Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Sted: Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Hobro, Danmark 🗺️
Dato: 27. - 31. mars 2024
Del av: Fastaval
Om kongressen:
Æresgæst: Rita Modl
🐧 Fastaval 2024 - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin 🐧
[English below]
Snart er det tid til Fastaval - Danmarks største rollespils- og brætspilskongres! Fastaval er et årligt arrangement, hvor spilentusiaster samles om deres fælles interesser. En enestående mulighed for at skabe minder for livet! 🎉
🎲 🎭 Hvad kan du opleve på Fastaval?
Til Fastaval kan du deltage til nye rollespil og brætspil og et væld af andre aktiviteter. Vi har samlet en oversigt over de spændende ting du kan forvente:
✅ 20 Designerbrætspil
✅ 29 Premiererollespil
✅ Workshops, talks m.m.
✅ Brætspilscafé med over 400 brætspil
✅ Diverse salgssteder og butikker
Vi er ekstra heldige at have årets æresgæst, Rita Modl, med os i år. Glæd dig til en fascinerende samtale om, hvordan man går fra hobbydesigner, til udgivet designer.
📌 Hvor og hvornår?
Dato: D. 27. marts - 1. april 2024
Location: Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Amerikavej 5, 9500 Hobro
💥 Tilmelding til Fastaval
Tilmeldingen åbner den 1. februar, og du har indtil den 23. februar til at tilføje mad, wear og aktiviteter. Efter denne dato kan du stadig tilmelde dig indgang og overnatning, men desværre ikke ovenstående. I år arrangerer Fastaval en bus for deltagere fra København til Hobro. Dette kan tilføjes i tilmeldingen, men pladserne bliver tildelt først-til-mølle.
Hvis du tilmelder dig efter den 23. februar eller køber en billet i døren, kan du stadig deltage og nyde arrangementet ved at besøge vores åbne programpunkter, brætspilscafé, tilmelde dig aktiviteter via Reservekøen og nyde godt af vores salgssteder.
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🤩 Vi glæder os til at se dig til en uforglemmelig oplevelse på Fastaval 2024! 👋🏼
🐧 Fastaval 2024 - Otto & the Quest for the Golden Penguin 🐧
Soon it's time for Fastaval - Denmark's largest role-playing and board game convention! Fastaval is an annual event where roleplaying and games enthusiasts come together to share their common interests. An outstanding opportunity to create memories for a lifetime! 🎉
🎲 🎭 What can you experience at Fastaval?
At Fastaval, you can participate in new scenarios and board games, along with a multitude of other activities. We have compiled an overview of the exciting things you can expect:
✅ 20 Designer Board Games
✅ 29 Premiere Scenarios
✅ Workshops, talks, and more
✅ Board Game Café with over 400 board games
✅ Various vendors and shops
We are especially fortunate to have this year's guest of honor, Rita Modl, with us. Look forward to a fascinating conversation about the journey from hobby designer to published designer.
📌 When and Where?
Date: March 27 - April 1, 2024
Location: Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Amerikavej 5, 9500 Hobro
💥 Sign up for Fastaval
Sign-up opens on February 1, and you have until February 23 to add food, wear, and activities. After this date, you can still sign-up for entry and accommodation, but unfortunately not the above-mentioned. This year, Fastaval is organising a bus for participants from Copenhagen to Hobro, which can be added during sign-up, with seats allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you sign-up after February 23 or purchase a ticket at the door, you can still participate and enjoy the event by attending our open program points, the board game café, signing up for activities via the Reserve Queue, and taking advantage of our vendors.
📣 Stay Updated!
Read more about Fastaval on our website:
Do you have any questions? Write to us at
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Feel free to share your Fastaval joy with all of us by tagging @Fastaval and using #fastaval2024.
