Weekend at the Prophet's
System: Root
✏️ | Sean Leaney |
The Woodland’s been having a hard time of it lately. The birds have decided infighting is a better pastime than ruling (which they weren’t great at anyway), those crows that just moved in have had to resort to crime to make ends meet, otter merchants are exploiting the situation for all the clams they can get, and many desperate, helpless denizens turn to the sinister Lizard Cult for help.
All of this is coming together in the worst way in the clearing of Linmullen. The local beavers finished their new mill, just in time for their eagle overlord to swoop in and lay claim to all their hard work. Then the beavers made the sensible decision to get the crow mafia involved. The same crow mafia who were also extorting the otter smugglers. With the town ready to erupt into violence at the drop of a feather, the lizards offered solace and hope – mostly through vague prophecies. Now, they really need some of those prophecies to start coming true. That’s why they hired you; to a band of vagabonds, “apocalyptic desperation” sounds a lot like “gainful employment”.
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LepreCon XLI (2022) |
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