| B.A.D. Books |
Graham Harper
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| B.A.D. Volvo! |
Ulf Möller
SnöKon (1995)
| B.B.P.R.D. – British Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense |
Johannes Busted Vestergaard
| B.L.A.C.K.H.O.U.N.D. Case: VC29 |
Henrik Jensen
Nils Munch
Viking-Con 29 (2010)
| B.M.X. : The Baader - Meinhof experiment |
Erlend Eidsem Hansen
Prolog (2010)
| Bábel |
Tamás Bánffy
Tibor Kiss
| Babelskygger |
Michael Erik Næsby
| Baboon Moon |
Karete Jacobsen Meland
Blackbox Cph (2025)
Paul S. Dwyer
Katherine Hanna
Intercon N (2014)
💾 | Baby Steps |
Tobias Wrigstad
Ropecon (2006)
| Baby(A)lone |
Emmanuel Daucé
XL 2003 - Convention de jeu de role (2003)
| Babylon |
| Babylon 5 |
Q-Con VI (1999)
| Babylon 5: A Christmas Story |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Babylon 5: Turning Tides |
Janet Brennan
John Casenelli
Christopher Mello
Chris Pinard
Ray Roberts
Intercon E (2005)
| Babylon Junior - Alle Stemmer Tæller |
| Back From The Dead |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2005)
| Back in Uranus |
| Back of Beyond |
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Back to Eden |
GothCon XLIV (2020)
| Back to evil echo! |
Ropecon (2018)
| Back to Nam |
Pär Rylöv
HelCon -90 (1990)
| Back to the Front |
OrCCon (2022)
| Backpack TTRPG speltest |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
💾 | Backstabber |
Sven Bergersjö
Halmstad Spelkonvent (2010)
| Backstage Ink |
Kate Beaman-Martinez
Vincent Salzillo
Avonelle Wing
Intercon G (2007)
| Backwards? |
Michael Nielsen (III)
Chop Con (1997)
| Bad Apples |
Tom Dimiduk
Sharone Horowit-Hendler
Alon Levy
Wren Steinbergh
Thomas Wohlers
Intercon N (2014)
| Bad Breath |
Thomas Storgaard Winther
"Tanken?!" Con (1996)
| Bad Holography |
Katrine Myra
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
| Bad Moon Rising |
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| Bad Moon Rising |
Palle Schmidt
Lars Vilhelmsen
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Bad Omens |
Susanne Vejdemo
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| Bad Science |
Michaela Aschan
Michael Bryant
Buster Jangles
Tym Norris
Petter Olsen
Traci Whitehead
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| Bad Sex: The Roleplaying Game |
Juhana Pettersson
| Bad Things Come In Threes |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Bad-Ass Bunch |
Emil Lykkegård Hansen
Christian Hviid Mortensen
Fastaval (1998)
💾 | Badass Fuckin' Disabled Wizards |
Hazel Anneke Dixon
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
💾 | Badehotellet |
Frederik Berg
Fastaval (2006)
💾 | Bag din ryg |
Tina Heebøll Arbjørn
Cecilie Balling
Eva Fog
Sanne Harder
Regitze Illum
Maya Krone
Helene Willer Piironen
Fastaval (2010)
| Bag Dragens Øje |
Tobias Demediuk Bindslet
Filip Larsen
Frank Liltorp Larsen
Confus (2000)
| Bag facaden |
TRoA - Charleston (1998)
| Bag Fjendens Linier |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Bag fjendens linier |
Lars Pedersen
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
💾 | Bag lukkede døre |
Martin Svendsen
TRoA - Rock'n'Roll (2004)
💾 | Bag Lyset |
Tobias Demediuk Bindslet
Fastaval (2006)
| Bag lås og slå |
Rasmus Lyngkjær
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
💾 | Bag masken |
Max Møller
Klaus Meier Olsen
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
| Bagdad |
Klaus Green Andersen
Torben "spejderdreng" Jørgensen
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr (2001)
💾 | Baggårdspuma |
Sigurd Buch Kristensen
Orkon - Aspiranteksamen (2004)
💾 | Bajsmonstret |
Teddy Winroth
SävCon III (2003)
💾 | Baked in Abyss |
Tapio Hietamäki
Ropecon (2023)
| Baker Street Boys |
CalCon XIX - A Fairytale (2013)
💾 | Bakom Hans Ögon |
Anders Emgard
Mischa L Thomas
GothCon XXX (2006)
💾 | Bakom Spegelporten |
Tommy Bengtsson
Martin Börjesson
GothCon X (1986)
| Baksur's Devil |
Continuum (2022)
| Balance in All Things |
Rónán Comaskey
Gaelcon (2012)
| Balancing the Scales |
OrCCon (2021)
| Balckwall's fald |
Claus Peter Clemmensen
Chop Con (1996)
💾 | Balders sidste sang |
Flemming R. P. Rasch
Viking-Con 24 (2005)
| Balettakademins förbannelse |
Snökon (1998)
| Ballad of Jess-Belle |
EmillyBeth Savage
Intercon R (2018)
| Ballade i Walburg |
Balder Asmussen
Sconnert - 7th Platoon (1998)
| Balladen om Ildøerne |
Kay Olssen
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Ballerup Chronicles |
💾 | Ballinderry |
Martin Rother-Schirren
Tobias Wrigstad
SydCon V (1996)
| Ballista Bolt Run |
Big Bad Con (2011)
💾 | Ballroom Blitz |
Isak Johansson-Åkhe
LinCon (2022)
| Ballroom Blitz! |
Hans Josefson
GothCon XXV (2001)
| Ballygonwen |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Balon 4 |
| Balon I |
| Balon II |
| Balon III - Karass' skygger |
| Baltimore! Baltimore! Dinosaur! |
Scott Slomiany
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| BAMSE Rollspelet |
Tryggve Bergholm
Andreas Rönnedal
Daniel Rönnedal
FrunCon 91 (1991)
💾 | Bamsers mod |
Simon James Pettitt
Fastaval (2013)
💾 | Bananbåten från Buenos Aires |
David Jenssen Bergkvist
MittKon - Anno Domini Tjugohundraett (2001)
| Banbury Tales |
💾 | Band Candy |
Jojjon Hamrén
FemCon 3 (2015)
| Band of the Black Talon |
Continuum (2022)
| Bandekrigen raser |
Jacob Berg
Thomas Jakobsen
Fastaval (1992)
| Banegården |
Linda Nielsen
Vintersol (2008)
| Baneth Sedith |
Niclas Höglin
MittCon (1998)
| Bange for at dø? |
Lyng Con (2014)
| Bankrånet |
Simon Lundgren
SävCon XIV (2014)
| Baphomet |
Bjarke Pedersen
Simon Svensson
Linda Udby
| Baptism of Fire |
TRoA-Con 92, intern (1992)
| Bara arbete och ingen lek |
Björn Thalén
Prolog (2019)
| Bara lite sex? |
Prolog (2013)
| Barad-Wath |
Simon Deveau
Intercon D (2004)
💾 | Barbarer! |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Viking-Con 40 (2021)
| Barbie goes Evil |
Jenny Carlander
Carolina Weidby
WettCon 12 - Asylum (2001)
💾 | Barcleys Brødre |
Thomas Munkholt
Fastaval (1995)
| Barda Rollespilstræf |
| Bards and Bouches |
Morten Søgaard
💾 | Bare en uformel aften |
Ryan Rohde Hougaard
Hyggecon (2005)
| Bare ly for natten... og regnen... |
Troels Rohde Hansen
Hyggecon (2003)
| Barengoza - Magtens Tinde |
| Barn av vår tid |
Magnus Nilsson-Mäki
SävCon Second Edition (2000)
| Barn i Brunnby |
| Barndomsjul |
Louise Kragh
Confekt II (1997)
| Barndomsminder |
Alex Borg
DrageCon 2 (2006)
| Barnet |
Gry Christensen
Thomas Vestdam
FiskeCon (1993)
| Barnlajv |
Fia Forsström