🤩 We look forward to seeing you for an unforgettable experience at Fastaval 2024! 👋🏼
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Folkene bag idé og opstart af Ottos Kaffekro
Der var engang, hvor man mellem sine planlagte aktiviteter drev rundt på Fastavals lange gange som en hvileløs zombie med en kop virkelig ringe kolbekaffe i sin hånd. Men så fik nogle mennesker en vidunderlig ide og omdannede den triste sal til det, der i dag er Fastavals kærlige, bankende hjerte: Ottos Kaffekro summer af liv og varme. Det er et sted, hvor venlig betjening kombineres med udlån af hyggelige brætspil, sofagrupper til snak og et fælles puslespil, hvor du kan møde nye venner. Kaffekroen samler alle aldre. Det er både åndehullet, hvor man smutter hen, når man har brug for en pause, og når man spontant får lyst til at se, om der er nogen at lege med. Frem for alt er Kaffekroen et tiltrængt, alkoholfrit hyggealternativ til Oasen og baren på Fastaval.
Den binder os sammen på en helt anden måde end i de lidt mindre gode gamle dage, og fra komitteen lyder et kæmpe TAK med denne nominering.
Once upon a time people used to drift around the long corridors of Fastaval between scheduled activities like restless zombies with cups of poor quality filter coffee in hand. But then some people had a wonderful idea and transformed the sad hall into what is today the loving, beating heart of Fastaval: Otto’s Coffee Inn buzzes with life and warmth. It's a place where friendly service, board game lending, sofa groups for chatting, and a communal jigsaw puzzle perfect for meeting new friends all blend together. The Coffee Inn welcomes patrons of all ages. It's both the breather you head to when you need a break, and the hub from where you find your next companions in play. Above all, the Coffee Inn is a much-needed, alcohol-free cozy alternative to the Oasis and the bar at Fastaval.
It unites us in a different way than in slightly olden days, and the committee would like to say a huge THANK YOU alongside this nomination.
Kathrine Lindequist Abel
De seneste år har hun også dannet forstanderpar med Sebastian Nemeth på sommerskolen ’Orkerne Kommer’ og skabt mere fokus på bordrollespil og det at skrive Fastavalscenarier. Hun har i samme omgang arbejdet målrettet på at lade de unge spillere få positive oplevelser med at være spilledere, så de på sigt også tør tage dette vigtige ansvar blandt folk, de ikke kender, og skabe deres egne nye relationer – for eksempel på Fastaval. Kathrine er altid grundig, omhyggelig og ordentlig.
Hun missionerer ikke Fastaval, men går ud i verden og smitter den med sin lysende kærlighed til kongressen. Derfor nominerer vi hende med glæde til en Æresotto.
Roleplaying is undoubtedly a lot more enjoyable when experienced with others, since another person's imagination elevates and challenges your own. At the same time, new relations can be a bit overwhelming when one is new and/or young at Fastaval. That’s why it's super fantastic that we have a person like Kathrine Lindequist Abel to show the way. Beyond her great work at Fastaval, she shows this through her podcast Larping out Loud, where she, in collaboration with Katrine Wind, previously has put Fastaval in focus and gone into detail about the scenario field and Fastaval's somewhat unique way of writing scenarios.
In recent years, she has also formed a headmaster pair with Sebastian Nemeth at the summer school 'Orkerne Kommer' and given it more focus on tabletop roleplaying and writing Fastaval scenarios. At the same time, she has worked diligently to allow young players to have positive experiences as game masters, so that they eventually dare to take on this important responsibility among people they don't know and create their own new relations – for example, at Fastaval.
Kathrine is always thorough, careful, and proper. She doesn't zealously promote Fastaval, but goes out into the world and infects it with her radiant love for the convention. Therefore, we happily nominate her for an Honorary Otto.
Mads Fløe
Når vi kigger udenfor Fastaval, har Mads blandt andet været medskaber af Designers Retreat, en weekend, hvor spildesignere kan arbejde og sparre med andre om deres idéer, og hvor man igen oplever Mads’ vidunderlige evne til at fejre andres succeser. Det har også været vigtigt for ham at give designmiljøet en samlet platform. Det er sket gennem Facebook-gruppen “Spildesign - Brætspil”, der har over 2.700 medlemmer på tværs af landet.
