Deltakere: 2-4 players
Jasper de Lange |
Strejf rundt i Paris’ gader, tag på romantiske eskapader og bekæmp din opium afhængighed, alt sammen i kunstens og inspirationens navn. Bohemerne var en excentrisk flok: de idealiserede fattigdom for at opnå kunstnerisk frihed, og gik imod strømmen af det industrialiserende samfund. Dette deckbuilding-spil giver dig muligheden for at leve livet som boheme kunstner. Forsøg at ændre verden med din kunst, alt imens du lider under tidens barske udfordringer og realiteter.
Bohemians er et kompetitivt deckbuilding-spil om den parisiske kunstscene før begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. Det var tiden hvor ikoniske kunstnere, som Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Rodin og Oscar Wilde levede, blandt mange andre. Verdens første caféer har netop åbnet deres døre, så folk og fæ fra alle samfundslag kan mødes i det offentlige, for at diskutere og blande kunstens, filosofiens og politikkens verden. Mens den almindelige mands fantasi er betaget af ankomsten af moderne opfindelser, som den elektriske pære, længtes bohemerne efter et anderledes, mere simpelt liv. Et liv hvor de er frie til at forfølge deres kunstneriske drømme. Inspireret af historier om vagabonder, excentrikere og nomadiske vandrere, stræber bohemerne efter et liv i fattigdom og kreativitet.
Under spillet indtager spillerne rollen som boheme kunstnere og forsøger at ændre verden, og dem selv, gennem kunsten. Hver runde repræsenterer, ret bogstaveligt, en ”almindelig dag” i livet som kunstner: kortene i din hånd viser vaner og mulige handlinger, som du kan udføre. Hvilke handlinger og hvordan du sætter dem sammen, afgør hvor meget inspiration du får ud af din dag. Inspiration kan da blive brugt til at ændre dine vaner til det bedre, tiltrække muser eller skabe kunst. Undervejs må spillerne også vælge mellem at håndtere pligterne der følger med et dagsjob, eller friheden, men også fattigdommen, der følger et liv i arbejdsløshed. Modgangskort repræsenterer problemerne i den enkeltes kunstners liv, herunder psykiske lidelser, social isolation og økonomiske kriser. Ved at skabe kunst, kan spillerne helbrede deres lidelser, inspirere andre og, i sidste ende, vinde spillet ved at efterlade et definitivt spor på verdenshistorien.
Trigger warning/advarsel: dette spil forsøger at skildre historiske kunstneres realistiske udfordringer og livsvalg. Derfor indeholder det referencer til emner som psykisk sygdom, seksuelt overførte sygdomme, afhængighed og prostitution.
Wander the streets of Paris, disappear on romantic escapades, and fight your opium addiction, all in the name of art and inspiration. The Bohemians were an eccentric lot: idealizing poverty to achieve artistic freedom, against the stream of industrializing society. This deckbuilding game lets you live the life of a Bohemian artist. Try to change the world through your art, while suffering the real-life challenges of artists at the time.
Bohemians is a competitive deckbuilding game about the Parisian art scene before the turn of the twentieth century. It is the time of Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Rodin and Oscar Wilde, among so many others. The first-ever cafés have just opened their doors, allowing characters from all walks of life to meet in public, discussing and cross-pollinating the worlds of art, philosophy and politics. While the mainstream imagination is captivated by the advent of modern inventions like electric light, the Bohemians yearn for a different, more simple kind of life in which they are free to pursue their artistic dreams. Inspired by stories of vagabonds, eccentrics and nomadic wanderers, they aspire to a life of poverty and creativity.
During the game, players take on the role of Bohemian artists, trying to change the world and themselves through art. Each turn represents a typical 'day in the life' in a quite literal sense: the cards in your hand show habits, possible actions that you can take. Which actions you choose and how you string them together determines how much inspiration you get out of your day. Inspiration, in turn, can be used to change your habits for the better, attract muses, or create art. Along the way, players will have to deal with the chores of a day job, or choose the freedom of unemployment but face the consequences of poverty. Hardship cards represent the troubles in each artist's life, including mental illness, social isolation and economic downturns. By making art, players can heal their maladies, inspire others, and eventually win the game by leaving a definitive mark on history.
Trigger warning: this game attempts to depict the realistic challenges and life choices of historical artists. As such it includes references to such topics as mental illness, sexually transmitted diseases, addiction to intoxicating substances, and prostitution.
"Bohemians" is a deckbuilding game about the Parisian art scene before the turn of the twentieth century. It is the time of Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Rodin, and Oscar Wilde, among so many others. Suitable for 2-4 players and takes 90 minutes to play.
Explore this unique era in Paris and take a look at Jasper de Lange's creative work.
"Bohemians" är ett kortbyggarspel om den parianska konstscenen före 1900-talets skifte. Det är tiden för Vincent van Gogh, Auguste Rodin och Oscar Wilde, bland så många andra. Passar 2-4 spelare och tar 90 minuter att spela.
Utforska denna unika tidsepok i Paris och ta en titt på Jasper de Langes kreativa arbet
Spilt på
Malmö Protospiel 2023 (2023) | |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Winner, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Iconography and aesthetics go hand in hand in a simple yet easily recognizable universe where pastel colours reign. Mechanics and theme are inseparable, creating a cohesive, fun game that is easy to approach and effortless to engage with.
Nominated, Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
In Bohemians, all choices and omissions are tied together by the Hardships added to one's deck. Whether you receive Hardships due to an active choice or sabotage, such as losing your job- or simply because you've been too sparing in expanding your deck- they have a significant influence on your future choices. Some hardships even spread, and they are all incredibly thematic, weaving into the narrative of your artist’s life and persona.
Hardships may initially appear secondary, but quickly one realizes they are an undeniable condition in the lives of struggling artists in the streets of Paris.
Nominated, Bedste brætspil
The game manages to set the stage for players' narratives to unfold, offering various choices along the way: should I keep my job? Spread or cure my syphilis? Indulge in love in the morning or in the evening?
The questions and their answers shape the story at the heart of Bohemians. Every choice has consequences reverberating through the Routines of every player. Art spreads through the community as Inspiration strikes in ebbs and flows, but in the end only one Bohemian will make their way into the history books.
Nominated, Deltagernes Pris, Brætspil (Andenpladsen )
- Published in 2025 by Portal Games
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