Aske Severin Juul Christiansen
(Alias: Aske Christiansen)
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Parts Per Million: Nominiert, Bedste Innovation
Parts Per Million er et turbaseret resource management spil hvor spilleren opbygger deres nation af fabrikker, vindmøller, forskningscentre og storbyer. Undervejs i spillet udfordres spillerne af overbefolkning, stigende temperaturer og luftforurening. Politiske valg og anarkisme truer nationernes udvikling, og der er ikke plads til alle.
Parts Per Million nomineres for at være et ambitiøst projekt, der på sin komplekse måde håndterer udviklingen på brættet samt point scoringen, samtidigt med at spillerne både konkurrerer og arbejder sammen på kryds og tværs af hinanden. Effekten af den accelererende globale opvarmning illustreres eklatant gennem spillets mekanikker og giver en klar forståelse for den brændende platform.
Parts Per Million is a turn-based resource management game, where the player builds a nation with factories, wind turbines, research centers and cities. The players are constantly battling overpopulation, increasing temperatures and air pollution. Political agendas and anarchy threaten the development of your nation, and not everyone will make it.
Parts Per Million is nominated for being an ambitious project, that in a complex way manages development on the board as well as point scoring, all while the players simultaneously compete and cooperate in different ways. The effect of accelerating global warming is neatly illustrated through the game mechanics and results in a clear understanding of the burning platform.
Parts Per Million nomineres for at være et ambitiøst projekt, der på sin komplekse måde håndterer udviklingen på brættet samt point scoringen, samtidigt med at spillerne både konkurrerer og arbejder sammen på kryds og tværs af hinanden. Effekten af den accelererende globale opvarmning illustreres eklatant gennem spillets mekanikker og giver en klar forståelse for den brændende platform.
Parts Per Million is a turn-based resource management game, where the player builds a nation with factories, wind turbines, research centers and cities. The players are constantly battling overpopulation, increasing temperatures and air pollution. Political agendas and anarchy threaten the development of your nation, and not everyone will make it.
Parts Per Million is nominated for being an ambitious project, that in a complex way manages development on the board as well as point scoring, all while the players simultaneously compete and cooperate in different ways. The effect of accelerating global warming is neatly illustrated through the game mechanics and results in a clear understanding of the burning platform.
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Lies upon lies: Gewinner, Bedste Innovation
Et jerntæppe har sænket sig over Europa fra Berlin i nord til Odessa i syd. De to efterretningstjenester i øst og vest spiller et farligt spil, hvor alle deres valg kan være skæbnesvangre, og ens modstander er klar til at slå til ved det mindste fejl. Dette kommer til udtryk i, at alt hvad du gør koster dig dyrt. Med en simpel nytænkende kort-mekanik, hvor din modstander trækker fra de kort, du har kasseret, ved du om nogen, hvilke problemer der kan lure lige omkring hjørnet. Du er altså hele tiden udsat for, at fjendens spioner får fat i dine hemmeligheder og løgne, og bruger dem imod dig - og udover at forberede dig bedst muligt, er der meget lidt du kan stille op mod det.
An iron curtain has descended over Europe from Berlin in the north to Odessa in the south. The two intelligence services in the East and West are playing a dangerous game, where all their choices can be fateful, and their opponent is ready to strike at the slightest mistake. This is reflected in the fact that everything you do costs you dearly. With a simple and innovative card mechanic, where your opponent draws from the cards you have discarded, you know better than anyone what problems may be lurking just around the corner. You are constantly exposed to the enemy's spies getting hold of your secrets and lies, and using them against you - and besides preparing yourself as best as possible, there is very little you can do about it.
An iron curtain has descended over Europe from Berlin in the north to Odessa in the south. The two intelligence services in the East and West are playing a dangerous game, where all their choices can be fateful, and their opponent is ready to strike at the slightest mistake. This is reflected in the fact that everything you do costs you dearly. With a simple and innovative card mechanic, where your opponent draws from the cards you have discarded, you know better than anyone what problems may be lurking just around the corner. You are constantly exposed to the enemy's spies getting hold of your secrets and lies, and using them against you - and besides preparing yourself as best as possible, there is very little you can do about it.
Fastaval: Otto for folket | (2023) | Game Rush Dommer |
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