Vi nominerer Mads for at være en hjælpsom og engageret dynamo for nye designtalenter i dansk brætspil.
Board game design has over the years become an increasingly important part of Fastaval's core services, and Mads Fløe has dedicated a large portion of his energy to making both playing and designing board games a more enjoyable experience. Since 2016, he has been an innovator, judge, and organizer of the Game Rush competition, which allows participants to test their skills in board game design over two days. Many new design talents have received valuable encouragement and effective sparring on their own terms through Mads.
Looking outside of Fastaval, Mads has, among other things, been a co-creator of Designer’s Retreat, a weekend where game designers can work and collaborate with others on their ideas, showcasing Mads' wonderful ability to celebrate others' successes. It has also been important for him to provide the design community with a unified platform. This has been achieved through the Facebook group "Spildesign - Brætspil," which has over 2,700 members across the country.
We nominate Mads for being a helpful and dedicated dynamo for new design talents in Danish board games.
Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski
Det samme gør sig gældende i hendes arbejde i såvel Hovedarrangørgruppen som Alea: hun bygger broer og møder alle med respekt. Marie fremstår som en ambassadør på tværs af vores siloer, og hun er aldrig bange for at tage den svære samtale eller for at mægle mellem stridende parter.
Vi nominerer Marie til en Æresotto for bevidst at binde både rollespilsdanmark og Fastaval tættere sammen og hjælpe os til at rumme og elske alle afkroge af vores vidunderlige fællesskab.
Both roleplaying and board games are inherently inclusive hobbies. Even so, at Fastaval we still have a tendency to cluster into echo chambers. The antidote to this counterproductive formation of cliques is Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski. Marie is the kind of person you can entrust with any responsibility at Fastaval without hesitation, knowing she will excel at it. She is a rare and valuable blend of being active as both a game designer, author, and hands-on organizer and facilitator. When she writes scenarios, she typically aims to create the kinds of narratives that bring people together across ages and affiliations.
The same applies to her work both as a main organizer and board member in Alea: she builds bridges and meets everyone with respect. Marie shines as an ambassador across our silos, and she is never afraid to have the difficult conversation or to mediate between conflicting parties. We nominate Marie for an Honorary Otto for consciously binding both the Danish roleplaying scene and Fastaval closer together and helping us to embrace and love every corner of our wonderful community.
Karen Bech Sørensen
Frem for noget har Karen været en modig murbrækker for et nyt syn på blandt andet kønsidentitet og alder. Hun har venligt og vedholdende stillet spørgsmål til Fastavals gamle magtstrukturer, insisteret på, at generationskløften findes, og fået os til at være en mere rummelig og imødekommende institution med fokus på vores gæsters tryghed og på at skabe plads til andre nye, unge kræfter.
For denne imponerende murbrækkerindsats nominerer vi Karen til en Æresotto.
Sometimes a very special kind of person shows up in the engine room of Fastaval. A person who has an eye for the structures that support the entire organization, and for how the perception of Fastaval itself can be altered for everyone's benefit. Karen Bech Sørensen is such a person. First, she helped revive the Info as Fastaval's competent, unifying focal point. Then she took the lead and forefront of Fastaval as general for three years, and now she sits on Alea's board while modernizing the channels of communication.
Above all, Karen has been an important pioneer for a new perspective on gender identity and age, among other things. She has kindly and persistently questioned Fastaval's old power structures, insisted that the generation gap exists, and made us a more inclusive and welcoming institution focused on our guests' safety and on making room for new, young organizing talents.
For this impressive pioneering effort, we nominate Karen for an Honorary Otto.
Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Iconography and aesthetics go hand in hand in a simple yet easily recognizable universe where pastel colours reign. Mechanics and theme are inseparable, creating a cohesive, fun game that is easy to approach and effortless to engage with.
Shouting ‘the Queen is dead!’ into a ravaged battlefield and watching tense faces relax is always satisfying, and the Rules of Honor make sure that when things go wrong- as they always do when slinging cubes into and out of battle- you’re never in doubt about who needs to do what and where the game is heading.
The rules are quick and easy to teach, but have new depths to find in the various Special Features involved, and leave you wanting to play it again after finishing a game- though perhaps after catching your breath with a cup of chamomile tea and a blanket beforehand.
Mole Racing
Conveying rules in such a way is a challenge, but Mole Racing delivers and guides you easily and faithfully into your racing car, as if they were guiding a blind mole.
The game is accessible to every type of player, and even through its veneer of childlike simplicity, everyone will be able to find their own fun in a game of Mole Racing- be it trying to build a wall of stopped cars in front of a leading player, or being an astute judge of every crash and bump the other players endure.
The presentation is astute, on point, and leads you directly into crashes and laughter alike.
Perils of the Deep
With a high attention to detail around the game components you easily find yourself submerged in the role as a captain of a pirate ship embarking on new adventures and treasure hunts.
The overall quality of the game almost makes you wonder whether the game is actually store-bought, and the rules are well structured with simple, recognisable icons and examples making for a fully enjoyable player experience.
When your salty crew has struggled its way through the last expedition, you’ll find yourself having a hard time resisting the siren song of another round.
Railforge: Recycle, Resettle!
The iconography is recognizable and utilitarian, and all the way through you feel assured that you’re playing the game exactly as intended- the rules acting as a steady hand guiding you through the game.
Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
The mechanic is as central to the game as the three prominent families are to the Lunar Nexus itself, and forces the players to make choices not only based on their own preferences, but also on what will benefit the co-playes the least.
The use of black and white meeples to grant actions to both the Active and Inactive players is both elegant and exciting, and makes each turn interesting to all players.
In Bohemians, all choices and omissions are tied together by the Hardships added to one's deck. Whether you receive Hardships due to an active choice or sabotage, such as losing your job- or simply because you've been too sparing in expanding your deck- they have a significant influence on your future choices. Some hardships even spread, and they are all incredibly thematic, weaving into the narrative of your artist’s life and persona.
Hardships may initially appear secondary, but quickly one realizes they are an undeniable condition in the lives of struggling artists in the streets of Paris.
Consumed by Darkness
The Darkness Abilities provide one of the best catch-up mechanics in modern board gaming, making embracing the Overlord’s ‘gifts’ almost tempting- if nothing else so that you can turn around and beat them harder in the next scenario.
The players are never in doubt about really getting into the thick of it in each of the relatively short and sweet scenarios- in the best case, they get to behead a baddie or five, and in the worst, they end up with a new slew of evil abilities. Of course, the Overlord isn’t opposed to giving the powers out either- after all, what else but power to corrupt the heroes to their core?
Both taking all-important actions and the possibility of grabbing the initiative for the crucial Delivery Phase mean that the players are always engaging in a strange sort of race, trying to fulfill their plans and foil their opponents. The skill ceiling for engaging with the system is sky-high, and promises depths of learning for even experienced players.
The mechanics that make it possible for you to play this with as many friends and foes as you want, is what makes this game shine in this category- you can play the game with a theoretically infinite amount of players.
It makes even the position of general an uncertain factor in your victory as you will have to accept that any one game can have many generals with many different goals and missions- or just a plain old desire to zap you into stardust.
Bedste brætspil
Perils of the Deep
Age of Antpires is an hour-long war for territory, eggs, and- sometimes- wonderful wonderful sausages. It gets the adrenaline pumping, the cubes flying and the ants dying with remarkable efficiency, being easy to teach and easier to get invested in.
