| R.M.S. Empress of Syrtis |
Gordon Olmstead-Dean
Intercon B (2002)
| Rabbit Run |
Zoe Eddy
Jeff Holmes
Ben Jones
Albert Lin
Anthony Reed
Scott Sawyer
Chris Wilkins
Intercon N (2014)
| Rachel 96 |
Cornelius Henriksen
ARCON 31: Superhelter og superskurker (2015)
| Rad-Hack (Grottröj #18) |
Grottröj #18 (2017)
💾 | Radagasts hopp |
Thomas Friberg
Toralf Hällen
Måns Åkerlund
Spelkongress 87 - The game is afoot (1987)
| Radio Nowhere |
Padraig Murphy
Itzacon V (2009)
| Rage Across Denmark |
| Rage of the Northmen |
AireCon 5 (2019)
| Raggarrunda i juletid |
Hampus Holm
Dawid Sandgren
Julkon (2005)
| Raging Bulette |
Michael Fitzpatrick
Gaelcon (2006)
| Ragnaglar’s Breath |
Continuum (2022)
| Ragnarok |
Martin Oddershede
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
💾 | Ragnarok - begyndelsen til enden |
Ruddi Oliver Bodholdt Dal
René Toft
Fastaval - Rollespilleren og samfundet (2003)
| Ragnarok banker på! |
Fantasyfestival (2022)
| Ragnarök |
Thilion Strömberg
Prolog (2020)
| Raid on the Cloudborne Keep |
BeAcon III (2017)
| Raiders Of The Lost Crypt |
Greig Watson
Conpulsion (2023)
| Raiders of the Lost Ship (RPH) |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Railways and Respectability |
Nickey Barnard
Philippa Dall
Jerry Elsmore
Steve Hatherley
Sue Lee
Tony Mitton
Donald Oddy
AJ Smith
Mike Snowden
Julie Winnard
Jane Winter
Intercon G (2007)
| Rain |
Sandra Duggan
Gaelcon (2011)
| Rain of Lies |
Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2011)
| Rain of Mercy |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| Rakehell |
Gareth Hanrahan
Gaelcon (2010) Gaelcon (2011)
💾 | Rakkeren på Hald |
Lars Kaos Andresen
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
| Ramlösa |
Nina Hoel
Fenris Efterårs Con (2011)
| Ranchkrig i Hope City |
Jimmie Berntsson
ChrisCon III (2000)
| Random Adventures |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| Ranger Danger |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Rannvis fest på Garguls slott |
💾 | Rasputin |
Malin Hanås
Lisa Hellman
Borås Spelkonvent 20: In Alea Veritas (2002)
| Rat Hunting |
Lydia Dutton
Itzacon XIII (2017)
💾 | Ratland |
Fredrik Karlandus
Daniel Landgren
GothCon XL (2016)
| Rats of Waterdeep |
Lysa Chen
Will Doyle
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | Rats! they stole our holy Goblet |
Christoffer Krämer
SydCon '94 (1994)
| Raukovs Hævn |
| Raven – Claw and Beak |
Tomas H.V. Mørkrid
Fastaval (2009)
| Ravenloft 1 |
| Ravenloft 2 - Opløsningen |
| Ravenloft 3 |
| Ravenloft: Worst of the Cursed |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Ravensdale Academy 3/5: Trick or Treat |
Feargal Keenan
Ray Kennedy
Hannah Marks
Gavin Walsh
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Ravering Wolves |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| Ravishing Beauty |
Benjamin Will
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Ravne Rock |
FRB-con (1991)
| Ravneborg - Kampen om Jorden |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2017)
| Ravnens Loge |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2022)
| Ravnsdal |
| Ravnshøj akademi - For utilpassede unge |
| RAWWWWR! Dinosaur! |
Kim Sward
| Re: That Rip in Time and Space, A Milton Neighborhood Watch Meeting |
Elisa Ford
Intercon U (2022)
💾 | Re:Solve |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2022)
| Reaching Out |
Nina Runa Essendrop
Blackbox Cph (2023)
| Read Sun Rising |
Sean Geraghty
Baz Nugent
Gaelcon (2008)
| Reading Between the Lines |
Mo Holkar
Cathriona Tobin
Mythic Consequences (2019)
💾 | Reaktiv |
Peter Brodersen
Fastaval (2004)
| Reaktor nedsmeltning på kommando broen |
Kim Kaurin
ARL MiniCon (2004)
💾 | Real Men |
Kevin Burns
Mo Holkar
Grenselandet (2015)
| Real Royalty |
| Real/Unreal |
Nilas Dumstrei
Mark Durkan
Nina Runa Essendrop
Kirstine Hedda Fich
Marie Holm-Andersen
Adam James
Hamish MacPherson
Peter Munthe-Kaas
Gustav Nilsson
Kristoffer Thurøe
Nina Lund Westerdahl
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
| Reality Shift |
Rowland Cooper
Itzacon XVI (2020)
| Realm of the Munchkin |
Andy Brown
Carol Tierney
Gary Tierney
Carl Williams
Curious Consequences (2009)
| Realms of Burgundia-livekampagne |
| Realms of history |
Calling All Heroes (1994)
| Realms of History |
Henrik Schou
TRoA IX (1994)
💾 | Reap the Whirlwind |
Baz Nugent
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| Reaping What We Sow |
| Rebeller på spanden |
Christian Peter Koch Sørensen
💾 | Rebellerne |
Kristian Bach Petersen
CONg Gulerods d. 2's store vinterfest (2011)
| Rebellion Bridge |
Frida Sofie Sterten Jansen
| Rebels in Trouble |
The Realms of Roleplay (1990)
| Rebirth |
Sebastian Nemeth
Hope Con (2008)
💾 | Reboot |
Mark Cunningham
WarpCon XIII (2003)
| Reborn |
| Recall |
Ian Hollingsworth
Gaelcon (2005)
| Reclaim the mountain kingdom |
ÅbyCon (2023)
| Reclamation |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Recoil |
Padraic Barrett
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
| ReContact |
AireCon 8 (2023)
| Recorded |
