Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Sted: Online, Danmark
Dato: 31. mars - 4. april 2021
Del av: Fastaval
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Tema: Solar-/Ecopunk og en grønnere fremtid
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Online Fastaval 2021 guide [dansk, engelsk] | (0,9 MB) |
Andreas Skovse
Jo længere ind i de organisatoriske lag af Fastaval man kommer, jo større forståelse får man af, hvor meget Andreas er en del af fundamentet. Eet er alle de praktiske sider af Fastaval, som han med smittende glæde og ukuelighed har været en del af de sidste mange år, såsom info, opsætning/oprydning samt økonomien både på og imellem Fastavallerne. Men det er kun en lille andel af Andreas’ arbejde, den store værdi er lagt i tankerne bag Fastaval i bunkeren og Alea, hvor Andreas er fornuftens støttende stemme midt i virvaret af nytænkning og kreativ udvikling. Han er på mange punkter Fastavals hukommelse, der altid er klar til at opklare, hvorfor vi gør tingene på en bestemt måde uden at sidde fast i, at vi skal blive ved på den måde for evigt. Andreas har været en del af de fleste større både sjove og hårde (men nødvendige) beslutninger, Fastaval har taget i det sidste årti. Andreas har sikret, at alle beslutninger taget ud fra et etisk standpunkt med empati og paragrafferne i orden.
The further you venture into the organisatory onion of Fastaval the greater your understanding of Andreas' immense importance becomes. Andreas is part of the very Fastaval foundation. One thing is all the practical sides of Fastaval, which he with great joy and unshakable determination have been part of for many, many years - organisational areas like the Info, settup/clean-up and especially in managing Fastaval’s economy. Both at and in-between conventions. This is, however, just a small part of Andreas’ volunteer work for Fastaval. The greatest effort has been channeled into behind-the-Fastaval-scenes, where Andreas is the supportive voice of reason amidst a plethora of innovative thinking, development and creative ideas. In many ways Andreas is Fastavals memory, alway ready to explain why things are done a certain way without being stuck in the idea that things must remain like this forever. Andreas has been part of the majority of both exciting and tough (but necessary) desicions made by Fastaval over the last decade. And he has helped make sure that these decisions were taken from a correct, ethically and emphatically point of view.
The further you venture into the organisatory onion of Fastaval the greater your understanding of Andreas' immense importance becomes. Andreas is part of the very Fastaval foundation. One thing is all the practical sides of Fastaval, which he with great joy and unshakable determination have been part of for many, many years - organisational areas like the Info, settup/clean-up and especially in managing Fastaval’s economy. Both at and in-between conventions. This is, however, just a small part of Andreas’ volunteer work for Fastaval. The greatest effort has been channeled into behind-the-Fastaval-scenes, where Andreas is the supportive voice of reason amidst a plethora of innovative thinking, development and creative ideas. In many ways Andreas is Fastavals memory, alway ready to explain why things are done a certain way without being stuck in the idea that things must remain like this forever. Andreas has been part of the majority of both exciting and tough (but necessary) desicions made by Fastaval over the last decade. And he has helped make sure that these decisions were taken from a correct, ethically and emphatically point of view.
Kathrine Abel
Som bunkermedlem har Kathrine gjort en unik indsats for at sætte fokus på tryghed til Fastaval, og hun insisterer altid på at passe på de frivillige. Hendes utrættelige insisteren på, at alle skal behandles ordentligt og have gode vilkår, har hun mærket behovet for på egen krop, da Kathrine både har stået i køkkenet på Fastaval og givet en hånd med alle steder generelt. Det spiller sammen med hendes yndlingsord i organisationssammenhæng: Forventningsafstemning. Kathrine er grundig, og hendes bunkerarbejde har været kendetegnet ved saglighed i de mange diskussioner med de andre bunkermedlemmer. Kathrine formår at skifte holdning, når det giver mening frem for at stå stejlt på sin egen holdning, og det er en unik egenskab i et samarbejde, der løfter Fastaval i flok. Kathrine har også gjort en god indsats med oplysningsarbejde på og om Fastaval via sin podcast, blandt andet ved at interviewe 2019s æresottovinder Joan og i år ved at interviewe æresgæsterne på Fastaval.
Abel has a member of Fastaval’s Bunker (main organizers) made a singular effort to put safely on Fastaval’s menu and she always insists that in working with volunteers you must treat them well. Her unfatigued insistence that everybody be treated decent, on good terms, comes from experience as Kathrine have been part of both the kitchen at Fastaval and, in general, been a helper almost everywhere in the organisation. Her Fastaval mantra is simple, it is called “align your expectation”. She is a thorough person and her work in the Bunker (three years in a row) have been permeated by decency and thoughtfulness in her many discussions with her co-organizers. Kathrine is not a stubborn person and she is not afraid to change her standpoint when presented with the right argument. A truly valuable skill that helps us all be better at lifting the task of Fastaval. Beside her organisational work, Kathrine has also done a lot in order to inform the broader community about Fastaval via her Podcast. She has among other things interviewed Joan (the honorary otto winner in 2019) and is, as we speak, talking to this years guests of honor.