The game fits its hour-long game time like a glove, leaving you in a daze wondering where the time went. As the stakes increase and the Special Features complicate the game state bit by bit, the whole thing resolves into a marvellous final round where all bets are off and no ant is safe.
The game manages to set the stage for players' narratives to unfold, offering various choices along the way: should I keep my job? Spread or cure my syphilis? Indulge in love in the morning or in the evening?
The questions and their answers shape the story at the heart of Bohemians. Every choice has consequences reverberating through the Routines of every player. Art spreads through the community as Inspiration strikes in ebbs and flows, but in the end only one Bohemian will make their way into the history books.
Mole Racing
With straightforward rules and easily understandable mechanics, this game promises, and delivers, easy and repeatable fun.
Railforge: Recycle, Resettle!
Eurogame-experience in a shorter timeframe, which opens up the game to a broad audience in terms of complexity and play time.
All the elements of the game fit the overall theme, and the components as well as the mechanics smoothly deliver exactly what is promised as you forge your way through the garbage wasteland to settle yourself on the top of the point track.
Bedste Formidling
We are guided convincingly through both the enticing and the toxic sides of equestrian sports, and the stark tone of the text establishes a feeling of a documentary narrative. Well-chosen photos support the theme of alienation. The scene prompts help guide the game master through the story without getting lost.
Paintings, ethereal layout and beautiful flowers come together to create an aesthetic and sensuous reading experience. The text is full of vibrant descriptions that give a sense of both the prison around the women and the freedom found in the art. In contrast to the opulent rococo universe, there is nothing superfluous in the text
Kvinden, der gik i tusind stykker
A difficult affliction is described soberly and effectively in a thoroughly well-written text. All information is provided in the right order and the game master is well equipped to handle the mechanics of the scenario. The evocative paintings support the theme of the scenario and provide a unique perspective on the psychology of the main character.
The Road to Babel
The voice of the narrative oozes Appalachia and perfectly sets the mood of the scenario, all while it helpfully guides the players through an ambitious and complex journey. The aphasia is effectively communicated through the layout and even the names of the inhabitants of Babel have hidden meaning.
The inspiring text captivates the reader from the first page and keeps them reading to the end. The game master is equipped for drama and action, and the dark future comes alive as society and technology is viewed through the mirror shades of the 80s. A grand scenario is conveyed both effectively and evocatively and we would love to keep on reading.
Bedste Fortælling
As time passes, the riding instructor’s assaults against the four girls unfold, and there is no-one there to help them. Through tightly crafted interview scenes, the players collectively speak forth their personal tragedies. At the end, the girls finally have a chance to take a stand, but even then the trials and the aftermath might turn out to be just another hell to live through.
We follow a year’s passing in a collective with all its dramas, great and small. The small, moody photographs provide the players with inspiration needed to pick the themes and conflicts they want to explore. The interjection of flashes of everyday life ensure that no conflict ever dominates, but when the year is over the fate of the collective has been sealed.
Four young men are dragged deeper and deeper into a twisted world of honor, desire and rivalry, as they live lonely lives in the empty rooms and halls of the student brotherhood. Gradually they break down each others bodies and souls, but only at the end of the war does the Veil fall and the full realization hits them.
The Road to Babel
Mystery, madness and witchcraft fills a fragmented tale of a small community in the desolate mountains. As the mysterious protagonist regains their vocabulary, the players carve out more and more freedom to create. The narrative voices intertwine when the writer, narrator, players and whispers all address each other.
In the glare of neon light four replicants put their very identity on the line in their work as the last guardians against corruption and decay. Between missions and fights with the Yakuza, the replicants are challenged on their sense of self and right to exist. Gradually the brutality of the system the characters enforce is revealed, but in the end they have the chance to win the freedom to choose.
Bedste Virkemidler
Mindernes slagmark
The trippy duels of memories are the driving force of the scenario, through which the characters' tragic backstories are explored and reinterpreted. Through physical contact and ritual phrases, the characters are reminded that their arch-enemies are also the ones they love the most, and any victory will be hollow and heartbreaking.
