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Tobias Olsson Grahn


✏️ Halean: Presentation och speltest Wexio Spelkonvent (2016)
Arrangør Halean: Presentation och speltest Wexio Spelkonvent (2016)
💾 Designer Pushin' Dice: Deities of the Old Kingdom Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Designer Destination Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Designer Dinos in Lavaland BabbelCon 2023 (2023)
Designer Door and Back Again Fastaval - Jurassic Otto - An Adventure into the Ancestral Ties of Otto (2025)


Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)

Pushin' Dice: Deities of the Old Kingdom: Nominated, Bedste Formidlede Brætspil
Spillets præsentation fører dig metodisk gennem spillets forskellige dele, og efterlader ingen tvivl om spillet, selv efter den første gennemlæsning af reglerne. Skulle du alligevel have brug at slå informationer op, sikrer et tydeligt visuelt heirarki og tydelige illustrationer, en effektiv og gnidningsfri brugeroplevelse. Spillets farver og ikonografi gør derudover at spiloplevelsen, til hver en tid er tilgængelig og overskuelig.

The game presentation leads you methodically through the different parts of the game, leaving no doubt about the rules even after just reading them once. Should you still need to look up information, a clear visual hierarchy and clear illustrations ensures a smooth and efficient user experience. In addition, the game’s colours and iconography make the game experience accessible and clear at all times.

Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Destination: Nominated, Bedste Innovation - Brætspil
The game is nominated for the design and incorporation of the action track- with many options to choose from, players are always faced with engaging choices; be it chugging far ahead on the track to boost your current turn (and possibly sitting out a round or two), or playing slow to get a plethora of actions (but risking your desired action space being blocked).
Both taking all-important actions and the possibility of grabbing the initiative for the crucial Delivery Phase mean that the players are always engaging in a strange sort of race, trying to fulfill their plans and foil their opponents. The skill ceiling for engaging with the system is sky-high, and promises depths of learning for even experienced players.

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