| C A H X M |
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
ESFROAG (2014)
Jonas Bendtsen
Chop Con (1996)
💾 | C@irn |
Caue Reigota
Tadeu Rodrigues
Vitor Soriano
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
💾 | Ca 1980 |
Joachim Bengtsson
Anders Nygren
Martin Rother-Schirren
Tobias Wrigstad
SydCon 11 (2002)
| Cabal |
Bjarke Weise Hugger
Vintersol (2006)
| Cabin trip |
Brother Hemming
Ropecon (2018)
| Cadet Cruise |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Cady Stanton's Candyland |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Kat Jones
Intercon M (2013)
| Caerdroia (scenes from A Poison Tree) |
Gaelcon (2021)
| Caesar |
Allan G. Andersen
UnConventional (1994)
| Café 44 |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1994)
| Café Casablanca |
| Café Incognito |
Mo Holkar
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Café Kælderen - Vol. 1 |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
Anders Toftdahl
ESFROAG (2016)
| Café Noir : Director's Cut |
Convention de Supaero XXXIV (2013)
💾 | Café Rule 34 |
Troels Ken Pedersen
CONtrafaktisk (2014)
| Caged Flesh |
Tobias Wrigstad
Forum (2013)
| Caineforce: Summit |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (1998)
| Cairlevens öde |
Henrik Andersson (II)
Beatrice Jensen
SolCon II (1997)
| Cairn |
ARCON 39: Drakar och demoner (2023)
| Cairo by Night |
| Calculations |
Caroline Murphy
Intercon R (2018)
| Calcutta by night |
Witchnight -98 (1998)
| Caldoria |
Lars H. Pedersen
Henrik E. Rasmussen
TRoA 2000 (2000)
| California |
Colm Lundberg
Fergal O'Brien
VatiCon VI (1999)
| California 2 |
Colm Lundberg
Fergal O'Brien
VatiCon VII (2000)
| Call (ARL 03) |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
ARL MiniCon (2003)
| Call 1920 (TRoA VII) |
TRoA VII (1993)
| Call 1920 (TRoA VII) |
Paul Hartvigson
TRoA VII (1993)
| Call 911 |
Christian Fentz
Vintervap (1996)
| Call Batman! Call Superman! Call ANYONE! |
Adam Nakama
Intercon G (2007)
💾 | Call Blong Cthulhu |
Johan Jonsson
Jan-Peter Karlén
Mats Rappe
UppCon '94 (1994)
| Call for help |
Kim Pedersen
FiskeCon part 2 (1994)
| Call Hadt |
Brian Jeggesen
Jakob Nissen
Darkpart V (1995)
| Call Now (TRoA VII) |
TRoA VII (1993)
| Call of Chtulhu (ARCON 18) |
Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 18: Full Thrust (2002)
| Call of Collution |
Thais Beermann
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| Call of Cthulhu - Final (WarpCon 1996) |
Andrew Gardner-Blatch
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu - Live (UppCon 1992) |
UppCon '92 (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu - Tournament (Q-Con 1999) |
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Call of Cthulhu "Goes Tibet" |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 14) |
Alf Risberg
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 15) |
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 16) |
Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 16: Twilight 2000 (2000)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 17) |
Yngve S. Kristiansen
ARCON 17: D&D (2001)
| Call of Cthulhu (Arcon 1992) |
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu (ARCON 9) |
Martin Sandberg
ARCON 9: Warhammer Space Marines (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (BayCon 1988) |
BayCon (1988)
| Call of Cthulhu (BayCon 1989) |
BayCon (1989)
| Call of Cthulhu (BSK 1985) |
Borås Spelkonvent 3 (1985)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu (BSK 1994) |
Christian Johansson
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1995) |
CalCon '95 (1995)
| Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1996) |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1997) |
Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
CalCon IV - The truth is in here (1997)
| Call of Cthulhu (CalCon 1998) |
| Call of Cthulhu (Chop Con 92) |
Chop Con (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu (Container 2003) |
Container 9 (2003)
| Call of Cthulhu (Content 1988) |
Content 88 (1988)
| Call of Cthulhu (ESFROAG 2002) |
ESFROAG (2002)
| Call of Cthulhu (ESFROAG 2010) |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2010)
| Call of Cthulhu (Fasta Emne-Weekend: Modern) |
Henrik Sylow
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
| Call of Cthulhu (Fastaval 1) |
Fastaval (1986)
| Call of Cthulhu (FRB-con 95) |
FRB-con (1995)
| Call of Cthulhu (FRN) |
FRN-spiltræf (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (FV0) |
Spilledag! (1985)
| Call of Cthulhu (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (GaelCon 1996) |
Don Hoban
Tom Murphy
Dave Roe
Gaelcon (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1983) |
GothCon VII (1983)
| Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1985) |
GothCon IX (1985)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1986) |
Per Lundgren
GothCon X (1986)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1987) |
Per Lundgren
GothCon XI (1987)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu (GothCon 1989) |
Staffan Lundén
Per Lundgren
GothCon XIII (1989)
| Call of Cthulhu (GW 94) |
Games Weekend (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu (GW91) |
Henrik Bisgaard
Games Weekend (1991)
| Call of Cthulhu (HelCon 1994) |
HelCon -94 (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu (Hexcon 1996) |
Hexcon (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu (KingCon 1991) |
KingCon 91 (1991)
| Call of Cthulhu (LepreCon 2001) |
LepreCon XXII (2001)
