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Orkerne Kommer Sommerskole (2019)

Orkerne Kommer Sommerskole

Location: Efterskolen Epos, Fynshav, Denmark 🗺️
Date: 24. - 28. July 2019

Part of: Orkerne Kommer Sommerskole

About the convention:

Denne gang sætter vi kursen imod vores tidligere jagtmarker ved Efterskolen Epos.

We haven't had access to a program for this convention. The list is simply based on external references, memory, rumours and so on and the list might not be completed.
If you have a correction or are in access of a program then please send us an update.


Dekan for Monheim Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski
Forstander Nynne Søs Rasmussen
Forstander Simon Steen Hansen
Underviser Søren Lyng Ebbehøj
Underviser Troels Barkholt-Spangsbo
Underviser: Genre og adaption, Seriel dramaturgi Thor Fejerskov Jensen

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