Road Rage
Genre: Drama, Komedie, Novellescenarie
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 4 Spieler
✏️ | Tina Heebøll Arbjørn |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (3 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (3,3 MB) |
"DIN IDIOT!" Ordene runger inde i bilen, mens du stadig kan se hans røde baglygter. Idioten har lige overhalet dig indenom kort før en vejsammenfletning.
Road Rage handler om irritation og eskalerende vrede. Om at når man sætter sig i en bil, så bobler vreden lettere op til overfladen, og at vreden kan føre til irrationelle handlinger fra selv helt almindelige mennesker. Irritationen eskaleres scene for scene til det til sidst afgøres, hvem der vil gå længst for at stå på sin ret. Karaktererne består af chauffør og passager i to forskellige biler, der begge er på vej i Ikea, som har set sig sure på hinanden i trafikken. Det er et realistisk scenarie om de små ting på vejen, der kan vokse sig store. En drama-komedie der er alvor for karaktererne, men hvor spillerne kan trække på smilebåndet en gang i mellem.
Spillerne selv får lov at designe deres biler og sætte personligt præg på deres roller i en indledende workshop. Scenariet serverer en række klassiske trafiksituationer, hvor spillerne kan udleve deres indre vrede vejdæmon. Et scenarie hvor spillerne bagefter vil være lettet for 2 pund vrede.
“YOU IDIOT!”; The words still rings inside the car, while you can see his red taillights. The idiot just overtook you on the inside right before the way interleaving.
Road Rage is about irritation and escalating anger. About how the anger is quicker to take over when you get in a car, and that anger leading to irrational actions even from ordinary people. The irritation escalates with each scene till it is determined who will go the furthest to get their way.
The characters consist of driver and passenger in two different cars both on their way to Ikea, who have annoyed each other in the traffic. It is a realistic scenario about the little things on the road that can grow huge. A drama-comedy that is very serious for the characters but where the players can smile once in a while.
The players get to design their own cars and put their personal spin on the characters in the introductory workshop. The scenario serves a series of classic traffic situations, where the players can live out their inner road demons. At the end of the scenario the players will be relieved of two pounds of anger.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |
♻ | Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
The scenario is presented with clear instructions for the game master, with good advice and textual aids. The scene descriptions are well structured, and even the inexperienced game-master can run it without much preparation, after a quick read, through the use of overview sheets.
Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
The players are given a mad box of toys, that the players are freely able to utilise to drive each other crazy. The mechanics give the players ownership of the scenario, by asking them to use their own experiences with road rage in play and, giving the players the option to scream til they are hoarse.
- Novellescenarie
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