Endel Maas
Tallinn International Larp Festival (2018)
💾 | Recounting the Cost |
Gareth Hanrahan
| Recovering the Black Saber |
Cliff Bohm
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Recruits |
Rune Sørheim
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Red Alert: A Shattered Grid Story |
UK GamesExpo (2023)
| Red as Rose, Red as Blood |
Ropecon (2023)
| Red Assembly |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Red Durango |
CrossCon VIII (2011)
| Red Endor eller dø i forsøget! |
Bjarke Vennerstrøm Annesen
Kjartan Annesen
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
| Red Headed Stepchild |
Dax Tran-Caffee
Golden Cobra Challenge (2015)
💾 | Red Hook |
Magnus Nilsson-Mäki
Tobias Persson
SävCon IV (2004)
| Red Hooks' Tourney |
Brendan Murphy
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Red Light - Timmarna innan tagningen |
LinCon (2000)
💾 | Red Lights And Sirens |
Steven Bray
| Red Moon |
Convention de Supaero XLII (2021)
| Red October |
Daniel Bloch Christensen
RusCon 14 (2005)
| Red Queen, Rag Doll |
James Lloyd Jones
| Red Riding Hood |
Jim Lee
Itzacon XIV (2018)
| Red Skies at Morning |
Sandy Antunes
Intercon XIV (1999)
| Red Storm Rising |
Oisin Creaner
Gaelcon (2007)
💾 | Red Tape |
Sandra Duggan
Itzacon V (2009)
| Redbox/Cyclopedia Dungeons & Dragons |
Fearghus O'Rourke
Itzacon II (2006)
| Redemption: High Noon at the Devil's Luck |
Brian Richburg
Alison Joy Schafer
Intercon J (2010)
| Redningsaktion til Mosenborg |
Elias Helfer
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
| Redningsaktionen |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Redshift |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Redshift |
Tayler Stokes
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
| Redshirts |
John Kammer
Intercon P (2016)
| Reeducation |
OrCCon (2023)
💾 | Reens heliga lampa |
Mikael Börjesson
GothCon VI (1982)
| Reflections |
Patrik Bálint
David Owen
Karolina Soltys
💾 | Reflections |
Simon Larsson
Prolog (2018)
💾 | Reflections at the Witching Hour |
Acata Felton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
| Reflections on Still Water |
Gareth Hanrahan
| Reflektion |
LinCon (1999)
| Reformed, Rebound |
Elisabeth Cohen
Sarah Judd
Adina Schreiber
Summer Larpin' We had fun, Zoomin' around! (2020)
| Refuge, The Boat |
Thomas Wohlers
Intercon Q (2017)
| Regenhere |
Elias Viklund
Sävcon XXIII (2024)
| Reginae Regis – The Six Wives of Henry VIII |
| Reginas Wedding - a fiasco game |
Christian Andreasen
GameDay by Aarhus Rollespilshygge! (2025)
💾 | Regn över Mörkmården |
Michael Lilja
Erik Norén
Borås Spelkonvent 12: Auri Sacra Fames (1994)
💾 | Regn: Le prejuge vaincu |
Tobias Wrigstad
Stockon -97 (1997)
| Regnen |
Simon M. Hansen
Ballerup Rollespils Festival (1998)
| Regnskovens hemmelighed |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 26 (2007)
| Regression |
Sofia Bertilsson
Elin Gissén
Gustav Nilsson
Prolog (2016)
| Regula |
Péter Jávor
V. Kamara LARP hétvége (2021)
| Rehearsal, Replay |
Dave Cave
Jon Marcus
Eva Schiffer
Adira Slattery
Be-Con (2019)
| Reign of Saturn |
Gert Hansen
Hjalte Ipsen
Jens-Peter Nielsen
| Reiklandsk riksdag |
GothCon XXXVIII (2014)
| Reisen mot Kurosawa |
Bjørn Are Stølen
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
💾 | Rejsen |
Lars Vilhelmsen
Maskespil (1999)
| Rejsen til Europa |
Maja Spang-Hanssen
Spiltræf XII (2000)
| Rejsen til Island |
Mads Ski
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| Rejsen til Nordhavet |
Malik Hyltoft
| Rejsen til Verdens Ende |
Adam Stahl
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
| Relationsakuten |
Prolog (2015)
| Relationstabellen: lajv |
| Relic Hunter |
Philip Gilsenan
Gaelcon (2002)
| Religion i funktion |
Prolog (2009)
| Reliker i Lankhmar |
KryptCon III (2020)
| Remember Me |
Nanna Knak Sondrup
Sagacon 4 - A Convention to Kill for (2016)
| Remember that time… |
Martine Svanevik
The Smoke (2020)
💾 | Remember the Amazons |
Johannes Busted Vestergaard
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Remember This |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Remembering Caroman |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Remiir |
| Remnant of the Time War |
Grant Erswell
Dramatic Consequences (2010)
| Remodel |
| Remorhaz |
| Renaissance of a Vampire |
Hanne Benedikte Zehmann Ziegler
TRoA-Con 91, intern (1991)
| Render Unto Caesar |
Gavin Walsh
Gaelcon (2023)
| Rendezvous in Restful |
Continuum (2022)
| Rene Hænder |
Rasmus Aggerholm
Pelle Sølvkjær Christensen
Christian Nørgaard
Anders Trolle
Placebo-Con (1995)
| Renegade |
Ole Ørum-Petersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Renfields Sidste Dage |
Sebastian Flamant
Con Dôme (1997)
| Rennes-Les-Château |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 20 (2001)
| Renraku Shutdown |
Bertold Virág
IV. Kamara LARP hétvége (2019)
| Renæssance |
Jens Krog Overgaard
DrageCon 16 (2012)
💾 | Repentance |
Shane Moynihan
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Replaying a Classic: Final Voyages of the Mary Celeste |
