Claes Schütt
(alias: Claes William Hart Schütt)
✏️ | Under Mistanke | Viking-Con 28 (2009) | |||
7Days | Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |||
Lagrange | Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020) | |||
Out of Time | Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
Lagrange: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Lagrange er et klassisk eurogame, hvor hver spiller indsamler rumskrald og bruger det til at opgradere deres drone med ting som større motorer, flere lasere eller tractor beams. Gennem spillet skal man prioritere hvilke udfordringer man vil specialisere sin drone til at kunne klare, mens man balancerer dronens motorkraft, lastkapacitet og effektivitet. Spillernes valg af opgraderinger er hver tur en svær overvejelse, og der er aldrig handlinger nok til at gøre alt hvad man gerne vil nå.
Lagrange nomineres for at være et gennemarbejdet og velbalanceret brætspil, med regler der på sikker vis hjælper spillerne igang med spillet. Lagrange nomineres også for sin gode brug af kendte spilmekanikker, det gode flow og de interessante optimeringsudfordringer, der ændres ved hvert setup af spillet.
Lagrange is a classic eurogame in which all players collect space junk and use it to upgrade their drones with things like larger engines, more lasers or tractor beams. Throughout the game you have to prioritise which challenges you want to specialise your drone to handle, while balancing engines, cargo capacity and efficiency. Players' choice of upgrades is a difficult decision every turn, and you never have enough actions to everything that you want to.
Lagrange is nominated for being a polished and well balanced game with rules that guide the players securely and concisely to start the game. Lagrange is also nominated for its good use of well known mechanics, the nice flow of the game and the interesting optimization challenges that change during each setup of the game.
Lagrange nomineres for at være et gennemarbejdet og velbalanceret brætspil, med regler der på sikker vis hjælper spillerne igang med spillet. Lagrange nomineres også for sin gode brug af kendte spilmekanikker, det gode flow og de interessante optimeringsudfordringer, der ændres ved hvert setup af spillet.
Lagrange is a classic eurogame in which all players collect space junk and use it to upgrade their drones with things like larger engines, more lasers or tractor beams. Throughout the game you have to prioritise which challenges you want to specialise your drone to handle, while balancing engines, cargo capacity and efficiency. Players' choice of upgrades is a difficult decision every turn, and you never have enough actions to everything that you want to.
Lagrange is nominated for being a polished and well balanced game with rules that guide the players securely and concisely to start the game. Lagrange is also nominated for its good use of well known mechanics, the nice flow of the game and the interesting optimization challenges that change during each setup of the game.
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Out of Time: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Spillet er enestående i sin tidsrejse-mekanik, som tillader spillerne at rejse frem og tilbage i tiden og ændre deres handlinger, for at løse tidsparadokserne og forhindre flere i at ske. Lyder det indviklet? Det er det! Mekanikken giver spillerne en (hul) følelse af at have kontrollen over deres skæbne, samtidig med at de løber igennem tiden og skaber endnu flere tidsparadokser. Out of Time formår at skabe en spiloplevelse, der udfordrer spillernes intellekt og tænkeevne på en helt ny måde.
The game is unique in its time-travel mechanic, which allows players to travel back and forth in time and change their actions to solve time paradoxes and prevent them from happening. Does it sound complicated? It is! The mechanic gives players a (hollow) feeling of having control over their destiny, while they run through time and create even more time paradoxes. Out of Time manages to create a gaming experience that challenges players' intellect and thinking in a whole new way.
The game is unique in its time-travel mechanic, which allows players to travel back and forth in time and change their actions to solve time paradoxes and prevent them from happening. Does it sound complicated? It is! The mechanic gives players a (hollow) feeling of having control over their destiny, while they run through time and create even more time paradoxes. Out of Time manages to create a gaming experience that challenges players' intellect and thinking in a whole new way.
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