Sjanger: Drama
Deltakere: 1 GM, 4 players
✏️ | Ann Kristine Eriksen |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (24,3 MB) |
Scenarie [engelsk] | (24 MB) |
Æstetik og erotik smelter sammen, da tre kvinder indleder et forbudt forhold under udførelsen af et maleri. En fortælling om kunst, undertrykkelse og sanselighed, sat på et engelsk gods i slutningen af 1700-tallet.
Artemisia er fortællingen om tilblivelsen af et portræt og det korte men intense forhold mellem tre kvinder fra tre forskellige samfundsklasser. Scenariet foregår i slutningen af 1700-tallet på det fiktive engelske gods Wintershill House, hvor Hertugen af Somerset har hyret en ung malerinde til at skabe et portræt af sin hustru. Sammen med Hertugindens kammerjomfru bliver de tre kvinder undervejs i malearbejdet hjemsøgt af den hedonistiske kunst-entitet Artemisia, som træder frem fra et maleri skabt af den historiske person Artemisia Gentileschi.
Scenariet inviterer spillerne ind i et hyper-feminint rokokounivers, hvor sanselig og skønhed er i højsædet. Scenerne veksler mellem stilsiddende fortællerollespil og semi-live scener til musik. Der vil være mange erotiske undertoner, men ikke eksplicitte sexscener. I stedet kommer intimitet, længsel og sex til udtryk gennem en række malescener, hvor spillerne blandt andet maler på hinanden med pensler. Her smelter æstetik og erotik sammen i én stor kunstmetafor.
Aesthetics and erotics become one and the same, when three women enter into a forbidden relationship during the painting of a portrait. A story about art, oppression, and sensuousness, set in an English country house in the late eighteenth century.
A scenario about the creation of a painting and the short but intense relationship between three women from three different social classes. The story takes place in the late eighteenth century on the fictitious English estate Wintershill House where the Duke of Somerset has hired a young female painter to make a portrait of his wife. Together with the duchess’ lady’s maid they are haunted by Artemisia, a hedonistic entity emerging from a painting by the historical figure Artemisia Gentileschi.
Artemisia takes place within a hyper-feminine rococo universe where sensuality and beauty are key features. The scenes alternate between stationary narration and physical semi-live set to music. The scenario has erotic undertones but no explicit sex-scenes. Intimacy, longing, and sex are all expressed through a string of painting-scenes where the players will be “painting” on each other with dry brushes. Here the erotic and the aesthetic merges in one big art metaphor.
I året 1765 indleder en malerinde, hertugens hustru og hans myndling et erotisk og frigørende forhold. I sidste ende kan deres passion ikke skjules i maleriet hertugen har bestilt.
It’s 1765. A woman painter, a dutchess, and the dukes young ward initiate an erotic and liberating relationship. However, their passion cannot but manifest in the painting the duke has commissioned.
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Nominated, Bedste Formidling
Paintings, ethereal layout and beautiful flowers come together to create an aesthetic and sensuous reading experience. The text is full of vibrant descriptions that give a sense of both the prison around the women and the freedom found in the art. In contrast to the opulent rococo universe, there is nothing superfluous in the text
Nominated, Bedste Virkemidler
A cornucopia of techniques that support the sensuous feel of the scenario. The painting scenes allow for eroticism and self-realization, while the women must restrain themselves at Wintershill, where someone is always watching. There is only room for small glimpses of longing, and even those must give way to the Duke's insistent knocking.
Nominated, Bedste Roller
The Women at Wintershill are tied together by the snaring bonds of patriarchy and a shared love of art. The Duke fights for control with the capricious Artemesia, who has stepped into the mundane world to free the women. What kind of life will they get to live when the painting is done and the magic circle is broken?
Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
With seductive brush strokes the fate of the three women is momentarily painted from the same palette. All parts of the scenario contribute to an ambitious insight into how the women find ways to express their dreams and desires through art. But the demands of reality invariably intrude to underscore the limits to the womens’ everyday agency.
- Dommerne skrev: Et poetisk scenarie, der inviterer spillerne ind i et sansefyldt rokoko univers hvor kontrasterne står stærkt. Kvindernes fastlåste liv hjemsøges af hertugens evige tilstedeværelse, bortset fra i deres ene frirum; kunsten, hvor de møder ånden Artemisia.
- A poetic scenario that invites the players into a sensuous Rokoko universe full of sharp contrasts. The womens’ regimented lives are haunted by the everpresent Duke, except for their one escape - The Arts, where they meet the spirit Artemisia
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