Tina Heebøll Arbjørn
Fastaval (2011)
Skæbne-blade: Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
Et velskrevet scenarie, der med dyster og trist patos formidler Victoriatidens spiritistiske ånd. Sammenspillet mellem intriger, fortællescener og ouiji-seancer håndteres nemt gennem overskuelige oversigtsark og en solid tekstopbygning.
Skæbne-blade: Nominiert, Bedste Roller
Klassiske roller males som dødemasker til toner af mol. En velkonstrueret intrige, hvor alle har noget på hinanden, lægger gravstenen til en historie større end selve livet. Her kommer selv fortiden i spil og giver alle en ny skæbne, hvis de da tør vende bladet og gå tilbage. Sjældent har fordærvede personer været formidlet med så stor indlevelse.
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Road Rage: Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
Scenariet formidles med klare instruktioner til spilleder og virkeligt gode råd og hjælpebokse. Scenebeskrivelserne er godt struktureret og kan køres fra bladet. Scenariet kan afvikles direkte efter gennemlæsning alene ud fra oversigtsark og bilag – også for den uerfarne spilleder.
The scenario is presented with clear instructions for the game master, with good advice and textual aids. The scene descriptions are well structured, and even the inexperienced game-master can run it without much preparation, after a quick read, through the use of overview sheets.
The scenario is presented with clear instructions for the game master, with good advice and textual aids. The scene descriptions are well structured, and even the inexperienced game-master can run it without much preparation, after a quick read, through the use of overview sheets.
Road Rage: Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
Spillerne får en spændende og underholdende kasse med legetøj, som de frit kan anvende til at drive hinanden til vanvid. Virkemidlerne giver spillerne ejerskab over scenariet ved også at inddrage deres egne erfaringer med vejvrede i spillet og sikrer muligheden for at råbe sig hæs i raseri.
The players are given a mad box of toys, that the players are freely able to utilise to drive each other crazy. The mechanics give the players ownership of the scenario, by asking them to use their own experiences with road rage in play and, giving the players the option to scream til they are hoarse.
The players are given a mad box of toys, that the players are freely able to utilise to drive each other crazy. The mechanics give the players ownership of the scenario, by asking them to use their own experiences with road rage in play and, giving the players the option to scream til they are hoarse.
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
De forunderlige: Gewinner, Bedste Fortælling
Indimellem udfolder de mest dramatiske fortællinger sig de mindst dramatiske steder. Og engang imellem kan litteraturaftener danne rammen for livsbekræftende historier om at trodse og måske besejre ensomhed. I De forunderlige bliver scenen sat til at udforske de små detaljer og nuancer, der gør den store forskel.
Once in a while dramatic events take place the least dramatic of places. At times even book clubs can frame life expanding stories about defying and perhaps even defeating loneliness. The Wondrous sets the scene for exploring the small details and nuances that make the big difference.
Once in a while dramatic events take place the least dramatic of places. At times even book clubs can frame life expanding stories about defying and perhaps even defeating loneliness. The Wondrous sets the scene for exploring the small details and nuances that make the big difference.
De forunderlige: Nominiert, Bedste Scenarie
Scenariet består af en perlerække af spidsfindige og velvalgte designelementer, hvor hver eneste detalje skaber et helstøbt og elegant oplevelse af magi i hverdagen. Det udforsker det sårbare i at åbne sig op og række ud til sine medmennesker på en blid og poetisk vis. Den befriende følelse følger spillerne ud af spillokalet.
The scenario is a beautiful string of well chosen design elements, where every detail creates a seamless and elegant experience of everyday magic. It explores the fragility of baring yourself and reaching out to those around you in a soft and poetic way. The players are left with a liberating feeling that will follow them all the way home.
The scenario is a beautiful string of well chosen design elements, where every detail creates a seamless and elegant experience of everyday magic. It explores the fragility of baring yourself and reaching out to those around you in a soft and poetic way. The players are left with a liberating feeling that will follow them all the way home.