| Call of Cthulhu (LepreCon 2008) |
Mike Mason
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
| Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1986) |
LinCon (1986)
| Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| Call of Cthulhu (LinCon 1999) |
LinCon (1999)
| Call of Cthulhu (MidgardCon 2024) |
Øyvind Hofstad
| Call of Cthulhu (OernCon 1990) |
OernCon IV (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (Q-Con 1999) |
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Call of Cthulhu (SJ92) |
Hans Brunnt
Silmarilions Julearrangement (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu (Skt. Georg Con 1994) |
Skt. Georg Con (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu (Spilletræf 90) |
Daniel Sejer
Spilletræf (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (Spilletræf) |
Spilletræf (1989)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu (SydCon 1992) |
Johan Brännmark
SydCon '92 (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu (TM 93) |
The Movement (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (TMD) |
TMD-Festival (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (TRoR 1990) |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (TRoR II) |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Call of Cthulhu (VatiCon 2004) |
Mark Ryan
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| Call of Cthulhu (VC4) |
Viking-Con 4 (1985)
| Call of Cthulhu (VC5) |
Flemming R. P. Rasch
Viking-Con 5 (1986)
| Call of Cthulhu (VC8) |
Viking-Con 8 (1989)
| Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 90) |
Vor Frelsers Con (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 91) |
Rasmus Rasmussen
Vor Frelsers Con (1991)
| Call of Cthulhu (VF Con 93) |
Kristoffer Marner
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (Viborg Con 93) |
Viborg Con (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (Vintervap 95) |
Vintervap (1995)
| Call of Cthulhu (WarpCon 1993) |
Warpcon III (1993)
| Call of Cthulhu (WarpCon 1996) |
Andrew Gardner-Blatch
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2019) |
ÅbyCon (2019)
| Call of Cthulhu (ÅbyCon 2023) |
Paula XXX
ÅbyCon (2023)
| Call of Cthulhu 1 (Armageddon III) |
Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
| Call of Cthulhu 1st round (WarpCon 1994) |
Warpcon IV (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu 2 (Armageddon III) |
Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
💾 | Call of Cthulhu 91 - LIVE |
Peter Hansson
Peter Svärd
HelCon (1991)
| Call of Cthulhu Final (WarpCon 1994) |
Warpcon IV (1994)
| Call of Cthulhu Final (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Call of Cthulhu i Sydamerika |
Jan Salomonsson
Martin Wikborg
| Call of Cthulhu Live (WettCon 1988) |
WettCon IV (1988)
| Call of Cthulhu Now (TRoA 90) |
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Call of Cthulhu Round 1 (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Call of Cthulhu: Delta Green (ARCON) |
Nichlas Dalstein
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
| Call of Cthulhu: Svalbard (ARCON) |
Vegard Lillevoll
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Call of Cthulu (DrageCon 1) |
Joan Høj Jacobsen
Dragen Minicon (2005)
| Call of Duty: Damaged Relation |
William Hallin
ApKon VII (2009)
💾 | Call of Tequila/Great Old El Paso |
Kent-Ove Lindström
Tomas Näslund
MittCon (1994)
| Call of the Copper Gate |
| Call of the Elvenflow |
OrCCon (2022)
| Call of the Grove |
Lea Kirotar
Martin Kirotar
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017)
💾 | Call of the Wild Hunt |
Stephen Kenneally
Aidan Marsh
Gaelcon (2008)
| Call Thule |
Mogens Christensen
Claustrum Con III (1998)
💾 | Call Your Mother |
Ryan A. T. Hart
Golden Cobra Challenge (2020)
| Called to Account |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
💾 | Calling Baton Rouge |
Tony Gustafsson
Markus Hallström
LinCon (1996)
💾 | Calling Down The Midnight Sun |
Brian Nisbet
VatiCon VII (2000)
💾 | Calling Down: A Phone LARP |
Peter Hagmann
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022) The International Larp Festival (2023)
💾 | Calor é bom pra mosquito! |
Caue Reigota
Tadeu Rodrigues
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
💾 | Calymene |
Staffan Andersson
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Calypso-61 |
Inna Cherkashina
Knudepunkt (2019)
| Camarilla UK Vampire (WarpCon 2000) |
WarpCon X (2000)
| Camelot - Intrigue at Castle York |
John M. Corradin
Mica Corradin
Intercon M (2013)
| Camelot: The Tournament |
John Czarnota
AmberCon US (2024)
| Camelot's Court of Love |
John M. Corradin
Intercon J (2010)
| Camp Monster-Sorri |
Gaelcon (2021)
| Camp North Star |
AG Hansen
Maya B. Hindsberg
Christian C. Kierans
Freja Lunau
Paul Sinding
| CAMPFIRE - Anthology Horror Storytelling |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Campfire and Queen |
Ray Hodson
Notorious Consequences (2020) Retford Moot B (2023)
| Campfire Magic |
Elizabeth Stong
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Camping |
Maria Østerby Elleby
Rune Kulmbak
Morten Pedersen
Vintersol (2013)
| Can I Play With Madness? |
Oisin McColgan
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
💾 | Can we do it? |
Maja Toft Løvbakke
Forum (2014)
| Can you See Me? |
Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2015)
| Candyland II: Ashley's Bachelorette Party |
Julia Bond Ellingboe
Kat Jones
Intercon N (2014)
| Canned |
Alex Rowland
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Cannibal Sector 1 |
Alex O’Connor