Emelie Johansson
Martin Olsson
Prolog (2012)
| Barok |
Festival européen de l'imaginaire - LuxCon the EuroCon - Europäisches Fantastikfestival (2022)
| Baron Munchausen |
Gaelcon (2015)
| Baron's Gambit |
Ceridwen Pietras
Kylene Roberts
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Baronen av Barbary Coast |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
GothCon XLII (2018)
| Baronen's skæbne |
Rune Bundesen
Dennis Gadgaard
Con Dôme (1995)
| Baronens Hemmelighed |
Necronomicon (1992)
| Baronessen der blev væk |
Mark Flensted Stetkær
DrageCon 8 (2008)
| Barons of Braunstein (Grottröj #19) |
Grottröj #19 (2017)
| Barracuda |
Andreas Rönnedal
Daniel Rönnedal
Spelkongress 88 - May the force be with you (1988)
| Barsk Blodshämnd och Bröllop |
Markus Melander
SnöKon (2004)
| Base Under Siege |
Continuum (2022)
| Basen |
| Basen Abrahams |
Jakob Pøhlsgaard
Michael Schierup
Christian Skotte
Morten Wettergren
Fastaval (1995)
| Bashing in the Bog! |
Jonah Locken
GuardianCON XIX (2021)
| Basic role playing system (ARCON 33) |
Jose Manuel Caballero
| Bassethwaite 5: After the Fall |
Graham Harper
Mel Harper
Mo Holkar
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| Bataljen |
| Bathofobi |
Robert Jonsson
GothCon XXXVIII (2014)
| Batmen of the Future: Requiem for the Riddler |
Micheal Calnan
Itzacon VIII - Lost in the Woods (2012)
| Batmen of the Future: Stray Cat Strut |
Micheal Calnan
Gaelcon (2012)
| Battle Beyond Infinity |
Alex Newman
Intercon XV (2000)
| Battle For Control of the Soul of the GOP: The Next Generation |
Thomas Traina
Intercon K (2011)
| Battle for Mandalor |
TRoA V (1992)
| Battle for Star's Fate |
Alex Speidel
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Battle for Tenth Imperium |
OrCCon (2021)
| Battle of the All Elite |
Q-Con (2023)
| Battle of the Black Star |
Michael Nielsen
Claustrum Con II (1997)
| Battlestar Galactica LARP |
| Battlestar Galactica: Getting the House in Order |
Xander Cosgrave
Gaelcon (2015)
| Battletech |
Ropecon (2018)
| Battletech |
Brian Kenny
Lorcan Nagle
Gaelcon (2012)
| Battletech Classic Diorama |
LinCon (2024)
| Batukh Hungers |
Alex Helm
The Smoke (2022)
| Batukh Hungers! |
Alex Helm
Summer Larpin' (2023)
| Bavnevagter |
Jakob Kjær Zimmermann
| Bazar Midway |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2018)
| Bazaar of the Bizarre (A Gamers Gaming Getaway 2022) |
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
| BBC Reality in cooperation with the Jupiter Mining Corp presents RED DWARF |
John Kammer
Intercon O (2015)
| Be My Valentine |
T A Newmann
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Be Not Afraid |
C.E.A. Diertani
Warren Tusk
Intercon N (2014)
| Be Quick, or be Dead |
Martin Lindof
Calling All Heroes 6th Edition (1996)
💾 | Be the Change You Wish to Sea |
Evanleigh Davis
Anna O'Shea
Ace Tayloe
Laura Willard
K Zdepski
ConBust (2018)
💾 | Be Witch |
J. Michael Arons
Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)
| Be Your Best Keanu |
Ron T. Blechner
Elizabeth Stong
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
💾 | Beast Woman Returns |
August Undin
CalCon XXV - Kalaset (2019)
| Beastfucker |
Wendy Gorman
Alexa Kirchner
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Beasts We Fight Against |
Maryia Karachun
Zhenja Karachun
Volha Rudak
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
💾 | Beat City |
Thais Laursen Munk
Fastaval (2008)
| Beautiful Creatures |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Grenselandet (2019)
💾 | Beautiful Dreamer |
Niklas Disefalk
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019)
| Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children |
Martin Lindof
Pentacon V (1994)
| Beauty is Not Only Skin Deep |
Mug & Game Games Day (2022)
| Beaver Lake Horror |
Ropecon (2017)
| Become Human |
💾 | Bedside |
Mike Krolikowski
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
💾 | Bedste venner |
Lars Kaos Andresen
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
| Before and After Silence |
Matthijs Holter
Fredrik Hossmann
KyrKon (2014)
| Before Dawn |
Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Black Box Horsens (2017)
| Before Dawn Part 1: The Bloodcove Disguise |
Crystal Frasier
Itzacon XI (2015)
| Before Sunrise |
UppCon '95 (1995)
| Before the End: Situation Room |
Christopher Lamb
Lorraine McKee
Laura Mitchell
Jack Watkinson
💾 | Before the Ordeal |
Cyrus Nations
Jamey Patten
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Before the time is ripe |
Anders Bersten
Erik Norén
Borås Spelkonvent 6: Nulli Secundus (1988)
| Before We Wake |
| Before You Leave |
Khelren Jakoubovitch
Steve Jakoubovitch
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Befriade! |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
Johan Jonsson
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1997)
| Befrielsen |
Kennet Nielsen
DrageCon 15 (2011)
| Befrielsen |
Michael Zajontz
ARL MiniCon (2003)
| Befyndelsen |
| Befäl i krig |
| Begyndelse |
Quinn D
Nina Runa Essendrop
Blackbox Cph III (2013)
| Begynderbordet |
Sandra Aalbæk
Dungeons and Dragons-Dag (2022)
| Begynnelse |
Prolog (2013)
💾 | Behind Door Number 3 |
Brian Nisbet
Gaelcon (1998)
| Behind The Chalet |
Chris Jensen Romer
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
💾 | Behind the Curtain |
Johanna Morgan
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024)
| Behind the Fields |
Liliya Benderskaya
Sparrow Rubin
Intercon M (2013)
| Behind the Magic — Who let the wyrm out? |
Ropecon (2023)
| Beinbrecher I: Who mourns a Necromancer? |
Thomas "TJ" Jensen
TRoA VIII (1994)
| Beinbrecher II: Demons Never Cry |
Thomas "TJ" Jensen
Lennart Knudsen
TRoA IX (1994)
💾 | Beinbrecher III – Rotternes hævn |
Per Frederiksen
Thomas "TJ" Jensen
Martin Svendsen
ConFusion (2002)
| Beinbrecher III: Thanquols Plan |
Thomas "TJ" Jensen
Lennart Knudsen
TRoA XI (1996)
| Being in Fluxus |
Nilas Dumstrei
Kamilla Askholm Jørgensen
Blackbox Cph VIII (2019)
💾 | Being Max Møller |
Max Møller
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr (2001)
| Being Scene |
Michael Such
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
💾 | Beings in Black |
Magnus Dustler
Lisa Lind
Martin Segerbäck
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
💾 | Beirut Blues |
Thomas Alm
Joakim Lundvall
Borås Spelkonvent 4 (1986)
| Beiruth |
Morten E. Nielsen
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Modern Roleplaying (1988)