Abel has a member of Fastaval’s Bunker (main organizers) made a singular effort to put safely on Fastaval’s menu and she always insists that in working with volunteers you must treat them well. Her unfatigued insistence that everybody be treated decent, on good terms, comes from experience as Kathrine have been part of both the kitchen at Fastaval and, in general, been a helper almost everywhere in the organisation. Her Fastaval mantra is simple, it is called “align your expectation”. She is a thorough person and her work in the Bunker (three years in a row) have been permeated by decency and thoughtfulness in her many discussions with her co-organizers. Kathrine is not a stubborn person and she is not afraid to change her standpoint when presented with the right argument. A truly valuable skill that helps us all be better at lifting the task of Fastaval. Beside her organisational work, Kathrine has also done a lot in order to inform the broader community about Fastaval via her Podcast. She has among other things interviewed Joan (the honorary otto winner in 2019) and is, as we speak, talking to this years guests of honor.
Kristoffer Nyrup
Denne joviale sønderjyde har været Fastaval arrangør i et årti, hvor hans store smil og arbejdsomme væsen har sikret at alt fra service, DB, IT og bunker opgaver er skredet glat. Et smil og et kram på vejen er fantastisk i sig selv, men Kristoffer Nyrup har et skarpt øje for menneskelige relationer og situationer. Han formår ved sit blotte væsen at sikre, at alle har det godt omkring sig, hvilket også skinner igennem, når han er konferencier til Ottofesten. Som DB Commander Player, har Kristoffer Nyrup en stor del af æren for, at Dirtbusters har udviklet sig til at være en langt mere åben og inkluderende del af Fastaval og arbejdet for, at rengøringskæmperne skal være en mere integreret del af Fastavals arrangørgruppe. Både fordi han formåede at kunne se DB udefra og forstå udfordringerne, indefra nok til at forstå, hvordan udviklingen skulle startes - og gå forrest i processen.
Kristoffer er Chaotic good; Han skubber til normerne for at se, om de har en relevant eller om vi kan gøre det bedre. Målet er ikke at udfordre som en Chaotic neutral ville gøre det, men for at se om vi kan gøre X nemmere eller bedre. Derudover er han en slæber, også med alle de opgaver, som andre ikke gider. Han er typen der fester med til flasken er tom - men tager lige opvasken inden han går i seng.
This jovial man from southern Jutland has been part of organizing Fastaval for a decade. His big smile and helpful nature have made sure the Fastaval service has alway been tip-top on his watch, doing everything from Durtbusting, IT and sitting in The Bunker. A warm smile and a hug has always been the way for Kristoffer, but he has also contributed with a sharp eye for human relations and situations. His mere presence helps everybody to feel more at ease, a fact that shines through as he enters the stage hosting the Ottoshow. As DB’s former Commander Player Kristoffers bears a lot of the responsibility and honor, as the DirtBusters have changed towards being a more inclusive and open part of Fastaval and likewise because the cleaning crew has now become a much better integrated part of Fastaval’s organizers. Kristoffer understood DB from both outside and inside and knew how to start a process of development - and he spearheaded this change as a good example.
Kristoffer is Chaotic good. He pushes the norms to see whether they are still relevant or if we can do better. His end goal is not to challenge for the sake of challenge, but to see if things can be done better. Besides this, Kristoffer is a hard worker, often doing all the tasks that other people might avoid. He is also an equally resilient party animal - but of the sort that always does the dishes before going to bed.
Kristoffer er Chaotic good; Han skubber til normerne for at se, om de har en relevant eller om vi kan gøre det bedre. Målet er ikke at udfordre som en Chaotic neutral ville gøre det, men for at se om vi kan gøre X nemmere eller bedre. Derudover er han en slæber, også med alle de opgaver, som andre ikke gider. Han er typen der fester med til flasken er tom - men tager lige opvasken inden han går i seng.
This jovial man from southern Jutland has been part of organizing Fastaval for a decade. His big smile and helpful nature have made sure the Fastaval service has alway been tip-top on his watch, doing everything from Durtbusting, IT and sitting in The Bunker. A warm smile and a hug has always been the way for Kristoffer, but he has also contributed with a sharp eye for human relations and situations. His mere presence helps everybody to feel more at ease, a fact that shines through as he enters the stage hosting the Ottoshow. As DB’s former Commander Player Kristoffers bears a lot of the responsibility and honor, as the DirtBusters have changed towards being a more inclusive and open part of Fastaval and likewise because the cleaning crew has now become a much better integrated part of Fastaval’s organizers. Kristoffer understood DB from both outside and inside and knew how to start a process of development - and he spearheaded this change as a good example.
Kristoffer is Chaotic good. He pushes the norms to see whether they are still relevant or if we can do better. His end goal is not to challenge for the sake of challenge, but to see if things can be done better. Besides this, Kristoffer is a hard worker, often doing all the tasks that other people might avoid. He is also an equally resilient party animal - but of the sort that always does the dishes before going to bed.