A cornucopia of techniques that support the sensuous feel of the scenario. The painting scenes allow for eroticism and self-realization, while the women must restrain themselves at Wintershill, where someone is always watching. There is only room for small glimpses of longing, and even those must give way to the Duke's insistent knocking.
Kærlighedsbreve mellem en nonne og en ridder
Through monologues, the main characters send letters to each other and get the opportunity to share their thoughts and overcome the distance between them. With cunning, medical skill, and jousting, players can shape the story, but there is a price to pay. Because if your fate seems sealed, only a broken oath can save you.
Saxos Bog
With the help of a skillful workshop, players are safely and gently guided into this boundary-pushing and demanding scenario. Even when instructions are impossible, there is meaning and purpose. Using predicaments, players and characters are introduced to power dynamics drawn from BDSM and aided by a thorough alibi. And don’t forget to praise your players, even when they fail a simple reading.
The Road to Babel
The techniques tie together a GM-less code-breaking and storytelling scenario in impressive fashion. Players agree to the essential narrative rules that ensure the codes are solved in the right order. As the unique narrative emerges, the landscape is shaped through the map which the players draw. There is just the right level of difficulty, hints and gradual introduction to both code types and narrative style.
Bedste Roller
When your personality consists of programming, artificial memories and the lived experiences of other, existential questions abound. Can you trust your own emotions? What does it mean to be human? The replicants must individually decide if they are just their function or they are a real person, and the players are pulled with them into that doubt.
The Women at Wintershill are tied together by the snaring bonds of patriarchy and a shared love of art. The Duke fights for control with the capricious Artemesia, who has stepped into the mundane world to free the women. What kind of life will they get to live when the painting is done and the magic circle is broken?
The four girls are at different stages of the transition from child to adult, and they each come from wildly different backgrounds and with different vulnerabilities. But they still all fight furiously to realize their dreams. The love of horses binds them together, but that is also what forces them into the arms of an abuser that might crush their wills and turn them into accomplices.
As a student you don’t always know what you want and that doubt is convincingly and relatably portrayed through the inhabitants of the collective. Even their weaknesses are described with love, so that we never lose touch with them, even when they fail. The lists of things that get on their nerves is a both entertaining and effective source for the tiny conflicts that arise in a collective.
The four fraternity initiates are simultaneously vulnerable and decrepit. Each in turn hides secrets that may gradually be uncovered and exploited. The young men are all off balance and thus easy victims of the Order’s indoctrination, internal rivalry and the mysterious creature that moves around the house.
Bedste Scenarie
Grooming and abuse in equestrian sports is portrayed with uncompromising realism and the players are invited to explore the unequal power dynamics. The four girls are all victims, but the scenario isolates them, so they are all left heartbreakingly alone. A thoroughly nasty scenario delivered with resounding credibility.
With seductive brush strokes the fate of the three women is momentarily painted from the same palette. All parts of the scenario contribute to an ambitious insight into how the women find ways to express their dreams and desires through art. But the demands of reality invariably intrude to underscore the limits to the womens’ everyday agency.
Kærlighedsbreve mellem en nonne og en ridder
High Medieval Arthurian romance is flairfully brought to life in a gripping drama where two knights and two nuns are separated by both conflicts and distance. Love jousts against fidelity as Mordred’s lackeys threaten the convent and the four main characters must choose what is most important to them.
Mindernes slagmark
Music, dance and panting become deadly weapons in the grandiose fantasy drama. As tensions gradually rise the players’ toolkit is expanded, so they can dial the pathos all the way up. The sorcery is both terrible and fantastical, and when the duel of memories is over, only one is left standing on the field of battle.
