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Coriolis - The Third Horizon

Coriolis - The Third Horizon

(AKA: Coriolis – mörkret mellan stjärnorna)

Coriolis – The Third Horizon is a science fiction role playing game set in a remote cluster of star systems called The Third Horizon. It is a place ravaged by conflicts and war, but also home to proud civilisations, both new and old. Here, the so called First Come colonists of old worship the Icons, while the newly arrived Zenithians pursue an aggressive imperialistic agenda through trade and military power.

In this game, you will crew a space ship and travel the Horizon. You will explore the ancient ruins of the Portal Builders, undertake missions for the powerful factions and partake in the game of political intrigue on Coriolis station – the centre of power in the Third Horizon. You might even encounter strange beings from the Dark Between the Stars.

From the Monolith in the jungles of Kua to the floating temples of Mira, the Horizon is yours to explore. You can be traders, explorers, mercenaries, pilgrims or agents. Whatever your calling is, together you will make your own fate. In the end you might even discover the truth about the mysterious Emissaries and the threat of the Dark Between the Stars.


Algebra of the Icons Axel Widén
AireCon 6 (2020)
Arams Secret Mattias Lilja
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2008)
AireCon 7 (2022)
Arkus fånge Moa Frithiofsson
GothCon XLI (2017)
QueerCon (2017)
SävCon XVI (2017)
Coriolis (LinCon 2011) LinCon (2011)
Coriolis (ÄlvCon 2017) ÄlvCon (2017)
Coriolis (ÅbyCon 2019) ÅbyCon (2019)
Coriolis (ÅbyCon 2020) ÅbyCon (2020)
Coriolis: Pelarkvadranten GothCon XXXVI (2012)
Coriolis: The Third horizon (AireCon 2020) AireCon 6 (2020)
💾 Den tredje kaptenen Nils Karlén
Kosta Kostulas
GothCon XXXVII (2013)
En sång för Jarouma GothCon XLIV (2020)
Eye of the Beast Axel Widén
AireCon 7 (2022)
💾 Iskallt inferno Kosta Kostulas
Adam Palmqvist
Stockholms Spelkonvent (2010)
💾 Menkars Svarta Ros Rickard Antroia
Kosta Kostulas
GothCon XLIII (2019)
Nordsken (2019)
Quasar horizon Ropecon (2018)
Scarabs Wings AireCon 6 (2020)
The Dying Ship Nils Karlén
Kosta Kostulas
GothCon XL (2016)
AireCon 5 (2019)
PåskCon VI (2019)
The Scarabs wings UK GamesExpo (2023)
The Scorpion's tale AireCon 6 (2020)
UK GamesExpo (2023)
The Siren The Illusion Horror Con 2022 (2022)
Conpulsion (2023)
The Tailor from Mira Axel Widén
AireCon 7 (2022)
The Tale of the Troublesome Talisman Conpulsion (2023)
UK GamesExpo (2023)
Turf War UK GamesExpo (2023)

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