Sofie Støvelbæk
Hvis man interesserer sig for Fastavals brætspilsscene, har man de sidste par år ikke kunne undgå at kende til Sofie Støvelbæk. Hun har nemlig både været deltager i og vinder af ”Byg et Brætspil”-konkurrencen, samt en dygtig repræsentant og formidler af Fastavals brætspilsaktiviteter. Sofie har en brændende passion for brætspil og bliver sjældent overvundet, både på og udenfor Fastaval. Yderligere har Sofie været en stærk drivkraft i arbejdet for at opbygge brætspilskonkurrencen på Fastaval og lægger igen i år et stort arbejde i brætspilsjuryen, denne gang som overdommer. Som en del af sit arbejde i Fastavals brætspilsverden, har Sofie aktivt arbejdet for at inddrage flere kvinder i brætspilskonkurrencen og taget initiativ til netværk, der har til formål at støtte nye kvindelige brætspilsdesignere.
Udover sit engagement på Fastaval arbejder Sofie også utrætteligt på andre projekter i RollespilsDanmark, såsom Forum, Orkerne Kommers Sommerskole, Knudepunkt og meget mere.
you have taken an interest in Fastaval’s board game scene, it has been impossible to avoid Sofie the last couple of years. On her first Fastaval she won the GameRush competition and she has since been a successful designer and skillfully representing and communicating Fastaval’s many board game activities as well. Sofie has a burning passion for board games and is almost always the game victor on and outside Fastaval. Sofie has been a strong driving force in strengthening the board game competition at Fastaval and this year she is yet again sitting as chairperson of the board game Otto Jury. As part of her contribution to the board game scene Sofie has actively been working towards including more women as board game designers. She has initiated a network by women for women in order to strengthen the gender diversity in the board game community.
Beside her engagement in Fastaval, Sofie has many other projects going on in the extended Danish larp community, such as Forum, Orkerne Kommer’s summer school, Knudepunk DK and much more.
Udover sit engagement på Fastaval arbejder Sofie også utrætteligt på andre projekter i RollespilsDanmark, såsom Forum, Orkerne Kommers Sommerskole, Knudepunkt og meget mere.
you have taken an interest in Fastaval’s board game scene, it has been impossible to avoid Sofie the last couple of years. On her first Fastaval she won the GameRush competition and she has since been a successful designer and skillfully representing and communicating Fastaval’s many board game activities as well. Sofie has a burning passion for board games and is almost always the game victor on and outside Fastaval. Sofie has been a strong driving force in strengthening the board game competition at Fastaval and this year she is yet again sitting as chairperson of the board game Otto Jury. As part of her contribution to the board game scene Sofie has actively been working towards including more women as board game designers. She has initiated a network by women for women in order to strengthen the gender diversity in the board game community.
Beside her engagement in Fastaval, Sofie has many other projects going on in the extended Danish larp community, such as Forum, Orkerne Kommer’s summer school, Knudepunk DK and much more.
Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski
Marie har i mange år været engageret i Fastaval både som Ottodommer og scenarieansvarlig, og har siden 2019 siddet i bunkeren. Hendes mentale ressourcebank er enorm, hun vælger sine kampe med omhu, og de kampe hun vælger, kaster hun sig ind i med alt hvad hun har. Hendes passion for Fastavals forskellige aktiviteter, og miljøet omkring Fastaval, har givet hende en flamme, som bringer inspiration hos andre og som blandt andet safemailen udspringer af. Marie evner at bygge bro mellem de kreative og organisatoriske kræfter i Fastaval, hvilket er medhjælpende til at vi er så sammentømret en arrangørgruppe på tværs, som vi er i dag. Den selvudnævnte ‘Tyfusdronning’s utrættelige arbejde med at få Fastaval igennem pandemien, i løbet af det sidste år, har gjort at Fastaval ikke bare har overlevet pandemien, men kommet igennem på den bedst mulige måde. Coronaen dikterede det, men Marie formåede at håndtere aflysningen af ‘årets familiefest’ på så nænsom og respektfuld en måde, at alle støttede op. Hun har igennem hele processen haft Fastavals ryg, og har virkelig levet op til, at man som general på Fastaval er den, der i sidste ende står med ansvaret, og derfor fortjener hun også et kæmpe skulderklap for hendes imponerende arbejde.
Næste generation til trods, så er Marie blevet i bunkeren og hjulpet til med at køre de nye generaler i stilling til Fastavals første digitale version - når ikke engang en barsel kan holde Marie væk, forventer vi at se hendes engagement og kærlighed til Fastaval fortsætte i meget lang tid.
Marie has for many years been deeply engaged in Fastaval as scenario designer, Otto Jury-member and scenario organizer. Since 2019 (three years in a row) she has been part of Fastaval’s Bunker. Marie’s mental resource bank is vast and she chooses her battles wisely. But those she chooses, she will fight with every bone in her body. She is passionate about Fastaval’s plethora of activities and her enthusiasm has a contagious feel that brings out the passion in others. It is dedication like this that makes things like the Fastaval ‘safemail’ happen. Marie has a capacity for bridge building between the creative and organisational forces of Fastaval, contributing to a more close knitted organization.