| Bekendelser ved en bardisk |
Thomas Kruse
DrageCon 14 (2011)
| Bekendte størrelser |
Rasmus Kjærboe
UnConventional (1996)
| Bekymringer |
Rune Kappelgaard
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 27 (2008)
| Bekännelsen |
Linus Andersson
Julkon (2005)
| Belejringen |
Jonas Juel Olsen
Dungeons and Dragons-Dag (2022)
💾 | Belejringen af Lucas Prime |
Ask Neve Gamby
Viking-Con 43 (2024)
| Belejringen af Tal-Rac |
Morten Vestergaard Fisker
Chop Con (1998)
| Belejringen af Tentagel |
| Belgium Savior I |
Bjarke Fredskild Pedersen
Tore Mølgaard Sæderup
💾 | Bell The Cat (Politics and Cheese!) |
Mike Young
| Belleville |
Malik Hyltoft
Viking-Con 25 (2006)
| Belly of the beast |
Jonas Bendtsen
Chop Con (2002)
| Belmont Resort |
Joel Carlqvist
SävCon IX (2009)
| Belnuvs sömn |
SillyCon IX (2000)
| Below the Silver Tarn |
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
| Belägringen av Neverwinter |
X-CON (2020)
💾 | Bem´s Blues |
Thomas Alm
Joakim Lundvall
Borås Spelkonvent 4 (1986)
| BEMs & BFGs |
Conpulsion (2023)
| Bemusement Park |
Mel Lavin
Leprecon XXIV (2003)
| Bend Sinister |
Dave Roe
Gaelcon (1994)
| Beneath a Metal Sky |
LinCon (2017)
💾 | Beneath Burning Skies |
Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2018)
| Beneath the Fetid Chelimber |
OrCCon (2023)
| Beneath the Ice |
Gaelcon (2011)
| Beneath the Well of Brass |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
💾 | Benediction |
Laura op de Beke
Odd Helge Gravalid
Una Hamilton Helle
Sille Storihle
Grenselandet (2023)
| Benefits & Bureaucrats |
Michael Such
Golden Cobra Challenge (2018)
| Berelions sidste håb |
Jonas Pedersen (I)
ARL MiniCon (2005)
| Beretningen om Ugleskoven |
| Beretningen om Ugleskoven II |
| Beretningen om Ugleskoven III |
| Bergen vid världens ände |
Prolog (2009)
| Bergensbanemysteriet |
Oda Sandaker
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Bergrum för ekvillibrister och klareingmän |
CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
| Bergtagen |
Lars Edlund
Hugo Lilja
Julkon (2004)
💾 | Berlin 1936 |
Björn Hellqvist
GothCon XXII (1998)
💾 | Berlin 2025 |
Lars Konzack
Fastaval (1993)
| Berlins Skygge |
Søren Høper
Mystifisticon II (1998) Orkon - Mafia (1998)
| Bermuda Syndromet |
Jakob Holm
Vintervap (1996)
| Berserkin Pesä: Ajan pyörteissä |
Ropecon (2023)
| Berømmelsens Pris |
Alex Uth
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
| Besked fra Mr. Olbaid |
Kåre L. Jensen
Spiltræf XI (1996) Pentacon (1996)
💾 | Beskuerens øje |
Claus Raasted
Viking-Con 33 (2014)
| Best Friends Don't Have To Be Forever |
Quinn D
Eva Schiffer
| Best of Alabama |
| Best of the Rest |
OrCCon (2022)
| Best of the Wurst |
Nickey Barnard
Martin Jones
Mike Snowden
Julie Winnard
Amazing Consequences (2007)
| Besök i Brunnby eller de kallar oss urglar |
| Betala fredens pris - en stillsam historia om hösten |
UppCon '94 (1994)
| Betrayal on the High Seas |
Lloyd Gyan
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Betrayal on the High Seas: Not this Ship again! |
Gaelcon (2021)
💾 | Bette Liverpool |
Mikkel Bækgaard
Fastaval (2012)
| Better |
Laurel Halbany
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Better Dead than Dredd |
KryptCon VI (2022)
| Better Latte than Never |
A Gamers Gaming Getaway (2022)
| Better Living Through Excessive Violence |
OrCCon (2022)
| Better Living Through Robotics |
Keith A Darron
Elizabeth Fein
Jaime Frey
Eva Schiffer
Kathleen De Smet
Intercon O (2015)
| Better off Dead - The Necropolis Senior Prom |
Haz Harrower
Adam Nakama
Intercon K (2011)
| Better Red Than Dead |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon VI (2010)
| Between a Roc and a Hard Place |
Colin Sandel
Intercon E (2005)
| Between Limbo and the Veil |
Muriel Algayres
The Smoke (2019)
| Between Production Lines |
Usva Inei
The Smoke (2022)
| Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea |
Larisa Allen
Alex Bradley
Dave Kapell
Intercon P (2016)
| Between the Penthouse and the Lobby |
Andrea Humez
Alyse Leung
Intercon U (2022) Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered |
Katherine Bryant
Erika Emrick
Intercon R (2018)
| Beyond Defeat: Big Eyes, Small Mouth |
Paul Anthony Shortt
Gaelcon (2004)
| Beyond the Barricades |
Prolog (2015)
| Beyond the Black Gate |
Continuum (2023)
| Beyond the border. Beyond the border. |
Ropecon (2018)
| Beyond the breaking point. (13G) |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Beyond the Halflight Path |
Ropecon (2018)
| Beyond the neural horizon |
| Beyond the supernatural (BSK 1989) |
P. Thyrén
Borås Spelkonvent 7: Semper Melior (1989)
| Beyond The Supernatural (Chop Con '95) |
Martin Oddershede
Chop Con (1995)
| Beyond the Supernatural (TRoA 90) |
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Beyond the Wall |
Kirsten Hageleit
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
| Beyond the Wall (ARCON) |
Jo-Herman Haugholt
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Beyond the Wall of Sleep |
Thomas Ramsli Rasmussen
Hexcon (2019)
| Bib Fortunas Palads |
Thomas Storgaard Winther
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr (2001)
| Biblia |
GothCon XVII (1993)
| Bidet |
Gaffa Brandt
Lau K. Lauritzen
Jonas Schwartz Thomsen
Vintersol (2012)
💾 | Bidt |
Terese Damhøj Andersen
Mette Markert
Fastaval (2013)
| Bienvenue à Valnuit |
Convention de Supaero XLIII (2022)
| Big Brother is watching you... |
Micky Jensen
Chop Con (1999)
| Big Brujah |
Andy Brown
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| Big Dicks |
Countess Dillymore
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Big Fire Rock |
Thomas Ramsli Rasmussen
Hexcon (2019)
| Big Jim’s Demise |
Continuum (2022)
| Big Trouble |
Michael Eklund
TRoA VIII (1994)
| Big Trouble in little Dorvinia |
TRoA VI (1993)
| Big Trouble in Little London |
LinCon (2002)
| Bigbigbigwoodthings SMASHED! |
Claus Larsen
DrageCon 13 (2010)
| Bigrds Skjold |
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| BINGO! |
Ropecon (2023)
| Bingo! med live |
| Biogenetisk Mareridt |
Rasmus Nord Jørgensen
Hong Con (1996)
| BioMorphic Internet Monster Kids |
Cillian Doyle
Gaelcon (2001)
| Bioshock -- Turf War in the D'Orlean quarter! |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Bipolar lush |
Gilbert Kraag
Grenselandet (2013)
| Bird of Prey |
John Richard Karlsson Flagga
Malene Steen Nielsen Flagga
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
