Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Ort: Mariagerfjord Gymnasium, Hobro, Dänemark 🗺️
Datum: 5. - 9. April 2023
Teil von: Fastaval
Über den Kongress:
Æresgæst: Martin Nielsen.
Der er ikke længe til Fastaval - Danmarks største rollespils- og brætspilskongres. Og det bliver et Fastaval, der kan huskes i mange år!
I 2023 byder vi på 30 premiererollespil, 17 designerbrætspil og et hav af øvrige aktiviteter. Der er Magic the Gathering, World of Darkness, karaoke, krea-hjørne, butikker, workshops, talks, bingo og meget mere!
Vi er derudover heldige at have årets æretsgæst Martin Nielsen med i år, til en spændende snak om internationalt rollespil.
Tilmeldingen åbner d. 1. Februar og du kan til og med d. 20 Februar tilføje mad, wear og vælge aktiviteter i din tilmelding.
Herefter vil det kun være muligt at tilmelde sig indgang og overnatning, men ikke mad, aktiviteter og wear.
Tilmelder du dig efter den 20. Februar eller dukker op i døren, kan du forsyne dig i vores Kiosk og tilmelde dig aktiviteter via reservekøen.
Fastaval is Denmarks largest roleplaying and boardgame convention.
In 2023 we offer 30 new scenarios, 17 new boardgames and a ton of other activities. There will be Magic the Gathering, World of Darkness, karaoke, crea-corner, shops, workshops, talks, bingo and much more!
We are also lucky to announce an exciting talk with this years Guest of Honor, Martin Nielsen about international scenarios.
Sign-up opens February 1 and until February 20 you can add dinner and breakfast, wear and activities to your sign-up.
After February 20 you can still sign up for entry and accommodation, but not order food, wear or sign up for activities.
If you sign up after February 20 or get a ticket in the door, you can buy food at our sales venues and find activities in our reservequeue on location.
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Maya Krone og Mette Finderup
Maya og Mette havde modet til at søsætte Fastaval Junior, og engamentet til at arrangere det og se det vokse, fra de spæde år til nu at være en fast forankret del af Fastaval. Fastaval junior er nu en årligt tilbagevendende påsketraditon for rigtigt mange børn, indtil børnene bliver for store, og ofte er at finde som deltagere hele påsken. Men de havde også modet til at give deres hjertebarn videre til nye arrangører, og bevise at en god ide kan leve videre under andre dygtige hænder.
For dette og for deres øvrige store arbejde på Fastaval fortjener Maya og Mette en æresottonominering.
In 2015, Maya and Mette had a wild idea. With experience gained through many years of Fastaval-work, both creative and organizing, they decided to create something new; Fastaval for children. Not as a daycare, but the full Fastaval-experience for children, with respect for the traditions of Fastaval and the children's own perspective.
Maya and Mette had the courage to launch Fastaval Junior, and the drive to make it happen and watch it grow from the early years to an integrated part of Fastaval. Fastaval Junior is now an easter-tradition for many kids, until they get too old and become ‘ordinary’ Fastaval participants. They also had the courage to hand Fastaval Junior off to a new team, and prove that a great idea can live on.
For this, and for their other contributions, Maya and Mette deserve to be nominated for an Honorary Otto.
Mads Havshøj
Men Mads’ indsats begrænser sig ikke til Fastaval. Udenfor Fastaval har Mads været hovedmanden bag en lang række liverollespil, ligesom han altid er klar til at give en hånd med i på andres produktioner og opsætninger. Han har også haft arrangørposter på Krikkit Con, Hyggecon og Knudepunkt. Uanset om man er til brætspil, liverollespil eller elsker at tage på conner, er der god mulighed for at man har nydt godt at Mads’ kreative eller organisatoriske evner.
For alle disse mangeartede indsatser fortjener Mads en æresottonominering.
To claim that Mads is a powerhouse in Danish roleplaying is an understatement. Since 2004, Mads has held multiple organizing positions at Fastaval, ranging from main organizer, info, electrician and much more. Mads has also designed board games, and thus contributed to the creative side of Fastaval.
