Otto Plantener Jensen
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Antasia: Winner, Bedste Innovation
I Antasia er alle spillerne små myrer, der skal ud og samle dugdråber hjem til kolonien og desuden undgå at blive bidt af de væmmelige biller, som er ude efter myrerne. Dette gøres ved at spille kort i bedste børnevenlige deck building-stil og ved at bevæge sig rundt på en 3D-bane sat op af klodser. Vent, en 3D-bane siger I? Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre? Alle komponenterne er magnetiske, og man kan derfor med sin lille myre også kravle på
undersiden af klodserne, hvilket giver spillet et rumligt twist.
Antasia nomineres for sin brug af magnetiske insekter på en tredimensionel spilleplade, og for at invitere børn til at udvikle deres rumlige sans på en kreativ og morsom måde.
In Antasia you play little ants who venture out into the world in order to collect dew droplets to bring home to the colony. At the same time you must avoid getting bitten by beetles. This is done with an easy-to-learn deck building mechanic and by moving around on a three dimensional game board made out of blocks. Wait, a three dimensional game board you say? How is that possible? All the components are magnetic and you can therefore move your little ant around on the walls of the game board or even up-side down, which also gives the game a spatial twist.
Antasia is nominated for its use of magnetic insects on a three dimensional game board and for inviting children to develop their spatial perception in a creative and fun way.
undersiden af klodserne, hvilket giver spillet et rumligt twist.
Antasia nomineres for sin brug af magnetiske insekter på en tredimensionel spilleplade, og for at invitere børn til at udvikle deres rumlige sans på en kreativ og morsom måde.
In Antasia you play little ants who venture out into the world in order to collect dew droplets to bring home to the colony. At the same time you must avoid getting bitten by beetles. This is done with an easy-to-learn deck building mechanic and by moving around on a three dimensional game board made out of blocks. Wait, a three dimensional game board you say? How is that possible? All the components are magnetic and you can therefore move your little ant around on the walls of the game board or even up-side down, which also gives the game a spatial twist.
Antasia is nominated for its use of magnetic insects on a three dimensional game board and for inviting children to develop their spatial perception in a creative and fun way.
PapJam Scratch (2018)
Tricktropolis: Winner, Best Board Game (by participant voting)
Papjam Scratch (2021)
Coffee Break: Nominated, Best Board Game (by participant voting) (Third)
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Sold Out: Nominated, Bedste Formidlede Brætspil
Spillet er en kompakt og indbydende pakke, der er fyldt med charmerende referencer til vores ungdom. Reglerne er nemme at gå til og overskuelige, med tydelige illustrationer, og finurlige detaljer, hvor designerens kærlighed til spillet skinner igennem. Sammen med popcorn og teaterbilletter, giver det hele en lyst til at gå i gang med at spille med det samme.
The game is a compact and inviting package filled with charming references to our younger days. The rules are easily accessible with clear illustrations and quaint details where the designer’s love of his game shines through. Combined with popcorn and theater tickets it urges you to get playing right away.
The game is a compact and inviting package filled with charming references to our younger days. The rules are easily accessible with clear illustrations and quaint details where the designer’s love of his game shines through. Combined with popcorn and theater tickets it urges you to get playing right away.
PapJam Scratch 2024 (2024)
Break a Leg: Winner, Best Thematic Game (by participant voting)
PapJam Scratch! 2024 - The Scratch Strikes Back! (2024)
Space Benders: Winner, Best Thematic Game (by participant voting)
PapJam Scratch | (2018) | Arrangør |
PapJam Scratch | (2019) | Arrangør |
PapJam Scratch | (2020) | Arrangør |
Papjam Scratch | (2021) | Arrangør |
PapJam Scratch | (2023) | Organizer |
PapJam Scratch 2024 | (2024) | Organizer |
PapJam Scratch! 2024 - The Scratch Strikes Back! | (2024) | Organizer |
Colophon | Illustrator | Nr. 8 (August 1987) | Monokeros | |
It's A Kind of Magic Item-melig høj grad | Page 4 | Nr. 8 (August 1987) | Monokeros | |
Colophon | Illustrator | Nr. 9 (Oktober 1987) | Monokeros | |
Warlock_ | Skribent | Page 22 | Nr. 9 (Oktober 1987) | Monokeros |
Fri fantasi | Skribent | Page 4 | Nr. 15 (Marts 1989) | Erebor Nyhedsbrev |
Colophon | Illustrator | Nr. 11 (Maj 1989) | Monokeros | |
Forside | Illustrator | Page 1 | Nr. 11 (Maj 1989) | Monokeros |
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