She is also the self appointed “typhoid queen” of Fastaval working tirelessly to help Fastaval safely through the pandemic. With her leading the way Fastaval has not just survived Corona but sailed safely through. The pandemic dictated the terms, but Marie managed to handle the cancellation of Fastaval as gently and respectfully as possible and got everybody to support the decisions. Through the entire process she have been supporting Fastaval, and truly been the General we needed and therefore she deserves an extra applause. The bunker has now been handed over to the next generation, but Marie has stayed on to help the new generals find their footing and stood behind them as they implemented the first digital Fastaval. When even her maternity cannot stop her engagement and love for Fastaval - nothing can.
Næste generation til trods, så er Marie blevet i bunkeren og hjulpet til med at køre de nye generaler i stilling til Fastavals første digitale version - når ikke engang en barsel kan holde Marie væk, forventer vi at se hendes engagement og kærlighed til Fastaval fortsætte i meget lang tid.
Marie has for many years been deeply engaged in Fastaval as scenario designer, Otto Jury-member and scenario organizer. Since 2019 (three years in a row) she has been part of Fastaval’s Bunker. Marie’s mental resource bank is vast and she chooses her battles wisely. But those she chooses, she will fight with every bone in her body. She is passionate about Fastaval’s plethora of activities and her enthusiasm has a contagious feel that brings out the passion in others. It is dedication like this that makes things like the Fastaval ‘safemail’ happen. Marie has a capacity for bridge building between the creative and organisational forces of Fastaval, contributing to a more close knitted organization.
She is also the self appointed “typhoid queen” of Fastaval working tirelessly to help Fastaval safely through the pandemic. With her leading the way Fastaval has not just survived Corona but sailed safely through. The pandemic dictated the terms, but Marie managed to handle the cancellation of Fastaval as gently and respectfully as possible and got everybody to support the decisions. Through the entire process she have been supporting Fastaval, and truly been the General we needed and therefore she deserves an extra applause. The bunker has now been handed over to the next generation, but Marie has stayed on to help the new generals find their footing and stood behind them as they implemented the first digital Fastaval. When even her maternity cannot stop her engagement and love for Fastaval - nothing can.
Bedste Formidling
En meget stærk og charmerende forfatterstemme ligger som samlende struktur under hele dette scenarie, der ubesværet og sikkert formidler en tragisk historie fortalt fra børneperspektiv med stor kærlighed. Håndværket er bundsolidt, og velvalgte illustrationer er mere end blot afspejlinger af handling: De udvider vores forståelse for familiens dagligdag.
A very strong and charming authorial voice serves as the unifying structure of the entire scenario as it effortlessly, assuredly and with great love tells a tragic story from a children's perspective. The craftsmanship is rock solid and the well-chosen illustrations are more than just reflections of the text: they expand our understanding of the family's daily life.
A very strong and charming authorial voice serves as the unifying structure of the entire scenario as it effortlessly, assuredly and with great love tells a tragic story from a children's perspective. The craftsmanship is rock solid and the well-chosen illustrations are more than just reflections of the text: they expand our understanding of the family's daily life.
Love and War
Forfatterne formår på imponerende vis at formidle scenariets 40 scener så direkte og enkelt, at det ikke bare er overskueligt, men let for spilleder at afvikle. Som læser oplever man, forfatterne altid er på forkant med den næste information, man har brug for at kende, og det vedlagte oversigtsark gør krigen tilgængelig for alle. Skudsikker redigering.
The authors impressively manage to convey the scenario’s 40 scenes in a direct and simple way making it not just manageable, but easy for the gamemaster to run. Reading the scenario, you feel assured that the authors are always one step ahead of you with the next bit of pertinent information, and the summaries make the war accessible to everyone. Bulletproof editing.
The authors impressively manage to convey the scenario’s 40 scenes in a direct and simple way making it not just manageable, but easy for the gamemaster to run. Reading the scenario, you feel assured that the authors are always one step ahead of you with the next bit of pertinent information, and the summaries make the war accessible to everyone. Bulletproof editing.
Midtlivs blues - en varulvs valg
Et scenarie skrevet med stort overskud og en knivskarp humor. Novelleformen rammes helt rent, og forfatteren formidler denne dejlige, lidt underspillede komedie kort og ultrapræcist. Scenariets centrale præmis om hovedpersonens valg mellem sportsvogn og motorcykel gennemsyrer såvel fortælling som scenarietekst.
A scenario written with an excess of skill and razor-sharp humour. The short form is spot on and the author conveys this lovely, slightly underplayed comedy with extreme precision. The scenario's central premise of the protagonist's choice between sports car and motorcycle permeates the overall narrative as well as the scenario text.
A scenario written with an excess of skill and razor-sharp humour. The short form is spot on and the author conveys this lovely, slightly underplayed comedy with extreme precision. The scenario's central premise of the protagonist's choice between sports car and motorcycle permeates the overall narrative as well as the scenario text.
Bedste Fortælling
Love and War
Anden Verdenskrig danner den store baggrund for dette klassiske engelske BBC-drama, hvor både kvindesyn, klassesystemet og krigen reflekteres som en krønike med høj stabilitet. Historien udfolder sig sikkert, mens rollerne gennemgår både krigens prøvelser og en hverdag, der tester deres indbyrdes kærlighed.