Jim MacDougal
Intercon J (2010)
| Repose |
Tyrfing Con - RPG Con (2019)
| Republic of Falkenstein |
Jonas Nilsson
Hampus Råde
Linus Råde
SävCon XI (2011)
| Republic of Rome |
Jonas Nilsson
Hampus Råde
Linus Råde
SävCon X - 10 år (2011)
| Republica – Konflikt og livsmål |
Mads Ahola
Hyggecon (2008)
| Republik |
Henrik Dithmer
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
| Republikken |
Kasper Brandt
Erik Winther Paisley
Hyggecon - Pimp My Hyggecon (2009)
💾 | Requiem |
Martin Kleszez Henriksen
Jemima Jansfort
Fastaval (2008)
| Requiem |
Kim Mikkelsen
Pentacon (1996)
💾 | Requiem aeternam |
Magnus Alm
Fredrik Engström
Jonas Frizell
Borås Spelkonvent 21: Novos Ordo Seclorum (2003)
| Requiem for a Dream |
Nast Marrero
Grenselandet (2015)
| Requiem For a Master |
Ken Seier
Intercon L (2012)
| Requiem Mortals |
Claus Peter Clemmensen
Chop Con (1999)
| Requiem Regional Event (ItzaCon 2005) |
Paddy Delaney
Itzacon I (2005)
| Requiem Regional Event (ItzaCon 2006) |
Brian Dolan
Itzacon II (2006)
💾 | Resan |
Fredrik Axelzon
Fastaval (2010)
💾 | Resan hem |
Laila Wiberg
LinCon (1994)
| Resan Hem (Fata Morgana) |
CalCon XII - Spöktimmen (2006)
| Resan ingen ville göra |
ÄlvCon (2017)
| Rescue from the Dragonskull |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Rescue on Limar |
Peter Futtrup
Con Dôme (1995)
| Rescuing Princess |
AireCon 7 (2022)
| Reseed Birds |
Michlas Cliff Lund-Mouritzen
Chopcon (2022)
💾 | Resenärer |
Tobias Wrigstad
StocKon 5 (1999)
💾 | Reservdelen från Muskö |
Marcus Brissman
Halmicon (2003)
💾 | Reservdelen som försvann |
Marcus Brissman
Johan Gärderud
Halmicon (2004)
💾 | Reservhjältarnas Förräderi |
Ola Janson
Henrik Örnebring
SydCon 7 (1998)
| Reservoir Changeling |
Tadhg Kelly
Gaelcon (1996)
💾 | Reservoir Ducks |
Jesper Stein Sandal
Viking-Con 16 (1997)
💾 | Reservoir Ducks II |
Jesper Stein Sandal
Fastaval - Atlantis (1999)
💾 | Reservoir Elves |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Fastaval (2009)
| Reshaped |
Katarina Bozanic
| Resident Evil |
Niels Jacobsen
Chop Con - Dommedag (2000)
| Resistance always starts with something |
Ropecon (2018)
| Resolution 2734 |
Simon Deveau
Intercon E (2005)
💾 | Resonance |
Nat Budin
Vito D'Agosta
Phoebe Roberts
Susan Weiner
Intercon K (2011)
| Respiration & Fotosyntese |
Palle Schmidt
Fastaval (1991)
| Restart |
Steve Segedy
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Restaurant Gitterly |
Martin Gregor
Søren Emil Rosenhøj Sørensen
Vintersol (2013)
| Restless |
Jonathan Walton
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
💾 | Restrictions |
Frida Karlsson Lindgren
Sofia Stenler
Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016) Prolog (2017)
| Resurrect Me, Please! |
Greg Pettigrew
Victoria Sapko
Intercon L (2012)
| Ret skal være ret |
Luciano Foschi
Christian Mandrup Møller
Gersemi Siri Pedersen
| Retail Magic |
ÄlvCon (2016)
| Retreat |
Katie Gordon
Jamey Patten
Intercon Q (2017)
| Retribution |
Paddy Delaney
Warpcon XX (2010)
| Retro |
Torben Ussing
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| Retropolis |
Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer
Charles Bo Nielsen
Hans Christian Skaarup
Nicolai Strøm Steffensen
Blackbox Cph II (2012)
| Retsir Lex |
| Retten er sat |
Rasmus Aggerholm
Jakob Bavnshøj
| Return of the Night of the Bogman |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Return of the old heroes |
Flemming Corfixen
Calling All Heroes 7th Edition (1997)
| Return to Alpine TX |
OrCCon (2022)
| Return to Innocence |
Celia Pearce
Annika Waern
The Smoke (2022)
| Return to Pandora |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| Return to Reality |
Gaffa Brandt
Lau K. Lauritzen
Oliver Nøglebæk
David Piotr Zbigniew
Vintersol (2013)
| Return to Scuttlebutt Island |
Padraic Barrett
Gaelcon (2016)
| Return to Sector 13 |
OrCCon (2022)
💾 | Return To The Beginning |
Brian Nisbet
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Return to the Mary Celeste |
Jim MacDougal
Kelly Diane MacDougal
Intercon F (2006)
| Return to Watership Down |
Matthew Ender
Bess Libby-Shannon
Intercon XIII (1998)
| Returned to Sky |
Anthony Li
Gaelcon (2015)
| Reunion |
Tyrfing Con - Fantasy Con (2018)
| Reunion |
Mo Holkar
Ruth Trenery-Leach
Laura Wood
| Reunion |
Sven Münther
Fantask Spilfestival (2006)
| Reunion Æbelø |
Kristoffer Post Rindahl Byriel
UdkantsCon 1 (2018)
| Reunions |
Sharone Horowit-Hendler
Intercon O (2015)
| Rev It Up |
Tim Hutchings
Golden Cobra Challenge (2017)
| Revenge at Glunkey Part I: Memory Lane |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Revenge at Glunkey Part II: Making Memories |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Revenge at the Broken Nose Bar |
Sharon MacFarlane
Brian Preble
Catherine Preble
Intercon D (2004)
| Revenge of the Boss! |
Hans Sundqvist
MittCon (1991)
| Revenge of the Serpent Cult |
Michael Eklund
Pentacon V (1994)
| Revenge of the snotlings |
Jørn Hjortshøj
TRoA X (1995)
| Revenge! |
Stefan Grinneby
Olof Nergård
UppCon '90 (1990)
| Reventón |
Stanley N.