Gaelcon (2007)
💾 | Cannonball Run |
Per Frederiksen
Fastaval - Rollespilleren og samfundet (2003)
| Canyon City Rain |
Brendan LaSalle
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| Captain’s Log |
| Captive in Crystal |
| Captives of Toil |
Mike Kimmel
Gaelcon (2016)
| Caravan to the North |
Continuum (2022)
| Caravans elexir |
LinCon (2018)
💾 | Carcosa, NJ |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2000)
| Cardolani Succession |
Brian Williams
Intercon B (2002)
| Cards Against You |
Con2 - Ude af CONtext (2023)
| Careers In Chrome |
Ropecon (2023)
| Careless Talk |
Tony Mitton
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Carfax Hall |
Rasmus Lindboe
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| Cargo |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| Cargo |
Marc Torregrosa
XL 2003 - Convention de jeu de role (2003)
| Caribbian Nights |
Thomas Frost
Niels Geckler
Spiltræf XI (1996)
| Carnage |
Maria Raczynska
Grenselandet (2014)
| Carnival of the Damned |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| Carnival Row – The Enemy of my Enemy is … my friend? |
Mel MacDonald
| Carolines Cafeteria |
Dennis Godballe
MuCon 4 (1999)
💾 | Carolus Rex - med Guds hjälp |
Emanuel Berglund
Martin Rother-Schirren
StocKon 5 (1999)
| Carousel |
Alex Brown
Blackbox Cph (2024)
| Carpathian Night |
Intercon C (2003)
| Carpe Diem |
Snökon (1998)
| Carpe Diem |
Lars Prehn
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
| Carpe noctem |
GothCon XXI (1997)
💾 | Carpe Noctem I |
| Carpe Noctem II |
| Carpool |
Pálína Ýr Þórsdóttir
ESFROAG (2023)
💾 | Carrion for the Carrion Crows |
Martin Annander
| Carry me back to good ole Georgia |
SydCon VI (1997)
| Carry on at Camp David |
Russell Harris
Steve Hatherley
Liz Jones
Donald Oddy
Mike Snowden
Janet Young
Intercon E (2005)
| Carthage Reborn? |
Jacob Klünder
ForumCon (2004)
| Carthma... Founder's Day Special |
Paul Chambers
Dave Hayes
BeAcon V (2019)
| Carva Cardialica |
Søren Hjortdahl Sørensen
Spiltræf XII (2000)
| Case File D-4913/41:3 |
Kristoffer Akerö
Cyrus Nations
Brady Tatro
Intercon R (2018)
| CashN2Gold Pawnbroking, Occoultisim, Drudgery |
Jim Lee
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Casino Impérial |
Convention de Supaero XXXVII (2016)
| Casino Xeno |
Andy Kirschbaum
Will Wagner
Intercon E (2005)
💾 | Cast Party |
Susan Weiner
Intercon P (2016)
| Castaways |
Margareta Wiegerth
FemCon (GothCon XL) (2016)
| Castillian Kings: Intrigue and Inquisition |
Kendra Beckler
Bram Sterling
Intercon N (2014)
| Casting |
Katarzyna Suppan
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
💾 | Casting Off Tyranny |
Jennifer Allaway
Katherine Belisle
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| Castle Blackthorn |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Castle Falkenstein (ARCON 14) |
Niels E. Wisth
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Castle Falkenstein (CalCon 1998) |
Oscar Ubeda Segmar
CalCon V - Jubileum Lustri (1998)
| Castle Falkenstein (Frizonen) |
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Castle Falkenstein (GaelCon 1996) |
Len O'Grady
Gaelcon (1996)
| Castle of the Space Wizard |
Ropecon (2018)
| Castle Rock |
Maiken Klünder
Ba-Con (2010)
| Castle Skaag |
Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
| Castleford Ladies Magic Circle Meets Tonight |
Philippa Dall
Steve Hatherley
Kevin Jacklin
Sue Lee
Christi Scarborough
Continuum (2022) Retford Moot A (2022)
| Castlevania: Chiaroscuro of Calamity |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Casus Belli |
Martin Qwist
Hyggecon (2008)
💾 | Casus Belli – “Den ljusnande framtid är vår” |
Mattias Svendsen
Johan Weisz
Kerstin Örtberg
GothCon XXX (2006)
| Cat in the Mirror |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Cat's Cradle |
Elżbieta Głowacka
Karolina Lukasik
| Catch Me If You Can |
Hans Lindhardt Jørgensen
FE Con 2 - Den er go' (2012)
| Catharsis |
Laurel Halbany
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Cats Like Food |
Zeb Dezern
Zach Greer Hauptman
Intercon P (2016)
| Catspaw |
Stephen Mulligan
BeAcon III (2017)
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon XV (2019)
| Caught in the dark |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Caught Red Handed |
Q-Con (2023)
| Cause of Rebellion |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| Caves of Chaos |
Grottröj #12 (2015)
| Caves of the Circind |
Dan True
CONtiki2 - Der sad en con på en tømmerflåde?! (2015)
| CCCP |
Oisin Creaner
Gaelcon (2006)
| Cedertuna Herrgård |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2006) Stockholms Spelkonvent (2007)
| Cegos, Surdos e Mudos |
Knutpunkt (2022)
💾 | Celest sinne |
Gustav Edman
Erik Frumerie
GothCon XXI (1997)
| Celestial Attraction |
Rebecca Roycroft
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Celestial Bodies |
Nicolas Hornyak
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Cellen |
Mikael Rosell
| Center Point |
Mike Brennan
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
| Cerberos |
Jörgen Adell
Johan Röklander
| Cereal Convention |
Marc Granato
Halden Ingwersen
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Challenge of the Tombs |
Claus Staal
Con 92 (1992)
| Challenge! The Emerald Castle |
Q-Con (2023)
| Challenger |
David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittCon (1997)
💾 | Champagne-Galoppen |
Paul Hartvigson
| Champions - Hero system (CalCon 2007) |
CalCon XIII - Inkvisitionen (2007)
| Champions (TRoA 90) |
