Events in 2019
197 events:
(unknown date)
AB Con 4
Dominicon XXV
Festival of LARPs
Golden Cobra Challenge
Peaky Midwest #7
Academia Octavia
Beyond the neural horizon
Collateral Emotions
Den utan synd
Gröna Krigens Efterdyningar
Grågripen 1
Junction Zero
Kampen i ringen: Vintergille 2019
Krigshjärta 9
MG 8.1 - En nedgång till Morgondagens Gryning
Tale of the North Wind
4 Er Det Sådan Man Er Venner?
4-6 Armistice Arcane - Crowley Chronicle Pt. 2
4-6 The Smoke
11-13 Neon Rain
18-20 Blackbox Cph VIII
19-20 BEta Larp
19-16 Aarhus Filerne
25-27 Brætspilsfestival
25-27 Warpcon XXIX
1-3 Black Box Horsens ...And That's It
1-3 Con2 - Jeg Con, Jeg Så, Jeg Sejrede!
8-10 Torch of Freedom
8-11 Knudepunkt
9-10 Grottröj #25
14-17 UdkantsCon 2
15-17 Convention de Supaero XL
15-17 Fimbul Con
15-17 Vold-Con 2019
15-18 OrCCon
21-24 Dreamation
21-24 Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors
21-24 NärCon Vinter
22-24 CalCon XXV - Kalaset
1-3 GorrCon Vinter 2019
1-3 PoRtaL 7: Kiev
1-3 Prolog
1-3 Aarhus Brætspilsfestival
2 Nørdmarked i DGI-Byen
8-10 AireCon 5
8-10 Itzacon XV
11-14 Baphomet
14-15 Er Det Sådan Man Er Venner?
14-17 Baphomet
15 Forårsjævndøgn
15-17 PapJam Scratch
16-17 ÅbyCon
22-26 CREATE Jam 2019 - Retro spring edition
22-24 LepreCon XL
4-6 Eskhaton
4-7 College of Wizardry
6-7 MidgardCon IV
11-14 College of Wizardry
12-14 ChopCon
13 Den Magiske Skole
13-14 Festival de l'imaginaire - LuxCon - Fantastikfestival
13-15 Lyng Con, forår
17-21 Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea
19-21 GothCon XLIII
20 PåskCon VI
20 The Continental - A Bid Goodnight
25-28 Nordic Game Jam
26-28 DjengisCon X
27 Nybyggerne på Stormøen
27-28 DevolutionZ
2-3 Tale of the North Wind
4-5 Minsk Larp Festival
4-5 Tale of the North Wind
10-12 VannaCon 9
10-13 Cirque Noir
11-12 Grottröj #26
17-18 GorrCon Forår 2019
23-26 The Gray Center
24-27 Gamex
26 Chaos in the City of Splendors
29-2 LinCon
30-1 Nordsken
30-2 Krigslive XV - Krudt, guld og blod
30-2 LV-Live 18 - Yduns træ
30-2 Walk the Plank
31-2 UK GamesExpo
1-2 HoboCon 8
7-9 Tyrfing Con - RPG Con
7-10 Tide and Time
8-10 SlagCon
16 KryptCon I
21-24 ARCON 35: Laboranter og Labyrinter
26-30 Spoils of War
27-30 GuardianCON XVII
27-30 Odysseus
28-30 WettCon
28-30 Wexio Spelkonvent
29-30 LARP Zomer Festival
30-3 House of Craving
1-4 House of Craving
2-5 House of Craving
3-6 House of Craving
3-7 Spoils of War
4-7 House of Craving
4-7 Odysseus
6-9 Västlägret
6-14 Magneticon
9-12 Odysseus
10-13 Tyvenes by
10-14 Sunfall Guldborgsund
11-14 Rundt omkring men lige i nærheden
12-14 Rošáda 2019
13 Summer Larpin' Met a larp, play it with me!
16-21 Tronspillet: Sommerens pris
18-20 Nybyggerne - et familiescenarie
19-21 Armistice Arcane - Kingsford Chronicle Pt. 1
19-28 Container
20 NELCO 2019, with Little Boffer Con
20-21 FeenCon
22-28 Leviathan
24-28 Orkerne Kommer Sommerskole
25-28 NärCon Sommar
26-28 Make a Scene
30-8 Just a Little Lovin'
1-2 QueerCon
1-4 Kattcon, Viking
2-4 Falthea - Rejst af Ruiner
2-4 KatastrofeCon 1 - Politisk ukorrekt 🔥
8-11 Korsfærd
9-11 Rubi-Con 2019
30-1 Shannara's Hope
30-2 Gateway
31-1 Grottröj #27
3-7 Stockholm Fringe Festival
6-7 GorrCon Sommer 2019
6-8 The Call
13-15 Viborg Game Jam - 2019
14-15 Be-Con
14-15 Fantasyfestival
19-22 IV. Kamara LARP hétvége
20-22 LV-Live 19 - Dværgenes Løfte
20-22 Nybyggerne på Stormøen
21 KryptCon II
27 Os vs Vores Egne
27-29 Forum
27-29 Hammercon
28-29 DevolutionZ
(unknown date) Nocturne
4-5 Avacon
4-6 Level-Up Weekend
11 Nørdmarked x Kulturnatten 2019
11-12 Grenselandet
11-13 Regncon XVII
11-13 Viking-Con 38
12 TrollCon 2019
12-13 NørdCon: Tabletop
17-20 FE Con
17-20 KatastrofeCon 2 - Succesen fortsætter 🎉
18-20 Birkeholm Kostskole for Talentfulde Unge
18-20 LyngCon, efterår
24-27 Last hours of the Harem
25-27 Hexcon
25-28 Gaelcon
26-27 AvestaCON
28-31 Baphomet
31-3 Baphomet
31-3 Last hours of the Harem
31-3 Sunfall 2019 Nuclear Winter
1-2 GorrCon Efterår 2019
1-3 Borås Spelkonvent 37
1-3 SävCon XIX
2 Hareskov Spilfestival
8-10 Tyrfing Con - Super Con
15-17 Mittelpunkt 2019 - LARPokalypse
15-17 Nycon
15-17 Stockholm Scenario Festival
16 Hillerød Spilfest
16 Nørdmarked 16/11 i DGI-Byen - Julemarked
21-24 Mythic Consequences
22-24 CREATE Jam 2019 - Level up fall edition
22-24 ÄlvCon
23 Malmö Protospiel 2019
23-24 Grottröj #28
28-1 College of Wizardry
30 Vampyrlajvet Midvinterblod – akt 1: Elysiet
30-1 BeAcon V