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Thanksgiving with the Wellington-Smythes

System: LARP
Deltagere: 2-7 spillere, Female role: 2, Male role: 0-1, Other gender role: 1, Player-defined gender role: 3-7

Arrangeret af

Megalopolis LARP


✏️David Cave
✏️Elisa Ford
✏️Kathleen Fuller
✏️Susan Schmidt

Be-Con (2023), Sheraton Suites Chicago Elk Grove, Illinois, United States, USA

ArrangørDavid Cave
ArrangørSusan Schmidt


The Wellington-Smythes are the oldest, wealthiest, and most powerful family in Megalopolis. In many ways they are like any other family, except with dark secrets, hidden agendas, and unexpected connections. Tonight they are gathering for a lovely traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Surely it will be a time of harmony, openness, and a total lack of drama.

This is a secrets-and-powers LARP set in a world of campy comic book style heroes and villains. This is a world of true good and most heinous evil, of magic and superscience, of strange dimensions and surreal wonders.

While there is some serious subject matter, the tone is relatively light. The Thanksgiving meal will be simulated; no actual food will be served during this event.

Content Warnings
Toxic family relationships, Ageism and senility, Death and violence in backstories, Potential comic-book-style calamity

Spillet på

Be-Con (2023)

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