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Champions (TRoR II) |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Champions (VC11) |
Flemming R. P. Rasch
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
| Changeling LARP (StocKon IV) |
Fritte Vanececk
StocKon IV (1998)
| Changeling Regional Event (ItzaCon 2005) |
Kris Crofts
Itzacon I (2005)
| Changeling Regional Event (ItzaCon 2006) |
Kris Crofts
Itzacon II (2006)
| Changeling the Dreaming: Arcadia Has Fallen |
Micah Haddock
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Changeling:The Dreaming |
Graham Tormey
Gaelcon (2005)
| Changeling:The Dreaming (WarpCon 1996) |
Ken Bolton
Warpcon VI (1996)
💾 | Changing friends |
Patrik Bálint
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2013)
| Chaos Fortress |
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| Chaos in Line |
Magnus Flinthøj
VannaCon 7 (2016)
| Chaos in the city of Ptah |
Christer Edling
SävCon XVI (2017)
| Chaos in the City of Splendors |
William Beers
William Murakami-Brundage
Iam Pace
| Chaos in the KUO sector |
Ropecon (2018)
| Chaos in the TAT sector |
Ropecon (2018)
| Chaos kommer |
Rasmus Jensen
DrageCon 5 (2007)
| Chaos Situation |
Mohamad Rabah
Grenselandet (2015)
| Character Mash-Up |
Asger Krogh Kjær
ESFROAG (2013)
| Charge of the Light-Bearer |
Dylan Nix
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Charitable Prayers |
Dave Hayes (I)
Itzacon VI (2010)
| Charlie doesn't surf |
Ropecon (2018)
| Charlie ei surffaa |
Ropecon (2023)
| Charon |
| Charter of the Conclave |
Tom Traina
Intercon R (2018)
| Chase the White Dragon |
Baz Nugent
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Chase the Wolf Away |
Dominika Kováčová
Grenselandet (2011)
| Chasliché Soh |
Pär Björklund
Johan Jacobsson
Raphael Waters
SillyCon III (1994)
| Chateau Ennui |
Holly Bianchi
Kate Fractal
Thomas Traina
Intercon J (2010)
| Cheater's wages |
Ropecon (2018)
| Cheesecake! |
Alex Newman
Intercon XIV (1999)
| Chelimber’s Descent |
OrCCon (2023)
| Cheops: The Game of Games |
Nick Huggins
Gaelcon (1996)
| Cherry, Dust, Chair! |
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
Immersion LARP Festival (2024)
💾 | Chiaroscuro |
Mikkel Bækgaard
Fastaval (2004)
| Chicago |
Henrik Jespersen
DrageCon 18 (2013)
| Chicago 1923 (Orc & Unicorn Gameclub versionen) |
| Chicago 1923 (Pentacon versionen) |
| Chicago 1924 |
Carsten Andreasen Fangel
Birgitte Hollegaard
Mikkel Sander
Pentacon (1996)
| Chicago Mafia |
Martin Lauridsen
ESFROAG (2012)
| Child's Play |
Michael Barner-Rasmussen
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| Children of the Far Land |
Ropecon (2018)
| Children of the Night |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Children of the Seed |
Intercon XV (2000)
💾 | Childsplay |
Michael Erik Næsby
Fastaval (1998)
| Chill (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Chimerical Defense Force |
Eva Schiffer
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Chinatown |
Stig Laursen
Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede! (2019)
💾 | Chinese Got a Lot of Hells |
Dave McGowan
Wayne O'Connor
Dominicon XIII (2007)
| Chinese Lifesucking Jumping Vampires |
Jens Bådsgård
Rasmus Rytter
Hong Con (1996)
| Chinese Lifesucking Jumping Vampires 2 |
Jens Bådsgård
Rasmus Rytter
Hong Con (1998)
| Chock: Smaken av det okända |
GothCon XLVI (2023)
| Chock: Åter från graven |
Nordsken (2019)
| Choice |
Valeryia Bulatskaya
Maryna Strapko
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2017)
| Choir of the Lonely Universe |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| Choisis ton camp camarade |
Les Rencontres Rôlistes de l'X - XXV (2022)
| Christiana 1801 |
JenteCon #1 (2012)
| Christmas in Valhalla |
Sandra Duggan
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
💾 | Christmas on the Moon |
Michael Mørk
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
💾 | Christmas on the Moons |
Michael Mørk
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
💾 | Christopher Columbus resa till Helvetet |
Martin Rother-Schirren
StocKon IV (1998)
| Chromosome perdu |
Mathieu Abilot
XL 2007 - Convention de jeu de role (2007)
| Chronicles of Darkness Vol. 1 |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
| Chronicles of Eldara : Black Crusade |
Ropecon (2018)
| CIA - the demise |
Michael Zedeler
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| Ciconia Pennae |
Svend Erik Jepsen
Spiltræf XI (1996)
| Cinema City |
Asta Wellejus
Fastaval (1996)
| Circle |
Cameron Betts
Mary Hinton
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Circle of Discovery |
Teresa Fresina
Matt Weber
Tamasin Wohlers
Summer Larpin' (2023)
💾 | Circle of Hands |
Ron Edwards
GothCon XLVI (2023)
| Cirkeln |
SydCon '93 (1993)
| Cirkler af ild |
UnConventional (1994)
| Cirkus Gothica |
Michelle Sørensen
DrageCon 13 (2010)
| Cirkus Kad |
ÄlvCon (2015)
| Cirkus kommer til Byen |
Nils Dam-Madsen
Mystifisticon II (1998)
| Cirkus uden grænser |
Danny Meyer Wilson
Fastaval (2013)
| Cirlons børn |
Anders Udengaard Sørensen
Fastaval (1991)
| Cirque Du Fey |
Anandi Gandolfi
Mel MacDonald
Intercon N (2014)
| Cirque Noir |
Suus Mutsaers
| Citadel of Pain |
Tore Lange
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
| Citizen Sane |
Daniel Björk
MittCon (1994)
| City |
💾 | City Council of Hound's Teeth |
Susan Weiner
Intercon D (2004)
| City Darkly |
Dave Hayes
BeAcon III (2017)
| City entanglements |
Henry Aspenryd
Mathias Lewin
HelCon -90 (1990)
💾 | City Of Angels |
Ray O'Mahony
