(alias: Sky Pirate)
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | René Toft |
🎨 | Oliver Nøglebæk |
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Scenarie [dansk] | (5 MB) | |
Scenarie [engelsk] | (5 MB) | |
Scenarie - onlineudgave [dansk] | (25,2 MB) | |
Scenarie - online edition [engelsk] | (25,5 MB) |
Tre børn har mistet deres far og farmors trøstende fortælling om faren som en eventyrlig luftpirat bliver starten på en magisk rejse og en uundgåelig tragedie. Et scenarie om de døde vi ikke kan give slip på og de døde der ikke kan give slip på os.
De tre søstre Cirkeline, Katinka og Solveig på 8, 10 og 12 år mistede deres far for et år siden.
Solveig ved far tog sit eget liv. Det var hende der fandt ham. Det tilgiver hun ham aldrig. Det gør mor heller ikke.
Katinka synes stadig hun kan mærke far. Og det synes hendes kat, Hr. Herman, også.
Cirkeline ved at far er luftpirat. Det siger farmor selv og hun lyver aldrig. Farmor læser hver uge breve op fra ham om alle hans oplevelser.
Udenfor er mor, der vil have farmor til at stoppe med at bilde pigerne ting ind. Det hjælper ikke at mor har fået en ny kæreste, Torben. Torben er god nok, men han er ikke far.
En dag får pigerne et Ouija-bræt.
Luftpirat er en magisk socialrealistisk tragedie. Man spiller de tre søstre i en fastlagt fortælling med fokus på stemning og interaktion mellem karaktererne. Det er klassisk rundt om bordet rollespil, med fortælleelementer til at danne fælles referencer. Luftpirat handler om ikke at kunne se hele billedet og om at drukne i sin egen sorg.
Three children have lost their father and their grandmother’s comforting tale of the father as an adventurous sky pirate becomes the start of a magical journey, and an inevitable tragedy. A scenario about the dead we can not let go of and the dead who can not let go of us.
The three sisters Cirkeline, Katinka and Solveig aged 8, 10 and 12 lost their father a year ago.
Solveig knows Dad took his own life. She found him. She will never forgive him for that. Neither will Mom.
Katinka still thinks she can feel Dad. And it seems her cat, Mr. Herman, does too.
Cirkeline knows that Dad is a sky pirate. Grandma says so herself and she never lies. Grandma reads letters from him every week about all his adventures.
On the sideline is Mom who wants grandma to stop lying to the girls. It does not help that Mom has a new boyfriend, Torben. Torben is okay, but he is not Dad.
One day the girls get an Ouija Board.
Sky Pirate is a magical social realistic tragedy. You play the three sisters in a set narrative with a focus on mood and interaction between the characters. It’s classic table top role-playing, with storytelling elements to form common references. Sky Pirate is about not being able to see the whole picture and drowning in one’s own grief.
Spilt på
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Winner, Bedste Formidling
A very strong and charming authorial voice serves as the unifying structure of the entire scenario as it effortlessly, assuredly and with great love tells a tragic story from a children's perspective. The craftsmanship is rock solid and the well-chosen illustrations are more than just reflections of the text: they expand our understanding of the family's daily life.
Winner, Bedste Scenarie
With Sky Pirate, it is as if both the great classics of Nordic children's literature and their authors merge and come to life through role-playing. The scenario sympathetically addresses the difficult topic of mental illness through loving, magical realism as seen from the perspective of three tough girls. We want to go on adventures with Dad in the clouds too!
Nominated, Bedste Fortælling
A heartwarming tale of three grieving sisters processing the loss of their father, as the scenario foreshadows their tragedy is far from over. The story shows the extent of Dad's illness, who not only mortally wounds himself, but also his family - and the players.
Nominated, Bedste Virkemidler
The scenario's mechanics create a unique experience, about children, for adults. The letters, the ouija board, and the lists of Dad's crazy inventions support the magical social-realism in a highly delicate and sensitive fashion. Every tool helps us become children again and to know both sides of Dad's personality.
Nominated, Bedste Roller
Writing child characters is difficult. In Sky Pirate, the author manages to create charming, sympathetic children with great respect and love for their respective ages and temperaments. The characters enable dynamic play around the scenario's key scenes in which their different experiences of their father become the natural axis.
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