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Jon Cole


💾 Arrangør Just a Little Lovin' Minnesota, USA (2017)
💾 ✏️ Blændværksnat Be-Con (2018)
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
💾 Arrangør Blændværksnat Be-Con (2018)
💾 ✏️ The Abortionists Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Arrangør Pop! Be-Con (2019)
💾 Arrangør Slayer Cake Be-Con (2019)
💾 Arrangør The Abortionists Be-Con (2019)
Arrangør Passing Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)
✏️ Velveteen Heart Be-Con (2023)
Arrangør Strictly Between Us Be-Con (2023)
Arrangør Velveteen Heart Be-Con (2023)


Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)

The Abortionists: Nomineret, Juryens Specialpris
Scenariet nomineres for hvorledes det med empati og historisk indsigt formår at skildre en tid hvor kønsnormerne var under dramatisk opbrud. Vi får indblik i og forståelse for kvindernes kamp for fri abort og ligestilling i 70’ernes Chicago. Vi efterlades klogere på vores fortid og mindes om ikke at tage friheden for givet.

The scenario is nominated for portraying a time, where gender norms were under dramatic upheaval, with empathy and historical insight. We gain an understanding for the women’s fight for the right to abortion and equal rights in 70s Chicago. We are left both wiser about our past and reminded that we should not take freedom for granted.


Knutpunkt (2018) Room crawl and games

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