World War II forms the epic background of this classical English BBC drama where sexism, class differences and war are chronicled with great care. The story unfolds effortlessly as the characters experience the hardships of war and a daily existence that puts their love to the test.
World War II forms the epic background of this classical English BBC drama where sexism, class differences and war are chronicled with great care. The story unfolds effortlessly as the characters experience the hardships of war and a daily existence that puts their love to the test.
En varm skildring af tre små søstre, der bearbejder sorgen efter fars død, mens scenariet i baggrunden forvarsler, at tragedien på ingen måde er slut. Scenariet viser omfanget af fars sygdom, der ikke blot rammer den enkelte, men i høj grad også hans familie – og spilleren – lige i hjertet.
A heartwarming tale of three grieving sisters processing the loss of their father, as the scenario foreshadows their tragedy is far from over. The story shows the extent of Dad's illness, who not only mortally wounds himself, but also his family - and the players.
A heartwarming tale of three grieving sisters processing the loss of their father, as the scenario foreshadows their tragedy is far from over. The story shows the extent of Dad's illness, who not only mortally wounds himself, but also his family - and the players.
Tåge over Neo Xin
Et kæmpestort og komplekst mysterie vækker Neo Xins neonoplyste gader til live. Efterforskningen af den organiske sandkasse fyldt med intriger og forviklinger tilpasser sig den enkelte afvikling, der vil være vidt forskellig fra gang til gang. Magten over fortællingen og hele scenariets ensemble ligger tydeligt hos spillerne.
A sprawling and complex mystery brings Neo Xin's neon-lit streets to life. The exploration of an organic sandbox filled with intrigue and intricacies adapts to each run of the scenario that will differ vastly each time. The power to define the narrative and, in fact, the entire scenario is unmistakably entrusted to the players.
A sprawling and complex mystery brings Neo Xin's neon-lit streets to life. The exploration of an organic sandbox filled with intrigue and intricacies adapts to each run of the scenario that will differ vastly each time. The power to define the narrative and, in fact, the entire scenario is unmistakably entrusted to the players.
Bedste Virkemidler
Midtlivs blues - en varulvs valg
En tæt lille pakke af ulvehyl og midtlivskrise spilles ud med få, men effektive virkemidler. Alt spiller sammen – fra opvarmning til scenetyper og klippeteknik – uden at give køb på komedien. Man både mærker desperationen og griner højlydt, når den kriseramte varulvs irriterende børn ... igen ... afbryder og afslutter scenerne.
A tight serving of howling wolves and midlife crisis is played out with few but effective mechanics. Everything fits together – from pre-game warmup to scenes and editing techniques – without ever losing the comedic touch. You feel the desperation while laughing out loud when the distressed werewolf's annoying children interrupt... again... and end the scenes.
A tight serving of howling wolves and midlife crisis is played out with few but effective mechanics. Everything fits together – from pre-game warmup to scenes and editing techniques – without ever losing the comedic touch. You feel the desperation while laughing out loud when the distressed werewolf's annoying children interrupt... again... and end the scenes.
Scenariets virkemidler er med til at skabe en helt særlig scenarieoplevelse om børn til voksne. Brevene, ouija-brættet og listerne over fars vanvittige påfund, understøtter den magiske socialrealisme på fineste og mest følsomme måde. Alle greb hjælper os til at blive børn igen og til at mærke begge sider af fars personlighed.
The scenario's mechanics create a unique experience, about children, for adults. The letters, the ouija board, and the lists of Dad's crazy inventions support the magical social-realism in a highly delicate and sensitive fashion. Every tool helps us become children again and to know both sides of Dad's personality.
The scenario's mechanics create a unique experience, about children, for adults. The letters, the ouija board, and the lists of Dad's crazy inventions support the magical social-realism in a highly delicate and sensitive fashion. Every tool helps us become children again and to know both sides of Dad's personality.
Through the Fire and Flames - A Heavy Metal Odyssey
Ild, blod og metal formidles forbilledligt igennem scenariets episke kampkort, der fungerer som en effektiv inspiration til at skabe farverig action. Spillerne hujer, laver håndtegn, spiller luftguitar og nedlægger totalt overdrevne monstre, mens den frustrerende og nedladende fortællerstemme sætter fortællingens scener og danner distance.
Fire, blood, and metal are communicated in an exemplary way through the scenario's epic battlecards which serve as an effective inspiration to create colourful action. The players cheer, make hand gestures, play air guitar and destroy over-the-top monsters while the exasperating and condescending voice of the narrator sets the scenes and creates distance.
Fire, blood, and metal are communicated in an exemplary way through the scenario's epic battlecards which serve as an effective inspiration to create colourful action. The players cheer, make hand gestures, play air guitar and destroy over-the-top monsters while the exasperating and condescending voice of the narrator sets the scenes and creates distance.
Bedste Roller
Tingene i min fars hus
Tre troværdige og meget forskellige søstre, vi både kan relatere til og holde af, må overvinde barndommens traumer, mens de rydder op efter deres afdøde far. Rollerne, der bærer hele fortællingen, er bygget på selve scenariets grundtema og overgives til spilleren med effektive og relevante rollespilshåndtag og virkelig velskrevet prosa.
