Memento Morrison
System: LARP
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-5 players
✏️ | Mátyás Hartyándi |
The very first Hungarian larp ran at Fastaval and the Knudepunkt tradition.
After his heart stops on a psychedelic trip, the rockstar, shaman and Club 27 member, Jim Morrison, must find acceptance of the inevitable. A scenario about changing life-narratives with imagination.
Jim Morrison is a talented but haunted young man. A celebrity, a husband, and a deeply spiritual person. His heart has just stopped and the microverse in his head is falling apart.
During this semi-live scenario you can (re)visit the important stages of his life. It is not required to have any detailed knowledge about him. Memento Morrison is not about historical accuracy or realistic portrayal. It’s about one’s final self-judgment. It explores topics of life narratives & personal death. How many times did you fantasize about what you should have done?
In every scene one of you plays an aspect of his personality trying to find answers to his dilemma. The others can play secondary characters, hallucinations and unconscious elements. The game mechanics help you to repeatedly replay memories to alter its outcomes, to bend the rules by opening the gates of perception, and to create Morrison’s unwritten swan song. The mood ranges from fatalistic & brooding to dreamlike & gambling.
Spilt på
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) | |
♻ | Knutepunkt (2021) |
♲ | V. Kamara LARP hétvége (2021) |
♲ | VI. Kamara LARP hétvége (2022) |
♲ | VII. Kamara LARP hétvége (2023) |
Andre oppsetninger
18. september 2020 | Győrújbarát, Ungarn: test run (face to face) | |
4. desember 2020 | online, Ungarn: test run (online) | |
12. desember 2020 | Győrújarát, Ungarn: test run v2 (face to face) | |
21. april 2021 | Fastaval, Danmark: International premiere (online) | |
3. mai 2021 | online, Ungarn: test run v2 (online) | |
7. oktober 2021 | Knutepunkt, Norge: International premiere (face to face) | |
20. november 2021 | VI. Kamara LARP hétvége, Ungarn: Hungarian premiere (face to face) | |
17. september 2022 | VII. Kamara LARP hétvége, Ungarn: updated rules |
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