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Time and Tide: A Chronicle of Damocles

System: LARP
Deltagere: 15-25 spillere

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✏️Adrienne Kammer
✏️John Kammer


Time and Tide is a sci-fi/fantasy game set in on a future Earth on which the world as you know it has been broken. Although this game takes place in the world of Threads of Damocles, neither familiarity nor experience with the Threads universe is needed in order to play. Those who have previously played in Threads may bring and use their previous characters (but skip the old skill stat sheets, they won’t apply). New players will be at no disadvantage in relation to those who’ve played before.

Twenty years ago they were considered heroes. The world had been coming apart into separate threads. Through great effort and personal sacrifice the Joint Expeditionary Taskforce (J.E.T.) working with the Technomages of Berkeley were able to bind many of those threads into a single stable core world. Had they not done so the entire world might have been lost. Sadly, not every thread could be saved and the cost in lives to save the ones they did was enormous.

In the twenty years since much has changed. The Empire of New York had been the pre-eminent force. But with the death of Emperor Carlos the mafia families fell again into squabbling among themselves while vying for personal power. Meanwhile the Church in the empire was still reeling from the loss of their spiritual leader Mother Victoria. These two factors combined forming an unlikely opportunity for what had been a minor cult in Boston to move into a significant position of leadership and power: The Witchfinders.

The doctrine of the Withchfinders, though strongest at its center in New York has been spreading through the Core. In the catechism of the Witchfinders the event recombing threads into the Core is known as The Abomination. It is doctrine that the world was never a united whole and that those who harvested the souls used in the ritual uniting the Core are apostate criminals. Hence the tech lords in particular and the members of the J.E.T. are wanted war criminals, hunted down and put to justice.

Now an ill-omen has appeared in the heavens that has everyone concerned. An unprecedented geyser has erupted from the eastern edge of the moon, light of the night sky. The oracles are in agreement that the omen is bad, but they’ve not been able to glean clear meaning behind it. Sometimes, in the whispered and hushed tones used to disguise oneself from terror people have been heard to mutter a single word: “Daedalus”.

In Time and Tide : A Chronicle of Damocles you will be playing a character in a world still recovering from catastrophic events and in which factions (some having strong animosities) still fight for dominance rather than deal with the problems of mutual concern right under their very noses.

While many if not most characters will be completely human, characters from the bubble worlds can be almost anything (though strangely, fairies seem to be more common than most).

In addition to inter-faction squabbling you’ll be dealing with what some might consider an actual real-world, life-threatening emergency. I’m not saying that if you don’t solve the problem that everyone is going to die. Just that a lot of people probably will.

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