But Mads is also active outside of Fastaval. He has been the main organizer of multiple larps, and is always ready to help with other ideas and projects. He has helped out at Krikkit Con, Hyggecon and Knudepunkt. No matter if you like board games, larps or conventions, chances are you have enjoyed Mads’ work.
For that, Mads deserves to be nominated for an Honorary Otto.
Bo Thomasen
På Fastaval har Bo også haft en stor indflydelse. Som general var han ansvarlig for den første Fastaval udenfor Aarhus, men Bo er også idemanden bag Ottos Kaffekro, der har revitaliseret brætspilsudlånet, og givet et hyggeligt, alkoholfrit alternativ til den kedelige fællessal eller cafe/bar.
Desuden har Bo også været en af hovedmændene bag at indføre designerbrætspil på Fastaval, og har derved tilføjet vores allesammens con endnu et element af kreativitet og nyskabelse. Bo har formået et tilføre Fastaval ikke bare en, men hele 3 nyskabelser, der lever videre lang tid efter han selv har givet stafetten.
For disse nyskabelser og for sin betydning for brætspilsdanmark fortjener Bo en æresottonominering.
With Bastard Cafe, Bo is a great factor in making board games available to the greater public. He has created a gathering spot for nerds and enthusiasts, but also a place where John and Jane Doe can meet the wonderful world of boardgaming. The idea proved so successful that most major cities in Denmark now have a board gaming cafe, and thus his influence is felt nationwide.
On Fastaval, Bo has also been a great influence. As main organizer, he was in charge of the first Fastaval outside of Aarhus. He also invented Otto’s Coffee Inn as a cozy, non-alcoholic alternative to the bar. Furthermore, Bo introduced designer board games to Fastaval, thus adding another element of creativity. Bo has added not just one, but three great inventions to Fastaval.
For these inventions, and for his importance in board gaming throughout Denmark, Bo deserves to be nominated for an Honorary Otto.
Ann Kristine Eriksen
Og Anns passion for at inkludere og omfavne stopper ikke der. Denne æresottonominering gives i lige så høj grad på baggrund af det kæmpe engagement Ann uopfordret har lagt i at inkludere især yngre kvinder i alle dele af den kreative scenarieskrivningsproces. Ann er hende, som uden forespørgsel tilbyder at sparre på synopser, uopfordret smider eget arbejde til frit skue og inspiration, og altid har et fif eller en pep-talk klar for at gøre det lettere at springe ud som forfatter på Fastaval. Ved at være en inspirerende rollemodel for unge kvinder på Fastaval, har Ann gjort og gør en reel forskel.
For alt dette fortjener Ann en æresottonominering.
To many people, Fastaval can be an enormously complex event, and difficult to really understand. Which is why it is fantastic that people like Ann exist. Through the years Ann has poured her heart's blood into making Fastaval more tangible and accessible via clear communication. She has made sure that both participants and organizers have been updated and put on the same page regarding effective communication and knowledge sharing.
But her commitment does not stop there. This Honorary Otto nomination is given to Ann just as much for her huge passion into providing aid, tutoring, pep-talks and acknowledgement of particularly younger women in the scenario field. Ann offers unsolicited advice and open hearted sharing of experiences, often sharing her former work for inspiration to others thus helping them enter the writer community at Fastaval.
Being inviting and offering inspiration, Ann has made a difference. And for all of this she deserves being nominated to the Honorary Otto.
Anna Westerling
Anna Westerling er en fantastisk ambassadør for kongressen og udfører et ukueligt arbejde med at udbrede Fastavaltraditionen til en international målgruppe.
For dette fortjener Anna en æresottonominering.
Through the years, international participants at Fastaval have become more and more common, and Anna Westerling has been a huge part of making that happen, and is one of the reasons why Fastaval has become more known in both the nordic countries and other parts of the world. She started the Stockholm Scenario Festival where many Fastaval scenarios have been played by international participants over the years. Anna has been a key in establishing Fastaval as an international name in the world's roleplaying community, something she has done without ever expecting anything in return.
