De forunderlige
(Alias: The Wondrous)
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 4 Spieler
✏️ | Tina Heebøll Arbjørn |
✏️ | Nina Runa Essendrop |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (1,4 MB) | |
Szenario [Englisch] | (1,2 MB) |
De Forunderlige er et feelgood scenarie om fire personer der føler sig anderledes og udenfor. Om at sidde alene når man gerne ville sidde sammen med nogen. Om at vende ensomheden ryggen og engagere sig i andres liv.
Stikord: Feelgood – Ensomhed – Fællesskab
Vi oplever alle verden lidt forskelligt. For nogen skræmmende og farlig, for andre finurlig og rar. De fire roller i De Forunderlige ser alle livet på en lidt anden måde og føler sig derfor udenfor. De har svært ved at række ud til andre. De kender endnu ikke hinanden, men det kommer de til. De forunderlige er deres historie og historien om hvordan, små ting kan gøre en stor forskel i andre menneskers liv.
Gennem få faste lokationer ser vi hvordan, deres veje langsomt flettes sammen. Vi følger deres rejse fra hvordan, et nænsomt nik forvandles til et “god dag” og til et “skal jeg tage en kop kaffe med til dig?” Vi ser hvordan, de oplever omverdenen forandres fra besværlig og fremmedgørende til fordrende og underfundig.
Et scenarie om at opdage andre, der også kæmper med ensomheden, og langsomt engagere sig i deres liv, selvom det er hårdt. Om at turde invitere andre ind i sit liv med alt hvad det betyder af sårbarheder og særheder.
Om forfatterne:
Nina og Tina har været på Fastaval i mange år og har skrevet flere scenarier, dog aldrig før med hinanden. Nina designer desuden Blackbox-scenarier, larps, interaktive teaterstykker og workshops over det meste af verden. Tina har været scenarieansvarlig og dommer flere gange på Fastaval. De synes begge, at verden godt kan være finurlig. Og så kan de begge rigtig godt lide Den fabelagtige Amélie fra Montmartre.
The Wondrous is a feelgood scenario about four people who feel different and left out. It is a scenario about sitting alone when you want to sit together with others, and about turning your back to loneliness and engaging in other people’s lives.
Keywords: Feelgood – Loneliness – Community
We all experience the world in slightly different ways. Some experience it as frightening and dangerous, others as wondrous and nice. The four characters in The Wondrous all experience life in ways that differ from the norm, and that makes them feel left out. They find it difficult to reach out to others. They don’t know each other yet, but they soon will. The Wondrous is their story and the story about the way in which small gestures can make a big difference in other people’s lives.
Through a few set locations we will follow how their lives slowly intertwine. We follow their journey where a careful nod turns into a greeting and a “can I bring you a cup of coffee?” We will see how they experience the world around them changing from difficult and alienating to helpful and wondrous.
This is a scenario about discovering others who also battle loneliness and slowly engaging in their lives, even though it is hard. And about daring to invite others into your life with all what this brings of vulnerability and strangeness.
About the authors:
Nina and Tina have attended Fastaval for many years, and both have written scenarios for the convention. Besides that, Nina designs Blackbox scenarios, larps, interactive theatre pieces and workshops all over the world. Tina has been scenario coordinator and Otto judge at Fastaval several times. They both find that the world can be wondrous. And they both love the movie “Amélie”.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2019) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Gewinner, Bedste Fortælling
Once in a while dramatic events take place the least dramatic of places. At times even book clubs can frame life expanding stories about defying and perhaps even defeating loneliness. The Wondrous sets the scene for exploring the small details and nuances that make the big difference.
Nominiert, Bedste Scenarie
The scenario is a beautiful string of well chosen design elements, where every detail creates a seamless and elegant experience of everyday magic. It explores the fragility of baring yourself and reaching out to those around you in a soft and poetic way. The players are left with a liberating feeling that will follow them all the way home.
Nominiert, Bedste Roller
Our wonderers do not make much fuss about themselves, but there is no doubt that they are indeed something out of the ordinary. The players are given a language, a way of moving and an attention to the wonders of the world through the gaze of the characters. The elegant clockwork of helping hands between the characters ensures that before the game is over, they will have discovered that they were perhaps never that lonely after all.
Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
In The Wondrous we explore the distance between people with a carefully selected palette of mechanics. The loneliness becomes corporeal and the resistance and assistance of the physical world becomes something we do in cooperation. The soundscape underlines the dramatic course and a well composed act 0 lets the workshops and preparations become a part of the game itself.
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