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Reverse Murder Mystery: The English Channeler Society |
Abe Pressman
Intercon U (2022) Intercon U: Ultraviolet (2023)
| Rêves d'automne |
Convention de Supaero XXXVI (2015)
💾 | Revisor Nr. Et's Sørgelige Kortslutning |
Michael Erik Næsby
Fastaval 007 (2007)
| Revived: A Support Group for the Partially Deceased |
Kat Jones
Intercon N (2014)
| Revolutionens Kislev 2718 1C |
Mads Peder Jønsson Jensen
EreCon III (1997)
| Revolutionens rosor |
Andreas Sandlund
SillyCon VII (1998)
| Revolutionens spøgelse |
Kristoffer Apollo
Thomas Knudsen
Fastaval (1995)
| Revolver |
Annika Waern
Prolog (2015)
| Revolverns Lag |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
GothCon XXXI (2007)
| Reya |
💾 | Rhyme with Dark Reason |
Damien Kelly
LepreCon XXIII (2002)
| Ribbon Drive |
Avery Alder
| Ricardo's Union Saloon |
Marc Blumberg
Intercon B (2002)
💾 | Rid nu til, Ibrahim! |
Paul Hartvigson
💾 | Riddar Rakskäggs slott |
Bengt Ragnemalm
Ingemar Ragnemalm
LinCon (1986)
💾 | Riddarna av Leånien |
Teddy Evelina Karlsson
Prolog (2018)
| Ridder Løveskjold |
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
| Riddermester Skruttenborgs hemmelighed |
Valdemar Lenschow
Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)
| Ridderne af det onde bord |
Søren Rasmussen
Darkpart V (1995)
| Ridderne om Det Runde Bord |
Fastaval (2008)
💾 | Ridderprøven! |
Fantasydage på Garderhøjfortet 2022 (2022)
| Ride along |
Cian Scattergood
Gaelcon (2016)
| Riders of the Turning Wheel |
Ropecon (2023)
💾 | Riding the White Unicorn |
Stig Laursen
UniCon2 (2024)
| Rifts |
Søren V. B. Pedersen
TRoA - Charleston (1998)
| Rifts (TRoA VII) |
TRoA VII (1993)
💾 | Riget |
Claus Ekstrøm
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Riget, 2019 |
Ann Kristine Eriksen
Blackbox Cph VIII (2019)
| Rigets falke I |
| Rigets falke II |
| Right of Passage |
Cillian Doyle
WarpCon XI (2001)
| Righteous Blood |
Emil Goldfus
| Righteous Fiends |
James Lloyd Jones
Warpcon XXXIII (2023)
| Righteous Fiends: In The Shadow of Colossus |
Conspiracy I (2011)
| Rigid Air |
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2011)
| Rigor Mortis |
Patrik Bohlin
Borås Spelkonvent 15 (1997)
| Rigtige venner kan ej købes for guld |
Lars Hammer Andersen
Krikkit Fantasy XIV (2007)
| Rikard Valnatos' besætning |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2010)
| Rikedomarns Labyrint |
SävCon XIX (2019)
| Rim: Encounter at Demeter |
Tadhg Kelly
Gaelcon (1999)
| Rim: Revolution on Vastu |
Tadhg Kelly
LepreCon XXI (2000)
| Ringen af Baldonia |
Michael Paulsen
Con 92 (1992)
| Ringkøbing Landbobank |
Leo Winther Plougmann
Bo Thomasen (II)
Claustrum Con IV (1999)
| Ringworld (GothCon 1987) |
GothCon XI (1987)
| Rio Grandes guld |
Erik Suhr
Peter Ørndorf
Orkon - Religion i den mørke middelalder (1999)
| Rio Ouro / Rio Sango |
Torben Ussing
Vintersol (2007)
💾 | Ripper |
Brian Rasmussen
Fastaval (2004)
| Ripples From Carcosa: Adventis Regis |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Ripples From Carcosa: Herald Of The Yellow King |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Rise and Fall of The New Galaxies |
Agata Świstak
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Rise of the Destroyer |
Matthew Watkin
Itzacon IX - A world forgotten by time (2013)
| Rise of the Goblin Guild |
Matthew Goodall
LepreCon XL (2019)
| Rise of the Plague Queen |
Dragonmeet (2022)
| Risem Moor |
| Rising Phoenix Party |
Erica Berger
Intercon G (2007)
