Valdemar Lenschow
💾 | ✏️ | Kærlighedsbreve mellem en nonne og en ridder | Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Kærlighedsbreve mellem en nonne og en ridder: Nominated, Bedste Virkemidler
Gennem monologer sender rollerne breve til hinanden og får mulighed for at dele deres tanker og overvinde afstanden imellem dem. Med snuhed, lægekunst og tvekamp kan spillerne præge historien, men der er en pris. For hvis skæbnen synes beseglet, kan kun et edsbrud redde en.
Through monologues, the main characters send letters to each other and get the opportunity to share their thoughts and overcome the distance between them. With cunning, medical skill, and jousting, players can shape the story, but there is a price to pay. Because if your fate seems sealed, only a broken oath can save you.
Through monologues, the main characters send letters to each other and get the opportunity to share their thoughts and overcome the distance between them. With cunning, medical skill, and jousting, players can shape the story, but there is a price to pay. Because if your fate seems sealed, only a broken oath can save you.
Kærlighedsbreve mellem en nonne og en ridder: Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
Højmiddelalderens arthurianske ridderromancer fortolkes stilbevidst i et gribende drama, hvor to riddere og to nonner er adskilt af både konflikter og afstand. Troskab og kærlighed dyster mod hinanden, når Mordreds lakajer truer klostret, og de fire hovedpersoner skal beslutte, hvad der er vigtigst for dem.
High Medieval Arthurian romance is flairfully brought to life in a gripping drama where two knights and two nuns are separated by both conflicts and distance. Love jousts against fidelity as Mordred’s lackeys threaten the convent and the four main characters must choose what is most important to them.
High Medieval Arthurian romance is flairfully brought to life in a gripping drama where two knights and two nuns are separated by both conflicts and distance. Love jousts against fidelity as Mordred’s lackeys threaten the convent and the four main characters must choose what is most important to them.
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