Anna Westerling is an amazing ambassador for the Fastaval congress and is still to this day actively spreading The Fastaval Tradition to new corners of the world. For this Anna deserves to be nominated to the Honorary Otto.
Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Fantasy Planet
Spillets player aids sikrer at du har et overblik over racernes muligheder og spillets mekanikker, som gør at du ikke har brug for at bruge regelbogen i løbet af spillet. Disse giver dig også et godt overblik over både dit eget og modstanderens deck, samt hvordan en runde forløber. Alt i alt et forbilledligt eksempel på player aids.
Fantasy Planet is, as the name suggests, a wonderful mix of sci-fi and fantasy! It is a delightfully complex game that, through its clear rules and consistent iconography, ensures a smooth flow through the game's many exciting possibilities. The game's player aids provide an overview of each race's abilities and the game's mechanics, making it unnecessary to consult the rulebook during the game. They also give you a good overview of both your own and your opponent's deck, as well as how a round progresses. All in all, it is an exemplary example of player aids.
50 Clues: Sunshine Island
50 Clues: Sunshine Island takes you on a fateful and mysterious search for your missing sister. The design is executed down to the smallest detail, and the game rules are so simple and straightforward that it can be played without any form of preparation. This makes the game incredibly accessible and easy to approach, regardless of whether you are experienced or a beginner. The game challenges players' creativity and ability to think outside the box with new and exciting puzzles, which are an essential part of the game's plot. 50 Clues Sunshine Island uses an intuitive app that guides players through the story, making the game even more exciting and engaging.
Beautiful volcano islands emerge as the game progresses, taking players' imaginations to exotic places. The game is nominated because of the easy-to-read wording, good images, and summaries in the rulebook, it makes the game accessible and easy to set up. Additionally, the rules are supported by player aids in the form of cards and overviews on the board, which with its iconography provide a relevant and clear overview. Everything is made with attention to detail that continually supports the game to get the best possible flow.
Do you also hate weeds? In Weeds, it's both your friend and enemy. As a player, you're guided safely through the different elements, from setup to finish, and Weeds can be played straight out of the box. Weeds uses few well-chosen icons, which ensure smooth gameplay. By using recognizable mechanics from other well-known games, the game's accessibility is superb. Even with 4 players, the game is easy to access and provides a good challenge, elevating the gaming experience even higher.
The forest is cursed and all life has been drained from its once lush nature. There is no sound from the small creatures of the forest and you are left in the battle for the forest's survival. The game is nominated for its rules, iconography, and artwork, which are all well-formulated, well-designed, and stunningly beautiful! The black silhouettes are consistent throughout, only challenged by a few but clear colours. The game is complex and has several intertwined processes, and as a single player, one must keep a clear head. Despite this, the rules guide the player through the game very well.
Bedste Innovation
Lies upon lies
An iron curtain has descended over Europe from Berlin in the north to Odessa in the south. The two intelligence services in the East and West are playing a dangerous game, where all their choices can be fateful, and their opponent is ready to strike at the slightest mistake. This is reflected in the fact that everything you do costs you dearly. With a simple and innovative card mechanic, where your opponent draws from the cards you have discarded, you know better than anyone what problems may be lurking just around the corner. You are constantly exposed to the enemy's spies getting hold of your secrets and lies, and using them against you - and besides preparing yourself as best as possible, there is very little you can do about it.
Beasty Pageant
It is a game that elegantly and uniquely combines a fun concept with a medal mechanic that keeps the game moving constantly, making it unpredictable who will win. The mechanic of building creatures and the need to replace parts to win ensures that players are constantly thinking creatively to adapt to the opportunities that arise. Your fragile and beautiful creature can only hold one medal per part, forcing you to constantly create new combinations of creatures so you can hoard as many medals as possible and win. This ensures a balanced, unpredictable game with a centrally built-in catch-up mechanic.