| Birds of Yore |
Björn Wärmedal
KryptCon IV (2020)
| Birkeholm Kostskole for Talentfulde Unge |
💾 | Birkenau |
Jonas Sanberg Ljungdalh
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Birthright |
Donal Cahalane
Gavin Maxwell
WarpCon VIII (1998)
| Birthright |
Martin Oddershede
Chop Con (1998)
| Birthright Betrayed |
| Bistra Tider |
💾 | Bitande iskyla |
LinCon (1995)
| Bite Me |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Biting Cold |
Eoin Staunton
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| Bitter Tears at Sad Mary's Bar and Girl |
Scott Beattie
Thorin Tabor
Tonia Walden
Intercon K (2011)
💾 | Bitterband |
Richard Nilsson
GothCon XXXII (2008)
💾 | Bittersaga |
Henrik Andersson
Mårten Forsmark
SävCon V (2005)
| Bjergets visdom & Byens Forblændethed |
Frank Lindvig
Con Dôme (1999)
| Bjergkongens Skat |
Alex Moe
Viking-Con 17 (1998)
💾 | Bjergtaget |
Jeppe Bergmann Hamming
Maria Bergmann Hamming
July Pilowsky
Black Box Light (2018)
| Bjørnen Sover |
Kåre Vibe Jespersen
Orkon - Religion i den mørke middelalder (1999)
💾 | Björnens tid |
Johan Erixon
Johan Norrman
SydCon VI (1997)
| Black Dog |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| Black Dog |
Nathan Hook
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2016)
| Black Drum War |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
Nichlas Dalstein
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| Black Flame |
| Black Friday |
| Black Fury Road |
Kay Olssen
ARCON 32: Trek Wars (2016)
| Black Harvest |
Ask Agger
Max Møller
Asta Wellejus
| Black Legacy |
Alex Helm
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Black Metal Live |
Benjamin S. Jørgensen
Milton Felice Brambati Lund
Anders Bo Skov
Hyggecon (2010)
💾 | Black Metal Live 2: Froztbitten Thunder Edition |
Benjamin S. Jørgensen
Milton Felice Brambati Lund
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Black Mountain Lights |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Black Noise |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon XV (2019)
| Black Ops : The Boysie Idaho Cover-up.... |
Dave Rooney
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| Black Rites |
Katja Boysen
Con-Dôme (1993)
💾 | Black Rock Night |
Thomas Varga
LinCon (2013)
| Black Sabbath |
Allan Joe Broch
Pentacon V (1994)
| Black Stories |
Anita Murray
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| Black Thyme |
Anita Murray
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| Black Tie Formal |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| Black Tower |
Tina Siig
Ruscon 22 - Splat! (2014)
| Black Waters |
Eileen Connors
Tim Connors
Gaelcon (2015)
| Black Wolf on an Eastern Shore |
Alvin Gellert
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Con Dôme (1997)
| Blackened Hearts |
Be-Con (2018)
| Blackie's Bar & Grill, Grand Cayman |
Jim MacDougal
Kelly Diane MacDougal
Intercon H (2008)
| Blackjack |
Anders Jørgensen
Mikkel Heise Kofoed
Henning Martinussen
Vitus Vestergaard
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
| Blackmore Rock'n'Roll Fantasy (ACT I Rainbow, ACT II Rising, ACT III Long live rock'nroll) |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Blackout |
Tobias Demediuk Bindslet
Viking-Con 19 (2000)
| Blackout |
Alex Bradley
Dave Kapell
Intercon J (2010)
| BlackOut |
Jesper Wøldiche
Sconnert - 7th Platoon (1998)
| Blackrocks undergang |
Anders Højsted
| Blackwater Creek |
Stefan Pedersen
Chopcon (2022)
| Blackwell |
Charlotte Brewer
Matthew Kamm
Intercon R (2018)
| Blade Runner (Dragonmeet 2022) |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Blade Runner 2020 |
Zbyszek Janczukowicz
PoRtaL 8: Zagreb (2020)
| Blade Runner: Another World |
Rasmus Leijon
ApKon VII (2009)
| Blade V Nos |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2006)
| Blades and Banners in the Dark (GothCon 2024) |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| Blades in the Dark! (GuardianCON) |
Andrew Tripp
GuardianCON XIX (2021)
| Blanche-Fleur et les cinq Nabots |
Mathieu Abilot
XL 2003 - Convention de jeu de role (2003)
💾 | Bland alver och landmaneter |
Olof Lindqvist
LinCon (2024)
| Bland mörker och månskor |
CrossCon III (2006)
| Bland sodomiter och hermafroditer |
Prolog (2025)
| Blandings and a Night at the Operetta |
Mel MacDonald
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Blandt Flyvende Føl |
Maria Henoch Rasmussen
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
| Blandt Stjerner og Skjulte Fjender |
Nicolai Boesen
Denkyû Sebastian Gundel
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
| Bleak Midwinter |
Will Osmond
The Smoke (2020)
| Bleakhaven |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| Bleeding Edge |
James Lloyd Jones
Gaelcon (2015)
| Bleeding Heart of the Woods |
Sean Chitty
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
💾 | Bleeker Street |
Adam Bindslev
EreCon III (1997) Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| Blessed are the children |
Glen Moran
Gaelcon (2003)
| Blessed are the Forgetful |
Anthony O'Reilly
Gaelcon (2005)
| Blessed be the Host of the King of Heaven |
Tayler Stokes
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
💾 | Blessed Be Their Name |
Aer van de Water
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| Bli snygg eller rappa på svenska |
David Gustavsson
Daniel Lenneér
GothCon XXIX (2005)
| Blighted Blades, Shattered Souls |
Nick Knapp
Intercon U (2022) Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
💾 | Blind |
Jacob Vogelius Nielsen
David Silset
Viking-Con 33 (2014)
💾 | Blind tillid |
Palle Schmidt
| Blindelive |
Bjørn Porup Thomasen
Hyggecon (2005)
| Blip. |
Gints Halcejs
| Blizzard 7 |
LinCon (2008)
| Blockbuster |
Joel Östlund
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2022)
| Blockby Blackbox |
Linnéa Björklund
Thor Forsell
Elin Gissén
Erland Nylund
Prolog (2018)
💾 | Blod |
Ola Sundin
SydCon VI (1997)
| Blod och Pussel |
Robert Jonsson
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
💾 | Blod och split |
Lars Johansson
SolCon III (1998)
| Blod og Beton |
| Blod är tjockare än vatten |
| Blod, is og tårer |
Jacob Vogelius Nielsen
David Silset
Blackbox Cph (2012)
💾 | Blod, järn och ... gräs |
Lars Lindau
Mattias Präntare
Stefan Termén
SydCon 8 (1999)
💾 | Blod, sved og bly |
Niels Geckler
Fastaval (1996)
| Blod, Sved og Solfaktor 666 |
Ole Frej Christiansen
Mikkel Jønsson
Viking-Con 12 (1993)
| Blod, sved og tårer |
Sebastian Nemeth