De forunderlige: Nominiert, Bedste Roller
De fire forunderlige gør ikke et stort nummer ud af sig selv. Alligevel er vi ikke i tvivl om, at de er noget helt særligt. Spillerne får sprog, en måde at bevæge sig og et blik på verdens forunderlighed gennem rollernes øjne. Det elegante urværk af små ting, som rollerne gør for hinanden, sikrer at de inden scenariet er omme vil opdage, at de måske aldrig var så ensomme som de troede.
Our wonderers do not make much fuss about themselves, but there is no doubt that they are indeed something out of the ordinary. The players are given a language, a way of moving and an attention to the wonders of the world through the gaze of the characters. The elegant clockwork of helping hands between the characters ensures that before the game is over, they will have discovered that they were perhaps never that lonely after all.
Our wonderers do not make much fuss about themselves, but there is no doubt that they are indeed something out of the ordinary. The players are given a language, a way of moving and an attention to the wonders of the world through the gaze of the characters. The elegant clockwork of helping hands between the characters ensures that before the game is over, they will have discovered that they were perhaps never that lonely after all.
De forunderlige: Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
I De Forunderlige udforsker vi afstanden mellem mennesker, og det giver scenariet os en nøje afstemt palette af virkemidler til. Ensomheden bliver kropslig og verdens fysiske mod- og medspil bliver til noget vi gør i fællesskab. Lydsiden understreger det dramatiske forløb og en velkomponeret Akt 0 gør workshops og forberedelse til en del af spillet.
In The Wondrous we explore the distance between people with a carefully selected palette of mechanics. The loneliness becomes corporeal and the resistance and assistance of the physical world becomes something we do in cooperation. The soundscape underlines the dramatic course and a well composed act 0 lets the workshops and preparations become a part of the game itself.
In The Wondrous we explore the distance between people with a carefully selected palette of mechanics. The loneliness becomes corporeal and the resistance and assistance of the physical world becomes something we do in cooperation. The soundscape underlines the dramatic course and a well composed act 0 lets the workshops and preparations become a part of the game itself.
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Kvinden, der gik i tusind stykker: Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
En svær lidelse kommunikeres sobert og effektivt i en helt igennem velskrevet tekst. Alle informationer kommer i den rigtige rækkefølge, og spilleder klædes på til at håndtere scenariets mekanikker. De stemningsfulde malerier understøtter scenariets tema og giver et enestående indblik i hovedpersonens psykologi.
A difficult affliction is described soberly and effectively in a thoroughly well-written text. All information is provided in the right order and the game master is well equipped to handle the mechanics of the scenario. The evocative paintings support the theme of the scenario and provide a unique perspective on the psychology of the main character.
A difficult affliction is described soberly and effectively in a thoroughly well-written text. All information is provided in the right order and the game master is well equipped to handle the mechanics of the scenario. The evocative paintings support the theme of the scenario and provide a unique perspective on the psychology of the main character.
Kvinden, der gik i tusind stykker: Nominiert, Juryens Specialpris
I fortællingen om Pil er der klare regler for hvordan kroppen styres. Når Wolfgang dukker op nedbrydes reglerne, og rollerne såvel som spillerne mister kontrollen. Den ukendte og truende personligheds entré i scenariet er en voldsom omvæltning, der rykker ved spillets dynamik.
In the story of Pil, there are clear rules for how the body is controlled. When Wolfgang appears, the rules are broken and both the characters and players lose control. The appearance of an unknown and threatening personality in the scenario is a radical change that disrupts the dynamics of the game.
In the story of Pil, there are clear rules for how the body is controlled. When Wolfgang appears, the rules are broken and both the characters and players lose control. The appearance of an unknown and threatening personality in the scenario is a radical change that disrupts the dynamics of the game.
Fastaval | (2011) | Æresottodommer |
Fastaval | (2012) | Æresottodommer |
Forum | (2014) | Særimner-dommer |
Fastaval - Dia de los Fastos | (2015) | Ottodommer |
Fastaval | (2016) | Ottodommer |
Fastaval - Mad Science | (2017) | Scenarieansvarlig |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland | (2018) | Scenarieansvarlig |
Fastaval - Solarpunk | (2021) | Scenariedommer |
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse | (2022) | Ottooverdommer |
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