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| City of Cities |
Claus Raasted
| City of Cities 2 |
| City of Cities 3 |
| City of Danger |
Shawn Merwin
| City of Flashlights |
Suzanne Miller
Moira Parham
Jeannie C. Whited
Intercon A (2001)
💾 | City of Lies |
Matija Mihoković
Ivan Mosca
Helena Panijan
Mile Perić
Nena Brozan Perišić
Francesco Pregliasco
| City of Light |
Suzanne Miller
Moira Parham
Jeannie C. Whited
Intercon XIV (1999)
| City of No Flag |
LepreCon XL (2019)
| City of No Flag |
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| City of No Flag Game: 18 Badlands Adventures |
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| City of No Flag: Finale |
Gaelcon (2024)
| City of No Flag: The Battle of the Rock |
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| City of No Flags 6 |
Jimmy Dowdel
Dave Hayes
Daz McBride
BeAcon III (2017)
| City of No Flags Utopia Lost |
Dave Hayes
BeAcon III (2017)
| City of the Invincible Sun |
Anita Murray
Warpcon XIX (2009)
| City Z |
Jakob Overgaard Christensen
RusCon 23 (2015)
| Ciudad Juarez |
Morten Juul
Fastaval (2004)
| Civic City Blues |
Jacob Klünder
TRoA Intern Con (1996)
| Civilization Phaze IV |
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Claim to Salvation |
💾 | Clamdash! |
Karl Druid
KryptCon VII (2022)
| Clang Clang 2: Draconic Boogaloo |
Tom Renbarger
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
| Clang! Clang! Clang! Went the Trolley: A Railroad Adventure |
GuardianCON XVII (2019)
| Clash of Spears |
Gerry McCabe
Steve William's
BeAcon V (2019)
| Clashing Stars |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
| Class of '83 |
Nick Huggins
TowerCon 98 (1998)
| Claus For Concern |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| ClaustroZombia |
XL 2005 - Convention de jeu de role (2005)
| Clay Cryptids |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Clay-O-Actor |
Frank Oddersborg
Spiltræf X (1994)
| Clearing |
Jamie Harper
The Smoke (2019)
💾 | Clemency |
Frederik J. Jensen
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
| Cleric of Death |
Rene C. Vinding
Pentacon (1993)
| Clerical Error |
Quinn D
Kathleen De Smet
Intercon K (2011)
| Cliffhangers |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
| Cliffhangers II |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Krikkit Con XII - Skandale (2004)
| Cliffhangers! |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Krikkit Con XI - Elgens Prøve (2003)
| Climb the mountain |
Ropecon (2018)
| Clockbottom |
| Clocktower Girls & the Renovationary War |
BeAcon V (2019)
| Clocktower Girls Vs. High Society |
Micheal Calnan
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Clockwork Café |
Brian Williams
Intercon R (2018)
| Clockwork Orange |
Magnus Alfred
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Clone Wars 5 |
WarpCon X (2000)
| Close The Book... |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Close To Home |
Balint Mark Turi
The Smoke (2023)
💾 | Closer my God unto Thee |
Fergal O'Brien
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Closing Doors |
Rei England
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| Cloud Giant's Bargain |
OrCCon (2023)
💾 | Clowns in carts getting cake |
Johan Jonsson
CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
| Club Babylon |
| Club Catastroph |
Björn Remning
CalCon IX - Maffia (2003)
💾 | Club Felis |
Ada Fredelius
Anna-Karin Linder
Martin Rother-Schirren
Knutepunkt (2005)
| Club Finit |
| Club Oasis |
Carl Nordblom
Siri Sandquist
Prolog (2018)
| Club Samsara |
Megan Coppock
David Kapell
Albert Lin
Ted Marr
Dan Parke
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Santo Sengupta
Kim Sward
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| Clubb Chaos Calling |
NordKon (2003)
| Clue |
BOVCon (1999)
Chaosium Con (2023)
| ClusterFubar |
Dustin Freeman
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| CM2-B |
Convention de Supaero XXXIV (2013)
| CoC-45 Festung Norwegen |
Bjørn Are Stølen
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| Cocktail uden rejer |
Adam Hannestad
Fastaval (1991)
| Cocktails och Cyanid |
Anna Askbåge
Lund 1923 (2023)
| Code RED |
CrossCon X (2013)
| Codenames |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2021)
| Coffee and Sugar |
Mik Reed
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
| Cogito, ergo sum |
Jesper Stehr Nielsen
Fastaval (1994)
| Cognitionem Interdictam Petere |
Anders Bülow
Christian Saxov
TRoA-Con - Tusind og én nats Eventyr (1999)
💾 | Cogs and Dogs |
Ian Power
Gaelcon (2010)
| Cogs and Sprogs |
Ian Power
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Cohorte |
Convention de Supaero XXXIV (2013)
| Coitus, Sanguis et Fati Necessitas |
| Cold Benevolence |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | Cold Chamber |
Jacob Sørensen
Viking-Con 41 (2022)
| Cold Dead Hand |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Cold Rain |
Michael Redlich Pedersen
Chop Con (1999)
| Cold Snap |
Continuum (2022)
| Cold Storage |
Charley Sumner
Intercon XV (2000)
| Cold War Spy Story |
Morten Lund
Krikkit Con XII - Skandale (2004)
| Cold Warning |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Collateral Damage |
Jeffrey Witthauer
ConDensed (2023)
| Collateral Emotions |
💾 | College of Wizardry |
Freja Gyldenstrøm
Charles Bo Nielsen
Claus Raasted
Edin Janković Šumar
| College of Wizardry: The Challenge |
| College of Wizardry: WereWar |
| College of Wizardry: Winter Banquet |
| Collision Imminent |
Continuum (2023)
| Collision Imminent! |
John Corrado Jr.