Krikkit Con XV - The Brædtspil (2010)
💾 | Blod, svett och dårar |
David Gustavsson
Daniel Lenneér
GothCon XXV (2001)
| Blod, svett och tårar |
GothCon XVII (1993)
| Blodet brænder |
Jonas Manley
Con Dôme (2000)
| Blodets By |
Lasse Dahl
Calling All Heroes 8th Edition (1998)
| Blodets bånd |
💾 | Blodets Bånd |
Merlin P. Mann
| Blodets Bånd - I Ravenlofts skygge |
| Blodets Bånd II - Til jord skal du blive |
| Blodets Bånd III - Genfødslen |
| Blodets Ritual |
| Blodets sang |
Nicholas Demidoff
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
| Blodfejde |
Balder Asmussen
Pentacon (1996)
💾 | Blodhævn |
Alex Uth
Fastaval (2002)
| Blodig måne |
Jesper "99" Larsen
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA X (1995)
💾 | Blodig silke |
Andreas Lieberoth
Fastaval - Atlantis (1999)
| Blodig skymning |
MittCon (1992)
| Blodige drømme |
Morten S. Jensen
Eberhard Kronhausen
Jens Rasmussen
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| Blodigt Bryllup |
Sven Schiøtte Strandbygaard
TRoA-Con - Tusind og én nats Eventyr (1999)
| Blodklinge i Fiume |
Christian Sørensen
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
| Blodritualer |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2020)
| Blodrus |
Sara Hald
| Blodrød Sne |
Henrik Korsgaard
Simon Bækdahl Nielsen
Fastaval (1995)
| Blodsband |
| Blodsband |
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
💾 | Blodsband |
Edward Hiscoke
Johan Jonsson
WettCon IV (1988)
💾 | Blodsband |
Daniel Roos
| Blodshämnd |
NordKon (2003)
💾 | Blodshämnd |
Jenny Barkestedt
Krister Sundelin
GothCon XXXII (2008)
| Blodsken - Jápmináigi |
Klosscon III (2015)
💾 | Blodspor i Reikland |
Thomas Elfing
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
| Blodtegnet |
Troels Frostholm Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2015)
💾 | Blodtågens forbandelse |
Tore Benjamin Parmo Bro
Viking-Con 38 (2019)
💾 | Blomster på Svanevej |
Eleonora Andrea Kapow
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Blomsterbørn |
Vor Frelsers Con (1993)
| Blomstergården |
Adam Fridal Illemann
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
| Blood & Iron |
Hannah Lipsky
Intercon U (2022)
| Blood & Iron |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Blood & Iron Larp |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Blood & Roses |
Loughlin Deegan
Gaelcon (2002)
| Blood & Steel |
Lars Persson
Borås Spelkonvent 10: Tinufsia Jubileea (1992)
| Blood and Corn |
Continuum (2022)
| Blood and Gold |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XVIII (2008)
| Blood and Gold |
Michelle Sørensen
DrageCon 5 (2007)
💾 | Blood and Iron |
Dudley Martin
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| Blood and Iron: A Time to Plan |
Dudley Martin
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
💾 | Blood and Iron: A Trick of the Light |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2016)
| Blood and Iron: Alea acta est |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XI (2015)
| Blood and Iron: Loss of Heart and Soul |
Dudley Martin
LepreCon XXXVII (2016)
💾 | Blood and Iron: Madness in the Mountains |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
💾 | Blood and Iron: Over the Hills and far away |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2019)
💾 | Blood and Iron: Paths of Steam and Sorcery |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2014)
| Blood And Iron: Si Vis Pacem, Fac bellum |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XI (2015)
💾 | Blood and Iron: The Lost Jewel in the Crown |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2020)
💾 | Blood and Iron: The Vengeance of Heaven |
Dudley Martin
LepreCon XXXVIII (2017)
| Blood and Iron: To Claim A Sacrifice |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2021)
| Blood and Iron: Under the Pale Moonlight |
Dudley Martin
Gaelcon (2015)
| Blood and Iron:Black Blood of the Earth |
Dudley Martin
Itzacon XIII (2017)
| Blood and Rockets |
Kieran Turley
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Blood and Tears |
Loughlin Deegan
Gaelcon (2003)
| Blood and the Sun |
Alex Helm
Rich Wood
Bizarre Consequences (2008)
💾 | Blood at Stake |
Ian Power
Warpcon XXI (2011)
| Blood Bond |
EreCon II - HorrorCon (1997)
| Blood Bowl finalen |
Ivajlo Holm-Jensen
CONgratulations20 (2017)
| Blood Feud (BSK 2021) |
Borås Spelkonvent 38 (2021)
| Blood Feud!! |
OrCCon (2021)
| Blood for the Serpent King |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Blood in the Abyss |
Ray O'Mahony
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)
| Blood Lust |
Gunilla Jonsson
Michael Petersén
Fantastika '92 (1992)
| Blood Manor |
Tara Conway
Carol Tierney
Amazing Consequences (2007)
| Blood on the Carpet |
Dave Collis
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| Blood on the Clocktower |
GothCon XLV (2022) LepreCon XLII (2023) Be-Con (2023)
| Blood on the Snow |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Blood on the Tracks |
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Blood on the Tracks |
Eoin Burke
Gaelcon (2008)
| Blood opera of wizards |
Ropecon (2018)
| Blood Under Absalom |
Tim Hitchcock
Gaelcon (2015)
| Blood, Sweat, and Football |
Louise Svensson
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023)
| Blood, Sweat, and Tears |
Abe Pressman
Intercon U (2022) Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| Bloodbowl (GaelCon 2007) |
Tony O'Hare
Gaelcon (2007)
| Blooddrops From The Faceless One |
Rune Nielsen
RusCon 13 (2004)
| Blooded In |
Cian Scattergood
Gaelcon (2016)
💾 | Bloodhound Burton |
Daniel Björk
MittKon 2002AD (2002)
| Bloodmark |
OernCon V (1991)
| Bloodmark |
GothCon XV (1991)
| BloodNet |
Kat Jones
Evan Torner
Intercon L (2012)
| Bloodrage |
| Bloody Kisses |
Therese Lindh
Erik Lundström
Borås Spelkonvent 14: Domesticus Gargarizatus (1996)
| Bloody Rivers |
Magnus Nygaard
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Bloody Slippers |
Kristen Hendricks
Intercon R (2018)
| Blossoming Magic |
Aislinn McCormack
Sean McCormack
Summer Larpin' But oh, those summer nights! (2022)
| Blossoms Amid Snow |
Gareth Hanrahan
WarpCon XII (2002)
| Blot et Tilfælde |
Heidi Rosa Hansen
Kenneth Murrekilde
Fastaval - Atlantis (1999)
| Blowing the Bloody Doors Off |
Continuum (2022)
| Blue Archangel |
Kirt Dankmyer
Intercon I (2009)
| Blue Bird |
Convention de Supaero XXXIX (2018)
| Blue Rose |
Kim Kaurin
