Kristian Karlberg
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Feasting Fiends: Winner, Bedste Innovation
Nomineres for brugen af dets "food line," og de simple men alligevel komplekse handlinger der manipulerer den. Det at spille Feasting Fiends er som at lære at spille et instrument med kun fire toner, men hvor tingene ikke har lyst til at spille sammen, og hvert træk kan ende i mislyd. Det du står tilbage med, er et væld af strategier og kædereaktioner, der gør ondt helt ind i spillernes hjerner, på den fede måde.
Is nominated for its use of the food line, and the simple, yet complicated actions that manipulate it. Playing Feasting Fiends is like learning to play a musical instrument with only four keys, yet the food line just doesn't want to play nice and every action can feel like the wrong note. What you are left with is a plethora of strategies and chain reactions that hurt the players' brains, in a good way.
Is nominated for its use of the food line, and the simple, yet complicated actions that manipulate it. Playing Feasting Fiends is like learning to play a musical instrument with only four keys, yet the food line just doesn't want to play nice and every action can feel like the wrong note. What you are left with is a plethora of strategies and chain reactions that hurt the players' brains, in a good way.
Feasting Fiends: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
I Feasting Fiends bygger man et bånd af madvarer, der skal fodre en gruppe notorisk kræsne monstre. Med kun fire mulige handlinger på et givet tidspunkt, starter tingene simpelt nok, men snart viser mekanikerne sig at være djævelsk komplicerede. Og tingene bliver ikke lettere af, at din modstander også manipulerer det samme bånd og bliver ved med at kaste enorme mængder grus i maskineriet. Den bedste slags frustration, men samtidigt giver det også mulighed for en himmelsk følelse når det hele lige præcis passer sammen i et enkelt perfekt træk.
In Feasting Fiends, you construct a food line to feed a group of notoriously picky fiends. With only four available actions at any time, things start out simple and are easy to get into, but soon the machine turns out to be devilishly complicated, and things aren't helped by your opponent who is also manipulating the same food line, constantly throwing a wrench in your otherwise well laid out plans. The best kind of frustrating fun, but also that superb sense of satisfaction, when it all lines up for that one, perfect move.
In Feasting Fiends, you construct a food line to feed a group of notoriously picky fiends. With only four available actions at any time, things start out simple and are easy to get into, but soon the machine turns out to be devilishly complicated, and things aren't helped by your opponent who is also manipulating the same food line, constantly throwing a wrench in your otherwise well laid out plans. The best kind of frustrating fun, but also that superb sense of satisfaction, when it all lines up for that one, perfect move.
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Motu-Nui: Nominated, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Smukke vulkanøer skyder op, som spillet skrider frem og tager spillernes fantasi med til eksotiske egne. Spillet er nomineret fordi det med læsevenlige formuleringer, gode billeder og opsummeringer i regelbogen gør at spillet er tilgængeligt og nemt at få sat op. Samtidig understøttes reglerne af player aids i form af kort og oversigter på brættet, som med sin ikonografi giver et relevant og tydeligt overblik. Alt er lavet med sans for detaljer som hele tiden understøtter at spillet får det bedst mulige flow.
Beautiful volcano islands emerge as the game progresses, taking players' imaginations to exotic places. The game is nominated because of the easy-to-read wording, good images, and summaries in the rulebook, it makes the game accessible and easy to set up. Additionally, the rules are supported by player aids in the form of cards and overviews on the board, which with its iconography provide a relevant and clear overview. Everything is made with attention to detail that continually supports the game to get the best possible flow.
Beautiful volcano islands emerge as the game progresses, taking players' imaginations to exotic places. The game is nominated because of the easy-to-read wording, good images, and summaries in the rulebook, it makes the game accessible and easy to set up. Additionally, the rules are supported by player aids in the form of cards and overviews on the board, which with its iconography provide a relevant and clear overview. Everything is made with attention to detail that continually supports the game to get the best possible flow.
Motu-Nui: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
I Motu-Nui bygger du din egen stillehavsø, efterhånden som den vokser under dig. Spillet kombinerer gnidningsfrit tema og mekanik i en inspirerende spiloplevelse, der kræver både bygge-fokus og placerings-snilde, samt overblik over lagene, når du langsomt bevæger dig mod himlen midt i dét der før var tomt hav. Brugen af bambus-tokens, som er tematisk on point, gør at spillet bliver tredimensionelt, løfter spiloplevelsen og spillet op på et højere niveau, hvor man efter hvert spil ønsker at spille spillet en gang til. Motu-Nui er en fornøjelse at spille og der er hver gang en glæde ved at se hvor kreativt man kan bygge sin ø op.
In Motu-Nui, you build your own Pacific island as it grows beneath you. The game seamlessly combines theme and mechanics into an inspiring gaming experience that requires both building focus and placement cunning, as well as an overview of the layers as you slowly move towards the sky in what was once an empty sea. The use of bamboo tokens, which are thematically on point, makes the game three-dimensional, elevating the gaming experience to a higher level where you want to play the game again after each play. Motu-Nui is a joy to play and there is always a pleasure in seeing how creatively you can build your island.
In Motu-Nui, you build your own Pacific island as it grows beneath you. The game seamlessly combines theme and mechanics into an inspiring gaming experience that requires both building focus and placement cunning, as well as an overview of the layers as you slowly move towards the sky in what was once an empty sea. The use of bamboo tokens, which are thematically on point, makes the game three-dimensional, elevating the gaming experience to a higher level where you want to play the game again after each play. Motu-Nui is a joy to play and there is always a pleasure in seeing how creatively you can build your island.
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Consumed by Darkness: Nominated, Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
The game is nominated for a single mechanic, not a shining light in this case, but perhaps the darkest bit of glorious shade to be had in this wonderfully dreary dungeon crawler.
The Darkness Abilities provide one of the best catch-up mechanics in modern board gaming, making embracing the Overlord’s ‘gifts’ almost tempting- if nothing else so that you can turn around and beat them harder in the next scenario.
The players are never in doubt about really getting into the thick of it in each of the relatively short and sweet scenarios- in the best case, they get to behead a baddie or five, and in the worst, they end up with a new slew of evil abilities. Of course, the Overlord isn’t opposed to giving the powers out either- after all, what else but power to corrupt the heroes to their core?
The Darkness Abilities provide one of the best catch-up mechanics in modern board gaming, making embracing the Overlord’s ‘gifts’ almost tempting- if nothing else so that you can turn around and beat them harder in the next scenario.
The players are never in doubt about really getting into the thick of it in each of the relatively short and sweet scenarios- in the best case, they get to behead a baddie or five, and in the worst, they end up with a new slew of evil abilities. Of course, the Overlord isn’t opposed to giving the powers out either- after all, what else but power to corrupt the heroes to their core?
SAGA Protospiel Stockholm (2025)
Mission Viator: Nominated, Städet - Bästa tyngre spel (Finalist)
Speltesta prototyper av brädspel! | (2024) | Organizer |
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