| Rising Sun |
M. A. B.
RusCon 14 (2005)
| Rising Sun |
Seamus Butler
LepreCon XXII (2001)
| Risks and Reputations |
Luke Martin
Warpcon XXII (2012)
| Rite de Passage |
Thomas Thomsen
DrageCon 7 (2007)
| Ritual at the Grove |
Gaelcon (2024)
| Rivalerne |
Claus Larsen
DrageCon 15 (2011)
| River of Blood |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon V (2009)
💾 | River Queen |
Anders Gillbring
Tove Gillbring
Borås Spelkonvent 20: In Alea Veritas (2002)
| Rivers of Bedlam |
Anita Murray
Gaelcon (2012)
💾 | Road Rage |
Tina Heebøll Arbjørn
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
💾 | Road to Hell |
Michael Bjurshagen
Robert Bjurshagen
FiKon 95 (1995) Spelparty 95! (1995)
| Road to hell (CalCon 2005) |
CalCon XI - CalCon Älva (2005)
| Road to Impunity |
Ken Clary
Peter Litwack
William Lowenthal
Intercon D (2004)
| Road to Trappistenum - Kultura vol 1 |
Jesper Bruun
Pieter Steyaert
Blackbox Cph (2023)
| Road Warriors |
Dreieichcon World (2021)
| Roadkills |
Jens Krog Overgaard
Calling All Heroes 9th Edition (1999)
| Roadkills II, Tudses hævn! |
Jens Krog Overgaard
DrageCon 2 (2006)
| Roads to Nowhere |
Jörgen Bengtsson
| Roads, Rivers & Wardens |
Magnus Flinthøj
💾 | Roadtrip |
| Roadtrip 2008 |
Fredrik Ernstson
Robin Ljung
| Roadtrip 2142 |
CrossCon IX (2012)
| Roanoke |
Aaron Newman
Intercon H (2008)
| Robert E. Howard's Conan |
AireCon 6 (2020)
| Robin Hood i Sherwoodskogen |
SillyCon IV (1995)
| Robin Smølf |
Morten Vestergaard Fisker
Rasmus Bøg Hansen
Niels Ladefoged Rasmussen
Viking-Con 22 (2003)
💾 | Robin's Friends |
Anna Westerling
Forum (2012)
| Robins fødselsdag |
Lyng Con, forår (2019)
💾 | Robinson Ekspeditionen |
Jost L. Hansen
Jais Lytje
Orkon - Religion i den mørke middelalder (1999)
💾 | Robinsson: Återkomsten |
Henrik Andersson
Mårten Forsmark
SävCon IV (2004)
| Robo Rally Live |
WarpCon IX (1999)
| RoboCop |
GothCon XIV (1990)
| Robotmania |
Per Augustsson
John Bredal
Borås Spelkonvent 10: Tinufsia Jubileea (1992)
| Robyn Hood and her Merry Maids |
Con-Ducked (2023)
| Robyns sommerromance i Asgaard |
Morten Christensen
DrageCon 8 (2008)
| Rock 'n' Roll Cannibal Zombie Genocide |
Matthew Dawkins
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Rock Ar Foll |
Convention de Supaero XLIV (2023)
| Rock Band Murder Mystery |
Morgan Joeck
Aaron Vanek
Intercon K (2011)
| Rock Hill - 1868 |
Jesper Wøldiche
Sconnert - 7th Platoon (1998)
| Rock Hill - 1878, Efteråret kommer |
Jesper Wøldiche
Claustrum Con III (1998)
| Rock in NC |
BeAcon V (2019)
| Rock N. Roley vender hjem |
Mystifisticon II (1998)
| Rock´n Roll Island |
Hans Hedberg
Fredrik Ludvigsen
SillyCon XIII (2004)
| Rocker Horror Paranoia Show |
Peter Brodersen
Mike Ditlevsen
Fastaval XI - Paranormal Con (1997)
| Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: Dinosaur Edition |
Nicole Winchester
Golden Cobra Challenge (2016)
| Roden til alt ondt |
Carit Benike
Spiltræf (1991)
| Rodina Moderlandet |
Martin Harder
TRoA X (1995)
| Roejagten |
Lise Rasmussen
UdkantsCon 2 (2019)
| ROG-Live |
💾 | Rogues on the Run |
Tom K
SydCon V (1996)
| Rokada |
| Rolemaster - Final (WarpCon 1996) |
Steve Rutledge
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Rolemaster (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| RoleMaster (ARCON 14) |
Heikki Sørum
ARCON 14: Illuminati (1998)
| Rolemaster (ARCON 15) |
Niklas Saers
ARCON 15: Call of Cthulhu (1999)
| RoleMaster (Arcon 1992) |
Ina Faye-Lund
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| Rolemaster (CAH3) |
Søren Riis Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 3rd Edition (1995)
| Rolemaster (CAH4) |
Frank Fristed Pedersen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Rolemaster (Chop Con '95) |
Claus Peter Clemmensen
Chop Con (1995)
| Rolemaster (DalCon 1992) |
DalCon I - Desperate huc intrantes (1992)
| Rolemaster (Fasta Fantasy) |
Fasta Emne-Weekend - Fantasy Rollespil (1988)
| Rolemaster (Fastaval 87) |
Fastaval (1987)
| Rolemaster (Sabbath I) |
Sabbath I (1990)
| Rolemaster (TRoA 90) |
TRoA-Con 90, intern (1990)
| Rolemaster (TRoR II) |
The Realms of Roleplay II (1991)
| Rolemaster (VC10) |
Søren Gravgaard
Viking-Con 10 (1991)