The dystopian 80s sci-fi world is a captivating setting that contains both relationship drama at sleazy synth dives and breakneck chases through overpopulated city districts. Beneath it all lurks subjects like identity, existence and justice. The players are given the freedom to put the emphasis on different aspects as the experience gets tailored to the group like a replicant to its task.
Juryens Specialpris
Brødrene fra Broløs
Broløs and the surrounding area is an utterly charming Jutlandic version of Olsen Banden. The village is populated by a diverse cast of recognizable characters with home-baking, licorice and four chimneys. The Jutlandic-sounding recording of the characters supports the local spirit, and if a Copenhagener dared to venture into the text, there’s a thorough guide to life in the countryside. “Så det…”
Kvinden, der gik i tusind stykker
In the story of Pil, there are clear rules for how the body is controlled. When Wolfgang appears, the rules are broken and both the characters and players lose control. The appearance of an unknown and threatening personality in the scenario is a radical change that disrupts the dynamics of the game.
Soktopia is a world populated by sock puppets with strong personalities. They are silly and over-the-top in many ways, but that is exactly why they’re so fantastic. Once the players put on the sock puppets, they can make out, shake their sock butts and hop in the dryer with their partner. The socks are ready to ‘’Love your socks off’’ in this reality-TV scenario filled with wacky and socktastic jokes.
Prognose: Ragnarok
Norse mythology is transformed into an epic space setting where biomods and implants mark the almost-familiar gods, habits and giants. V_LVE, Fenris-GNDR, Frey-Freya and Thyor are just some of the mythologically reimagined creatures we meet, as well as the quantum-being Hel rising from the realm of the dead and the shipwreck G1-M13 that might save humanity. The intricate details and love of mythology are everywhere you look.
Sagnet om Vaulunds hævn
With rough lines, photocopier and cut-and-paste, the scenario oozes pure punk. When the game master and the players get their hands on the illustrations, it inspires raw play, where the Iron Age takes on the feel of the mythical 80s.
Den Gyldne Svupper
Percy og Hoodi
Deltagernes Pris, Brætspil
Mole Racing(Førstepladsen)
Bohemians(Andenpladsen )
Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil
Brødrene fra Broløs(Tredjepladsen)
Game Rush
Aftensmadsansvarlig | Eike Worninger | |
Brætspilsansvarlig | Allan Kirkeby | |
Brætspilsansvarlig | Bjarke Thomsen | |
Brætspilsansvarlig | Martin Lindhardt | |
Brætspilsansvarlig | Rikke Munchkin Sørensen | |
Brætspilsottodommer | Anne Lykke Pedersen | |
Brætspilsottodommer | Kathrine Abel | |
Brætspilsottodommer | Pax Meier | |
Brætspilsottodommer | Tue Sønderby | |
Brætspilsottooverdommer | Steen Bach Hansen | |
Fastaval IT | Mads Heimdal Thy | |
Fastaval IT | Mikkel Westh | |
Game Rush arrangør & dommer | Mads Fløe | |
Game Rush Dommer | Erik Andersson Sundén | |
Game Rush Dommer | Rita Modl | |
General | Martin Andreas Dahl Sinding | |
Grafik og wear | Denise Brødløs Færge | |
Grafik og wear | Ferdinand Brødløs | |
Grafik og wear | Sebastian Nemeth | |
Heltestyrkeansvarlig | Christoffer Nissen | |