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Blue's Clues: The Hound of Skidoo |
Cadence Schwartz
John Schwartz
Intercon R (2018)
| Bluebeard's Bride |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Blut und Boden: "L'viv" |
Ole Sørensen
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
💾 | Blutjagd |
Claus Kliplev Jacobsen
Orkon (2005)
💾 | Blændværk |
Michael Erik Næsby
Fastaval (2004)
💾 | Blændværksnat |
Jon Cole
Be-Con (2018) Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
| Blæsten omkring os |
Jost L. Hansen
Orkon - Aspiranteksamen (2004)
| Blå |
Jonas Ellemand
Forum (2013)
| Blå negle |
Michael Redlich Pedersen
Chop Con (1997)
| Boadicea - Minns du? |
Emelie Folkeson
Cecilia Kjellman
GothCon XLIII (2019)
| Board of Directors |
Jacob Kronby Schulze
Blackbox Cph VII (2018)
| Board to death |
Grant Howitt
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Bob the Bison Goes Forth |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Bodenlose Gier |
Dreieichcon World (2021)
| Bodice Rippers |
Meg Hilko
Eamon Honan
Gaelcon (2001)
| Bodils bjudning |
LinCon (2006)
| Body by Joy |
| Body Count |
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Stephanie Olmstead-Dean
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Bodyguarding Mr. Stanton |
Øivind Johannessen
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Boffer |
CalCon X - Western (2004)
| Boffer Live |
Container 77 (1997)
| Boffer med Västmarken |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
| Bofferbaren |
LinCon (2003)
| Bofferfäktning för nybörjare |
CalCon XV - Konspirationen (2009)
| Bofferturnering |
LinCon (2003)
| Bog Down in the Valley-O |
LepreCon XLII (2023)
| Bogen og kniven |
Jacob Klünder
Fastaval (2002)
💾 | Bohemian Rhapsody |
Muriel Algayres
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
| Bohus Gæstebud - Skyggen af en konge |
| Bokbindarens dotter |
SydCon '93 (1993)
💾 | Bolmört & Belladonna – en elisabetansk mardröm |
Anders Björkelid
GothCon XXI (1997)
| Bolter, Båter og Beist |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| Bolvaerk |
| Bon Appetit |
Kol Ford
The Smoke (2019)
💾 | Bondemænd og biavlere |
Frederik Berg
Fastaval (2002)
| Bonderup Live |
Confus (2000)
| Bondespelet RPG |
CalCon VI - Millennium (1999)
| Bonds of blood and love |
| Bone Wars |
Pat Ryan
Itzacon VI (2010)
| Bones of Biting Ants |
Sean McGowan
BeAcon IV (2018)
💾 | Bonnie Will |
Brian Nisbet
LepreCon XVII (1996)
| Boogieman Nights: A Game of Supernatural Pornography |
Rain Wiegartner
Intercon Q (2017)
| Boorworms Academy of Magic: Governors Election |
Cheryl Ann Costa
Linda Miller Poore
Intercon F (2006)
| Boorworms Academy of Magic: Homecoming Weekend |
Cheryl Ann Costa
Linda Miller Poore
Intercon H (2008)
| Boot Hill (Chop Con 98) |
Jakob Thomassen
Chop Con (1998)
| Boot Hill (Fastaval 87) |
Fastaval (1987)
| Boot Hill (Lux-Con '91) |
Mikkel Rosenberg
Lux-Con (1991)
| Boot Hill (VF Con 90) |
Vor Frelsers Con (1990)
| Boot Hill (VF Con 91) |
Vor Frelsers Con (1991)
| Boot Hill (WettCon 1986) |
WettCon II (1986)
| Bootes Void |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
| Boots for the Glory of Russia |
Steve Hatherley
Fallcon (2000)
💾 | Borams lågor |
Staffan Andersson
SillyCon X (2001)
| Border information |
Ropecon (2018)
| Border Walkers |
Marcus Wilmont
Con Dôme (1997)
| Borderline |
Signe Løndahl Hertel
Blackbox Cph V (2015)
💾 | Borders |
Francesca Romana Cicetti
Máté Czakó
Lorenzo Giannotti
Fanny Hajdú
Fanni Lakos
Soma György Mály
Knutpunkt (2022)
💾 | Borderworld |
Ciarán O'Brien
Itzacon VI (2010)
| Bordsrollspel för nybörjare |
Prolog (2015)
💾 | Borgmästarnas bro |
Albert Hallneborg
SävCon XXI (2022)
| Born This Way |
Rei England
Lucky Consequences (2018)
| Born to be Wild |
Per Ørum-Petersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Born Under a Bad Star |
Nicolai Strøm Steffensen
Black Box Horsens (2017)
| Bortbytingen |
Erik Norén
Borås Spelkonvent 13: Me Traici Supra, Scotte! (1995)
| Bortførelsen |
Jacob Thomsen
Vintervap (1996)
| Bortom den 7:e Dimensionspelaren |
Robert Holmberg
MittCon (1998)
| Bortom förnuftets horisont |
Johannes Mattson
| Bortom grått och font |
CalCon XXIV - SuperCalCon (2018)
| Boston by Night: Ties of Blood |
Stephen Dipesa
Kevin Talbot
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Bot-Off |
Thomas Kruse
DrageCon 13 (2010)
💾 | Botaniskt Besök |
Jonas Morian
Lund 1923 (2023)
| Bothwell School of Witchcraft |
Pändi Baldwin
Andrew Russell
| Bothwell School of Witchcraft |
Cameron Readman
The Smoke (2019)
| Bottlequest |
Dominik Dracan Dembinski
Mikolaj Wicher
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Bottom of the Garden |
Ben Llewellyn
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| Boulevard of Broken Dreams |
Derek Herrera
Intercon N (2014)
| Bound in Blood |
John Cooke
Megan Coppock
Intercon R (2018)
| Boundary Waters |
Katherine Shane
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Bounties |
Q-Con (2023)
| Bounty Hunter: The Reality Show |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Bourne of Candles |
OrCCon (2022)
| Bovine Bandits |
Continuum (2023)
| Bowie, Bowie, Bowie |
Chris Shannon
Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018)
| Box Of Music |
Dave Hayes
LepreCon XXXIX (2018)
| Boxen |
Jakob Thestrup Eskildsen
Jesper Lindhard
Fastaval (2009)
| Boy Meets Boy |
| Boys do cry |
Prolog (2013)
💾 | BRA - Rollspelet |
Spelkongress 91 - a Day at the Races (1991)
| Brabrand |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Fastaval (2011)
| Brain Files |
Kristin Firth
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Brainbuilders |
💾 | Braindeath |
Michael Erik Næsby
Fastaval (1995)
| Brakowitz |
| Branches of Bone |
Michael Reid
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Brand i natten |
Frank Isaksson
Container 77 (1997)
💾 | Brasst Issinn |
Elias Helfer
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
| Braubach - På røven i Saarland |
Thomas Svendsen
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Brave Bronze Eagles in Journey to the Red Planet |
Matthew Watkin
Gaelcon (2015)
| Brawl at the Broken Nose Tavern |
Catherine Preble
Intercon C (2003)
| Brawl In Brazil |
Magnus Nygaard
Viking-Con 29 (2010)
| Breadcrumbs |
Laura Boylan
William Lowenthal
Ashleigh La Porta
Thomas Wohlers
Intercon R (2018)
| Break a Leg |
Phoebe Roberts
Intercon M (2013)
| Breakfast at the Drowsy Dragon |
Ropecon (2023)