Anne Cross
Jenny Diewald
Philip Goetz
David Lichtenstein
Michael McAfee
Don Ross
Alexandra Thorn
Mark Waks
Intercon 15.5 (2000)
💾 | Colonel Sebastian T. Rawhide's Circus of the Spectacular |
Mike Young
Intercon C (2003)
| Colony War |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| Colours |
Martin Nielsen
💾 | Colt |
Christoffer Krämer
GothCon XXVII (2003)
💾 | Columbian Necktie |
Erik Lundström
SydCon 10 (En Odyssé) (2001)
| Comanche |
Jörgen Bengtsson
HelCon -90 (1990)
💾 | Combat Practice (A Bunch of Fighting Exercises) |
Mike Young
| Combat Smølf |
💾 | Come Forth and be Cured |
Colm Lundberg
Leamchcon (2000)
| Come Hel or Hiawatha |
Nickey Barnard
Tym Norris
Mike Snowden
Janet Young
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| Come What May - A Moulin Rouge LARP |
Sereia Fiona
Micah Haddock
Summer Larpin' 2024 Well-a well-a well-a huh! (2024)
| Comfy Architect Lottery of Magic: Extreme Snuggle Tiles |
Cadence Schwartz
John Schwartz
Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| ComIntern 2007 |
| Commandos - Scenarie 1 - Saturn |
| Commedia dell'Arte: A LARP in Three Acts |
Michael McAfee
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Communications Breakdown |
Eoin Leahy
Gaelcon (2005)
| Communing In Darkness |
Nick Huggins
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Communing in Darkness |
Nick Huggins
WarpCon XIII (2003)
| Community Service |
Paul Anthony Shortt
Vaticon X.5 (2004)
| Companion Zoo |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Compos Mentis |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Computer Dogma |
Jim Heneghan
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Con |
Morten Jaeger
Fastaval (2004)
| Con Season |
Ropecon (2018)
| CON Sektor |
Søren Koch Dalsgaard
Troels Rohde Hansen
Ryan Rohde Hougaard
Hyggecon (2003)
| Conan, the Destroyer |
TRoR IV (1992)
💾 | Concierto de Aranjuez |
Per von Fischer
Fastaval (1995)
| Conclave |
Be-Con (2018)
| Conclave |
Tadhg Kelly
Alan O'Dea
Gaelcon (1993)
| Concord Olympus |
Joie Martin
| Concordance Station |
Marissa Linzi
Ryan Maloney
Intercon K (2011)
| Concordia |
KryptCon IV (2020)
| Conduct unbecoming a gentleperson |
Dave Collis
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| CONfused |
Clark B. Timmins
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Congo |
Asger Hansen
Vintersol (2011)
| Congress of Vienna |
Kristen McFadyen Patten
Ben Philip
Intercon P (2016)
| Congressus |
| Conscience |
| Conscientia |
Amanda Decker
Aili Klein
Eduardo J Perez-Torres
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021) Intercon U (2022)
| Conse|cution |
Jonas Richter
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Consensus RPG |
Thorin Tabor
| Consilience |
Brandon Brylawski
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range |
Mattias Norén
LinCon (2017)
| Contact |
Elisabeth Cohen
Sarah Judd
Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
| Contact |
Jay Treat
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Contagion |
Nick Huggins
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Containment Breach |
Rafael Quinteiro
Thomas White
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
💾 | Conte de la crypte |
Marc Torregrosa
XL 2008 - Convention de jeu de role (2008)
| Contracts |
Daniel Bates
Keri Ogorzalek
Colin Sandel
Intercon F (2006)
| Control Room: Dungeon |
The Smoke (2023)
| Controlled Remote Viewing |
Erlend Sand Bruer
Mark Durkan
Blackbox Cph IX (2020)
| Convention of Thorns |
| Conventioneering |
Thomas Gallecier
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Conversation |
Per Wetterstrand
| Convicted |
Thomas Kyrsting
Jacob Vogelius Nielsen
David Silset
| Cookie og småfolket |
Bjarke Vennerstrøm Annesen
Kjartan Annesen
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
| Coolactics |
Martin HE Assarsson
SydCon V (1996)
| Copenhagen By Night |
| Copenhagen Chronicles |
| Copenhagen Chronicles (Campaign) |
💾 | Copenhagen Marathon |
Ole Frej Christiansen
Jakob Weldingh
Viking-Con 18 (1999)
💾 | Copenhagen Streetlights |
Niels K. Handest
Sune Nødskou
Viking-Con 34 (2015)
💾 | Copenhagen Streetlights II |
Niels K. Handest
Viking-Con 35 (2016)
| Copper Island |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Copperdale - a Tale from Mythodea |
| CORAL-20 |
Magnus Hegaard Hansen
ESFROAG (2020)
💾 | Core Function |
Niclas Ohlsson
Björn Persson
LinCon (2019)
| Coriolis (LinCon 2011) |
LinCon (2011)
| Coriolis (ÄlvCon 2017) |
ÄlvCon (2017)
| Coriolis (ÅbyCon 2019) |
ÅbyCon (2019)
| Coriolis (ÅbyCon 2020) |
ÅbyCon (2020)
| Coriolis: Pelarkvadranten |
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
| Coriolis: The Third horizon (AireCon 2020) |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| Corporate Espionage |
Aonghus Collins
Gaelcon (2012)
| Corporations Incorporated |
Pontus Viking
LinCon (2005)
| Corpse Astray |
OrCCon (2022)
| Corpse in the Desert |
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
💾 | Corpse Run: Take It or Leave It |
Jesper Stein Sandal
Ba-Con (2012)
| Corridor of DoOm |
Peter O'Brien
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
💾 | Cortex Overload |
Carl-Johan Ström
Mattias Svensson
LinCon (2001)
| Cosmere RPG (LinCon 2024) |
LinCon (2024)
| Cosmetropolitan Magazine Presents Ancient Egyptian Swimwear |
Mike Brennan
Anita Murray
Itzacon I (2005)
| Cotillion |
Christian Baron
Nicoline Bro
Mikkel Brunberg
Jacob Juel
Jacob Klünder
Mårten Krammer
Jonas Sanberg Ljungdalh
Charles Bo Nielsen
