Eleonora Andrea Kapow
Fastaval - Rollespilleren og samfundet (2003)
Fortæl mig: Vinder, Bedste Scenarie
Fastaval 007 (2007)
En Fandens historie: Vinder, Bedste Virkemidler
En Fandens historie: Nomineret, Bedste Fortælling
En Fandens historie: Nomineret, Bedste Roller
En Fandens historie: Nomineret, Publikumsprisen (Tredjeplads)
Fastaval (2016)
Socialismo y Muerte: Nomineret, Bedste Virkemidler
Systemets overgreb kommer helt ind på kroppen gennem fysiske virkemidler, der først tvinger både rolle og spiller til underkastelse og derefter fastholder dem i frosne positurer, mens trøstesløsheden langsomt tager over.
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Blomster på Svanevej: Vinder, Juryens Specialpris
Nomineres for at være et politisk rollespil gennem en knivskarp miljøskildring, hvor forfatteren ikke fortæller, hvad vi skal synes eller tænke, men lader spillerne opleve og danne deres egne holdninger. En kaotisk og punket druktur formår at behandle et betændt emne med en hel exceptionel respekt og forståelse.
Is nominated for being political roleplaying through a potent environmental portrayal, where the author never tells us what to think or feel, but lets the players experience, and make up their own opinions. Through a chaotic punk binge drinking trip it manages to deal with a controversial subject with an exceptional degree of respect and understanding.
Is nominated for being political roleplaying through a potent environmental portrayal, where the author never tells us what to think or feel, but lets the players experience, and make up their own opinions. Through a chaotic punk binge drinking trip it manages to deal with a controversial subject with an exceptional degree of respect and understanding.
Blomster på Svanevej: Nomineret, Bedste Roller
Fire troværdige unge mennesker fremstilles på en spændende og fragmenteret måde, der understøtter scenariets tematik og struktur. En autentisk skildring af tre unge mennesker på kanten, der står sammen i tykt og tyndt, og et stærk portræt af Omar el-Hussein. Rollerne har mange indgangsvinkler, og spillerne deler rollerne mellem sig på en interessant og engagerende måde.
Four youth on the edge of society are presented in an engrossing and authentic way. Three youth that stand together through everything, and a strong portrait of Omar el-Hussein. The roles are presented in a fragmented way with many potential angles, which supports the overarching themes and structure of the scenario. The roles have many entry-points, and the participants share the roles in an interesting and engaging way.
Four youth on the edge of society are presented in an engrossing and authentic way. Three youth that stand together through everything, and a strong portrait of Omar el-Hussein. The roles are presented in a fragmented way with many potential angles, which supports the overarching themes and structure of the scenario. The roles have many entry-points, and the participants share the roles in an interesting and engaging way.
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Saxos Bog: Nomineret, Bedste Virkemidler
Ved hjælp af en dygtig workshop ledes spillerne trygt og nænsomt ind i dette grænseskubbende og krævende scenarie. Selv når instruktioner er umulige, er der mening og hensigt. Ved hjælp af kniber sættes spillere og roller ind i magtdynamikker hentet fra BDSM og hjælpes på vej af et grundigt alibi. Og man skal huske at rose sine spillere, selv når de ikke formår en simpel oplæsning.
With the help of a skillful workshop, players are safely and gently guided into this boundary-pushing and demanding scenario. Even when instructions are impossible, there is meaning and purpose. Using predicaments, players and characters are introduced to power dynamics drawn from BDSM and aided by a thorough alibi. And don’t forget to praise your players, even when they fail a simple reading.
With the help of a skillful workshop, players are safely and gently guided into this boundary-pushing and demanding scenario. Even when instructions are impossible, there is meaning and purpose. Using predicaments, players and characters are introduced to power dynamics drawn from BDSM and aided by a thorough alibi. And don’t forget to praise your players, even when they fail a simple reading.
Fastaval | (1998) | Dirtbuster - General Katharsis |
Hyggecon | (1999) | Transport |
Fastaval | (2000) | Dirtbusters |
Hyggecon | (2000) | Transport |
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr | (2001) | Dirtbuster |
Hyggecon | (2001) | Transport |
Fastaval | (2002) | Dirtbuster - Commander Katharsis |
Hyggecon | (2002) | Transport |
Fastaval | (2010) | John TV |
Fastaval | (2012) | Café-fatter in absentia |
Fastaval | (2014) | Cafe |
Fastaval - Otto in Space | (2020) | Scenariedommer |
Referat af ordinær generalforsamling i Landsforeningen Eidolon den 5. januar 2002 | Referant | Side 14 | 18 (Februar 2002) | Hareposten |
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