intercon H (2008)
| Wonderland Resurrections |
Andy Kirschbaum
Amber Robitaille
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| wonderland.com |
Andy Benson
Amy Kirschbaum
Andy Kirschbaum
Bryan Krauthamer
Intercon XV (2000)
| Wonders |
Continuum (2022)
| Wonders from the Occident |
Jon Butler
Eóin Ó Dornáin
Gaelcon (2010)
💾 | Wonderworks |
Lauri Lukka
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
| Wong Feis kro |
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
Fastaval (2016)
| Woodplum House |
Phoebe Roberts
Intercon P (2016)
| Woodsby |
Uffe V. Jensen
TRoA Con - Dybet (2006)
| Working for the Man |
Kieran Turley
Itzacon I (2005)
| Workshop - Rollspelskonfirmation |
CrossCon VIII (2011)
| Workshop om Magic på Lajv |
GothCon XXIX (2005)
| World Eater |
Carsten Friis
Con Dôme (1998)
| World in Darkness |
Henrik Jespersen
DrageCon 14 (2011)
| World of Darkness - Hunters (ARCON 16) |
Sverre B. Midthjell
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| World of Darkness (DrageCon 1) |
Bent Holm
Dragen Minicon (2005)
| World of Darkness (FE-con 2022) |
Dennis Mejsedal
FE Con (2022)
| World of Darkness (LinCon 2011) |
LinCon (2011)
| World of Darkness (Paranoiacon 2013) |
Paranoiacon (2013)
| World of Warcraft (FE Con 2018) |
Patrick Spangsberg
FE Con (2018)
| World's End |
Shelly Mohnkern
Miki Tracey
Intercon G (2007)
| Worlds of Ice and Blood |
Kieran Turley
Itzacon VI (2010)
| Worlds of the West |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| Worlds of Wonder |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Worship |
Mads Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 5th Edition (1996)
💾 | Wotans Kobbel og den magiske femkamp |
Thor Fejerskov Jensen
Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
| Wraith (Chop Con '97) |
Morten Leerhøy
Chop Con (1997)
| Wraith (Frizonen) |
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Wrath of a God |
D. Y.
Chop Con (1999)
| Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen |
| Wrecked |
Micky Jensen
Chop Con (1995)
Christopher McNulty
Michael Oldziej
Intercon Q (2017)
| Wrestle-Mageddon: Backstage Heel Turns |
Peter S. Svensson
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy |
Charles Leiserson
Ariel Segall
Brian Sniffen
Intercon N (2014)
| Wretched Hive of Scum and Villiany |
Charles Leiserson Jr
Ariel Segall
Brian Sniffen
Intercon D (2004)
| Writer's Block |
Ian Hollingsworth
Gaelcon (2005)
| Written by the Victors |
Epistolary Richard
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Wulfmorgenthaler Kult Scenariet |
Mads Ahola
Hyggecon (2008)
| WWE: Homicide |
Caddy Powers Jr.
Baz Nugent
Tony O'Hare
Gaelcon (2005)
💾 | Wyomings Vargar |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
ChrisCon II (1999)
| Wzuit By Night - A High Level Tourist Journey |
Denkyû Sebastian Gundel
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| Wørk, Bitch! |
Nina Fjord
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
AireCon 5 (2019)