Martin Horn Pedersen
Julie Streit Pilegaard
Elin Skjolden
Vitus Vestergaard
| Cotillions as Fun Dance Mixers |
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| Council of Fennas Drunin |
AJ Smith
Brian Williams
Intercon L (2012)
| Countdown |
OrCCon (2023)
| Countdown |
Micheal Calnan
Gaelcon (2009)
| Counterculture |
Vito D'Agosta
Erin Price
Ian Schleifer
Susan Weiner
Intercon E (2005)
| Coup de Greyhawk: Draker og demonen Kerzit |
ARCON 39: Drakar och demoner (2023)
| Coup de main in Greyhawk |
Tommi Brander
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Court of last resort |
Ropecon (2017)
| Court of the Stars |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | Covenant of the Moonstone III - Dark Dragons Twilight |
Johan Berggren
Terje Nordin
SävCon X - 10 år (2011)
| Coverup i Odense |
Jacob D. Jaskov
Spiltræf IX (1993)
| CPH |
Peter Benjamin Madsen
ConIIret (2000)
| Crab Attack! |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 | Cracked |
Asbjørn Olsen
ConThulhu vs. Science II - this time it's personal (2012)
| Cracked Rear View |
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
| Cracked Skulls and Broken Crossbones |
Brian S. Merkel
Chop Con (2002)
| Cracks |
The Smoke (2020)
| Cracks in the Orb |
Will Fergus
Lise Fracalossi
Bernie Gabin
Matt LeVan
Melanie Saunders
Intercon M (2013)
| Cracks of Palmarius |
Lars Rune Jørgensen
Viking-Con 31 (2012)
💾 | Cracks On The Surface |
Brian Nisbet
LepreCon XXII (2001)
| CRAFT EVENT - Make Christmas Stuff and drink tea together |
Sue Lee
Otherworldly Consequences (2021)
| Crafty Miners |
Ian Power
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Cram |
Elizabeth Stong
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Crane's Conspiracy |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Crash and Burn |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| Crash Course |
Kaisa Kangas
Knudepunkt (2019)
| Crash, Boom, Bang! |
Karsten D. Frandsen
Confus (2000)
| Crashed |
Cathy Raymond
Intercon F (2006)
💾 | Crass Effect |
Ciarán O'Brien
Warpcon XXII (2012)
💾 | Crawling All Over II |
Ask Agger
Fastaval (1992)
| Crazy Machine City |
Ropecon (2018)
| Crazy Traveller (Content 1988) |
Content 88 (1988)
| Created through love (but no longer needed) |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Blackbox Cph (2025)
| Creating New Worlds |
Usva Seregina
The Smoke (2020)
| Creator's Fair |
Francesco Rugerfred Sedda
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
| Creepy Colony |
Erik Storud
Chop Con (1999)
| Cricket and Crocodiles |
Tom Renbarger
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
| Cries from the Drift |
BeAcon III (2017)
| Cries in the Night |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon I (2005)
💾 | Crime pays |
Martin Annander
| Crime Scenarie |
Lyng Con, forår (2019)
| Crimson King |
Nick Brooke
Chaosium Con (2022)
| Crimson Radiance |
LinCon (1991)
| Crimson Skies: The Mystery of the Missing Swan |
Daniel Adams
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Crisis |
Andy Brown
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Extraordinary Consequences (2011)
| Crisis Aboard the Starship Hecate |
Kevin Girard
Anthony Linkens
Intercon M (2013)
| Crisis at Castle Candy |
Beth Baniszewski
Kimberly Beder
Dennis Perepelitsa
Intercon F (2006)
| Crisis of Champions! |
Doug Taylor
GuardianCON XIX (2021)
| Crisis of Infinite Recursions |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| Crisis on Garweeze World |
Jim Lucas
Gaelcon (2002)
| Critical Path |
Amanda Brown
Brandon Brylawski
Jill Krynicki Dutcher
Doug Freedman
James Silverstein
Intercon O (2015)
| Croak and Dagger |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Cross my heart |
GothCon XXXVIII (2014)
| Cross Roads |
Andrew Barcoe
Cian O'Sullivan
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| Crossed Lines |
Sandra Duggan
Gaelcon (2004)
💾 | Crossing Borders |
Claus Raasted
Knutepunkt (2013)
| Crossings of Rome |
Dreieichcon World (2021)
| Crossover |
Lars Konzack
Fastaval (2000)
| Crossroads |
Hannah Bechara
Dillon Rooney
Gaelcon (2016)
| Crossroads (Claustrum Con II) |
Finn Norman Pedersen
Claustrum Con II (1997)
| Crossroads (Fastaval 2012) |
Per von Fischer
Fastaval (2012)
💾 | Crossroads (Fastaval 93) |
Jesper Skou Pedersen
Fastaval (1993)
| Crossroads (Intercon XV) |
Steve McCann
Intercon XV (2000)
| Crossroads (Spiltræf XI) |
Pelle Sølvkjær Christensen
Spiltræf XI (1996)
| Crossroads Tavern: Kaurath |
Emiliy Feaverear
Selina Harvey
Antonio Sodaro
Stephen Tihor
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Crossroads: Hell is Other People |
Hanna Bechar
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| Crown of Chaos |
Leif "Laffe" Eriksson
Stefan Karlsson (I)
UppCon '94 (1994)
| Cruel 2 be kind |
GothCon XXXI (2007)
| Cruiser's End |
Carsten Thorngaard Christensen
Con Dôme (2000)
| Crumbling Castles & Candy Clouds |
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | Crusaders Episode I: Empire's Ashes |
Paul Anthony Shortt
WarpCon X (2000)
| Crusaders 2300 |
Kristoffer Apollo
Ole Wesenberg Nielsen
Fastaval (1990)
| Crush the Rebellion |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | Crypt Kickers |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| Crypt of the Death Giants |
OrCCon (2021)
💾 | Crypt Raider |
Thomas Jakobsen
Fastaval (2005)
| Cryptid Couples Counselling |
Luke Hawksbee
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Csatlósok |
Balázs Kovács
IV. Kamara LARP hétvége (2019)