Three credible and very different sisters that we can both relate to and care for must overcome childhood traumas while cleaning house after their deceased father. The characters carry the entire narrative and are built on the central theme of the scenario. They are offered to the players with effective and relevant role-playing advice and well-written prose.
Three credible and very different sisters that we can both relate to and care for must overcome childhood traumas while cleaning house after their deceased father. The characters carry the entire narrative and are built on the central theme of the scenario. They are offered to the players with effective and relevant role-playing advice and well-written prose.
Love and War
Fire unge mennesker er scenariets absolutte omdrejningspunkt, og sammen danner de et stærkt tidsbillede, der udfolder sig løbende. Rollerne står gennemarbejdet, stærkt og realistisk som gruppe, og vi forstår og hepper på deres valg, dilemmaer og venskab trods store klasseskel under Anden Verdenskrig.
Four young people are the absolute focal point of the scenario, and together they invoke a strong representation of a time period that unfolds continuously. The roles are well-crafted, strong, and realistic as a group, and we understand and cheer on their choices, dilemmas, and friendships in the face of a significant class divide during World War II.
Four young people are the absolute focal point of the scenario, and together they invoke a strong representation of a time period that unfolds continuously. The roles are well-crafted, strong, and realistic as a group, and we understand and cheer on their choices, dilemmas, and friendships in the face of a significant class divide during World War II.
Det er en svær kunst at skrive børneroller. I Luftpirat formår forfatteren at skabe charmerende, sympatiske børn i øjenhøjde med stor respekt og kærlighed til deres respektive alder og temperament. Rollerne lægger op til dynamisk spil omkring scenariets nøglescener, hvor deres forskellige oplevelser af far bliver et naturligt centrum.
Writing child characters is difficult. In Sky Pirate, the author manages to create charming, sympathetic children with great respect and love for their respective ages and temperaments. The characters enable dynamic play around the scenario's key scenes in which their different experiences of their father become the natural axis.
Writing child characters is difficult. In Sky Pirate, the author manages to create charming, sympathetic children with great respect and love for their respective ages and temperaments. The characters enable dynamic play around the scenario's key scenes in which their different experiences of their father become the natural axis.
Tåge over Neo Xin
Dommerne begejstres over, at scenariet formår at bringe harmoni i et asymmetrisk ensembledrama. Selvom den ene spiller kun har én rolle at tumle med, mens de andre har tre, føles Allike aldrig som hovedpersonen, men som en ligeværdig medspiller. Grebet giver plads til flere typer af spillere i en velfortalt og kompliceret intrige.
The jury is impressed that the scenario manages to create harmony in an asymmetric ensemble drama. Even though the other players are issued with three characters, the lonesome Starling never feels overpowering, but always as an equal. This simple tool allows for different player types in a well-told and complicated intrigue.
The jury is impressed that the scenario manages to create harmony in an asymmetric ensemble drama. Even though the other players are issued with three characters, the lonesome Starling never feels overpowering, but always as an equal. This simple tool allows for different player types in a well-told and complicated intrigue.
A Journey Home
Forfatteren bringer bogstaveligt talt scenariet ud i verden, hvor spillederen vælger fortællingens lokation. Omgivelserne bliver den benzin, der bringer rollernes minder og hele scenariet frem. Dommerpanelet elsker den kontrol, forfatteren derved suverænt overgiver til spillederen.
The author literally brings the scenario out into the world where the gamemaster chooses the location of the narrative. The surroundings become the fuel that teases out the memories of the characters and, in fact, the whole scenario. The jury loves how the author thereby hands sovereign control of the scenario to the gamemaster.
The author literally brings the scenario out into the world where the gamemaster chooses the location of the narrative. The surroundings become the fuel that teases out the memories of the characters and, in fact, the whole scenario. The jury loves how the author thereby hands sovereign control of the scenario to the gamemaster.
Through the Fire and Flames - A Heavy Metal Odyssey
At skrive et metalscenarie uden musikere og bands, og i stedet fokusere på genrens æstetik og fortælling, er et satans godt greb om luftguitaren. Dommerne er totalt charmerede over denne medrivende over-the-top-kærlighedserklæring, hvor man uden problemer kan give den totalt djævlehorn, hvad enten man normalt er til Manowar eller Taylor Swift.
Writing a metal scenario without musicians and bands, instead focusing on the aesthetics and narrative of the genre, is a damn good riff on the air guitar. The jury is thoroughly charmed by this captivating, over-the-top declaration of love in which everyone can throw the horns, regardless of whether you are normally into Manowar or Taylor Swift.
Writing a metal scenario without musicians and bands, instead focusing on the aesthetics and narrative of the genre, is a damn good riff on the air guitar. The jury is thoroughly charmed by this captivating, over-the-top declaration of love in which everyone can throw the horns, regardless of whether you are normally into Manowar or Taylor Swift.