Fantasy Planet
On Fantasy Planet, unique factions battle for dominance in a sci-fi fantasy world. The asymmetrical factions each have their own play style and tactics, and feel like vastly different races. Terrain manipulation forms the core of this complex game, where conditions constantly change, and every decision feels essential for both your strategy and your chances of winning. The terrain manipulation is thorough and gives the feeling that great powers are at play, either helping you or fighting against you. The ever-changing terrain forces you to constantly fight to carve out a place for yourself in the world, in the image of your race.
Out of Time
The game is unique in its time-travel mechanic, which allows players to travel back and forth in time and change their actions to solve time paradoxes and prevent them from happening. Does it sound complicated? It is! The mechanic gives players a (hollow) feeling of having control over their destiny, while they run through time and create even more time paradoxes. Out of Time manages to create a gaming experience that challenges players' intellect and thinking in a whole new way.
Weeds is a true board game gem that plays with a unique shift in pacing. As the saying goes, "weeds are also flowers when you learn to know them," and this game starts at full sprint, quickly shifting to a slower pace as players fill in the remaining open spaces on the game board. This reverse pacing provides a formidable surprise to first-time players who suddenly find their portion of the garden too overgrown and are now in over their heads - the player who has no more space loses. Weeds provides its players with an impressively varied gaming experience relative to the game's short playtime.
Bedste Brætspil
Fantasy Planet
The fantasy factions are fighting for dominance over Fantasy Planet, where the planet is constantly adapting in an attempt to give the advantage that can tip the scales. The game's superior and elegant combination of multiple elements creates a gaming experience where, as a faction leader, you feel like the driving force in the battle for mana and control over the planet. The game's elements and the six well-designed races makes it possible for each game session to test new ideas and strategies, making it a game that truly makes the player want to play again. Creative elements like the Manaspire ensure that the game doesn't become stagnant, and that even in the heat of battle, there's always the chance to turn the tide.
Beasty Pageant
The players put on their lab coats and take on their roles as mad scientists in the battle to create the most beautiful of the ugliest beasts. Beasty pageant creates a playful approach to creating morbid and silly creatures, and nothing is decided until the final experiment is completed. The game is refreshingly easy to play and the combination of the mechanical techniques and the well-executed and fun theme make it a game that is both entertaining and creative. It is a game that successfully invites the player to laugh at oneself and the inventions that one, as a mad researcher, has created.
DIESEL is a fast-paced game set in a world where humanity has almost wiped out all life, and the last two AIs are fighting for the only remaining energy source: diesel. The theme perfectly complements the individual game elements and even the metal music is designed to create the perfect feeling that this is the end. Through asynchronous turns, players switch between the Blitz phase (where they desperately throw their dice through the dice tower, hoping for another 1 or 6) and the Diesel phase (where their opponent buys cards and refills their precious black drops). It adds extra stress that it is always your opponent who decides which phase you are in.
In Motu-Nui, you build your own Pacific island as it grows beneath you. The game seamlessly combines theme and mechanics into an inspiring gaming experience that requires both building focus and placement cunning, as well as an overview of the layers as you slowly move towards the sky in what was once an empty sea. The use of bamboo tokens, which are thematically on point, makes the game three-dimensional, elevating the gaming experience to a higher level where you want to play the game again after each play. Motu-Nui is a joy to play and there is always a pleasure in seeing how creatively you can build your island.
Wildwoods has everything a good board game should have. An immersive story, a captivating aesthetic, and mechanics that are all tied together so beautifully that it creates a little beautiful gem of a tale where you are caught up in the adventure and the mood. Whether you play as Lune or Mae, you are led through a both grand and intimate story about the battle of light against darkness, a girl and her bear helping the forest come back to life. While the forces of darkness fight against you and every time you gain the upper hand, it's the turn of darkness to fight back. The game elements work seamlessly together and are thoroughly thought out from beginning to end.
Bedste Formidling
With a text as concise as a haiku and as sharp as a samurai sword, the scenes effortlessly spring from the page to the game room. The wide margin provides room for additional information exactly whenever the gamemaster needs it, while the map and Korva’s supplemental information ensures that Korva’s player can set the stage for defending the village.
