Stefan Skriver Lægteskov
(AKA: Stefan Lægteskov)
Vintersol (2006)
Tre Brødre: Winner, Vintersolprisen
Fastaval (2008)
Kompasset: Nominated, Publikumsprisen (Tredjeplads)
Spillerne sagde:
”Overraskelsen i svedehytten var sej.”
”Brugen af musik og attrap-pistol virkede godt.”
”Overraskelsen i svedehytten var sej.”
”Brugen af musik og attrap-pistol virkede godt.”
Vintersol (2010)
London Crawling: Winner, Vintersolprisen
Forum (2012)
Mom, Dad and Sophie: Nominated, Projekt Særimner (Andenpræmie)
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
The Queen on the Emerald Throne: Nominated, Bedste Virkemidler
Systemet er centralt, komplekst og alligevel meget brugbart. Det er indarbejdet i hele scenariet, og skaber grundlaget for spænding, action og intrige. Intrigerne mellem rollerne understøttes af systemet, så det skaber godt rollespil. De pokkers forrædderkugler!
The system is complex and creates a solid core for the play experience. The system is woven into every aspect of the scenario and is the central driver for an experience of excitement, action and intrigue. The intrigue between the characters is framed and supported by the system, such that that it creates good roleplaying. Those damned traitor pebbles!
The system is complex and creates a solid core for the play experience. The system is woven into every aspect of the scenario and is the central driver for an experience of excitement, action and intrigue. The intrigue between the characters is framed and supported by the system, such that that it creates good roleplaying. Those damned traitor pebbles!
The Queen on the Emerald Throne: Nominated, Deltagernes Pris (Tredjeplads)
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
For Children Only: Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
Scenarieantologien består af tre korte, tankevækkende og sjove scenarier, som kan køres for både børn og deres voksne. At vi nu har tre Fastaval Junior scenarier på skrift, håber vi er kickstarten på en ny skriftlig tradition, så vi på fremtidens Alexandria kan hente scenarier til sommerhusturen, når de små poder skal indoktrineres.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
For Children Only: Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
Scenarieantologien består af tre korte, tankevækkende og sjove scenarier, som kan køres for både børn og deres voksne. At vi nu har tre Fastaval Junior scenarier på skrift, håber vi er kickstarten på en ny skriftlig tradition, så vi på fremtidens Alexandria kan hente scenarier til sommerhusturen, når de små poder skal indoktrineres.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
For Children Only: Nominated, Juryens Specialpris
Scenarieantologien består af tre korte, tankevækkende og sjove scenarier, som kan køres for både børn og deres voksne. At vi nu har tre Fastaval Junior scenarier på skrift, håber vi er kickstarten på en ny skriftlig tradition, så vi på fremtidens Alexandria kan hente scenarier til sommerhusturen, når de små poder skal indoktrineres.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
Organizer roles
Fastaval - Mad Science | (2017) | Ottodommer |
Fastaval - Solarpunk | (2021) | Brætspilsdommer |
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