Chaos in the city of Ptah
System: Call of Cthulhu
✏️ | Christer Edling |
”Chaos in the city of Ptah”, utspelas i Memfis i farao Amenhotep III:s tid (1355 fvt) vid hans sons Kronprins Thotmes (storebror till senare farao Amenhotep IV alias Echenaton) hov.
Rahotep was called to the priestly palace of the Crownprince on the eastern bank of the Nile a bit south of Memfis. When they landed they could hear the lions in the adjacent lion-garden roar as if in desperation. The white buildings formed an imminent background to the blood on the floor of the outer garden. Rahotep immediately knew that this would be a serious case and sent his men to their tasks.
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SävCon XVI (2017) |
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