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Tenure Tournament

Vorderseite für Tenure Tournament


DesignerInAske Severin Juul Christiansen
DesignerInJakob Givskud


PDF Tenure Tournament - regler [Dänisch] (1 MB)


En gruppe unge forskere konkurrerer om at fastansættelse på universitetet. Konkurrencen er hård, proffesorene er krævende, men på overfladen skal alt virke venskabeligt. Der er altid for lidt tid, så den eneste måde at klare sine opgaver og vinde prestige er ved at brænde sit lys i begge ender. Alligevel vil kun halvdelen vil lykkes. Men selv ved en ansættelse er det ikke slut, det er nemlig mængden af akkumuleret stress og ulykkelighed som vil afgøre den sande vinder. Kan du være blandt de bedste uden at være ulykkelig?
Tenure Tournament er et euro-game med action-selection, ressource håndtering og en tveægget vinderbetingelse.

Keywords: action-selection, path-selection, ressource management, double VP system.

A group of young scientists compete to get tenure. The competition is fierce, the professors are demanding but good appearances must be kept at all times. Only half of them will succeed, but that is only the start. How much stress and unhappiness they have accumulated in the process will determine the real winner. Can you be among the best without being miserable?

Tenure tournament is euro-style game with path selection, resource management and a double win-condition.

Keywords: action-selection, path-selection, ressource management, double VP system.

Aske made the ambitious climate board game Parts Per Million for Fastaval last year and got an nomination for best innovation. He is also a regular in Copenhagens game design community.

About the designers:

Jakob has been a board game judge for 4 years, but this is his first game. He has also been facilitating game-testing at Bastard café for the last years. Both designers have studied philosophy and met each other at a job-seeking course

Hier gespielt worden

Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)

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