| Rolemaster (VC7) |
Palle Rasch
Viking-Con 7 (1988)
| Rolemaster (VC9) |
Viking-Con 9 (1990)
| Rolemaster (WarpCon 1994) |
Warpcon IV (1994)
| Rolemaster (WarpCon 1996) |
Steve Rutledge
Warpcon VI (1996)
| Rolemaster 1st Round (WarpCon 1993) |
Warpcon III (1993)
| Rolemaster 2nd Round (WarpCon 1993) |
Warpcon III (1993)
| Rolemaster Final (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Rolemaster Round One (WarpCon 1997) |
Warpcon VII (1997)
| Rolemaster turnering (OernCon I) |
OernCon I (1987)
| Rolemaster/HERO System (UppCon 1990) |
UppCon '90 (1990)
| Roleplay SPECIAL competition |
HelCon -93 (1993)
💾 | Rollers Run |
Daniel Bäcklund
GothCon XLII (2018)
| Rollespil |
| Rollespil i Rude Skov |
| Rollespil Troldheim - GRATIS at deltage |
| Rollespill for nybegynnere |
ARCON 38: Multivertshuset (2022)
| Rollespill Introduksjon |
Rune Sørheim
ARCON 34: Weird West (2018)
| RolleSpillTorget |
ARCON 39: Drakar och demoner (2023)
| Rollespilslejr – a Survival Guide |
Thomas Kruse
DrageCon 16 (2012)
💾 | Rollespilsweekend i Tranås |
Frederik J. Jensen
Viking-Con 42 (2023)
| Rollespilsweekend på Stevns |
Frederik J. Jensen
| Rollesport |
Daniel C. Andersen
Simon M. Hansen
Ballerup Rollespils Festival (1998)
| Rolling Thunder |
OrCCon (2021)
| Rollinger |
Kennet Nielsen
DrageCon 18 (2013)
| Rollspel -eller nå't |
SydCon '95 (1995)
| Rollspel (Container 77) |
Daniel Larsson
Container 77 (1997)
| Rollspel (MittCon 1991) |
MittCon (1991)
| Rollspel (OernCon 1990) |
OernCon IV (1990)
| Rollspel 101 |
GothCon XLVI (2023)
| Rollspel 101 (GothCon 2024) |
GothCon XLVII (2024)
| Rollspel för nybörjare |
GothCon XLVI (2023)
| Rollspel med Rollspelsdags! |
GothCon XLV (2022)
| Rollspel med Samspel |
LinCon (2020)
| Rollspel på scen |
GothCon XXVII (2003)
💾 | Rollspelet Rollspel (LinCon 1992) |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
Johan Jonsson
LinCon (1992)
| Rollspelet Rollspel (LinCon 1997) |
Thorbiörn Fritzon
LinCon (1997)
| Rollspels stafett i fantasy miljö |
LinCon (2013)
| Rollspelsbaren |
SydCon V (1996)
| Rollspelsmästerskapet |
UppCon '93 (1993)
| Rollspelsroulette |
Nycon (2008)
| Rollspelsteater |
UppCon '90 (1990)
| Rollspelstävlingen |
Riksmöte 90 (1990)
| Rollspelsäventyrstävling |
CalCon XII - Spöktimmen (2006)
| Rom og dukater |
| Rom og dukater 2 - Alt ender godt! |
| Rom og dukater 3 - Vi overgiver os aldrig! |
| Rom og dukater 4 |
| Rom og Dukater 5 – in Space |
Anastasia Sibirtseva
| Rom år 64 |
TRoA V (1992)
| Romancing Jan |
Athena Peters
Intercon R (2018)
| Români: Et nyt liv, fra bunden |
Anca Burescu
Andrea Castellani
Fastaval (2009)
| Romantic Entanglement |
Quinn D
Lillie Franks
E. Chris Garrison
Tara Zuber
Intercon T: Turtles (2020)
| Romantisk Mellemspil |
Uffe Thorsen
| Rome Wasn’t Built in a Night |
Gaelcon (2010)
| Romeo and Julie De'Ath |
Tadeusz Cantwell
BeAcon IV (2018)
| Romeo and Juliet |
Ropecon (2018)
| Romp! |
Mads Jakobsen
Viking-Con 23 (2004)
| Romulus |
David Wolf Møller
TRoA - Charleston (1998)
| Ronin must die |
Erik Hörnfeldt
Robert Johansson
Julkon (2000)
| Root and Branch |
Alex Brown
Blackbox Cph (2025)
💾 | Rorschach Redemption |
Stefan Skriver Lægteskov
Fastaval (2011)
| RoS-Live |
| Rosa cigaretter |
SillyCon XII (2003)
| Rošáda 2019 |
| Rošáda MMXX |
| Rošáda MMXXI |
| Rose Tattoo |
Kamil Bartczak
Laura Jankowska
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| Rosengatan 51C |
SillyCon IX (2000)
| Rosens Sjæl |
Jeanet Kirch Jensen
Calling All Heroes 8th Edition (1998)
| Rosenstrasse |
Jessica Hammer
Moyra Turkington
Fastaval - Mad Science (2017)
| Roser dufter af Håb |
Bjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen
ESFROAG (2023)
💾 | Roser er Røde |
Martha Cecilia Lassen
Jens Hougaard Nielsen
Fastaval (1995)
💾 | Roser visner ved daggry |
Jacob Schmidt-Madsen
Michael Steen
| Roskildesyge |
Peter Jones
Morten Larsen
UnConventional (1995)
| Rostock Live |
| Rotblack Sludge |
mini-Grottröj (2020)
| Rotblack Sludge aka The Shadow King's Lost Heir |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
| Rotblack Sludge, or The Shadow King's Lost Heir |
KryptCon III (2020)
| Rottebørn |
Dennis Godballe
💾 | Rotteprinsessen |