Bedste Brætspil
Riding Shotgun
Diligencen er fyldt til bristepunktet med guld. Banditterne jager den, mens vagterne desperat forsøger at stoppe dem. Det er Western efter alle kunstens regler, med en overflod af tematiske elementer, der alle er tæt integreret med den overordnede fortælling. Hvert af de to hold er nødt til at koordinere deres planer, men modstanderne kan høre alt, hvilket skaber masser af muligheder for taktiske modsvar. Alt dette er kombineret med en central bluff-mekanik. Men tør du kalde det, når banditten angriber dig, hvis konsekvensen er mere ødelæggende end selve angrebet?
The stagecoach is filled to the brim with gold. The bandits give chase, and the guards frantically try to stop them. This is a fully realized western fantasy, with an abundance of thematic elements, all tightly integrated with the overarching concept and story. Each of the two teams must coordinate their plans, but the other team hears everything, and this creates numerous opportunities for counterplay. Building onto this, a central bluff-mechanic makes you question the bandit's attack against you. But are you ready to call it? When the consequences of doing so, might be more disastrous than the attack.
The stagecoach is filled to the brim with gold. The bandits give chase, and the guards frantically try to stop them. This is a fully realized western fantasy, with an abundance of thematic elements, all tightly integrated with the overarching concept and story. Each of the two teams must coordinate their plans, but the other team hears everything, and this creates numerous opportunities for counterplay. Building onto this, a central bluff-mechanic makes you question the bandit's attack against you. But are you ready to call it? When the consequences of doing so, might be more disastrous than the attack.
Morgenen gryr og jagten begynder, i dette asymmetriske brætspil, hvor jæger jagter byttet. Som jægerne, sporer man bæstet igennem skov og sump, konstant på tæerne, mens blodtørsten vokser. Alene er jægerne svage, men sammen er de mere end en mundfuld. Når man spiller som bæstet er det med en konstant spænding i luften. Det maleriske narrativ og den velafbalancerede grundmekanik får spillerne til skiftevis at føle sig under- og overlegne. Man er nødt til at bruge snilde og list for at overleve, nogle gange på et hængende hår.
Dawn breaks, and the hunt begins, in this asymmetrical board game of hunter and prey. Playing as the hunters, you track the beast through the swamps and forests, constantly on your toes and with increasing bloodthirst. Alone the hunters are weak, but together, they are more than a match. Playing as the beast there is a constant tension. The evocative narrative and well balanced core mechanics, make you feel both over- and underpowered. You must resort to trickery and evasion to survive, often by just the skin of your teeth.
Dawn breaks, and the hunt begins, in this asymmetrical board game of hunter and prey. Playing as the hunters, you track the beast through the swamps and forests, constantly on your toes and with increasing bloodthirst. Alone the hunters are weak, but together, they are more than a match. Playing as the beast there is a constant tension. The evocative narrative and well balanced core mechanics, make you feel both over- and underpowered. You must resort to trickery and evasion to survive, often by just the skin of your teeth.
Feasting Fiends
I Feasting Fiends bygger man et bånd af madvarer, der skal fodre en gruppe notorisk kræsne monstre. Med kun fire mulige handlinger på et givet tidspunkt, starter tingene simpelt nok, men snart viser mekanikerne sig at være djævelsk komplicerede. Og tingene bliver ikke lettere af, at din modstander også manipulerer det samme bånd og bliver ved med at kaste enorme mængder grus i maskineriet. Den bedste slags frustration, men samtidigt giver det også mulighed for en himmelsk følelse når det hele lige præcis passer sammen i et enkelt perfekt træk.
In Feasting Fiends, you construct a food line to feed a group of notoriously picky fiends. With only four available actions at any time, things start out simple and are easy to get into, but soon the machine turns out to be devilishly complicated, and things aren't helped by your opponent who is also manipulating the same food line, constantly throwing a wrench in your otherwise well laid out plans. The best kind of frustrating fun, but also that superb sense of satisfaction, when it all lines up for that one, perfect move.
In Feasting Fiends, you construct a food line to feed a group of notoriously picky fiends. With only four available actions at any time, things start out simple and are easy to get into, but soon the machine turns out to be devilishly complicated, and things aren't helped by your opponent who is also manipulating the same food line, constantly throwing a wrench in your otherwise well laid out plans. The best kind of frustrating fun, but also that superb sense of satisfaction, when it all lines up for that one, perfect move.
Bedste Scenarie
Det er, som om både nordisk børnelitteraturs store klassikere og deres forfattere smelter sammen og bliver levende som rollespil med Luftpirat. Scenariet behandler sympatisk det tunge emne psykisk sygdom gennem kærlig, magisk realisme, alt sammen set i øjenhøjde fra tre gæve piger. Vi vil også på eventyr i skyerne med Far.
With Sky Pirate, it is as if both the great classics of Nordic children's literature and their authors merge and come to life through role-playing. The scenario sympathetically addresses the difficult topic of mental illness through loving, magical realism as seen from the perspective of three tough girls. We want to go on adventures with Dad in the clouds too!
With Sky Pirate, it is as if both the great classics of Nordic children's literature and their authors merge and come to life through role-playing. The scenario sympathetically addresses the difficult topic of mental illness through loving, magical realism as seen from the perspective of three tough girls. We want to go on adventures with Dad in the clouds too!
