Kunsten, at male en solsikke
(Alias: The art, of Painting a Sunflower)
System: LARP Semi-live
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3 Spieler
✏️ | Sebastian Nemeth |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (14,6 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (14,8 MB) |
Van Goghs sidste måneder er fyldt med sygdom, kunst og tre muser der presser den sidste dråbe kreativitet ud af ham. Scenariet er Semi-live med staffeli, pensler og maleri.
Vi løber hen over funklende græs, der er dækket af dugfriske perler. Vi hviler med den dovne kat, når den ligger i solen og varmer sig. I foråret strækker vi os ud og omfavner verden der vågner igen. Vi er muserne der lever gennem kunsten og ånder kreativiteten ind i det kunstneriske sind.
De tre muser følger Vincent i hans sidste tre måneder. Når han vandrer over de gule marker og forbi den gamle kirke, peger de ham i retning af det, der er værd at male. Scenariet handler om Vincent der vil male, men det handler mest om Vincent der vil leve.
Man spiller fysisk ved staffeliet, med pensel i hånd og skiftes til at spille Vincent og dem omkring ham. Scenariet kræver ikke viden om kunsthistorie, eller Van Gogh. Du skal have mod på at spille med emner som seksualitet, selvskade, kunst og vold og i fysisk kontakt med andre. Du behøver ikke at kunne male, scenariet har en mekanik til formålet.
“Jeg drømmer om at male og så maler jeg min drøm.” – Vincent van Gogh
Skiftende roller
Spillertype: Spillerne skiftes til at spille den centrale muse i scenen, Vincent selv og forskellige personer i Vincents liv. Som spiller skaber du fortællingen om Vincent sammen med dine medspillere, og du skal have lyst til at spille semi-live og være okay med elementer af fysisk berøring.
Spilledertype: Du vil gerne hjælpe spillerne til at fortælle sammen. Du skal spille biroller hvis der er brug for det, og ellers gøre de fysiske elementer klar, imellem scenerne. Du har det fint med at shushe andre. Du kan som helt ny kører scenariet glidningsfrit, og materialet er indtalt så du har nemt ved at forberede dig på farten.
Van Gogh’s last months are full of sickness, art, and three muses whom intends to squeeze the last drop of creativity out of him. The Scenario is Semi-live involving an easel, paintbrushes, and a painting.
We run across the sparkling grass, covered in dewy pearls. We rest with the lazy cat, laying in the sun as it warms itself. In spring, we reach out and embrace the world that is awakening. We are the Muses who live through the arts, and we breathe creativity into the artistic mind.
Our Three Muses accompany Vincent through his last three months. When he is wandering through the yellow fields and past the old church, they point him in the direction of scenes worth painting. This scenario tells the story of Vincent that wants to paint; but most of all, it tells the story of Vincent who wants to live.
The game is played physically, by the easel, with a brush in hand as the players change between playing Vincent and the people around him. The scenario doesn’t require any pre-existing knowledge of art history or Van Gogh. You should feel comfortable with themes of sexuality, self-harm, art, violence and in physical contact with others. You don’t need to be able to paint, the game will help.
“I dream about painting, and then I paint my dreams” – Vincent Van Gogh
Interchanging characters
Player types: The players change between playing the central muse, Vincent and different people in his life. As a player you’ll create the narrative around Vincent together with your coplayers, and you’ll play semi-live and be in physical touch with your coplayers to a degree you decide as a group.
Gamemaster type: You want to help the players narrate together. You are comfortable playing minor characters if it is required and you need to prepare the physical elements between scenes. You’re okay with hushing the others. You can run this game without a lot of experience facilitating, and the material is verbally narrated for your convenience in preparation.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Gewinner, Juryens Specialpris
Love of art and van Gogh’s paintings are all over the scenario. The paintings are in the room when casting players, they form a sunflower that blooms and then withers as you choose scenes, they decorate the scenario pages, and the three muses constantly pressure van Gogh to paint, paint, PAINT! It feels like an obsession and the scenario has the potential to be a work of art in and of itself.
Nominiert, Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil (Delt tredjeplads)
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