Troels Ken Pedersen
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
💾 | Rotteræset |
Kristian Bach Petersen
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
| Roudan maa: Fimbulvinter |
Ropecon (2018)
| Rouges Gallery |
Graham Turner
Gaelcon (2008)
| Rough Choices - A Dresden Files LARP Adventure |
John Adamus
Josh Harrison
Shoshana Kessock
Intercon N (2014)
| Route 666 |
Hilary Sklar
Gaelcon (2012)
| Rovdyr i Rakaels Have |
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 19 (2000)
| Rovdyret (Skt. Georg Con 1994) |
Skt. Georg Con (1994)
| Rowin |
| Roxanne |
Nicolai Strøm Steffensen
Rasmus Teilmann
Blackbox Cph V (2015)
| Royal Adviser's release party! |
Ropecon (2018)
| RPCV |
Jason Morningstar
Golden Cobra Challenge (2014)
| RPG les lames du cardinal : "... qu'ils mangent de la brioche" (en français seulement) |
Festival de l'imaginaire - LuxCon - Fantastikfestival (2014)
| RPGA AD&D Open Final 'ERPGA' (WarpCon 1999) |
WarpCon IX (1999)
| RPGA AD&D Open Round One 'ERPGA' (WarpCon 1999) |
WarpCon IX (1999)
| RPGA AD&D Open Round Two 'ERPGA' (WarpCon 1999) |
WarpCon IX (1999)
| Rrakkma |
Magnus Berg Edin
ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter (2019)
| Rub, stub og to rygende klejner |
Klaus Meier Olsen
Confekt IIa (1999)
| Rude Awakening |
Joan Høj Jacobsen
Con Dôme (1996)
| Rudolf Tårar - Ett epos i frost |
Joacim Forsberg
StocKon IV (1998)
| Ruinerne |
Morten Christensen
DrageCon 6 (2007)
| Ruinous Thoughts |
Steve Meaney
Gaelcon (2001)
| Ruins of Another Age |
Chaosium Con (2023)
| Ruins of Bonekeep - Level One: The Silent Grave |
| Ruins of Bonekeep-Level Three: The Wakening Tomb |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Ruins of Olympus |
Fergal Mac Carthaigh
Gaelcon (2014)
| Ruins of the Bonekeep 1 |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Ruins of the Bonekeep 2 |
Gaelcon (2014)
| Ruins of Time |
Mikael Vesavouri
Borås Spelkonvent 19: Potius Sero Quam Numquam (2001)
| Ruins of Yesterday´s Tomorrow |
Finn Jaksland
LepreCon XLI (2022)
| Ruinworld (GothCon 1994) |
Mårten Haglind
Magnus Rolöf
Kristoffer Schollin
GothCon XVIII (1994)
| Rules as written |
Ben Klug
| Rules of Engagement |
Ann Christensen
Freja Lunau
| Rules of Engagement |
Ian Hollingsworth
Gaelcon (2004)
| Rules of Nature |
James Lloyd Jones
Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)
💾 | Rules To Live By |
Sandy Antunes
Dave Coleman
John Kilgallon
Mike Young
Intercon D (2004)
💾 | Rum |
Ann Kristine Eriksen
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos (2015)
| Rum, Sodomy and the Noose |
Laurie Innes
The Smoke (2020)
💾 | Rumblefish |
Steven Bray
| Rumblings in Personville's Crossroads |
The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
💾 | Rumgudernes skib |
Andreas M. Ender
Johannes Voss Jacobsen
Jacob Octavius Jarlskov
Lars Konzack
Jesper F. Nielsen
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
Jussi Foltmar Svendsen
Tam Gleerup Torstved
Rasmus Wichmann
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
| Rumkadetterne |
David Piotr Zbigniew
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
| Rumlive |
Martin Milter
Danni Rune
Ole Sørensen
Hyggecon - Vive la Résistance (2004)
| Rummet |
Gitte Søe-Larsen
ESFROAG (2015)
| Rumors of twisted intrigue in the hell of Rethem |
GothCon XXI (1997)
| Rumors of War |
Cayden Stosiek
| Rumrejsen 3518 |
Jens P. Nielsen
Jacob Værnhøj
Kenneth Weiss
Con Dôme (2000)
💾 | Run Them Again |
Brand Robins
Moyra Turkington
Fastaval (2014)
| Run through the jungle |
Chop Con 2024 Rpg (2024)
| Run Through The Jungle |
Peter Thestrup
Con Dôme (2006)
| Runaway Mummy |
Erik P. Christensen
TRoA IX (1994)
| Rundefortælling |
Anders Sinding
TRoA - Rock'n'Roll (2004)
| Rundt omkring men lige i nærheden |
| Rune Quest 3 (ARCON) |
Bjørn Are Stølen
ARCON 33: Vikinger (2017)
| Runen |
Calling All Heroes 2nd Edition (1994)
| Runequest (ARCON 10) |
ARCON 10: Vampire (1994)
| Runequest (ARCON 8) |
Kristoffer Sandven
ARCON 8: Paranoia (1992)
| RuneQuest (BayCon 1988) |
BayCon (1988)
| Runequest (BayCon 1989) |
BayCon (1989)
| RuneQuest (BSK 1990) |
Per Idborg
Borås Spelkonvent 8: Circum Diem (1990)
| RuneQuest (BSK 1991) |