Kimærens orden
The erotic and evocative text seduces and lures the reader deeper and deeper into the world of the Chimaera while illustrations of fusing bodies emphasise the inevitable. Flowcharts provide an excellent overview of the scenes, and the section on safety effortlessly and effectively ensures the players mutual safety.
The text guides the gamemaster firmly through the different scenario elements, while the introduction sheet helps the players to get a headstart. The press photos set the tone and ground the story firmly in Denmark in the 80s with references to Shu-bi-du-a, the European Football Championship, and the political climate.
Not only is the gamemaster given a scrub to dress for the part, the scenario also equips them with the language needed to play the role as a doctor. The friendly voice of the narrator guides the reader through symptoms and tests, and ensures that the gamemaster is never out of their depth.
Steffen og de dumme kloner
Steffen’s voice permeates the scenario text and ensures plenty of laughs while reading. The scenario has a childlike mood and the text is easily translated into actual play, while the illustrations underscores its comic book roots.
Bedste Fortælling
The story of the seven warriors protecting the village is epic and magnificent. But it also has room for love and friendship, and the small things that maybe are worth dying for. The story has a ton of potential outcomes, and the players have full agency to pursue what they most wish for.
Hemmelighedernes fængsel
Four spoiled heirs must make their way through a dungeon that’s not as simple as it seems, and only the power of secrets can save them. The dungeon has traps, ambushes, and were-rats, but also politics, privileges, and seeds of a revolution. It really shouldn’t work, but somehow it does, and it’s both fun, exciting, and very entertaining.
Hvor skyggerne ender
The hunt for a crazed killer brings our trio of jaded policemen on a collision course with corrupt tycoons and tough thugs in a noir fantasy world where the air is thick with cigarette smoke, broken dreams, and abuse of magic. The two well defined genres are mixed into a dark and delicious cocktail.
Kimærens orden
Four occultists are invited to join the order of the chimaera and only too late do they discover how literal the joining is meant to be. It’s a sensual and transgressing nightmare about losing oneself, and it’s both revolting, dreaming, and very alluring.
Heist! is a Danish Tarantino about a post office robbery gone wrong. Four hardened criminals fight tooth and nail (and maybe with a rocket launcher!) to reach their escape plan, and as they flee the action is interwoven with flashbacks to the heist preparations where the characters have time to get together and share stories.
Steffen og de dumme kloner
Steffen has an ingenious plan to avoid his chores: he just clones himself and has the clones do the work! But the clones team up and make ready for payback. It’s a simple story, but the basic structure puts the clones in charge and sets up Steffen to fail big time.
Bedste Virkemidler
Hvor skyggerne ender
As the investigation reveals new clues through a charming monologue mechanism, new locations appear on the map of the murder ridden city. But during the dark story, the players are also forced to make important choices which are clearly recorded. That way everybody knows that this, this is going to have consequences.
Ingen titel
The players are not given roles, but gradually learn more about themselves by being interviewed by the game master. Thus the horrifying story is revealed bit by bit, and yet the players still have lots of agency. Combined with a simple rule for escalating the toxic masculinity in the scenario, it creates an unnerving and solid mechanism.
Hemmelighedernes fængsel
In the underground temple of the moon cult, secrets are valuable. And the more juicy they are, the bigger the reward. So unless the roles want to die horribly in the clever dungeon traps, they have to share their secrets and in that way change the story.
Kimærens orden
Real body horror emerges as the characters’ memories are swapped and the chimaera invades (and shares!) their thoughts and dreams. The chimaera’s embrace becomes a physical act, making the players feel they slowly fuse together into a single entity.
There’s always something at stake when a card is played to deal with the fast paced action scenes. Every card can help, but you can also take it too far, and as you know, karma’s a real bitch … Each player has a deck of cards telling the story of their ability or lack thereof, and there are always more cards to find in the trunk.
Bedste Roller
The seven roles are the driving force in the scenario. The warriors each struggle to find their place in the world and they all have a potential for both redemption and perdition. As the conflict between ideals and the urge to survive rages, one question remains: how hellbent are they really?
