Schrödingers kat
(alias: Schrödinger’s Cat)
Deltakere: 2-12 players, 12+
Jessica Creane |
I dette permadeath-inducerende spil skal du holde din kat i live så længe som muligt,
mens du kæmper mod kvantefysikens love og fristelsen ved at kigge ind i det ukendte.
Kommer din nysgerrighed til at dræbe katten?
Schrödinger’s Cat er et spil on nysgerrighed i lommestørrelse. Spillet forløber over ti minutter, men med konsekvenser der strækker sig til spillerne naturlige levetid. Med lige dele intimitet og uendelighed, skal to spillere eller to hold, påtager sig rollen som enten Cat Wrangler eller Scuba Master, og skal foretage permanente, irreversible, liv-eller–død valg for deres kat. Deres mål er selvfølgelig at holde deres kat i live så længe som muligt.
Spillet er inspireret af kvantefysikeren Dr. Edwin Schrödingers metafysiske tankeeksperiment om, at en kat forseglet i en bunker med en beholder med radioaktiv gift – og det er ukendt om beholderen med gift er åben eller lukket – er både levende og død på samme tid. Dette spil leget med spørgsmålet… dræber nysgerrighed virkelig katten?
Et perfekt spil til til nysgerrige spillere, der nyder oplevelser, som skubber grænserne for, hvad et spil kan være.
In this permadeath-inducing tabletop game,
keep your cat alive as long as possible
while contending with the laws of quantum physics and the lure of the unknown.
Ask yourself, players: will your curiosity kill the cat?
Schrödinger’s Cat is a pocket-sized game of curiosity that unfolds in ten minutes and stretches beyond the natural lifespan of the players. Equal parts infinite and intimate, two players, or two teams, take on the role of either the Cat Wrangler or the Scuba Master, making permanent, irreversible, life or death choices for their cat. Their goal, of course, is to keep their cat alive as long as possible.
Inspired by quantum physicist Dr. Edwin Schrödinger’s metaphysical thought experiment stating that a cat sealed in a bunker with a container of radioactive poison — that may or may not have opened — is both alive and dead at the same time, this destructible game begs the question… does curiosity really kill the cat?
Perfect for curious players who revel in experiences that push the boundaries of what a game can be.
Spilt på
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Is nominated for using the meta-game as the game. While the game itself only lasted a couple of minutes, people couldn't stop talking about it, joking about it, and constantly mentioning it. The game takes its own outcome, and locks it away in a box. Do you win the game by opening the box a week later, or did the game end a week earlier, when you refused to open the box? Maybe?
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