Mom, Dad and Sophie
(AKA: Så sagde vi, at du var faren)
Genre: Novellescenarie
Participants: No GMs, 3 players
✏️ | Stefan Skriver Lægteskov |
✏️ | Kristian Bach Petersen |
🎨 | Ida Tap |
📰 | Mette Vollbrecht Würtz Petersen |
Grenselandet (2012), Norway
Stefan Skriver Lægteskov (Grenselandet) |
Scenario [Danish] | (0.7 MB) |
Scenario [English] | (0.8 MB) |
Sophie is about 12 years old. Now her parents have decided to get a divorce. Sophie doesn’t know why, because Sophie’s mom and dad never really talks to her about it. Sophie has heard about parents who split up and remain friends. Or at least see eye to eye. That is not how it is with Sophie’s parents. They pretend that is how it is, but it really isn’t.
And then there is the way they pull at her. A firm grip on both Sophie’s arms, each in their own direction. Sometimes Sophie thinks that they are doing it because they love her very much and want to be with her. But mainly it seems like they only try to draw her away from the other one. It’s not a lot of fun being Sophie. It is not a lot of fun being Sophie’s parents either.
A 2 hour gamemasterless freeform scenario for three players about divorce, egoism and the struggle to keep yourself together. By Stefan Lægteskov & Kristian Bach Petersen. Runner-up of Forum 2012's scenario competition.
Family – Divorce – Hard Choices
Sophie is about 12 years old and her parents have decided to get a divorce. Sophie doesn’t know why, because they never really talks to her about it. She has heard about parents who split up and remain friends. That is not the case with her parents.
They pretend that is how it is, but it really isn’t.
Both parents pull her in their own direction. They have a firm grip on both Sophie’s arms. Sometimes she thinks that they are doing it because they love her very much and want to be with her. But mainly it seems like they pull because they do not want the other one to have her.
It’s not a lot of fun being Sophie. It is not a lot of fun being Sophie’s parents either.
This is a gamemasterless freeform scenario for three players. It is about divorce, egoism and the struggle to keep yourself together. In the game you can win the divorce, but what have you done to win it?
Sofie er cirka 10 år gammel. Nu har hendes far og mor besluttet at gå fra hinanden. Sofie ved ikke helt hvorfor, for Sofies far og mor fortæller hende ikke særlig meget.
Sofie har hørt om forældre der går fra hinanden og forbliver venner. Eller i hvert faldt stadig kan snakke sammen. Men sådan er det slet ikke med Sofies forældre. De lader godt nok som om når Sofie er der, men det passer ikke.
Og så hiver de i Sofie. En i hver arm. I hver deres retning. Nogen gange tænker Sofie, at det er fordi de begge to elsker hende og gerne vil være sammen med hende. Men oftere virker det som om, at de mere trækker i hende, fordi de ikke vil have, at den anden får hende.
Det er ikke sjovt at være Sofie. Det er heller ikke sjovt at være Sofies mor og far.
Et spillederløst novellescenarie for tre spillere. Om skilsmisse, egoisme og ubehagelige, men helt dagligdags, valg.
Played at
Forum (2012) | |
♻ | Grenselandet (2012) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2015) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2018) |
Forum (2012)
Nominated, Projekt Særimner (Andenpræmie)
- Vandt andenpræmien i scenariekonkurrencen på Forum 2012
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