| Breaking the Bank |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Breakthru! Coming of Age in a Superverse |
Joshua Kronengold
Lisa Padol
Stephen Tihor
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)
| Breath of Fire |
OrCCon (2021)
| Breccia |
| Bredsider og Bording |
Christian Rosenkjær Andersen
Sigurd Rubech
Krikkit Con VII: User Input Required (2001)
| Brekket |
Haakon Olav Thunestvedt
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Brennandi vikingar |
Tommi Brander
MidgardCon VI (2022)
| Brenner House Seance |
Megan Coppock
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
💾 | Brev fra Noctus |
Ryan Rohde Hougaard
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Brevitas: 'Uskrevne regler' |
Nicholas Demidoff
Lars Konzack
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Brevitas: Kære Jack … |
Nicholas Demidoff
Lars Konzack
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
| Brian an'Ryags pludselige død |
Peer G. Duschner
Viking-Con 11 (1992)
💾 | Briar & Honeysuckle |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2001)
| Bride Of The Black Manse |
UK GamesExpo (2019)
| Bridgewater |
| Bright Blades & Black Magick |
OrCCon (2022)
| Bright, Bright Stars |
Niels Stender
Pentacon V (1994)
| Brimens forbandelse |
Esge Kjær Lorenzen
Vintersol (2006)
💾 | Brimstone Winter |
Henrik Bergendahl
Erik Granström
| Brindlewood Bay : Bride or Die |
LinCon (2025)
| Brindlewood Bay : Dad Overboard |
LinCon (2025)
| Brindlewood Bay : Panic! at the Bingo |
LinCon (2025)
| Brindlewood Bay (GothCon 2025) |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
| Brindlewood Bay (LinCon 2025) |
LinCon (2025)
| Bring 'Em Back Alive Haggle |
Michael Colao
Sid Sackson
Amazing Consequences (2007)
| Bring Down the Moon |
Monte Cook
Søren Keis Thustrup
Ba-Con (2010)
| Bring me Ophelia |
Continuum (2022)
| Bring me the head of Lady Saves |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| Bring Your Own Bottle |
Alisa Matavilava
Yauheniya Siadova
Nastassia Sinitsyna
The Larporatory (2015)
| Bringin' home baby |
Søren Keis Thustrup
Ba-Con (2012)
| Bringing Down the Moon |
Monte Cook
| Brister Balancen |
| Britainnia Noctos |
Sean Geraghty
LepreCon XXIX (2008)
| Britta's Beauty Bar |
Kristoffer Post Rindahl Byriel
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
| Brockhurst |
Bernie Gabin
Phoebe Roberts
Intercon O (2015)
| Broderfejden |
| Broen over floden Reik |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
| Broken Promises |
Krister Michl
ForumCon (2004)
| Broken Sword |
Eamonn Kearns
Gaelcon (2010)
💾 | Brombærkrattets helte |
Anna Sigrid Pii Aunkilde
Viking-Con 34 (2015)
| Bron |
Ola Janson
Henrik Örnebring
GothCon XVIII (1994)
| Brother Ezekiel's Tent Revival |
Will Wagner
Intercon H (2008)
| Brotherhood |
Ruddi Oliver Bodholdt Dal
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Brothers in Arms |
Matt Kennedy
Itzacon XV (2019)
| Brothers of Blood |
TRoR IV (1992)
| Brothers of Mercury |
Niels Stender
Pentacon (1993)
💾 | Brothers of Metal |
Klaus Meier Olsen
Forum (2012)
| Brothers Two |
Tadeusz Cantwell
Gaelcon (2016)
| Brott och straff |
CalCon XIII - Inkvisitionen (2007)
| Brouhaha |
Heidi Edström
Lovisa Gauffin Wohlfarth
Stockholm Fringe Festival (2019)
💾 | Brudefærd |
Alex Uth
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr (2001)
| Bruden |
Jhez Salin
Con-Dôme (1993)
| Brudpris |
Carolina Dahlberg
Anna-Karin Linder
| Brudpris - a Few Years Later |
Mads Dehlholm Holst
Mads Havshøj
Oliver Nøglebæk
Liv Lykke Schubert
| Bruidsprijs - A story about love, honour and patriarchy |
Iris van Blijderveen
Jasper Wille
💾 | Brujah |
Danni Börm
Tore Vange Pedersen
Fastaval (1995)
| Brundtholm |
| Brunnby i Knipa |
💾 | Brunnsäventyret |
Lars Hedenskog
Åsa Hedenskog
Peter Printzén
LinCon (1989)
| Bruno the Bandit |
Cynthia Wakefield
Intercon I (2009)
💾 | Brusa högre, lilla å |
Andreas Marklund
Norra MittCon (1993) SnöKon (1995)
| Brushanens sista vila |
Erik Granström
Tomas Härenstam
Nils Karlén
Mattias Lilja
Fredrik Ström
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
💾 | Brustna illusioner |
Tobias Harding
Stockon -97 (1997)
| Bryllupsfesten |
| Brämhultslajv |
Markus Björck
Rikard Meyer Norén
GothCon XXX (2006)
💾 | Brændpunkt |
Morten Juul
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Brännpunkt Noll - Ett verklighetslajv... |
SydCon 9 (2000)
💾 | Bröderna af Schmidts fruktansvärda experiment |
Niklas Rönnberg
Gunnar Söderberg
LinCon (2006)
💾 | Bröderna Carlton på rymmen |
Nils-Johan Andreasson
MittKon - Anno Domini Tjugohundraett (2001)
💾 | Bröderna Stursh resande cirkus |
Joanna Rutkowska
Gunnar Söderberg
GothCon XXXI (2007)
💾 | Brödraskapet |
Mattias Ahlqvist
LinCon (2002)
| Brödraskapet |
Åsa Roos
GothCon XXIV (2000)
💾 | Brødrene fra Broløs |
Karen Bech Sørensen
Signe Bech Sørensen
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
💾 | Bröllop i Svart |
Peter Åberg
LinCon (1989)
| Bröllopet |
| Bröllopsfest hos familjen Ekensköld |
💾 | Bröllopsgåvan |
Hugo Gnadeberg
LinCon (1999)
| Brønden |
TRoR IV (1992)
| Brøndens Hemmelighed |
| Braaains!!! - Zombiekull |
GothCon XXXVI (2012)
| BSD |
Nicholas Demidoff
Fastaval (1998)
| BTL (The Gig at the End of the Universe) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| BTL (The Judgement of Solomon) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| BTL: TDC (Descent Into Oblivion) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| BTL: TDC (Putting the Band Back Together) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| BTL: TDC (Waiting) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| BTL:TDC (To Live Forever) |
Martin Jones
Intercon R (2018)
| Bubble, Bubble, toil and shovel? |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon I (2005)
| Bubbly Curse |
Ropecon (2018)
| Bucklornas buckla |
| Budayeen der hvor tyngdekraften fejler |
Mikkel Jønsson
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
💾 | Budbäraren - Individuell science fiction i friform |
Anna Svensson
LinCon (2000)
| Buffy |
Cathriona Tobin
Warpcon XVII (2007)
| Buffy - the Vampire Slayer Live |
Frederik Berg
Jonas Arboe Harild
Lars Vensild Hörnell
Dennis Gade Kofod
Michael Sonne-Jørgensen
Fastaval - Rollespilleren og samfundet (2003)
| Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Steve Hatherley
Tony Mitton
Intercon F (2006)
| Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sæson 1, episode 1 |
Kirstine Godiksen
FE Con (2017)