Heltestyrkeansvarlig | Magnus Keiding | |
Holdlægger | Anders Frost Bertelsen | |
Holdlægger | Simon Steen Hansen | |
Hovedarrangør | Johannes Madsen | |
Hovedarrangør | Mathias Rytter | |
Hovedarrangør | Mikkel Bistrup Andersen | |
Hovedarrangør | Ozzy Ashkam Jensen | |
Hovedarrangør | Paul Sinding | |
Hygiejneansvarlig | Eike Worninger | |
Infoboss | Frederik Feldbak | |
Infoboss | Mathias Hugo Jensen | |
Infoboss | Minik Lund Olsen | |
Infonaut | Carla Gunness | |
Infonaut | Freya Éowyn Kobberø Chapman | |
Infonaut | Harry Miriam Isabel Rasmussen | |
Infonaut | Joe Ratzer | |
Infonaut | Lasse K. Mathiesen | |
Infonaut | Liam Tortellini | |
Infonaut | Lærke Jespersen | |
Infonaut | Mads Havshøj | |
Infonaut | Maria Havshøj | |
Infonaut | Michael Gärtner Nielsen | |
Infonaut | Moxxie Nellemann | |
Infonaut | Nynne Brandt | |
Infonaut | Ole Alfred Termansen | |
Infonaut | Regitse Jensen | |
Infonaut | Sam Rottebarn | |
Infonaut | Sigrid Stenkilde Lynæs | |
Infonaut | Thomas Valdemar Graae | |
Kaffekroansvarlig | Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer | |
Kaffekroansvarlig | Line Ørbech Sadolin | |
Kaffekrotjener | Selina Foli-Andersen | |
Kommunikation | Maya B. Hindsberg | |
Kommunikation | Oliver Lykke Birkmann | |
Kommunikationsansvarlig | Karen Bech Sørensen | |
Morgenmadsansvarlig | Sam Worninger | |
Ottoproduktion | Mads Havshøj | |
Scenarie skrivning konkurrence arrangør | Kamilla Kate Brichs | |
Scenarie skrivning konkurrence dommere | Kamilla Kate Brichs | |
Scenarie skrivning konkurrence dommere | Mads Egedal Kirchhoff | |
Scenarie skrivning konkurrence dommere | Sebastian Nemeth | |
Scenarie skrivning konkurrence medarrangør | Peter Brichs | |
Scenarieansvarlig | Danny Meyer Wilson | |
Scenarieansvarlig | Nina Runa Essendrop | |
Scenarieottodommer | Amalie Holmstrøm Sichlau | |
Scenarieottodommer | Anders Frost Bertelsen | |
Scenarieottodommer | Cecilie Balling | |
Scenarieottodommer | Henrik Dithmer | |
Scenarieottodommer | Ida Tjell | |
Scenarieottooverdommer | Anna Sigrid Pii Aunkilde | |
Sildesalat | Martin Lindhardt | |
Sildesalat | Tim Slumstrup Aunkilde | |
Speaker (Boardgame Designer Talks) | Asger Harding Granerud | |
Speaker (Boardgame Designer Talks) | Bastian Borup | |
Speaker (Boardgame Designer Talks) | Chris Backe | |
Speaker (Boardgame Designer Talks) | Jacob D. Jaskov | |
Speaker (Boardgame Designer Talks) | Rita Modl | |
Spillederansvarlig | Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski | |
Spillederansvarlig | Thor Fejerskov Jensen | |
Spilstartsansvarlig | Marie Wolfsberg Oscilowski | |
Tryghedsvært | Alberte Kvante | |
Tryghedsvært | Jesper Wøldiche | |
Tryghedsvært | Ole Sørensen | |
Tryghedsvært | Simon Steen Hansen | |
Tryghedsvært | Viktor Clasen | |
TV | Benedicte Würtz Uhrenholt | |
TV | Ingrid Kaaber Pors | |
TV | Julie Lykke Choi | |
TV | Kiara Cederfeldt Mendes | |
TV | Maxine Birk Fredberg Cederstrand | |
Ungdom | Andreas Hykkelbjerg Hertz | |
Æresottodommer | Joe Ratzer | |
Æresottodommer | Mads Havshøj | |
Æresottodommer | Mathias Oliver Christensen | |
Æresottodommer | Nicolai Strøm Steffensen | |
Æresottooverdommer | Maya Krone | |
Æresottooverdommer | Mette Finderup |
- Scenarieskrivningskonkurrence: Scenarieskrivningskonkurrence 2024
- TV: Ingenmandslandsholdet
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