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Maila Persson

(AKA: Mette Gade)


Designer Gin and Giraffes Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
💾 Designer The Slimy Slippery Rat Slope Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Designer Queens Quest Aarhus Brætspilsfestival 2024 (2024)


Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)

The Slimy Slippery Rat Slope: Winner, Game Rush
Winner, Game Rush (Slimy Slippery Rat Slope)

Fastaval - Føniks' genopstandelse (2022)

The Slimy Slippery Rat Slope: Nominated, Bedste Brætspil
Fire legesyge rotter løber ned af den slimede kloak, mens den store sure rottemobber prøver at lægge forhindringer ud for dem. Spillets mekanikker er simple, og reglerne er lette at gå til, hvilket skaber et spil for hele familien der er nemt at tage frem. Universet hvor rotterne smider lort frem og tilbage til hinanden, for at glide bedre i dem, skaber et spil der er nemt at gå til, og som er bizart underholdende fra start til slut.

Four playful rats race down the slimy sewer while the big, bad rat bully tries to stop them by placing obstacles in their way. The game mechanics are simple, and the rules easy to understand. The game is quick and easy to put on the table which makes it a game for the whole family to enjoy. The universe where the rats throw their pooh back and forth between to improve their sliding streaks, makes it a game that is very accessible and bizarrely entertaining from start to finish.
The Slimy Slippery Rat Slope: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Spillet nomineres for brugen af et velintegreret narrativ, der i samspil med velvalgte mekanikker skaber en hylende morsom spiloplevelse. Lortemekanikken, hvor rotterne i flæng kaster opsamlet lort frem og tilbage mellem hinanden, for hurtigere at glide mod målstregen, samt den gnidningsfrie brug af terninger, som handlinger for begge spillere, skaber et velsmurt spil der er nemt at gå til.

The game is nominated for its use of a well-integrated narrative that creates a hilarious game experience through the use of well-chosen mechanics. The pooh mechanic where the rats throw their pooh all over the place to slide faster towards the finish line, as well as the frictionless use of dice as actions for both players, makes for a well-greased game that is easily accessible.

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