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US Colonial Marines utspelar sig i samma miljö som Alien-filmerna. Spelarnas karaktärer är soldater i framtidens motsvarighet till den amerikanska marinkåren och tillhör plutonen Brixton's Fightin' Fives.


A ship comes loaded LinCon (2014)
💾 Any port in a storm Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2021)
💾 Beneath Burning Skies Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2018)
Constant Bearing, Decreasing Range Mattias Norén
LinCon (2017)
Corporations Incorporated Pontus Viking
LinCon (2005)
Dark Thoughts Andreas Holm
LinCon (2010)
Descent into Darkness LinCon (2013)
Enemy unknown LinCon (2015)
Fear Andreas Holm
LinCon (2006)
God save the Queen Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2016)
Good morning and welcome to Akiyama Oskar Grindemyr
NordKon (2003)
Grey cargo Ltd Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2016)
Hot babes in space Andreas Williamson
NärCon (2004)
Into the furnace Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2002)
NärCon (2004)
Invisible light is the new black Oskar Grindemyr
Mattias Norén
LinCon (2017)
💾 It's the only way to be sure Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2019)
Mexican Hostage Drama Björn Lagerström
LinCon (2016)
💾 Need to blow basis Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2022)
Occupational Biohazard LinCon (2024)
Russian Radar Raid Mikael Björk
LinCon (2016)
Saving PFC Brian Björn Lagerström
LinCon (2016)
The big boss Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2003)
USCM (GothCon 2025) GothCon XLVIII (2025)
USCM (LinCon 2007) LinCon (2007)
USCM (LinCon 2008) LinCon (2008)
USCM (LinCon 2009) LinCon (2009)
USCM (LinCon 2011) LinCon (2011)
USCM (LinCon 2012) Oskar Grindemyr
LinCon (2012)
USCM (LinCon 2023) LinCon (2023)
USCM (LinCon 2025) LinCon (2025)
USCM (NärCon 2006) NärCon (2006)
USCM-Dropin Borås Spelkonvent 22 (2004)
Överleva zombieapokalypsen LinCon (2017)


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