Love and War
Et driftssikkert og harmonisk scenarie, som giver et relevant indblik i almindelige menneskers liv og skæbne under Anden Verdenskrig. Scenariet er lettilgængeligt for spillere såvel som spilleder og giver dem alt det, de skal bruge, til at fortælle historien om de to unge pars oplevelser med krig og kærlighed, lykke og tragedie i krigens England.
A reliable and harmonious scenario that provides relevant insight into the lives and destinies of ordinary people during World War II. The scenario is easily accessible to players as well as the gamemaster and provides them with everything they need to tell the story of the two young couples' experiences of war and love, happiness and tragedy in wartime England.
A reliable and harmonious scenario that provides relevant insight into the lives and destinies of ordinary people during World War II. The scenario is easily accessible to players as well as the gamemaster and provides them with everything they need to tell the story of the two young couples' experiences of war and love, happiness and tragedy in wartime England.
Tåge over Neo Xin
Når Kommisær Allike kommer til Neo Xin for at jagte ulovlig AI-aktivitet, får spillerne lov til at boltre sig i en imponerende sandkasse blandt alle klasselag i megabyen. Et atypisk ensembledrama, med velfungerende investigation, hvor fortællingen ikke er givet på forhånd. Summen er i den grad større end sine enkeltdele.
When Detective Starling comes to Neo Xin to hunt down illegal AI activity, players are let loose in an impressive sandbox amidst all social classes of the megacity. An atypical ensemble drama, with well-functioning investigation where the story is not decided in advance. The sum is definitely greater than its individual parts.
When Detective Starling comes to Neo Xin to hunt down illegal AI activity, players are let loose in an impressive sandbox amidst all social classes of the megacity. An atypical ensemble drama, with well-functioning investigation where the story is not decided in advance. The sum is definitely greater than its individual parts.
Bedste Innovation
Feasting Fiends
Nomineres for brugen af dets "food line," og de simple men alligevel komplekse handlinger der manipulerer den. Det at spille Feasting Fiends er som at lære at spille et instrument med kun fire toner, men hvor tingene ikke har lyst til at spille sammen, og hvert træk kan ende i mislyd. Det du står tilbage med, er et væld af strategier og kædereaktioner, der gør ondt helt ind i spillernes hjerner, på den fede måde.
Is nominated for its use of the food line, and the simple, yet complicated actions that manipulate it. Playing Feasting Fiends is like learning to play a musical instrument with only four keys, yet the food line just doesn't want to play nice and every action can feel like the wrong note. What you are left with is a plethora of strategies and chain reactions that hurt the players' brains, in a good way.
Is nominated for its use of the food line, and the simple, yet complicated actions that manipulate it. Playing Feasting Fiends is like learning to play a musical instrument with only four keys, yet the food line just doesn't want to play nice and every action can feel like the wrong note. What you are left with is a plethora of strategies and chain reactions that hurt the players' brains, in a good way.
Amazing Lazy Merchants
Nomineres for at vende worker placement på hovedet. Et dynamisk bræt og stationære, måske endda helt forstenede arbejdere. Resultatet er en oplevelse, som til fulde lever op til spillets navn. Lige så snart spillet starter, bliver ethvert forsøg på at spille normal worker placement ødelagt, af de dovne arbejdere. Det kræver enorm indsats, bare for at få dem til at lave noget som helst brugbart.
Is nominated for turning worker placement on its head. A moving board and stationary, even sedentary, workers. The result: A game experience exactly like the title suggests. Once the game starts, any effort of trying to play a normal worker placement game is ruined by the lazy workers. Who require a massive effort, just to get them to do anything useful at all really...
Is nominated for turning worker placement on its head. A moving board and stationary, even sedentary, workers. The result: A game experience exactly like the title suggests. Once the game starts, any effort of trying to play a normal worker placement game is ruined by the lazy workers. Who require a massive effort, just to get them to do anything useful at all really...
Schrödingers kat
Nomineres for dets brug af metaspillet. Spillet i sig selv varer kun et par minutter, men man holder ikke op med at snakke om det, joke om det, og det bliver konstant bragt på banen. Spillet tager dets eget udfald og låser det inde i en æske. Vandt du spillet ved at åbne æsken en uge senere, eller sluttede spillet en uge tidligere, da du endte med at lade den være forblive låst? Måske?
Is nominated for using the meta-game as the game. While the game itself only lasted a couple of minutes, people couldn't stop talking about it, joking about it, and constantly mentioning it. The game takes its own outcome, and locks it away in a box. Do you win the game by opening the box a week later, or did the game end a week earlier, when you refused to open the box? Maybe?
Is nominated for using the meta-game as the game. While the game itself only lasted a couple of minutes, people couldn't stop talking about it, joking about it, and constantly mentioning it. The game takes its own outcome, and locks it away in a box. Do you win the game by opening the box a week later, or did the game end a week earlier, when you refused to open the box? Maybe?
Game Rush
Deltagernes Pris
Tingene i min fars hus(Delt andenplads)
Tåge over Neo Xin(Delt andenplads)
Dark Places(Tredjeplads)
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