The Slimy Slippery Rat Slope
Participants: 2 players
Maila Persson |
Rules [English] | (0.4 MB) |
Down in the slimy sewer, the playful rats try to glide all the way down the slide without being stopped by the big ugly rat bully.
While the rat bully sets up obstacles, the playful rats use rat droppings to glide more easily.
In this asymmetrical two-person family game, one player controls the playful rats and the other player is the big ugly rat bully.
With the help of the dice, which are drawn from a bag, the playful rats slide down the slide. On the track there is garbage that the rats can eat and thereby put a turd. The turd can be put in the rats fur for later use or it can be thrown in front of the rat and useds to extend the length of the slideing. A turd from the fur can be thrown to one of the other rats to make that rat slide longer.
The rat bully also draws dice from its bag, which is used to set up obstacles on the track and try to stop the madness that the playful rats are engaged in.
If all the playful rats reach the end of the slide before the bag of dice is empty, they win the game. If not, the rat bully has won.
Duration: 20-40 min.
Nede i den slimede kloak forsøger de legesyge rotter at glide hele vejen ned af glidebanen uden at blive stoppet af den store grimme rottemopper. Mens rottemopperen sætter forhindringer op, bruger de legesyge rotter rottelort, til at glide lettere.
I dette assymetriske to-personers familiespil spiller den ene de fire legesyge rotter og den anden spiller den stor grimme rottemopper.
Ved terningernes hjælp, som bliver trukket fra en pose, glider de legesyge rotter nedad på glidebanen. På banen ligger der skrald som rotterne kan spise af og derved lægge en lort. Lorten kan sættes i pelsen til senere brug eller den kan smides foran rotten som så glider lidt længere. En lort fra pelsen kan kastes til en af de andre rotter hvis den skulle have mere brug for at glide lidt længere.
Rottemopperen trækker ligeledes terninger fra sin pose, som bruges til at sætte forhindringer op på banen og forsøge at standse den galskab som de legesyge rotter har gang i.
Kommer alle de legesyge rotter hele vejen ned af glidebanen inden posen med terninger er tom, vinder de spillet. Hvis ikke, har rottemopperen sejret.
Varighed: 20-40 min.
Nede i den slimede kloak muntrer de legesyge rotter sig på glidebanen.
Men den store fæle rotte-mopper gør alt for at spolere legen.
Spillet er designet til familier der er gode til at kaste med rottelort.
30 minutter
Played at
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) | |
♻ | Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022) |
♻ | Aarhus Brætspilsfestival '23 (2023) |
♻ | Test et Brætspil (2023) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Winner, Game Rush
Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)
Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Four playful rats race down the slimy sewer while the big, bad rat bully tries to stop them by placing obstacles in their way. The game mechanics are simple, and the rules easy to understand. The game is quick and easy to put on the table which makes it a game for the whole family to enjoy. The universe where the rats throw their pooh back and forth between to improve their sliding streaks, makes it a game that is very accessible and bizarrely entertaining from start to finish.
Nominated, Bedste Innovation
The game is nominated for its use of a well-integrated narrative that creates a hilarious game experience through the use of well-chosen mechanics. The pooh mechanic where the rats throw their pooh all over the place to slide faster towards the finish line, as well as the frictionless use of dice as actions for both players, makes for a well-greased game that is easily accessible.
- Vandt Game Rush ved Fastaval 2021
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