We Ride Together
(AKA: Hestepige)
Participants: 1 GM, 4 players
✏️ | Nynne Søs Rasmussen |
📰 | Rasmus Høgdall Mølgaard |
Scenario [Danish] | (3.7 MB) |
Scenario [English] | (5.6 MB) |
Four young horse-interested women spend time on a ranch where a male riding instructor abuses them sexually. A scenario about the dark side of Danish youth associations, and the consequences of going public.
We Ride Together is a social realist drama scenario about grooming and sexual abuse in Danish equestrian sport in the 1990s. The characters are four young horse-interested women who spend their time at the Rosenvang Equestrian Centre, which is run by a male riding instructor who sexually assaults them. All the characters must choose whether they want to support reporting the riding instructor to the police, with the social and personal consequences this entails. The abuse is not described in explicit details in the scenario.
The focus of the scenario is to empathize with the womens' situation. The riding instructor in the scenario will remain unnamed and will only be referred to as "he". It's not his story. It's the young womens’.
All scenes are played as an interview with the gamemaster, who asks questions to the characters.
Content warnings: Sexual abuse, sexual abuse against teenagers, grooming
Fire unge hestepiger har deres gang på en stor gård, hvor en mandlig ridelærer begår seksuelle overgreb mod dem. Et scenarie om bagsiden af foreningsdanmark, samt konsekvenserne ved at stå frem med sin fortælling.
Hestepige er et socialrealistisk dramascenarie om grooming og seksuelle overgreb i dansk ridesport i 1990’erne. Rollerne er fire unge hestepiger, der har deres gang på Ridecenteret Rosenvang. Ridecenteret er drevet af en mandlig ridelærer, der begår seksuelle overgreb mod dem. Alle rollerne skal vælge om de vil støtte politianmeldelse af ridelæreren med de sociale og personlige konsekvenser det medfører. Overgrebene beskrives ikke i eksplicitte detaljer i scenariet.
Scenariets fokus er på at indleve sig i pigernes situation. Ridelæreren i scenariet vil forblive unavngiven og kun benævnes “han”. Det er ikke hans historie. Det er hestepigernes.
Alle scener spilles som interview med spilleder, der stiller spørgsmål til de enkelte roller.
Content warnings: Seksuelle overgreb, seksuelle overgreb mod børn, grooming
Played at
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Winner, Bedste Formidling
We are guided convincingly through both the enticing and the toxic sides of equestrian sports, and the stark tone of the text establishes a feeling of a documentary narrative. Well-chosen photos support the theme of alienation. The scene prompts help guide the game master through the story without getting lost.
Winner, Bedste Fortælling
As time passes, the riding instructor’s assaults against the four girls unfold, and there is no-one there to help them. Through tightly crafted interview scenes, the players collectively speak forth their personal tragedies. At the end, the girls finally have a chance to take a stand, but even then the trials and the aftermath might turn out to be just another hell to live through.
Winner, Bedste Scenarie
Grooming and abuse in equestrian sports is portrayed with uncompromising realism and the players are invited to explore the unequal power dynamics. The four girls are all victims, but the scenario isolates them, so they are all left heartbreakingly alone. A thoroughly nasty scenario delivered with resounding credibility.
Nominated, Bedste Roller
The four girls are at different stages of the transition from child to adult, and they each come from wildly different backgrounds and with different vulnerabilities. But they still all fight furiously to realize their dreams. The love of horses binds them together, but that is also what forces them into the arms of an abuser that might crush their wills and turn them into accomplices.
- Dommerne skrev: Et knugende drama om magtudøvelse og hjælpeløshed. Hestepigernes situation kryber ind under huden på en, og fanger spillerne i en historie uden nogen lykkelige slutninger. Hestene bliver pigernes eneste fortrolige og denne relation formidles med kærlighed og troværdighed.
- A gutwrenching drama about abuse of power and helplessness. The riding girls’ situation crawl under your skin and traps the players in a story with no happy endings. The horses become the girls’ only confidants and that relation is communicated with love and credibility
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