Per Idborg
Borås Spelkonvent 9: Temperantia Perfectum (1991)
| Runequest (GaelCon 1993) |
Gaelcon (1993)
| Runequest (GothCon 1984) |
GothCon VIII (1984)
| RuneQuest (GothCon 1985) |
GothCon IX (1985)
| RuneQuest (GothCon 1986) |
GothCon X (1986)
| Runequest (GothCon 1988) |
Sten Åhrman
GothCon XII (1988)
| RuneQuest (HelCon 1991) |
HelCon (1991)
| RuneQuest (LinCon 1987) |
LinCon (1987)
| Runequest (LinCon 1988) |
LinCon (1988)
| RuneQuest (LinCon 1990) |
LinCon (1990)
| RuneQuest (LinCon 1992) |
LinCon (1992)
| RuneQuest (Riksmöte 1990) |
Riksmöte 90 (1990)
| RuneQuest (Spiltræf V) |
Spiltræf (1989)
| RuneQuest (VC5) |
Henri Hein
Viking-Con 5 (1986)
| RuneQuest (WettCon 1986) |
WettCon II (1986)
| RuneQuest (WettCon 1987) |
WettCon III (1987)
| Runequest (WettCon 1988) |
WettCon IV (1988)
| Runequest Eastwilds |
Sten Åhrman
GothCon XVIII (1994)
| RuneQuest eller Memento Mori |
Frank Rafaelsen
MidgardCon 2024 (2024)
💾 | RuneQuest Glorantha (LinCon 1994) |
Jonas Räntilä
LinCon (1994)
| RuneQuest III |
Per Idborg
Borås Spelkonvent 7: Semper Melior (1989)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1987) |
GothCon XI (1987)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1989) |
Sten Åhrman
GothCon XIII (1989)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1990) |
GothCon XIV (1990)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1991) |
GothCon XV (1991)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1992) |
GothCon XVI (1992)
| Runequest III (GothCon 1993) |
GothCon XVII (1993)
| Runequest med Ron Edwards |
GothCon XLIII (2019)
| Runerne i sandet |
Tyrfing Con - SciFi Con (2018)
| Runestenen |
Kaspar Lundsby
Calling All Heroes 8th Edition (1998)
| Runner´s Up (LinCon 1985) |
Karl Stengård
LinCon (1985)
| Running out of time |
Tore Lange
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002)
| Ruperts bil: Lige ud og hjem igen |
Andreas Sandberg
Krikkit Con Mk XIII (2006)
| Ruslands Sønner |
Niels Geckler
Fastaval 2001 nats eventyr (2001)
| Russerlive |
Anders Sinding
Hyggecon (2005)
| Russian Radar Raid |
Mikael Björk
LinCon (2016)
| Ruttnande magi |
LinCon (2005)
| Rwunda Acquisition |
Jørn Hjortshøj
TRoA IX (1994)
| Ryd: Mörker mitt i Småland |
CalCon XXIX (2023)
| Rymdberättelse nummer 2001 - Ett projekt |
SydCon 8 (1999)
💾 | Rymdfeber |
Peder Gustafsson
SävCon XIV (2014)
| Rymdfärja 19 |
Tobias Jensen
Olle Larsson
Prolog (2019)
| Rymdstation Asimov II svarar inte! |
Nordsken (2019)
| Rymdstationen |
Peder Gustafsson
SävCon XI (2011)
| Rymstation 13 |
💾 | Rädda Nelson |
Daniel Brodén
Tony Gustafsson
Stockon -97 (1997)
| Rädda Sir Brian |
ÅbyCon Online (2021)
💾 | Räddade! |
Anders Ripa
GothCon XIV (1990)
| Räddaren i Nöden |
Anders Jansson
| Rædsel i Tibet |
Kenneth Madsen
Chop Con (1995)
| Rædslen fra Bjergene |
Thomas Kjølby Laursen
Calling All Heroes 4th Edition (1995)
| Rædslen fra Månetårnet |
Morten Greis Petersen Fakkelskov
| Rædslen under ... |
Morten Blaabjerg
Spiltræf (1992)
| Rædslernes Nat |
| Rænkespil 2: Når Daggry Truer |
| Rænkespil og troldtøj |
| Rænkespil: Hvad Mørket Bragte |
💾 | Rättegång i vitrinskåpet |
Stefan Karlsson (II)
SydCon 7 (1998)
| Rättvisans Riddare |
Jimmy Persson
MittCon (1994)
| Räven rasker över isen |
Sven Münther
Viking-Con 28 (2009)
| Rävspel och falskmyntare |
CalCon XII - Spöktimmen (2006)
| Röd afton |
ChrisCon (1998)
💾 | Röd Död |
CalCon '95 (1995)
| Röd Måne |
| Rød oktober |
| Röd sol |
KryptCon III (2020)
| Rød som ild |
Con-Traventum Mengit (1995)
| Röd Torsdag |
CalCon XIII - Inkvisitionen (2007)
💾 | Rød, Blå, Gul, Grøn |
Terese M. O. Nielsen
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
| Röda Skorpionens Gille |
Christel Johansson
| Røde Helte |
Frank Oddersborg
Spiltræf IX (1993)
| Røde Nætter |
| Røde spor i sneen |
Kasper Thing Mortensen
| Rök från Velglima |
KryptCon II (2019)
| Røvertinge |
Mikkel Christensen
Sofie Nüchel Heggenhougen
Jesper Kristiansen
Paul Sinding
| Røvguitar |
Mads Brynnum
Morten Malmros Jespersen
Fastaval (2005)
| Råa villkor |
Mimmi Melkersson
Jesper Pedersen Notander
Maria Rodén
Robin Schlyter
Sara Zackrisson
Prolog (2012)
| Rådet möter riket |
| Rådlösas färd |