Till death do us part
System: LARP
Deltagere: 30 spillere
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Till death do us part is a larp about a wedding between a Palestinian woman and a Norwegian man, in Ramallah, Palestine in August 2012. It is organized by The Peace & Freedom Youth Forum and Fantasiforbundet. As far as we know it is the first larp made in Palestine.
The game will center around the immediate preparations for the wedding and the wedding day. The first day will be a workshop day, getting into character and the way we play. Then the larp will go on for two days, with a break during the night.
There will be about 30 players, playing family and friends of the couple. We're hoping for players from Norway and the Nordic countries to join the game in Ramallah, playing the family and friends of the groom.
10. - 12. august 2012 | Ramallah, West Bank, De palæstinensiske områder |
Nævnt i følgende artikler
International larp projects 2012 | Side 4 | Issue #5 (September 2012) | Playground Magazine |
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