Cirkus uden grænser
(AKA: Violation Circus)
Genre: Gyser
Deltagere: 1 GM, 4 spillere
✏️ | Danny Meyer Wilson |
”Er du sikker på du vil det her?” Mannequindukkerne står tavst imellem dem. Hårtotterne ligger spredt rundt om hende. En kort stilhed, så svaret. ”Det er det her jeg vil”
”Cirkus uden grænser” er et psykologisk gyserscenarie om et ungt par, der genopdager glemte usynlige barndomsvenner, da de flytter ind i en afdød kostumemagers lejlighed på Frederiksberg. Legene får gradvist en mere dyster tone, da de usynlige venner tager mere og mere af kontrollen.
Scenariet er en kombination af karakterspil, stemningsorientet fortællespil, samt berøring og fysisk stilling til at udtrykke relationerne.
To spiller parret, imens de to andre spiller de usynlige barndomsvenner. Fokus er på karaktererne og de sammenbrud de gennemgår. Nogle af scenerne fokuserer på parrets forhold, stille middage og blød sex i spisestuen. Andre scener fokuserer på legene med vennerne i den rodede lejlighed. Det ender ikke godt.
Scenariet er en gyserfortælling med voksne temaer. Der er derfor en aldersbegrænsning på 18 år for deltagerne.
"Luke looked into her dark blue eyes: “Are you sure you want this?” The pompously clad mannequin dolls stood silently around them, staring into the faded walls of the old apartment. Her face was pale and shaken. Bits of her hair lay scattered on the floor around her. After a moment’s pause, her lips started moving: “This is what I want”.
“Violation Circus” is a psychological horror scenario about love and relationships turning toxic and breaking down the people involved in them. If you want a physical play with innovative communication methods, and first and foremost, a horrible experience, this is the larp for you.
A young couple rediscover their old lost invisible friends when they move into a recently departed costumier’s apartment. As time passes, the games they play take on a progressively more sinister note. Slowly, the friends start taking over.
During the game, the participants will play scenes with their bodies positioned as frozen mannequin dolls. Unable to move themselves, their bodies will be puppeteered by the others. A symbol of the characters losing control of their feelings
Two participants play the couple; the other two play the invisible friends. Focus is on the characters and their relationships. Some of the scenes focus on couple’s relationship, quiet dinners along with tender sex is the living room. Other scenes focus on the games they play with the friends in the cluttered apartment. Things do not turn out well.
Violation Circus won the award for best effects and was nominated for best character roles at Fastaval 2013
The scenario is a horror story with adult themes and close physical play. As such, there is an age requirement of 18 years for all participants.
Spillet på
Fastaval (2013) | |
♻ | Grenselandet (2013) |
♻ | Blackbox Cph III (2013) |
Fastaval (2013)
Vinder, Bedste Virkemidler
Nomineret, Bedste Roller
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