Rim: Revolution on Vastu
System: LARP RIM +7
✏️ | Tadhg Kelly |
Sever years on the Demeter, the galaxy has been thrown into a new kind of turmoil. A mysterious force known as the Rave have cast their shadow in the northern galaxy. That shadow reaches to every rave. Opportunity abounds, but so do threats. If the Race would be out allies, think many aggrieved parties, then we could have revenge.
Ans so, Vastu, a world occupied for a thousand years by the fiercely competitive Horsat. The Vastu have thrived under Horsat rule, but this can be tolerated no longer.
Corporations move against them. Vastu seeks a way out of its predicament. Perpahs the Rave can come to invade here too?
RIM +7 continues an epic story begun at Gaelcon 99. Using a combination of LARP, boardgaming, cardgaming and the Improv Science system it promises to be something very special indeed for those that want something new at a convention.
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LepreCon XXI (2000) |
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