| Csh'taa |
Suzanne Wayner
Jeannie C. Whited
Intercon D (2004)
| CSI Ravensgate: Who Mourns For Lt. Adonis? |
GuardianCON XIII (2015)
| CSI: Renfrew |
LinCon (2009)
| Cthorporation |
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| Cthulhu (Content II) |
Content II (1991)
| Cthulhu 1889: The Mystery of the Canal |
Sebastian Adlercreutz
Tobias Agensø
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
| Cthulhu Dark Ages |
Jose Manuel Caballero
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Cthulhu Dark Christmas |
Christine Vean
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Cthulhu Før |
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
💾 | Cthulhu Live |
Ulrik Lehrskov
Hans Christian Molbech
Hyggecon (2003)
| Cthulhu Raids Again |
Chaosium Con (2023)
💾 | Cthulhu Then |
Thomas Rosén
Nicholas Wennerberg
LinCon (1992)
| Cthulhu vaknar |
Lund 1922 (2022)
| Cthulhubunnies |
Kris Crofts
Charles Dunne
Donal Fallon
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Cthulhutech (GaelCon 2008) |
Cillian O'Morain
Gaelcon (2008)
💾 | Cthulturnatten |
Martin Lindholm
Lund 1920 (2024)
| Cube |
CalCon VIII - Den mörka CalConens återkomst (2002)
💾 | Cube of Filth |
Jonas Larsson Olanders
GothCon XLIII (2019)
💾 | Cuinnuic |
Lennart Larsson
Ronny Wikh
GothCon XI (1987)
| CULT |
Simon Steen Hansen
Forum (2013)
| Cults of Dunwich |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Culture |
Kevin Naughton
Gaelcon (2001)
| Culture Crash |
Jenny Diewald
Roger Gammans
Heidi Kaye
Richard Perry
Julie Winnard
Peaky UK (2021)
| Cumberland County High School Reunion |
Ada Nakama
Intercon Q (2017)
💾 | Cumulunimbus |
Staffan Andersson
Anders Björkelid
GothCon XX (1996)
💾 | Curimba |
Caue Reigota
Tadeu Rodrigues
Vitor Soriano
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| Curse of Fausaint |
Charlie O’Neill
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
💾 | Curse of Sycorax |
CalCon XXVI - Kittla aldrig en sovande drake (2020)
| Curse of the Hammersmith Ghost |
| Curse of the Mad Monk! |
Gaelcon (2021)
| Curse of the McKenzies |
Cheryl Ann Costa
Amber Engle
Intercon E (2005)
| Curse of the Mummy |
Ropecon (2018)
| Cursed in Eternity |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| Curtain of the Mind |
Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XIII (2003)
| Cutters |
Chris Perkins
GenCon (1997)
| CY 9 |
Leo Sandberg
Stockholms Spelkonvent (1995)
| CY_BORG (BagiCon 2022) |
BagiCon I (2022)
| Cyber Dine |
Gert Hansen
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
| Cyber-Space |
Kim Kaurin
TRoA 2000 (2000)
| Cybercork 2063: Soul-Shilled |
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| Cybercracker |
Eric Fritz
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Cyberpunk (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Cyberpunk (ARCON 14) |
Hans Olai Martinsen
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Cyberpunk (ARCON 8) |
Hans Olai Martinson
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Cyberpunk (BSK 1989) |
Claes-Henrik Pihl
Borås Spelkonvent 7: Semper Melior (1989)
| Cyberpunk (BSK 1990) |
Stefan Bede
Jonas Rengensjö
Borås Spelkonvent 8: Circum Diem (1990)
| Cyberpunk (CAH 8) |
Søren Jespersen
Calling All Heroes 8th Edition (1998)
| Cyberpunk (CalCon 1995) |
CalCon '95 (1995)
| Cyberpunk (CalCon 1996) |
CalCon III - Ab Ovo (1996)
| Cyberpunk (CalCon 1997) |
CalCon IV - The truth is in here (1997)
| Cyberpunk (GothCon 1990) |
GothCon XIV (1990)
| Cyberpunk (GothCon 1992) |
GothCon XVI (1992)
| Cyberpunk (HelCon 1991) |
HelCon (1991)
| Cyberpunk (HelCon 1993) |
HelCon -93 (1993)
| Cyberpunk (MittCon 1991) |
Magnus Seter
MittCon (1991)
| Cyberpunk (Norra MittCon 1993) |
Norra MittCon (1993)
| Cyberpunk (Q-Con 1999) |
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Cyberpunk (Spelkongress 90) |
Spelkongress 90 - I en mörk framtid (1990)
| Cyberpunk (UppCon 1990) |
UppCon '90 (1990)
| Cyberpunk (UppCon 1992) |
UppCon '92 (1992)
| Cyberpunk (WarpCon 1994) |
Warpcon IV (1994)
| Cyberpunk (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Cyberpunk (WarpCon 1998) |
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| Cyberpunk 2020 (GaelCon 1996) |
Brian O'Doherty
Gaelcon (1996)
| Cyberpunk 2020 (WarpCon 1996) |
Conor Lynch
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Cyberpunk 2020 (WarpCon 2001) |
Steven Bray
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Cyberpunk London |
Kol Ford
Rebel Rehbinder
💾 | Cyberpunk: Street Law |
Magnus Seter
LinCon (1990)
💾 | Cyberpunk: Umenneskelighed |
Mads Egedal Kirchhoff
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Cyberpunkt 2020 (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| CyberSpace |
NaoCon III - winter tournament (1990)
| Cyberspace (TRoA 90) |
Ronny Jeppesen
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
💾 | Cyberwolf |
Niclas Ohlsson
LinCon (2018)
| CyberWorld |
Rikard Karlsson
LinCon (2016)
| Cyborg (FRN-Spiltræf 90) |
FRN-spiltræf (1990)
| Cyborg (GW91) |
Games Weekend (1991)
| Cyborg (Spilletræf 90) |
Thomas Frommelt
Daniel Sejer
Spilletræf (1990)
| Cyborg Gaia Allies |
Lina Persson
Josephine Rydberg
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2021)
| Cyborgs & lasers in dino-times |
Henrik Lerdahl
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Cyborgs og Svigerforældre |
SeCONd Chance (2007)
| Cygnus X1 |
Baz Nugent
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
💾 | CYKELN |
Per Rolandsson
SävCon XII (2012)