Hemmelighedernes fængsel
The standard D&D characters get an extra layer when the privileged and depraved merchant heirs travel into the cage of secrets, and suddenly it’s revealed that even their class is a lie. It takes more than dice rolls to make it past the dungeon traps, but what will the consequences be when they reveal their secrets?
Kimærens orden
Occultism and sensuality permeates the many faceted roles, and their tragic tales really get under your skin. The characters’ dreams of finding a home, getting lost in memories, and becoming part of something bigger will come true in more than one way - that is, if the chimaera gets to decide.
Playing a hardened criminal and delivering lines as in a Tarantino-movie is almost impossible. But all the roles have background stories, clear motivations, and helpful tips that can bring the players very close. All the anti-heroes have a role to play in the heist and a chance to get away with more than cash, but maybe they lose everything while trying.
Steffen og de dumme kloner
It’s obvious how hard and unfair it is to be Steffen, 7 years old. Everyday he’s tormented by side characters who are broughtht to life though fun quotes and clear must win battles that can foil Steffen’s plan for a peaceful life. And the idea of simply copying the role description for all the Steffen clones is so delightfully lazy that we suspect Steffen himself did it.
Bedste Scenarie
Hellbent is a grand scenario in every way. It feels like you are playing through a whole campaign in a single evening, but it is also manageable and very easy to run. It seems to be a simple story about defending a village from vicious brigands, but there is so much more going on right there under the surface.
Kimærens orden
The horrors of The Order of the Chimaera permeate every aspect of the scenario weaving a terrifying tale about losing yourself to something you don’t understand. Well-crafted design choices make the characters feel that they gradually melt into each other as the occult events in the mysterious, Scottish manor intensifies.
Heist! takes “heist gone wrong” films and expertly translates them to the tabletop medium. Flashbacks allow for the characters to share stories and explore their blooming relations, but they also provide ammunition for the discussions that play out during char chases and gunfighting. The scenario gladly shows its hand: we know that it doesn’t end, and that it isn’t meant to.
Test Result sets a high bar when the patient and the next of kin are forced to wait for the dreaded test results. The scenario is short but the wait feels unfathomably long and creates a powerful and potentially very touching experience for both player and game master.
Steffen og de dumme kloner
The story of Steffen and his clones is a well trimmed and very, very funny scenario. The humor is easy to bring from text to game room, and a solid narrative structure ensures that we all know it will end badly for Steffen. The question is: what evil (and funny!) plans do the clones have in store for him?
Juryens Specialpris
Kunsten, at male en solsikke
Love of art and van Gogh’s paintings are all over the scenario. The paintings are in the room when casting players, they form a sunflower that blooms and then withers as you choose scenes, they decorate the scenario pages, and the three muses constantly pressure van Gogh to paint, paint, PAINT! It feels like an obsession and the scenario has the potential to be a work of art in and of itself.
Forhandling og Forfald
When the king’s council decides on the future of the kingdom, all the pieces must fit together. Every choice makes the story branch out, which requires new material for the players. It’s an impressive feat that feels like an advanced campaign board game, but the focus is always on how the choices impact the characters and their interactions.
Kun for børn
A scenario anthology of three short and thought-provoking scenarios for kids and their grown-ups. We hope that the fact that we now have three scenarios from Fastaval Junior in writing can be the beginning of a new tradition. Hopefully the future will bring lots of scenarios on Alexandria ready to download and play with our kids.
The players can revel in unpleasantries without the fear of crossing a boundary since the stop block is always right there in the room with them, allowing for each and every player to stop the scene if it gets out of hand. In that way the players share control without ever breaking the flow of the story.
The ritualised “if it’s okay / it’s not okay”-mechanism creates unnerving and chill-inducing torture scenes. It’s slow-burning and brutal and a disgusting perversion of the question of consent. Because, if the victim is a monster, then it’s okay, isn’t it?
Den Gyldne Svupper
Casper Starostka
Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil
Forhandling og Forfald(Delt tredjeplads)
Kunsten, at male en solsikke(Delt tredjeplads)
Deltagernes Pris, Brætspil
Divided Bodies(Førsteplads )
Wildwoods(Tredjeplads )
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