| Buk dig efter sæben II |
N. C.
Fastaval (1994)
💾 | Buller i Berghamna |
Jonas Schiött
GothCon XLIII (2019)
| Bunker |
| Bunker 101 |
CalCon XX - Tidsresan (2014)
| Bunker 666 |
Joan Ladekjær Ingwersen
Bodega-con (2014)
| Bunker P812 |
CalCon XXII - Skyddsrum (2016)
| Bunkeren |
Jakob Ask Føne
ESFROAG (2020)
| Bunkeren |
Just Kjærgaard Pedersen
Viking-Con 13 (1994)
| Bunnies & Burrows |
Stefan Kristensson
WettCon IV (1988)
| Bunnies & Burrows (WettCon 1986) |
WettCon II (1986)
| Bunnies & Burrows with Randy Milholland |
Randy Milholland
Intercon H (2008)
| Bunnies and Burrows |
BeAcon V (2019)
| Bunny Borg |
GothCon XLVIII (2025)
| Bureaukratia |
Mads Brynnum
Esben Sejer Pedersen
ConIIret (2000)
💾 | Burgundia |
Dennis Gade Kofod
Fastaval (2006)
| Burial by Ash |
Sadia Bies
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| Buried Memories |
Donal Fallon
Itzacon IV (2008)
| Buried Treasure |
Stephen Mulligan
BeAcon III (2017)
💾 | Burkbäraren |
Johanna Fröjmark
Borås Spelkonvent 20: In Alea Veritas (2002)
| Burkettswill upon blair |
Tomas Ekblom
SävCon Second Edition (2000)
| Burn My Shadow |
Mike Craughwell
Itzacon V (2009)
| Burn the Witch |
Zsófia Emese Dobó
Craig Edgar
Chris Hartford
Glynn Hunt
The Smoke (2022)
| Burning Bodies |
Marcus Wilmont
| Burning Coal |
Vivek D
AmberCon NI (2024)
| Burning of Galgenbeck Cathedral |
OrCCon (2023)
| Burning Orchid |
Ben Allen
Nickey Barnard
Martin Jones
Heidi Kaye
Alison Rider-Hill
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
| Burning Stars |
Torben Ellert
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Burning4 |
Lorenzo Trenti
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
💾 | Burnout |
Wayne O'Connor
ConFESS (2009)
| Bus Stop |
Lila Clairence
Grenselandet (2013)
💾 | Bus Stop 25th Anniversary Edition |
Douglas Milewski
| Buses Welcome |
Greg Crowe
Doug Freedman
John Kilgallon
Gail Peck
Intercon 10.5 (1995)
| Bushido |
Borås Spelkonvent 3 (1985)
| Bushido (Grottröj #21) |
Grottröj #21 (2018)
| Busman's Holiday |
Gareth Hanrahan
Itzacon VII (2011)
| Busman’s Horror Day |
Graham Turner
LepreCon XXXII (2011)
💾 | Busshållplats |
Anders Wänn
MittKon 2002AD (2002)
| Busshållplatsen |
Elliot Beuze
Prolog (2020)
| Bustur til Endelave |
Magnus Riis
Krikkit Con VI: Laksen vender tilbage (2000)
💾 | But For the Grace of God |
Fergal O'Brien
Warpcon XIV (2004)
| But Not Tonight |
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020)
| But Still We Must Cherish It |
Natalie the Knife
Golden Cobra Challenge (2019)
| By Airship Across Amazonia! |
Christian Jensen
Mythic Consequences (2019)
| By i nöd |
Östersunds Speldagar -97 (1997)
| By the Numbers |
LinCon (2000)
| By the Pricking of my Thorns |
LepreCon XXXVI (2015)
| By the Pricking of My thumb.... |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| By the Trail Of The Undead |
Gerry McEvoy
Gaelcon (2016)
| Byarna vid Seakua |
| Byen Brænder |
Emilie Larsen
| Byen i Skovene |
Paul Hartvigson
Armageddon III - Føniks (1992)
💾 | Byen Melolonthinae |
Anne Vinkel
ConThulhu vs. Science II - this time it's personal (2012)
💾 | Byen og bæstet |
Mikkel Bækgaard
Fastaval (2016)
| Byen Ved Grænsen - Den Glemte Legion |
| Byen ved tidens ende |
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 21 (2002)
| Byens Børn |
| Byens... |
Asbjørn Odsten Boel Christensen
Fastaval 007 (2007)
| Byliv - Herindagen |
| Byrne's Bane Revisited - The Captain's Revenge |
Intercon D (2004)
💾 | Byt upp mig! |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
Olle Jonsson
Tobias Wrigstad
Halmicon (2004)
💾 | BZ'at |
Jonas Ellemand
Fastaval (2011)
| Bzik |
Safija Jemialjanava
Nastassia Sinitsyna
Minsk Larp Festival (2019)
| BärWald |
Kåre Torndahl Kjær
ConFusion (2002)
| Bødlens skygge |
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
💾 | Bødlerne |
Jacob D. Jaskov
Max Møller
Fastaval (1996)
| Bødlerne |
David Piotr Zbigniew
Fastaval (2012)
💾 | Bøhmænd |
Ole Frej Christiansen
Svend Jensen
Viking-Con 15 (1996)
💾 | Børn af Danmark |
Tue Lindqvist
Johan Simonsen
Jacob Ørmen
Fastaval (2004)
| Børn af natten |
Martin Lindof
DrageCon 18 (2013)
💾 | Børn er dumme |
Henrik Vagner
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Børne-/ungebordet |
Jacob Kobberbøl
Dungeons and Dragons-Dag (2022)
| Børnehjemmet |
Mads Hauptmann
Krikkit Con Mk III - Flumantigopanal (1997)
| Børnehjemmet |
Nina Hoel
Fenris Efterårs Con (2011)
| Børnehjemmet |
Anders Sinding
Orkon (2003)
| Børnene fra boldbane 7 |
Sally Khallash
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
CONg Gulerods d. 2's store vinterfest (2011)
| Båtflyktingarna |
Linus Andersson
Julkon (2001)